Weekend Open Thread

| January 8, 2016

Whoa, Friday sneaked up on me. I’m completely unprepared…no material. So here you go.

Category: Open thread

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Sapper… Be a gentleman and allow me to be first ?please? ? ?


2 wow I would like to thank all the little people


Bernath the smallest of the little people?




I went to the store to get potatoes and carrots for a pot roast. I got talking to the lady in line behind me, because she was putting all this Italian stuff on the checkout counter, including prosciutto and said she was making pizzas, and uses pita bread to make individual pizzas, because it’s so low in calories and comes in a variety of grain mixes. I said something about someone (>TONY< that's you) on a diet of fish and white rice and she said those dreadful words: Weight Watchers. So, Tony, get an e-mail subscription to the Betty Crocker recipes. I get something like 4 e-mails a day from them. 'Skinny slow-cooker lasagna' sounds good, doesn't it? Skinny slow-cooker Lasagna: Ingredients 1 jar (25.5 oz) Muir Glen™ organic tomato basil pasta sauce 1 can (14.5 oz) Muir Glen™ organic fire roasted crushed or diced tomatoes, undrained 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper, if desired 1 yellow bell pepper, coarsely chopped 1 zucchini, halved and thinly sliced 9 uncooked lasagna noodles 1 1/4 cups light ricotta cheese 1 1/2 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese (6 oz) 4 cups coarsely chopped fresh baby spinach (4 oz) Directions A- Spray 5- to 6-quart slow cooker with cooking spray. In medium bowl, mix pasta sauce, tomatoes, crushed red pepper, bell pepper and zucchini. Spread 1 cup tomato mixture in bottom of slow cooker. B- Layer 3 lasagna noodles, broken into pieces to fit, over sauce in slow cooker. Spread half of the ricotta cheese over noodles; sprinkle with 1/4 cup of the mozzarella cheese and half of the spinach. Top with one-third of the tomato sauce mixture (about 1 1/2 cups). Repeat layering of noodles, cheeses and spinach. Top with remaining three noodles and sauce. Save remaining 1 cup mozzarella cheese in the refrigerator. C- Cover; cook on Low heat setting 4 to 5 hours or until noodles are tender and cooked through. Sprinkle with reserved mozzarella; cover and let stand 10 minutes to melt cheese. Just type Betty Crocker into your search block. 15,000 kitchen-tested recipes. Get some flavor back into your life.… Read more »


I’ve actually tried something very similar to this and it does come out good.


Thanks Ex. I’ve abandoned the fish and rice. That’s almost sacrilegious for a South Louisiana boy to give up on rice. I took your advice and gave up sugar and aspartame. No bread, alcohol, sodas. I got tanked (hydrostatic body fat test) and I’m just under 13% body fat. Don’t know if its in my head but I actually feel better since I’ve cut out the sugar, alcohol and bread.

B Woodman

Sounds like a variation on the Adkins Diet.


I’ve cut back on table sugar so much that I don’t miss it now, at all. I see far too much high fructose corn syrup in things like fruit preserves, when plain sugar (sucrose) used to be all that was used. I’m inclined now to do my own preserves. I love orange marmalade and lemon marmalade, strawberry preserves, and making them in small batches to keep in the fridge is not difficult to do. It just takes a little time.


Ex you don’t want me around a pan of lasagna!! I turn into a P.I.G.-HOG around Lasgna! Will literally eat the whole pan unless the Boss whacks me on the nose with rolled up newspaper!


Now, you know you can divide it into portions that you can freeze. You need a plate of antepasta, too, and some good crusty bread for dipping into extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkle with asiago, romano or parmesano. See where I’m going with this?

And for dessert, fresh fruit like apples, oranges, raspberries and blackberries, grapes – whatever.

The point is, you don’t have to deprive yourself or feel deprived.

Dave Hardin

I stay fit and slim eating dead pigs. Lard biscuits with eggs and BACON. I save the BACON grease and spoon it into my coffee every morning.

During the day I use the extra Lard to clean my guns, keep my hollow points filled with it and my doorbell covered in it.

Rice makes my eyes squint, there is something unnatural about spraying anything on food, ricotta cheese is ok but tastes better when you put the fat back in it and call it mozzarella.

Mrs. Dash had to run out of the house because the man living there had enough of he low fat bullshit.

Personally, if I have to choose between a Spousal Unit and Dead Pig…Mrs Dash will be having company.


You can eliminate the cooking spray and just use a slow cooker liner. Saves cleanup, too.

