Of Trolls and Hate Mail
In regards to the current Zero Tolerance Troll Policy-
1) I will give fair warning on comments that I consider out of line, stray too far from the originating post, or attack fellow TAH members. I reserve the right to delete personal attacks immediately.
2) If there are additional comments in question, on a case by case basis, I will either add counsel on appropriate behavior, or shit-can the comment out of hand. The offender will have no choice in my action, and may contact TAH Admin for recourse. Good luck with that.
3) There is no three.
We’ve done a pretty good job of stopping these before they get added to our posts. That doesn’t mean they’ve quit trying. In the interests of transparency, and after gauging my fellow writer’s opinions (one yes, one no, the rest no-shows) the decision to post this up falls to me. So here are some of examples of what we’re greeted with on pretty much a daily basis.
Example One
“If your business can’t afford workers you shouldn’t have them…
Like you’re claiming the workers (who generate all the profit) are entitled to think they should be paid fairly. And the business is not entitled for expecting to make money on the backs of others at no cost to them…
If you’re too cheap to innovate or find alternate revenue streams and you own a bar or restaurant and your workers live off tips and you still bitch and moan about how no one supports your business like your business sucks… You’re entitled and should go bankrupt…
Like you pay people garbage you get garbage people that’s capitalism”
A bit out there, but not the worst I’ve seen by far. What tripped this comment up was in the display name and email:
Someone with half a brain
Example Two
“If Hitler came back from the dead and said he was going to save America, you idiots would vote for him! The low IQ’s here are disgusting. Fucking bootlicking scum!”
Nice. I actually edited out a line to tone this down a bit. This one was from:
Fuck the Army
Different names, different fake emails, different IPs. We know they’re from the same sender, just by the common INCEL delivery.
Finally, this was addressed to yours truly, and is a laff riot. It’s from Helpful Medal, even though he used a different name and email.
Andy O’Brien
In reply to AW1Ed.
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.”
You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
He had me at “gorilla warfare.” So there you are, Delta Whiskies And Whiskettes. A little slice of “A Day Behind the Curtain” at TAH. I’d prefer to continue with our current troll policy, but this site belongs to all y’all. If you are of a different opinion, pipe up and be heard and I’ll adjust.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Administrative
I miss Psul.
This whole post was mostly because of your whining for sock puppets. Trying to thread the needle here. You’re not helping.
Ok Ed,
Jeeze can’t a guy have any fun around here?!?!
I do like the suggestion that we get an edited troll post from time to time, not to encourage them, but for our entertainment.
I’m not sure how we can do that and still not feed their ego but it would be fun to read some of their bullshit
Hack Stone will let Psul know during our next sales meeting. And if anyone reading this post is wondering how to spend that $1200 Coronavirus check, have you considered purchasing some outdated and overpriced Red Hat Software?
I wonder if Paul-mer (of the ballsack) will try to garnish Phildo’s check as Phildo screwed him on the deal by not paying him.
Paul-mer (of the ballsack)……
Those were the days.
Psul and Niko
I miss those slobs
Is it Psulmer that you miss, or his classic Jaguar that one could track via the leaked oil, exhaust smoke and trail of parts and rust that fell off leading to it, or do you not like having a mailbox complete with a door?
Do not forget the whiskey dents!
Or whatever he was sauced up on at the time.
As we do with our weekly Valor post, we need to revisit a poser of the week post.
Yeah, he kind of gave himself away when he used ‘little’ with ‘bitch’, never mind the use of ‘gorilla warfare’.
I’ve seen gorillas in territorial combat. It isn’t pretty. The tree sap goes everywhere.
“Gorilla warfare”, you mean like the 1970’s American Tourister Luggage commercials?
Or this:
There was a “… versus the Pittsburgh Steelers” version.
Maybe he is a glue salesman.
I’m not gonna lie cuz when I was a little shaver I thought guerrilla warfare was actually gorillas fighting when I heard it on the new in the very early 70’s. I also thought Hank Aaron and Henry Aaron were 2 different guys. The Phillies used display a replica of the Liberty Bell in outfield of Vets Stadium, and when I asked my Dad how it got a crack he a said a Mike Schmidt home run ball hit it.
I remember as a Kid asking my Mom and Dad “Isn’t that wrong? Gorillas are endangered!” after hearing about Guerilla attacks on the news!
That last one has been used by trolls for about a decade now.
