Reports of His Death Had Better NOT Be Exaggerated

| October 27, 2019

USMA EX-6B Prowler over Afghanistan (Photo by Senior Airman James Richardson/USAF)

This came up very early this morning, but I waited to post it until I had confirmation.

As it is, the headline news this morning is as follows:

Photo of the gasbag is in the article. Apparently, he blew himself up.  (No comment.)

From the article: WASHINGTON (AP) — Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State jihadi group who created a short-lived caliphate in Syria and Iraq, is believed dead after being targeted by a U.S. military raid in Syria, Military Times has confirmed.

A Defense Department official told Military Times late Saturday that al-Baghdadi, one of the world’s most wanted men, was targeted upon orders from President Donald Trump and that he was believed to have been killed. However, the Defense Department official said the military is still awaiting confirmation of al-Baghdadi’s death from DNA testing.

The raid occurred in Syria’s Idlib province, according to the Associated Press.

Trump approved the mission nearly a week before it took place, according to Newsweek, which was the first to report the raid.

It appears that al-Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest during the raid, CNN reported. The CIA assisted in locating the ISIS leader, a defense official told CNN.

Note:  A White House spokesman, Hogan Gidley, told the AP that the president would be making a “major statement” at 9 a.m. EDT Sunday.  Previous reports about the death of al-Baghdadi have proved to be exaggerated greatly. – article


Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Afghanistan

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President Trump just finished his news conference on FNS.
I’m glad he announced it this early on Sunday Morning.


Al-ButtHeadi died badly.
(Spit), chased down by dogs like a rat in a sewer.

You can run. You can hide. Doesn’t matter. Our guys -will- get you.


Apparently the dog is going to be OK. Good doggie. Give him a biscuit for me.

Heck, I’ll spring for a nice porterhouse.


May he enjoy Al-Shaitan’s personal attention for all eternity.


He went to pieces.

Then he went to blazes.

Stir fry!


The video
Suggest he was screaming
And crying not the 3 kids


Unless he remembered his butt plug he likely defecated, which is why he went out screaming and crying like a baby.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Other than FOX, no other media outlet covered this in any detail. Instead of giving credit, CNN (I think) reported that the military conducted the operation “in spite of the President”, as if the special operations community woke up one morning and said, “We’re bored and tired of waiting on the President to make up his mind. Fuck it, we’re bored. We’re going to kill him on our own.”

Another (MSBC I think) complained on how descriptive the President was, suggesting he didn’t have to give so much detail. (Whether he died by blowing himself up or being shot to death (lead poisoning) – who gives a rats ass. The savage is dead).

Of course, the media reported how great Obama was for ordering the raid on Bin Laden, and wouldn’t stop reporting about it for 2 weeks.


Wilted Willy

Thank God all made it home safely! I have heard the poor dog will be ok. I’m sure it will take the poor dog a month to get the taste of that rat bastard out of his mouth! They had to recover the remains with a sponge! What a true chicken shit mother fucker, even took some of his poor children out with him!
Thank God and Greyhound he is gone!!


Now I lay me down to sleep
The terrorist world is soon to weep
Like other terrorists he messed with the best
Al-Baghdadi is laid to rest
He went to hell not so whole
He was a coward and an asshole
Rot in hell you evil man
So we can spread some peace throughout the land



Love the way they left the place a flaming
crater afterwards so there would be no shrine.
Unlike the burial at sea option afforded Osama.
Let that crater be the memorial.


The “burn pit” option does have value.

Giving the enemy a place to gather can lead to amusing re-runs.

Just Lurkin

Washington Post reports: “Austere Religious Scholar at head of Islamic State dies at 48”.
LOL! Our media elites.


I find it hard to believe these outfits are able to stay in business


Althouse has some very clever comments ridiculing this WaPoo article. One rewrites it, making it about Hitler’s death using the same phraseology.


They are contemptible bastards indeed. America rids the world of one of its most vicious killers and they can’t bring themselves to celebrate the event because the hated Donald Trump authorized it.

Even here, in our own tiny corner of the web, our lurking lefty has to take an errant potshot about Trump being on the golf course.

I count you, commissar, among those contemptible bastards, except you’re worse, having worn the uniform.


The Twitterstorm it brought is incredible !!!
Some of these things are genius level parodies !!!
You just can’t make this shit up. Bloomturd felt that they hadn’t received enough embarrassment so they led the way to more stupid does !!!!!