Ricotta cheese is actually a standard ingredient in any lasagna. My sister used to use cottage cheese as a substitute. Queso fresco is also good.

But to make you feel better about yourself, Dave Hardass, do you want me to post a bacon-mac & cheese recipe?

Let’s have flavor, not cardboard.

John Lesnak

I buy my bacon at the local muslem store….buy 1 get all you want.
I put a hunk of bacon on my roof rack. That keeps the rag heads off me.

Dave Hardin

Careful, putting Bacon on things is officially a hate crime.


John D. Serrano

It’s more of a hate crime against the bacon, the food of the gods too good to be wasted.


I would never leave bacon anywhere but my freezer, fridge or frying pan. That is just OBSCENE.


fourth NEXT !!!!!


Nice Sapper.
I was dozing or fiddling around and forgot it was Friday open Thread time.
Have good weekend everyone.
Except Dan. Dan you can suck a fat babies dick.
Dullass….go auger yourself into a jump zone.
Psul, say hi to your Mom for me.



Thanks just hangen out with a ill six year old for the day. Telling him I hope the Military is fixed and working by the time he can enlist.


Jonn I have plenty of obnoxious pics if you need them for the weekend open thread
just saying


To the members of the DRG: you are all cordially invited to enjoy a fine bully stick dinner tonight.


Hondo: Shhhh….DRG may sic the PETA folks on you…






Hondo you know Fa’khem too? he was my translator in Iraq. nice guy but a bit on the smelly side


How many time does this lovely lady say “crotch”

I’m such a 6 year old.



Oh, come on, you were waiting for her shoulder straps to drop. Admit to it.

And Marshawn? He was obviously merely adjusting an ill-fitting piece of athletic equipment required to play in contact sports.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Lynch was adjusting his ding ding… and she is very pretty!


6? yeah, I was waiting for the Mexican Weather Girl to show


Mexican Weather girl= Muzzle full of cayenne pepper for me if the boss catches me!


Where is he licensed and for how long?

Dave Hardin

I should be ok Jonn, the charges on me are bullshit.

I swear the cashier said “Strip down facing me”, how the hell was I supposed to know she was talking about my Debit Card?

Thanx for the Bail money, pay ya back…someday.


Have to laugh..your still a pain ☺

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Got to remember that one, Dave… too fucking funny!


Put him in touch with me..


Numba 10 GI


Am I the only one that stands in the express lane waiting to checkout and counts the number of items in the person’s in front of me cart?


Only when I have a bag of potatoes and it’s snowing outside.


Not just you!!! Me too and I don’t mind saying, “Excuse me, but since this is the 10 Item Express line and I have 2 items and you have 15, I’m sure you won’t mind me going ahead of you.” Works every time too.

Pinto Nag

My pet peeve is check writers. The ones who wait until their purchase is totaled, then pull out their checkbook. They write in cursive, slowly. Then just as slowly, stand there and enter the amount in their register, and then take the receipt and carefully fold it up, and tuck it away, and then put their checkbook away, and then turn and smile at all the people behind them that are grinding their teeth in frustration.

Roger in Republic

They are almost as bad as the people who sit in their car at the gas pumps while they calculate their gas milage on the last tank. They do this at costco with eight or ten cars in line behind them.


How about when you have a cart full of groceries and the person behind you starts to load the belt when you aren’t even half way through checking out your own stuff?!?!?!?

I’ve had it happen about once a year and every time I say very loudly (and not very nicely), “EXCUSE ME BUT COULD YOU PLEASE WAIT??? I STILL HAVE HALF MY CART LEFT!” They are usually embarrassed and find another line. One actually had the gall to get huffy with me.

The last time it happened, the checker gave me a slight grin as if to say, way to go, but next time will you bitch slap her for me?


Never had that happen, probably because I position my cart at the end of the belt while unloading. That’s not been a conscious strategic decision on my part, just a habit of mine, but I can see that it would have the effect of preventing what you describe.


A commissary I used to use had registers that would stop after the 10th item. Couldn’t check out more.


now that’s friggen genius! I wish the stores here had that. At the food lion one day I stood there behind a woman with half a darn cart and she apologized to the check out girl for being over. I immediately replied that she should apologize to me for not being able to read the damn sign. She looked pretty appalled and didn’t have any comeback.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

My usual to those who are numerically challenged is to say: “I suppose that you can read, but just cannot count. Maybe you should use your fingers, and that would include using both thumbs, for a total of a count of 10. No need to thank me for the lesson, ma’am. Have a good day.”

CC Senor

This may help brighten your day.

http://www.thecomicstrips.com/store/add.php?iid=70217may help

CC Senor
Dave Hardin

I have to go through several lines to check out.