So not only is the little shitlord an unfunny troll, he’s not even remotely original.
“Gorilla warfare…”
Reminds me of the 1971 American Tourister suitcase commercial…
Anything like Tactical Trunk Monkey?
Vietnam-era trunk monkey…
“GRR-illa! GOE-rilla!”
from “Captain Ron”.
I remember being 5 or 6 years old, watching the news with my dad. Walter Cronkite talking about US forces engaging gorillas…
I think Stephen Cio “Ranger” Burrell had that tab.
But then again, who doesn’t? The Army has Tabs for everyone!
And if you are NG, you can wear a cord (depending on your branch/MOS) as well!
Get “Hair” on the last one…!!!!!!
WOW Ed, I didn’t know that this stuff was going on, and now I see that your putting up with a lot of crap from some of these peeps.
You deserve around of thanks for trying to keep the shitshow tamped down.
I’ll make another donation with the understanding it goes to the staff bar tab.
Stay well, AW1Ed
The donation link goes to Military Phonies instead of TAH.
I doubt the guys making TAH work will see a dime from that.
We’re sister sites. Military Phonies works the Stolen Valor side, and we at Valor Guardians (old TAH) provide more of the social side, sort of a chat room, if you will. We’re two sides of the same coin.
I got no problem supporting Military Phonies. They do an excellent job unmasking posers and embellishers.
I just wasn’t sure how you guys split the donations.
My donation is in.
I hope more people decide to contribute. The fight against valor thieves never ends.
“Helpful Medal” could really use some counseling and meds!
Or you might even say Help and Meds…
See what happens when you get alien anal probed one too many times…. and you still eat paste by the gallon.
Maybe someone should “shit fury” on him/her/it.
Every time I have read something that cretin has posted, irrespective of what handle he uses, I wish I hadn’t bothered.
Ed, you are a tolerant man. Kudos for dealing with the tripe posted by these shitbirds.
Y’all do the work so get to make the rules. We will adjust to whatever those might be.
Everyone has grown accustomed to my periodic rants about feeding trolls. But, that’s just one opinion, no more or less valuable than everyone else’s opinions.
All just to say, keep on keepin’ on y’all! We out here in the cheap seats got your backs.
I had no idea you had to filter out that kind of crap. Every thing has been hunky dory this side of the curtain.
Trust me, this shit is tame compared to what Psulie-boi used to come up with back in the day.
IMHO you’re doing a pretty damned good job AW1Ed, keep it up!
You could also edit the post in question after running it through the swedish chef translator at https://funtranslations.com/chef.
Ole’ Dumbass wrote this:
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
Which when done turns into this:
“Vhet zee-a fuock deed yuou juost fuockeeng sey ibuout me-a, yuou leettle-a beetch? I’ll hefe-a yuou knuo I greduoeted tup ouff my cless in zee-a Nefy Seels, und I’fe-a bee-a infulfed in nuomeruous secret reeds oun Il-Quoeeda, und I hefe-a oufer 300 cunffurmed keells. Bork Bork Bork!
AWWWW SHIT, now I’m hooked on that, see what you started?
“Yuou zeenk yuou cuon get ivey vit seying zeet sheet tu me-a oufer zee-a Internet? Zeenk igeen, fuocker. Is ve-a speek I im cuntecting my secret netvurk ouff spies icruss zee-a USA und yuour IP is beeng treced right nuo su yuou better prepere-a fur zee-a sturm, meggut. Zee-a sturm zeet vipes ouout zee-a pezeetic leettle-a zeeng yuou cell yuour leeffe-a. Yuou’re-a fuockeeng deed, keed. I cuon be-a unyvhere-a, unytime-a, und I cuon keell yuou in oufer sefee-a huondred veys, und zeet’s juost vit my bere-a huonds. Bork Bork Bork!”
I can’t WAIT to use that on Rubber-head and Seagull!
Or this for SHakespearean: https://lingojam.com/EnglishtoShakespearean
“I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.”
I am did train in g’rilla warfare and i’m the top snip’r in the entire us cap-a-pe f’rces. Thou art nothing to me but just anoth’r targeteth. I shall wipeth thee the alas out with precision the likes of which hast nev’r been seen bef’re on this earth, marketh mine own fucking w’rds
Wow! Somebody needs to get back on his meds.
Thank you and all the TAH staff for what you do. I’ve been retired for 10 years now and I visit here daily. It helps to bring back the things I miss.
