The NPC Meme-A Midweek Open Thread

| October 24, 2018

If you’ve played video games before, you’ve seen these characters.

You visit a town in the game. The townsfolk are going about their lives. You approach one and a conversation starts. Perhaps you’re curious about what you could purchase. Maybe you want to know where the next point of interest is.

You walk away, then come back. The character says something different. Keep doing this and the character runs out of script. Eventually, it says the same things over and over again… As long as you keep striking a conversation with it.

This is the Non-Player Character, or the “NPC”. No player controls these characters, they follow a gaming programming that’s dependent on what your character does.

Of course, we’ve dealt with characters like this outside of video games. People that appear to go by the same playbook as the previous people.

We’ve seen one phony after another come here. They end up saying the same thing, playing the same tricks, or otherwise saying and doing the same thing that the previous phonies did.

Enter the NPC MEME. Based on similar memes used to mock many on the left in this country.

I laughed my hind end off when I first came across these memes, as they did an excellent job describing the liberals that I’ve argued against. Google “NPC memes” for more laughter.

Other than that, knock yourselves silly on this thread.


Category: Politics

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NR Pax

First because I can!


DB could not be reached for comment…


Without a shovel and a Ouija board, anyway.


Miss Cleo might also have worked – but she’s dead now too.


She predicted her own death.


I would have, but…

I almost, but…

You see, what happened, was…

And then, when they saw my skills after the first week of basic training…

Of course, I wear an Army Overseas Ribbon, even though I spent 17 years in the USMC…

Broke my leg while trying to go AWOL out of the 2nd floor window in basic. That’s kinda like airborne, isn’t it?

Yeah, it was a shell fragment. An eggshell fragment, but a fragment nonetheless. (Thank you, M*A*S*H.)

5th/77th FA

After my shift as a door gunner, I took up my sniper rifle and had my dog lead me into the bush. We were really in the shit when I fell into that cut in two 55 gallon drum. My K-9 was made a POW and I had to infiltrate an entire regiment of NVA Viet Cong with only my K-Bar and a p-38. I’d tell you more but I’d have to kill you. I ended my career as a Force Navy Beret Recon Green Seal Ranger Special Feces B-52 Top Gun, My records are maintained by Daron in Apache Mountain.


Over Macho Grande?

19D3OR4 - Smitty

Oo you have Daron guarding your records? Aint nobody ever getting anything out of Daron.

Epitome of the phrase ‘BAMF’.

Makes Chuck Norris look like a two toned llama.


Frank Burns. Almost 50 years later and I STILL hate that guy. Guess that is a testament to the acting abilities of Larry Linville.


John Kerry did pretty much the same thing, too.

Slow Joe

NPC sex is the best.
Fallout is bestests game evah!!


Until they killed it with 76


Q: Gee, you talk just like the last person I ran into… say exactly the same things…. Do you have different scripts in that playbook? How many are there?

NPC: You don’t know what you’re talking about!!!

Q: I see my work here is done. Thanks for playing.


Sorry I wasn’t around much yesterday. I was clearing out storage space and doing general household stuff. I would like to know who the Clutter Fairy is that reclutters everything I declutter.

In re: the geese/fowl migration: been too warm. Haven’t seen anything except one bunch of geese goofs who couldn’t decide who went where in their V-wing and kept bumping into each other or going the wrong way. (Yeah, figure that one out for me, please!) Every weather forecast for winter is different from the previous forecasts, and I’ve lost track of which way they think the wind will blow, so I now have bird food, salt and trash bags available. If it turns out to be a warmish winter, fine by me. Keeps my heating bill down.

On another note: CAT 3 Willa made landfall and is now a tropical depression in the path of those people from Central America, who are also going to be passing through the country of the Sinaloa cartel. Has anyone told these people that this isn’t the Middle Ages and the Crusades ended some time ago?


Snowing quite heavy here this morning.
Just sayin.


Keep the snow for yourself.

I have hot chocolate and roast beef. 😛


” Willa made landfall …..”
See EX, God does have a sense of humor!!!


Honest statement of the day “I never had the honor of serving my country. When I was young enough, I chose motorcycles, partying, drugs, and a whole lot of sleazy women instead.”


Gotta respect the honesty.