The Muslim cashier won’t ring up my Bacon.

The Mormon won’t ring up my Coffee.

The Catholic won’t ring up my Condoms.

The Jew won’t ring up the sweet relish.

The Atheist won’t ring up my Angel Food Cake.

The African American wont ring up my White Chocolate.

The Pentecostal wont ring up the Tongue.

The Democrat wont ring up my Ammo.

The Libertarian wont ring up anything taxed.

I try to find the Fag and smile a lot. If he smiles back, I am usually good to go.


Bhwhahahahahahaha! ! !


Anybody see the youtube vids by Zigmund Kachitski which are apparently aimed at Senior Chief Don Shipley?

Thinks it’s the disgruntely phoney lawyer bike riding crippled feltchmaster?



Those are some poorly made vids…I did notice the second one I watched has a short clip of a bogus BUD/S certificate with the felchmeister’s name on it.

Nice of him to include it since its obviously a fake.


Doesn’t the Purple assclown ever sleep? Booze and method…just got another email. He’s cometh AGAIN! Make a real date Purple heart assclown. There, I posted it, yeah I do got balls, the ones you lost years ago ?

Hack Stone

How about a link? I need to drop a few points from my AFQT score.

Hack Stone

That’s 2:30 of my life that I will never get back. He must be huffing aviation fuel fumes again.

B Woodman

So THAT’S why there wasn’t enough in the plane’s fuel tank!


The RAT PACK..Have lots of aliases…
Someone enlighten me as even Buddha is at loss..why is the Purple heart assclown backing Bernath? He’s been COMETH, I’ve been waitingth and nothing


PuRpLe-TiGeR-sTrIpE-JuMpSuIt-WeArInG-tOoL has been threatening to “cometh” for around 3 years now. He hasn’t yet.

Frankly, given his apparent decrepitude in recent photos I don’t think he can any more.


Couldn’t find you wearing a Uniform and your name tag. IF he ever cometh, I’ll send him going to our local coroner DBR..

Silentium Est Aureum

Makes ya wish he’d make a mistake and one morning gargle with battery acid.

Kidding, Danny. Sorta.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another week goes by, another year and the Dutch Rudder Gang STILL hasn’t found me yet! 😀 They can GO FUCK THEMSELVES sideways with concertina wire and broken glass mixe with asbestos.

B Woodman

You forgot the pineapple, one each, large, fronds first.


PROUD YOU GOT MY EMAIL ADDRESS? ASK JONN…personal info for your eyes only..copy?

A Proud Infidel®™

CHECK, Roger that 😉


Smash a old school light bulbs and mix it in water,
and make them drink it… Lol..
Bhwhahahaha !!!!!!!!



Defense Department Announces Results of Military Decorations and Awards Review

Today, the Department of Defense announced the results of its year-long review of the military decorations and awards program to ensure continued appropriate recognition of the service, sacrifices, and actions of its service members while maintaining the historical legacy of the awards program.

The department’s review focused on combat and valor recognition utilizing lessons learned over 14 years of combat operations. Among the key changes was:

• Implementation of new goals and processes to improve timeliness of the Medal of Honor and other valor awards;
• Standardization of the meaning and use of the “V” device as a valor-only device to ensure unambiguous and distinctive recognition for preeminent acts of combat valor;
• Creation of a new combat device (e.g., “C” device) to distinctly recognize those service members performing meritoriously under the most arduous combat conditions;
• Adoption of a common definition of Meritorious Service Under Combat Conditions to determine eligibility for personal combat awards;
• Introduction of an “R” remote impacts device to recognize service members who use remote technology to directly impact combat operations.

The complete list of changes to the military decorations and awards program can be found at: http://www.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/Military-Decorations-and-Awards-Review-Results.pdf. These changes will be implemented over the next 12 months.


YGBSM! That means I called it on the freaking Remote Execution of Military Force device (form the acronym) 2 1/2+ years ago! Hot damn!




Yep, that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the R device mentioned.

Hondo had already called it.

Now, just give us tonight’s Power Ball numbers. I need to supplement my retired pay since we didn’t get a COLA this year.


Sure, Claw – here are tonight’s Powerball numberes:

The drawing is tomorrow. If I had those, do you really think I’d post them here? (smile)


Well, it was worth a shot. I’ve been using the numbers from my little home town in Indiana high school boy’s basketball team, which are:

Current Record: 1-8
Offense Average: 42.5 PPG
Defense Average: 61.9 PPG

Not having much luck with those numbers, so I thought I’d go another way and try some new numbers./smile

Dave Hardin

“R” ????? WTF, how remote does one have to be? I used my remote to watch the war.

