Senile Reid denies his face has a nose

| December 3, 2007

According to Politico (h/t Crotchety Old Bastard) Harry Reid thinks it’s still 2006;

But Reid, in a Monday press conference, ceded no ground.

“The surge hasn’t accomplished its goals,” Reid said. “… We’re involved, still, in an intractable civil war.”

A civil war, Harry? Really? Aside from the glaring statistics (like these from Gateway Pundit) you should catch the news from last week at Kuwait News Agency (h/t Dreams Into Lightening)?

Leading Shiite cleric in Iraq Ali Sistani Tuesday banned the killing of Iraqis, particularly the Sunnis, and urged the Shiites to protect their brother Sunnis.

Sistani bans the Iraqi blood in general the blood of Sunnis in particular. His announcement came during a meeting with a delegation from Sunni clerics from southern and northern Iraq.

The clerics are visiting Najaf to participate in the first national conference for Ulemaa of Shiites and Sunnis.

Sistani called on the Shiites to protect their Sunni brothers, according to Sheikh Khaled Al-Mulla, head of the authority of Ulemaa of Southern Iraq, noting that the Fatwa of Sistani would have positive impacts nationwide.
“I am a servant of all Iraqis, there is no difference between a Sunni, a Shitte or a Kurd or a Christian,” Al-Mulla quoted Sistani as saying during the meeting.

Sistani warned the Sunni clerics from the plans of the enemies to plant seeds of discord among the Iraqis.

The visiting delegation voiced relief for the meeting and said they backed Sistani’s stance.

Threats Watch explains the significance of Sistani’s fatwa;

Western observers should note the significance of Ayatollah Ali Sistani. Among the world’s Shi’a, he is seen as a direct (and rational) competitor to Iran’s radical Ayatollah Khameini for the true leadership of the Shi’a ummah (community). Many in fact have already seen him as the true leader of the Shi’a. Unlike Khameini, Sistani sees room for democratic governance and a separation between the mosque and government.

So, Sistani (al Sadr’s mentor, if anyone is keeping track) has forbidden Iraqis to kill each other – that kind of puts to rest the whole civil war thing, doesn’t it? I mean Murtha had to concede last week, for cripes sake. It’s as plain as the nose on your face, Harry.

UPDATE: Brian Faughnan at The Weekly Standard Blog writes that Reid is prepared to cave on funding the war but Rollcall says the Democrats plan on using the short session to blackmail the Republicans into caving by holding their Christmas break hostage.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics, Terror War

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