Wednesday FGS
11 kids among 26 shot in Chicago this weekend
Chicago Sun Times
Chesapeake man shot to death after being ‘verbally aggressive’ to family leaving restaurant, police say
A Chesapeake man was shot and killed by a member of a family he approached “aggressively” outside a Mexican restaurant in Virginia Beach Friday night, police said.The family had told the man to leave them alone, said police spokeswoman Tonya Pierce.
Brian Orlando Hicks, 37, died on scene at the parking lot outside El Azteca, a longtime restaurant in Pembroke East Shoppes.
Police went to that shopping center, located along Constitution Drive by the Pembroke Mall, about 6:15 p.m. for a report of a shooting. There are a number of other businesses in the center, including a hair salon, a sports bar and one other restaurant.
The man who shot and killed Hicks waited on scene for police to arrive and was released later after being questioned by detectives, police said, describing the incident as a confrontation between the two men. Pierce said Hicks was “verbally aggressive” and continued to follow the family despite being told to stop.
The name of the shooter was not released as Pierce says he has not been charged, and the case will be reviewed by the city’s Commonwealth’s Attorney. A formal review has not yet happened and the police investigation is ongoing, a spokeswoman with the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office told The Pilot.
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Read the rest here: Pilot On Line
Suspect fatally shot by Orlando security guard after pulling firearm on him, police said
ORLANDO, Fla. – An Orlando security guard shot a man after the man pulled a gun on him on Tuesday, police said.
According to the Orlando Police Department, a security guard was sitting in uniform in his marked car on Tuesday morning when he was approached by three suspects. One suspect reportedly stated to talk to him in another language and while doing so, brandished a firearm.
They said that the suspect then pulled his firearm, so the security guard did as well. The guard shot one of the suspects and the remaining two fled the area.
The suspect shot was transported to the hospital, where he died, police said.
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Read the rest here: Fox 35 Orlando
UPDATE: Man shot and killed, woman defended herself in Chunchula shooting
UPDATE: (2/17/2020 11:30AM)– MCSO says a man was shot and killed on Clebourne Court in Chunchula Monday after a woman claims he attacked her with a rifle.
Deputies found Johanna Harbison outside the home bleeding from her head where her boyfriend, David Bailey had assaulted her with an AK 47 rifle.
According to the press release, Harbison told deputies that Bailey hit her in the face during a altercation inside the home. Harbison armed herself with a 9mm handgun and shot BAILEY in the chest. He was pronounced dead on the scene.
This case will go to a Grand Jury.
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Read the rest here:
Well well Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, here we are, a FGS Trifeca Three-fer. A first I believe, but not unexpected all things considered. The two in the wind would do well to take note and find gainful employment elsewhere.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. —Dwight D. Eisenhower
Category: Feel Good Stories, Trifecta
ALL HAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me be the FIRST to propose the dedication of this FIRST FGS DRT Trifecta Three-fer/pete in Honor of our Brother Wilted Willy. May be a mute proposition since we have declared all Trifecta DRT to be dedicated to WW. May the future line of work for the 2 in the wind be as fertilizer for a Gardenia Bush.
Ah the Purity and Beauty of Stainless Steel. More proof that AW1Ed Loves us and wants us to be Happy.
Geez, I don’t know what to say about that first story. What the hell did that dumbass think was going to happen when he decided to aggressively bother that innocent family and continue to bother them on top of that when he was repeatedly told to stop? That’s about as smart as messing with a poisonous snake. Must have been one of the local drunks or something since one of the businesses in the area was mentioned to be a sports bar. Idiot. Guess he was never taught to mind his own business and unfortunately had to pay with his life in learning that lesson.
the sun-times story is a great example of BS artistry I have seen in some time…
It seems that children walking the streets at 3am, playing with pistols in the living room and being out with unknown adult males at midnight are common and no one has the sense to ask WTF is going on that these youngsters have no adult supervision.
I’ve said it for years; stupid people cause crime, crime causes poverty.
As the platform of FGS here on TAH, I figgered that this would be the best place to post this real feel good story.
Jesse Brown was the first Black US Navy Pilot and served in the Korean War giving his life at the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir.
Thomas Hudner, a white man was a good friend of Jesse Brown’s and landed his plane to assist the pilot after Brown’s Vought F-4 Corsair took ground fire and was disabled and forced to land.
I’ll leave the rest of the story to The History Guy and leave you with a warning that if you don’t have any allergies yet, you just might after you watch this tale of the stuff that our Military is made of…..
A Trifecta Triangle of Triumph.
A good day indeed.