Do I need statements from other veterans that seen me use my remote?

How many awards do I get if I watched several different wars with my remote?

Just give everyone a Tiara with Pussy on it.


ho lee fukk….alphabet soup


Am I right that JRM hasn’t posted in a long time? Hope he’s ok.


I found his Facebook page – he last posted there on Monday. Tried to check his blog but my computer won’t let me go there for some reason.

B Woodman

Try using a different browser?


Checked his blog from home today (work computer didn’t cooperate yesterday). He last posted on Thursday, so I think he’s all right.


Jonn, if you need a picture for this WOT, you can always go back to the WOT from a year ago (9 Jan 2015) and re-post the NTC picture I sent you.

It would be kind of nice to see my old crew once again and for the folks who are getting snowed on right now to see what the Mojave Desert looks like in August.


Damn I have pics from NTC from when we were OPFOR for a year and a half, talk about Coyotes with BIG BALLS !!!!
will walk right in to the Transit barricks like it ain’t shit and steal all your poggie snacks.. 🙂


Skippy, please tell me more about the “Transit Barracks” at the NTC. Were they for the rotating units or just for the OPFOR guys?

My last rotation out there was almost 25 years ago, so I probably have outdated information on how things progressed for the rotating units.

Although things had improved over the years since my first rotation in 1980, the troop areas were still set up with cots and pup tents under pole barn overhead shades and a concrete pad field mess/eating areas during my last rotation in Aug/Sep 1991.

Are you saying that actual hard stand barracks were built to have the rotational units be inside out of the rain, heat, snow, and winds that plagued the Dust Bowl and maybe were able to have a sit down meal in a mess hall?

I am truly interested. Tell us more.


some of us were in barracks when 11ACR did its trip to the sand box. us being baby CAV
and some of us in transit Bs by the fitness center. talk about being in BFE lol…
since we were host we did not get the pain (thank the all mighty) of being by the transit MP area fenced in. but we had our asses handed to us by a bunch of chain saw wielding Navy peps talk about doing a double Lol… and watching my LT piss himself



forgot the NASA tracking stations out on the west end of the post is a trip first thing in the morning Hugh ass dishes


the NASA tracking stations That’d be Goldstone. I was told that area used to be the “comfort women” quarters back in the 1930s when people were searching for gold. Was also told that a flock of ducks flew over the big dish just as they lit it up one day …. roast duck everywhere. But that was probably a war story. Coyotes were fair game — we’d go out and shoot them until one base commander dictated we’d no longer do that. Then one day his missus was walking the fru-fru dog and a coyote dashed by and got a take-out. After that, we were allowed to shoot the varmits agin. Used to go out at night in a pick-up, using a high-powered lamp. The coyotes’ eyes would light up a bright green. Two slaps on the truck top to stop; one holds the lamp on target; and the Major would shoot them between the eyes. He once popped a jackrabbit with his “God Gun”. I saw the shot. He took the dead critter back and fed it to his pythons (two). Yup, I was there when Irwin was the “Last Army Outpost.” Fun-n-games, dodging tanks at night while in a jeep in black-out drive. Hey, you OPFOR were great. Furlong Ridge! We had to rename it because one base commander said he wasn’t gonna allow a terrain feature to be named after an NTC soldier. Then there was LTC [oops … redacted name] who had a HOT daughter. One OPFOR 2LT (engaged to a nice girl in another state) was caught jumping out her window one night by the OPFOR Commander …. 2LT’s career was deemed to be short-lived after that. But she was worth it … super hot. Yeah, you young whippersnappers …. NTC was a great place to be … if you weren’t married, didn’t mind swamp-coolers, or liked having to dust every hour cause the powder-dust just gets on everything every second of the day. Oh, and the Mojave green rattlers, sidewinders, scorpions (not the big green ones … they were easy to see) — the… Read more »


OK, got it. Transit barracks while 11th ACR did deployments.

Yeah, Goldstone was a trip. BTDT on a GI sightseeing tour in a Ford Aerostar van.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Got to give my weekly shout out to Dickless Danni-boi Bernastypants, and his anal buttsekks partner, QuEeFeRs! Looking forward to a perpwalk and long hot showers with Thor, Bubba, Julio and Mr. “Tiny”, boys? It’s just a matter of time… and we’ll all be looking forward to the video and AAR of the events as they unfold!