Unless you run a blog you really don’t know how much energy goes into creating the content. While many people come here and read the posts, the authors are out look for new content and trying to create the next post.
I have never understood the idea that it is better to scream, yell, cuss, threaten and act like a petulant child than simply do the adult thing: IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE CONTENT OF A BLOG OR HOW IT IS RUN, WALK AWAY.”
It’s that simple.
Over on a blog I help with we remind people constantly of a quote from Socrates:
“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”
There is a heck of a lot of truth in that.
I like that quote…will save for a rainy day.
I’ve also used the following back in my moderator days on a gaming forum:
“I understand you do not like the advice being offered on this thread so my suggestion would be to offer something helpful to the OP that may better help her in her time of need. I would love to hear your input on what she can do at this point. It may be useful for us in future situations such as this one..”
That would usually shut up the regular (trolls) for a little bit, until we had the proper amount of evidence to IP ban.
I, personally, like to quote Socrates’ last words.
“I just drank WHAT!??”
I like to quote the Mayor Of Hiroshima’s last words…
“What was that”…???!!!
better than Custer’s “wow, look at all those f*cking Indians…”
I thought that Custer’s last words were “Where did all these fucking Indians come from?”
Thanks folks, but this post isn’t about me. We’re a team here at TAH, and a lot of really talented people work hard to make it happen. My intent was to showcase some of what goes on behind the curtains here, and perhaps provide a little entertainment. That’s all.
You, the other Admins, and the rest of Team TAH are doing an outstanding job of keeping TAH up and running at 100% FMC and in the day-to-day fight against Stolen Valor and other assorted dumbassery.
Please don’t change a thing in the current TAH SOP and ROE for dealing with trolls, both inside and outside the TAH perimeter wire.
Thanks for all that you do.
Semper Fidelis.
Having read that… I deserve a shot, Ed deserves a bottle.
Thanks for fighting the good fight Admins.
Oh, and Hitler ain’t on the ticket this year, she lost in 2016.
Thanks for playing!
“Oh, and Hitler ain’t on the ticket this year, she lost in 2016.”
IMHO she/it ain’t on the ticket YET, she still thinks that she is OWED the US Presidency and she won’t give up on it, I’m sure she’s scheming one way or another!
You has a point…
I cant wait til her father, Satan himself calls her home.
Your doing a excellent job !!!!!!!
As far as the snowflake trolls going
I deal with these Shitz all the time while I’m trolling to web
Going after cool aid drinking members of the DNC
Talk about a bunch of brain dead victor fuks
TAH rocks !!!!!!
no need to ever apologize or explain
Telling these little shitz to go and pound sand
Nuff said keep the great work up
Ed I’d like to drop you a personal message off net.
You have my e-mail. It’ll be a one-shot, casual and no continuation.
Check your email.
“I have over 300 confirmed kills”
Yeah but did he keep the ears as proof?
When I was a fake SEAL we had to submit a matched pair
or they didn’t count. Matching them up after the mission
was a tedious process and trading was rampant.
gorilla warfare…..”I’m gonna fling poo at you!”
Monkey see, monkey fling.
They wish they were gorillas instead of sickly little poo-flinging howler monkeys.
I knew a guy that had that happen to him way back when. He was working on calibrating a scale near the gorilla enclosure at a zoo and one of them didn’t like my buddy being in the area so the gorilla flung a big old pile of poop at him when his back was turned.
That third one is so over the top it reads like something from The Duffel Blog. “I have access to the entire arsenal of the United State Marine Corps.” ??? Seriously?? That’s some serious pull he’s got there. Can we get an F-35 ride or can he set us up with an AAV test drive?
I am stunned that the guy is serious, not trying to write a parody.
The entire arsenal of The United States Marine Corps. That means that he has access to an unlimited supply of floor buffers and colored flags to indicate the current weather conditions.
It would be tempting to tell the troll, “I’ll see your entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and raise you the entire arsenal of the United States Air Force.” Of course, that isn’t much of a threat either given that neither of us has the ability to control any arsenal beyond what may or may not be in our closets.
The entire Arsenal…
He means the jumbo box of crayons?
But, does he have the pack with the built-in sharpener?
I bet he’d eat an entire 128 crayon box of Crayola®™ crayons and be pissed off that he didn’t get seconds!
as we say in Texas. “You done good.”
‘Preciate ya.
