Joseph Biden Mocks Stuttering Child

| December 20, 2019

Joe Biden’s actions are MEME fodder. Gotta make up for the lack of media focus on Democrat oddities and transgressions. (r/The_Donald)

This would have been the headline, published multiple times by the mainstream media, had Joe Biden been a Republican. Back in 2015, Donald Trump “dramatized” someone’s backpedaling from something that he said. Trump did it by changing the tone of his voice and by shaking his arms around.

He didn’t know the appearance or physical state of the person he was talking about while engaging in these dramatics. However, the mainstream media was all over it. Presidential candidate Donald Trump was accused of insulting a disabled person.

Someone watching an unedited video of Donald Trump “doing the deed” would recognize that tactic. How many times have we done that, or something similar, when talking about similar situations in our own conversations? Joseph Biden was more direct.

From Breitbart:

Biden then recounted a call he had with a young boy with a stutter. “I can’t talk, what do I do?” the former vice president recalled the boy telling him, mimicking his stutter by saying “I” repeatedly.

Granted, the article also mentions that Joseph Biden was a stutterer before:

“I used to stutter badly when I was a kid. So, I learned to fight. Not a joke,” Biden told supporters at a town hall in Decorah, Iowa, earlier this month. “When you’re made fun of for something you can’t control, you realize everybody has something about them they can’t fully control.”

Did he redo the stutter for dramatization? For realism? Unlike the left, we tend to weigh things like this against multiple variables. But, as a Democrat, he has a good chance of being spared the false accusations that hammered then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. The number of people who believe that President Trump engaged in “quid pro quo” when it was Joseph Biden that did it is an example of this.

Breitbart has more here.

Category: Politics

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5th/77th FA

Creepy Joe talks sh^t cause he is a sh^t eating parasite on the Taxpayer. Always has been…Always will be.

DaTrupster is hated by the career politicians because he represents a Clear and Present Danger to their grip on power and their desire to destroy the America that we all love to maintain said grip on their power.


Stay classy, Joe.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman

To copy from a favorite older cartoon “Cosby Kids”,
“He’s like a plastic cup. No glass”.
Or, “He’s like after school. No class”.
(you know you heard the voice and tone. admit it)


He’s like school in the Summertime. No class!

USMCMSgt (Ret)

“He’s like a teacher without a job. No class!”
– Rudy


Apparently, it’s OK for Creepy Uncle Joe to do it because he’s battled a stutter his entire life.

Eat a d-d-d-d-dick, Joe.


Joe, he’s the best the Democrats have…


May his teeth desert him right in the middle of a speech. 🙂


And his eye explode.


That’s no malarkey. 🙂


He’s committed… and probably should be.
comment image


Joe Biden has a worm man in East Dakota


It’s only a matter of time before Hunter Biden ‘accidentally’ ODs on cocaine with the help of some former-Arkansas State Police.

Time to dig though the interwebs and find more cahcah, like remember Joe’s niece nicked a credit card and did $100k in fraudulent charges? Looking now…


This can’t be ‘just a coincidence’, it’s gotta be GENETIC!!!