So The Young Turks, a left leaning news program on YouTube, recently reported on the lawsuit between Dakota Meyer and Bristol Palin over custody of their daughter. During the report they mentioned that Dakota won the Kentucky Medal of Honor instead of the Congressional Medal of Honor. I sent an email asking them to correct the mistake, but thought Id point out another example of the media’s incompetence in doing any research or vetting their story. Though in this case I would think most Americans would know the correct terminology of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Im sad to say it doesn’t suprise me that they got it wrong.

Pinto Nag

And they were never even married. Didn’t take long for him to ruin his life, did it?


“Though in this case I would think most Americans would know the correct terminology of the Congressional Medal of Honor.”

Small correction, it’s the Medal of Honor not the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Green Thumb

No one seems to get that.

Dave Hardin

Well I hope D is getting some DNA done. Abstinence does not seem to be her strong trait.


That’s a understatement Lol.. How many kids has that hood rat had now Lol…..


Just think..she would be the Vice Presidents daughter..GREAT EXAMPLE FOR OUR KIDS.
1. Unprotected sex
2. Sex before marriage
3. Pop out as many as possible and collect welfare or child support (if they can find the father) hood rat is perfect for a name… Tramp


On a positive note I’ve stopped my dog from digging holes to China in the backyard. Took the TAH suggestions but had to modify them a wee tad bit. Tried liberal doses of black and red pepper at his dinosaur dig sites but the big headed bastard would just sneeze a few times and go back to digging. Then I came up with a FRAGO. I set the motion detectors to send me an alert to catch the bastard in the act, then I’d take his muzzle and sprinkle red pepper flakes and a few shakes of cayenne pepper. Amazing how quick he caught on that digging equals a few minutes of the muzzle from hell. Only time the bastard throws dirt now is when he drops a load.


This going to cause a Green Thumb report on how big a load of Bernath his dog dumped on his neighbor’s yard.


This going to cause a Green Thumb report…

And probably a lawsuit from PETA [may they rot in Hell along with the ACLU].


In his 5 years of life I don’t think my dog has ever hit his turd when he tried to kick dirt on it.


Wish my Lab was like Green Thumb’s. Mine doesn’t make a pile. He walks Bernathing the whole time so he leaves a trail.

Hack Stone

Wow, your dog is just like Bernath. He leaves a trail wherever he goes too. And when he is flying, he leaves a trail of aircraft parts.


My Lab is weird. I think I have the only Lab on the planet that hates water.


The only duck mine likes is the ones that come from the Thai restaurant.


Wow, I’ve never seen a lab that you could keep out of water. I have a Presa
Canario and surprisingly he loves the water.


Another trick to try is to find a place you don’t mind him digging. Dump a few bags of play sand there. Bury Milk bones/other treats in said sand. Let your dog at it. The dog will soon associate digging that spot (the sand pile) with treats and dig no where else. Cayenne pepper, while effective, has a chance to permanantly damage the mucus membranes in your dog’s snout.




For uploads this weekend, use:

DoD Router ONLY through 2330 SAT.





Wilco, out.


double-post … forgot to link comment to #45


Wilco, out.



Today I unfortunately remembered my youth and innocence as a young Marine in 1976 on Camp Courtney, Okinawa. I was selected to take a rather large pole with a hook on it to a point off the base beach. It was explained to me that I had a very important job to snatch the mail buoy…ALL the mail for the entire base. If I missed it I would be in grave trouble. Alas, the boat never showed to drop the mail. I’m sure none of you on this blog were EVER initiated\tricked like that!

A Proud Infidel®™

PERISH THE THOUGHT!! That’s like getting to fetch
-Chem Light Batteries
-A Box of Grid Squares
-A Box of Ground Guides
-A bottle of Cable Stretching Oil
-A Bottle of Blinker Fluid
-To Commo to fetch a PRC E7
-Squelch Oil and/or Frequency Fluid for the Radios…

Green Thumb

“A bottle of Cable Stretching Oil”.

And its spinoff “Ass Stretching Oil”.

Definitely products tested, patented and distributed by none other than All-Points Logistics in Merritt Island, Florida.

With a seal of approval from the one and only CEO of APL: The False Commander Phil Monkress.


A box of Fallopian tubes
30 feet of chow line
Left-handed monkey wrench
Left-handed screwdriver
Double-ended pliers
Submarine oil


Base plate Jack.
Oxygen pump for bubble sights.
PRC E-8.


No shit: bought a crescent wrench from Harbor Freight last week. It was marked SAE and Metric!!! Wow!


