Gore takes the Democrat campaign to Bali
Reuters couldn’t wait to call Al Gore “Nobel Laureate Al Gore” is their story about his most recent manbearpig warning speech in Bali;
Nobel laureate Al Gore accused the United States on Thursday of blocking progress at the U.N. climate conference, and European nations threatened to boycott U.S.-led climate talks next month unless Washington compromises on emissions reductions.
See? First words, right out of the box. But, Gore decided to stump for Democrats among the world’s various nations while people were looking at him;
“Over the next two years, the United States is going to be somewhere it is not now,” he said. “I must tell you candidly that I cannot promise that the person who is elected will have the position I expect they will have, but I can tell you I believe it is quite likely.”
That means he expects a Democrat president – and now that he’s been crowned King of the World, Gore figures he’s a seer, as well. Reuters joins him in bashing the Republicans;
The United States is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases and the only major industrial country to have rejected Kyoto, which expires in 2012. It has been on the defensive since the conference began Dec. 3.
They fail to report that Kyoto also has a system of penalties resulting in fines in the event the US doesn’t hit the targets the treaty sets for emissions – those fines are the reasons that less-developed nations are smacking their lips in anticipation. Not only do they anticpate slowing American growth in the international economy, they get to hit up US taxpayers who will fund the less developed economies’ – free money!
After explaining Gore’s position in some detail, the last paragraph, ne, sentence is presented in defense of the President;
Bush has argued that the pact would harm the U.S. economy and cutbacks should have been imposed on poorer but fast-developing nations such as China and India.
That’s it – one line, no supporting evidence. Just “Bush has argued”. Pretty damn flimsy reporting, Reuters.
Category: Economy, Foreign Policy, Media, Politics
Skeptics and critics were censored:
“A group of reporters representing the conservative newspaper Environment & Climate News were refused press credentials to attend the U.N.’s climate change meeting in Bali this week.”
Big surprise.
I guess they missed the the Pope’s arguement against the
fear mongerers. Also, why didn’t they do anything about it when they
had the opportunity? Could it have anything to do with that little
95-0 vote AGAINST that treaty? Hmm.
Oh, now the Pope has gone and done it. He’s called out the new religion of Mother Earth.
Gore invented the internet, lost the US Presidency by a hanging chad, and is now King of the World. AND…. It’s all Bush’s fault!
Al Gore who owes George W. Bush his “King of the World” crown, and recently was invited to the white house by President Bush, goes to Bali the small island, where in the comfort of selective liberal press. He can safely and verbally “BITE THE HAND” of who made him the King of the World.
Doesn’t Al Gore know how to be little grateful for his lot in life? I’d bet that his net worth has increased a bunch since the last chad hung. The sting of defeat is still in Gore, and made him a bitter little angry person still.
Global warming is caused by that same hanging chad.