I appreciate you pulling the trolls and bombast out from the normal posts. Helps keep the rest of us that are ADHD, on track.
But now for a slightly different suggestion, what to do with said troll posts?
Do like ya done here today. Save a few of the juicier ones aside, and post periodically under “Troll Outtakes”. ChipNASA gets his chew toys, and all of us have a good time laughing at the troll (while not distracting from the original post).
PS, that picture at the top would be ideal for the heading of “Troll Outtakes”
Good idea! I second the motion, why not display some of the imbeciles for us to laugh at?
We have a MOTION on the board, a SECOND and I hereby vote AYE! Make it so!
Damn it!!! I step away for a coupla days and almost missed all the fun. Good thing that the FIRST step upon returning is to start where I left off and play catch up. Effing keyboard kommando. I hate effing keyboard kommandos. Prolly an Illinoise Nazi to boot. And EVERYBODY hates Illinoise Nazis.
The work that the dedicated staff of MP and VG is muchly appreciated. Keep it up! Now if we could just get something done about that aircraft that got put together wrong. And maybe some ideas on what to have for supper. Any movie tickets for Mick to an upcoming, not to be missed, blockbuster?
I think a new category for “Best of the Week” for those outtakes. My hat is off to ALL of the folks that keep this running smoothly! I help with a web forum as a Mod when I can, and thankfully the only thing we have is the damn spam bots – to the point that everyone has to be approved now to post, so I can only imagine the verbiage that you guys and gals encounter!
I second that idea…
Don’t know if y’all noticed, but the writer’s bench at TAH is pretty thin. We all have enough on our plates as is, and don’t need a new weekly requirement thrown at us. I’m in favor of posting Top Troll comments ON OCCASION. I’m getting mixed reviews from Management about this. Let me work it from my end, and stay tuned.
My vote/opinion/support is for y’all to do whatever makes your lives easiest while keeping content as interesting as time allows.
Spoken like someone who has moderated web sites before.
Got a pretty good chuckle out of that last one. Note to internet posers: people who claim to have a “spy network” and “access to the whole arsenal of the Marine Corps” really don’t. It’s an immutable law of the universe, not unlike gravity.
By the way, does “Helpful Medal” moonlight as a Nigerian prince with a great moneymaking opportunity for you?
Helpful Medal is trying to get full membership in the Dutch Rudder Club…
“Helpful Medal” seems like someone who is always angry because he’s not a millionaire yet despite going to each and every Amway Meeting that he can for the last five years!
Called it: hempfull mental
I would have banned that last one just for being boring. If it had had any spark of creativity, wit, originality, or humour, I would have let it roll, but it is the same trollish crap you can find all over the bottom of that great cage called the internet.
I’m just a common everyday butthole, not here to threaten anyone but, If this lockdown continues I may start to believe I have tiger blood like Charlie Sheen.
AW1Ed, I think you folks a re doing a damn job. You are the keepers of this site and how you folks manage it has been more than great for me. All I can say is keep up the good, and hard, work you do.
On the other hand, Andy O’Brien really really needs some Xanax or even Ketamine, if it takes that to keep him from banging his head on the wall. Nothing like a gorilla fighting trained, high headcount sniper, walking around with the imaginary idea he actually has PTSD from his imaginary military service.
Hilarious. People’s feelings are more sensitive when on the internet lol.
New comment. Recommend you hit the TAH FNG tab at the top of the page, Careermilitary, unless you’ve been lurking for a while. There you’ll find what we’re about, and what you can expect here.
Not getting the point of your comment ‘lol.’ Care to expand your thought a bit?
I have lurked the TAH website for many years. But many comments I wanted to comment on were already closed. I sent a message to the admins about that because since I am still regular Army, I do not have the time to be on this site frequently as most that comment on here. My comment since I work in Cyber (and seen hate emails for decades) is that many people will act more tough online that in person. Also, when people get shutdown, blocked or feel like they are insulted online, they will resort to those type of emails. That was my point.
Since you cannot edit your posts; this is the correction -” But many “posts” I wanted to comment on were already closed.
Clear now, thanks.
I guess that free speech thing just went out the window! We need them there Gorilla warfare experts!
Does snip hunting qualify you as a snipper?? Asking for a friend! LOL
The Editor does a great job, and we get the loons, and the stolen valor Idiots exposed. That’s what the job is about.
I enjoy the reading without many comments.