I would say something about one of our SGTs that got pinned SSG
but it’s sicker then shit Lol… I couldn’t drink enough Beer to make the taste go away or shower enough to get rid of the smell
How I miss Germany


A spool of flight line.
Prop wash.

Silentium Est Aureum

Sea bats.
10 pound water hammer.
Get a bucket of fish to feed the shaft seals.

Oh, the list goes on.


Mail Buoy watch… There was an article in (I think) the Navy Times back in the 90’s. They stuck the new on the mail buoy watch in full gear. Hard hat, binoculars, kapok, boat hook etc. As he was scanning the horizon with the binocs he announced in an excited voice that he spotted it. Everybody was having a good laugh until he said “Hey they’re waving. Does that mean we have mail?” It turns out that some guys sailboat had sunk and he’d been adrift in his lifeboat.


Send the new guy down to engineering to get:

Bucket of steam

BT Punch

Relative Bearing Grease

Request permission prior to blowing the MPA

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

tell them to make sure to recharge the sound powered phone

pit sword polish

20 feet of line to pull start the gyro

or the absolute worst

Tell them to get their own coffee cup from the chiefs mess. We only did that to the ones that really got on the last nerve


Or the ever-popular one dee ten tee?

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean the ID-10-T? I once sent one to Supply to fetch a BA-100N-STR-1NG and the Supply Clerk I was in cahoots with gave him a 36″ balloon string! He tried to raise hell but came back to the Motor Pool with it and that’s when I told him “Yep, that’s it!” and his mouth was agape for at least ten minutes.

Green Thumb

I spoke with my neighbor.

He is not happy with all of the steaming piles of Phil Monkress.

More to come later.

But in the meantime – word to the wise: Be careful of where you step. There could be a steaming pile of Phil Monkress underfoot.


Thank Havens it wasn’t my Heeler again. my HOA thinks he has been dumping Jumbo piles of Monkress all over a playground here
But the DNA proves it was my Heelers Sister down the street
Now if he could hurry up and dump and pile on my neighbors house
So I can go to bed Lol….

Just An Old Dog

I’m anxiously waiting for the details of SCPO Shipleys latest bust.
Fake SEAL who was a big-time VFW officer up in New England. The guy was am ass and a bully who actually forged a letter from a SEAL Admiral saying that no one was to ask about his records. He also put in a Post policy that anyone who questioned anyone’s service would get a life time ban. Members were actually kicked out because of this.
Don took along a retired Vietnam Era SEAL and they got on this guy like a suck on a june bug. They took his fake SEAL ring and scraped all the bullshit stickers off his car.
I can’t wait to see the video. Pretty sure the info will get cross-posted here. The Hair said it was his best bust yet.


Old Dog..

Another priceless embarrassing video and loss of friends and respect..

A Proud Infidel®™

It sounds like he got what he justly deserved, THE INTERNET IS FOREVER!!! 😀



I’M not military, however, my father was during two wars. He never received his medals, etc.

After lots of investigation and verification of the storied he shared with me, I recently received SOME of the medals and ribbons for one war.

At the ceremony that’s being planned “does it mean I can wear the ones I received on my outfit in his honor?

The answer is NO! I DIDN’T EARN THEM! They will be on a stand in the oak case we had made, to the left of HRH.

Why didn’t my father get the medals while alive? He said it was his duty as a citizen to protect his Country. WE FIGHT FOR THE DEAD….

Just An Old Dog

Reb, Great question, and there are several reasons. The main thing is that when a service member gets discharged all the awards he rates ( or as I will cover later will eventuallty rate) are not on his DD214. DD214s are produced using what is in the serviceman’s record book at the time. Sometimes through transfers and movements of records awards are not put in. A service member can have an officer physically pin a medal on him, and be handed the citation, but unless the administration section has been givenm a copy of that it wont go in his records, or on his DD214. Another thing that happens is that unit a serviceman is attached to may not be approved for an award until months after the action it was given for. In that time the serviceman may have been transfered out or discharged. Here is an example. Lets same Sgt Smith is with 4th Marines from Jan 1967 to Jan 1968 in Vietnam. He comes home and is discharged in February. 4th Marines are put in for a Presidential Unit Citation for time he is there, and Naval Unit Commendation and Meritorious Unit Commendation for two different operations. NONE of this are approved until April of 1968. Sgt Smith’s records are already in the Archives in St Louis and none of these three unit awards are entered, and Sgt Smith, now Mr Smith has no idea he rated them. Throw in that a day before he left the unit his CO pinned a Bronze Star with a V on him for an action two months prior. The S-1 did not get the citation to the SRB clerk in time and it was never entered. When Sgt Smith Goes home he leaves his citation there and when he turns in his SRB to his last duty station the clerk has no clue. In some cases a good admin clerk would have caught the difference in what he was wearing and his record and asked him to get a copy of his citation. Most likely he wouldnt. Like wise if… Read more »


Old Dog..
It took me years because I was dealing with my birth country. He fought as a Freedom fighter during WWII as a teen. Had I not Listened, then started journals he never would of been honored. He was instrumental in smuggling three American pilots to Belgium and I had their names.
Sending my journals proved so much about who what when and everything happened. At first I didn’t think I would be taken seriously until they verified my journals were old as was paper and pencil/pens.