Some Guy

Aside from the drugs, that sounds remarkably like a typical military career. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

My thoughts exactly. But for the drugs, the list and service are not mutually exclusive.


ADA, all the way!


I caught the NPC from the NVA.
It’s in my records. Lost in the fire.
Not “that” fire, the one at LBJ during the race riots.
NO, I was not an MP there. Just casual for a while. Wrong place, wrong time to be while PCS with records in hand. Very rare situation but I’m not the only one. The VA knows the truth.

HT3 '83-'87

The NPC meme is the best because its so true. I applies to valor thieves, but its most applicable with the SJW/Snowflake/The Left/The Far Left/The Marxist-Leninist-Obamaist/Social Democrats. Just peruse YouTube for all the Pro-NPC memes, but the even funnier Con-NPC memes.
Here is a taste:


Paul Joseph Watson’s vid is good, Sargon of Akkad has a good one out too. There are a few others that have covered the autistic reeing from the left over this meme.


(Mob, in unison)

“No! That’s not true!”

“We are not all saying the same thing!”

“Don’t dehumanize us into a mob of clones!”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Here’s one that made me laugh…Anderson Cooper as NPC.

comment image


Absolutely fucking brilliant.


They’re Back!….

“Look To the Sky…The Triuphant Return of the Sky Penis Is Upon Us”


‘Bout cotton-pickin’ time!


A navigational masterpiece!


Democrats have caught the sympathy-inducing-hoax virus, I see. (Hey, it’s worked sorta for bush league SJW liars– big time Democrats won’t get caught, yeah!)


Poor babies. But isn’t that the sort of thing they themselves advocate with their calls for “in your face” contact with those who disagree with them? Did they really expect to be immune from it??

Not my thing, but it really is difficult to generate much sympathy for them getting what they encourage others do on their behalf.



So what did they get? Bags of powdered sugar?
That stuff can be nasty if it isn’t handled with kid gloves, you know.

Mix it with melted chocolate, butter and vanilla and frost a domed cake with it, and you are almost guaranteed to be dead meat on a fork, especially if it’s served with ice cream and a really dark chocolate sauce.

5th/77th FA

Don’t toy with me Woman. I have a fork and am not afraid to use it, napkin not required, I don’t miss my mouth.


My false flag meter is pegging.


And now it is CNN in NYC:

Think the GOP will be blamed for this in light of upcoming elections?


I really cannot imagine the waste of time, energy and cash it takes to cook up this nonsense. I looked at one photo supplied of something labeled ‘explosive device’. It looks like a pocket knife.

Really, this is dumber than dumb but if it’s a Lefterd plan to get sympathy and votes on 11/6, it’s a serious waste of time.

Frankly, I would not be one bit surprised if the whole thing was financed by a well-known financier in the background.


I love the NPC meme. So hilarious. Here’s the pumpkin I carved for the kids:

comment image

Easiest pumpkin to carve ever.


Hah! Too funny!


Unrelated to the memes… but is anyone else tired of the non-stop spam from the Exchange (guess that is the n-line version of AAFES) – holy shit! I get several mails a DAY from them, more than even the cheap Viagra, hot girls, and Nigerian prines combined.


David: If the SPAM is coming from the Exchange, you can always contact them to request that you be taken off their mailing list:

Another way to stop Junk Mail is if you go shopping and a clerk at a checkout ask for you email address or phone number, don’t give it to them. If they persist, then don’t buy from them. If they say it is mandatory, give them a make up number, such as (555) 286-7309.

Hope this helps.


The last Monument Man passed away at age 92.

Rest In Peace.


An Oldie (2017), but a Goodie.

Black Trump Supporter Big Joe takes on Women’s March in L.A:


This article from WattsUpWithThat is an interesting read, considering that some states are electing new State AGs in November. There seems to be some collusion going on to use law enforcement, among other entities, to enforce climate change rules. It has apparently been going on since at least 2015.


Unfortunately this is not surprising in the least. With how Cuomo is weaponizing his state’s regulatory bodies against the NRA, this is the left’s new modus operandi.

If you can’t win at the polls, then you go to the courts. It’s asinine. I foresee in the next couple of decades our court system being completely restructured unless these abuses are curtailed. The judicial branch was meant to only interpret law, not make it.