I received some of the medals for fighting in Indonesia and some aren’t made anymore. The most important to me is the Cross of Resistance because of the things he did.

At the ceremony I’ll also get my journals back and donate to the Holocaust museum in New York. So much to share, but after the ceremony.

Thanks Dog


I got his service records and there were things pop didn’t share…I sure love that man. RIP



You should proudly receive your father’s medals then place them in a shadow box. Only in the UK, Canada, Australia, etc., would you be permitted to wear someone else’s medals on your RIGHT breast — in their honor — during Armistice Day celebrations, etc.
[Or, that used to be the custom; dunno if that has changed.]


Rgt…this whole ceremony thing is so unreal. I’m receiving one or more from King Alexander, Israel, France others. Its still awhile away but truthfully I am scared. People from other countries and the fighter still living..there goes the tears.. Reb is out

Silentium Est Aureum

Green Chile burritos tomorrow.

All is well, or at least as well as can be expected, given the circumstances.


Global warming expected after the burritos.
Be careful out there…


Also watch out for the internal warming after consumption. And if they’re really spicy, make sure to eat something cold right afterwards (like ice cream) to ease the “elimination discomfort” that’s certain to follow. (smile)


John Giduck – the turd with a face!

Joe Williams

SitRep, 43 W/N wind at 5 mph and a light dusting of snow. The snow is melting. Joe


23 now, high expected to be 26, w/North wind at 3 MPH, light fluffy partly cloudy falling, six inch deep ground cover, not melting.


It’s headed our way. Just checked the weather radar map. I’ll shell some peanuts and put suet cakes out.


Remember this Alton Nolan clown? He murdered and beheaded a co-worker in Oklahoma back in September of ’14. Good news—>


“Nolen was previously found competent to stand trial. He has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors have indicated they will seek the death penalty.”

Aloha snackbar, MF’er.

A Proud Infidel®™





In the good news section this week, Kepler telescope has recovered from its dysfunction and is now back in business, discovering distant solar systems and planets.


Awesome sauce.

I’m going to make chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. I should make oatmeal, too. Maybe later. And shortbread cookies are always good.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Ex-PH2, are we gonna get to see any more of your Astrology Forecasts anytime soon? 😀


Well, I haven’t figured out some cheesey twit’s exact ‘scope, but I’m close. On the other hand, Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius (surprises!) going back into Capricorn (control freak), so we may see some odd shifts that we didn’t expect. And Mercury, being the trickster, can head one direction one minute and then switch gears. We must be patient and not take it too seriously. Just do not sign any contracts until after January 25. And if your computer/phone/whatever goes all wonky, it’s just Merc retro. Only a few more days.

A Proud Infidel®™

Thank you Ma’am, WE LOVE YOU!!!

Semper Idem

No Stolen Valor tournament this year? I’m a little disappointed. I mean, if we’re not doing that anymore, I’ll accept that. That said, I am a little disappointed.

Semper Idem

Thanks for the heads-up. ;o)

Just An Old Dog

Can we re-name it, Blue-Falcon implies that these asswipes were someone’s Buddy at some time in theie miserable existence.
I understand the reasoning behind dropping the “Ballduster McSoulpatch Memorial Award” but can we come up with something that is just as biting yet safe?
like the “Berwittless FrankenCheese”
annual dickwad award.


it should be broken down in to categories
2. Bat Shit Crazy
3. Worse BS Story from a Politician
4. craziest oath keeper or Bundy embellishments or total fantasy story
and so on as you have stated we can even find or have sponsored events



Can’t wait?


about damn time we got a answer to our questions on this one I’m even starting a betting pool on the next so I can make a few extra bucks


Will DRG members be eligible…again?

This will be a signal to Chevy to ramp up his asshattery and go for the gold after being crushed by Bernasty last go.


AWESOME..another ISIS leader bite the dust in a AIR STICK. ONE AT TIME..

10 little Isis jumping on the bed
One fell down and broke his head
Mama called the doctor
and the doctor said
That fucks dead he has no head

9 little Isis jumping on the bed

All the way to

No more Isis jumping on the bed
Stupid assholes are all Dead

???Thanks Pozz for that song


so big question here for everybody is the Rioduso, NM down to the timberon area. does anybody here have a opinion on this area as far as buying a house and the schools ?????


Don’t know about houses, but I reckon if you win the powerball, you could buy the schools.


Nice and how I wish !!!!!!
my better half got her tickets, I’m not much for playing.
but I’ll have to admit I’ll shit if she wins Lol…
I do believe we found a house in the 9,000 feet elevation contour line
I’m done with the summer heat Lol….


Anyone else on here watch the epic nail-biter that was the Steelers-BUNGLES game last nite? Took me a long time for my heart to stop palpitating after that shit.


I didn’t see it but I keep thinking of water bottles Lol….


There definitely were a lot of those…gonna be interesting to see what happens to Marvin Jones and that Burfict thug.


Yeah, I think Marvin Lewis will be moving elsewhere.

As far as Burfict and the other idiot PacMan Jones, I’ll wait and see what the Commissioner does before I render my true opinion of them.

PacMan Jones is just another Deion Sanders wannabe. Never really tackled anybody in their whole careers.

A Proud Infidel®™

I saw part of it after watching the CHIEFS! win 30-0, it took them a whopping 11SECONDS to score their first TD! 😀

Pineywoods NCO

Well, I have been quiet this weekend as I am getting a jump on my spring semester for college. My class load is going to be a fun one. Taking 16 hours in the following:

Managerial Accounting
Compensation and Benefits
Employment Law
Business Ethics
Life Science with Lab

After this spring, I should have only two more classes to get my undergraduate degree and then I will go forward with my MBA.

Hoping for the best this time.


Bernasty could tutor you on the law and ethics classes (smile). Hats off to you…takes a lot of determination to do that.

Pineywoods NCO

Ha….that’s funny…Bernath and ethics…complete polar opposites.

But seriously, thank you. At 46, it is a challenge to go back and finish.

Green Thumb

During my academic career most of the folks that taught ethics and ethical-related courses had no clue as to what they were/

They had opinions of course, but no conception of the greater idea at at play.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Finished my MBA in October 2014… can sympathize with you on the papers and reading. Good luck!

Pineywoods NCO

Thank you. I hope to finish my MBA work by May 2018.

Green Thumb

“Business Ethics”.

Have fun with this one.

Climb to Glory

Green Thumb

I am cross posting this because this takes the cake.

And for the record, I am NOT a VFW member:

The VFW seems to be turning into the Veterans of Fake (or Fairies of) Wars.

Check this link out.

It is sliding….and I mean hard (no pun intended).


Any thoughts?

I called them up to ask about it yesterday and they hung the phone up on me.


I refuse to look at that crap again, GT, but it’s one reason I want nothing to do with those groups. When I left the Navy, they were fine. Now, they’re just junkyards.

Silentium Est Aureum

You’d think the national would be interested.



Been there.


Spot on!

VFW in local environs shutter at sound of my name.



I spent this morning and afternoon feeding the birds, thawing the car out of its coma, enjoying the strong sunshine providing solar heat and lowering my heating bill enormously, and fixed a chuck roast which is now in the cooker.

The scent of that carries all the way in here to my workspace. Sheer heaven, and the birds are making pigs of themselves, allowing me to get a lot of good shots of them.

Life is good in my kingdom.


Well it looks like someone sabotaged my truck, I have a water fuel issue in my 7.3 powerstroke.

According to Bernathian logic its not possible that I simply got bad fuel, nope it must be an attempt on my life.

After all everyone knows I pull a 15K camper so a power loss while moving is a real mother fucker, Brakes are a bastard, no power steering .

But for real, I got bad fuel, my fuel bowl will have to come off and be rebuilt, thankfully I have the knowledge and ability to do such things, unlike bernath who has to ask the internet how to take out a screw. Btw bernath when you read this, If you use a number 2 Philips on the number 2 screws you wont round out the head. Go to lowes and by a screw extractor, it has a shallow drill bit on one side and a helix on the other, when you back the screw out with the helix make sure you put it in reverse.

no kidding cutting a slot with a dremal is beyond your ability and you will just further fuck up that fine airplane.


Check for screws, nails and or large thorns in your driveway!


If found, sue!

Green Thumb

Watching the College Football Playoffs.

Just saw the Colors Team.

USMC….WTF!?!?!?! (The Rifleman on the end)