Those are mostly too funny, with some “spew alert” worthy.

RGR 4-78

rj mazur
“Acclaimed newspaper Washington Post dies Sunday October 27th 2019 from an overdose of printing BULLSHIT”


USMCMSgt (Ret)

The Washington Post certainly deserves the contempt of the American people.

I read the original headline read, “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Islamic State’s ‘terrorist-in-chief,’ dies at 48”, but then the WaPo changed the headline to read, “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48.” and then changed it the 3d time on Monday to “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, extremist leader of Islamic State, dies at 48.”

Clearly they were grasping at something to make whatever point they intended. No difference to me, I suppose, since I don’t read that rag. Besides, ISIS will just find another leader (if they haven’t already).


I was surprised that Fox News actually name the units (Delta and Rangers), instead of the generic “US Special Operations Forces”.


Had to be some Signal guys in there somewhere.


Clearly no SEALs were involved or we there would’ve been 3 books and 2 courts martial already.

I’m thinking Baghdadi knew where Hilary’s server was/is and she had him taken out


So how long before our crop of loser-posers declare that they were also on the raid ????
You know it will happen, sooner rather than later !!!!!


Exactly what I was thinking.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

If not one or two by Christmas, I suspect we’ll read about five or more in the next six months – then it will pick up.

A Proud Infidel®™

Loved hearing that news and here’s hoping that every dog in that area visits the place he died just to take a shit there! Even more glad that he made himself go to pieces with his own “Allah Fubar” Vest thus making him blue-eyed because one eye blew this way and the other blew that way and the last thing to go through his mind was his ass!


“Apparently, he blew himself up. (No comment.)

The TAH Name Scrabble®™ (Home Version) Whiz Wheel would like to thank this individual for the opportunity to utilize a long neglected multiplier in working up the score on:

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (RSIBLDAM*) 39 x 7 = 273

*Raghead Self Inflicted Bernathian Level Dumb Ass Move


The Boss left leaky Nancey out of the loop, great OPSEC.


Meh. He has no obligation to inform congress prior to he raid.

Though he was out golfing at the time of the raid. So it is not like he really gave a shit what happened anyway.


Obama owned golf time while in the White House then bush 2


Liar. Liar. Pants on fire. You and the rest of your ORANGE MAN BAD!! crowd believe any fake facts your blue check mafia fellow travelers put out. The committed commander -0- photographer, Souza, got the timing of the raid wrong by about three hours. Trump was in the situation room at the WH when it went down. This is why we don’t bother to read your verbose propaganda screeds. You believed these false facts because over thirteen thousand cretins like you wanted to believe it and re-tweeted Souza’s fake fact.

A Proud Infidel®™

You’re an overeducated and propagandized MORON who refuses to believe anything other than propaganda that comes from your handlers or Nanny Lugosi’s Office.


Jesus. Can’t even give him credit for this, can ya? Your hatred has consumed you.


He’s exhibit 1 as to why I rarely drop by here anymore. If I want to read bullshit, I’ll go to CNN. Let me know if he ever gets banned. I’ll be over at Ace.


Ace is great, and they don’t let proglodyte dipshits like Squidward post their D-rat talking points in their comments.


The regulars over at AoS would tear him up, spit him out and then Ace would drop the Banhammer on his commie ass.



Invite them over to visit?



To be fair, Trump is the one person in the world that I’d be willing to guarantee could play golf in any of the four CONUS time zones at whatever time he wishes.


Trump would accomplish more positive on that notional golf outing than zer0 would in a week at his desk.


Now,Now. Lars is a valuable life lesson. He shows us how we would behave if we descended into insane drooling madness. Remember kids, don’t sniff glue, or you’ll end up like Lars.


As my first COB told me (and doubtless many others), “You can serve either as a shining example or a horrible warning. Choose wisely.”

A Proud Infidel®™️

Not just that, don’t be some libtard Professors’ dupe that takes everything they say for granted, guzzling the proverbial Kool-Aid like that causes serious brain damage!


Apparently, credibility can also expire a thousand times.


Holy fuck, Lars, if stupidity was painful you’d need about 30 fentanyl patches permanently attached to your brain stem, just as it protrudes from your rectum.


Lars needs constant reminders to breathe. By the way, Larsie your proctologist called, he says good news, he’s found your head; bad news, the Preparation H is the cause of your shortness of breath.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Commissar – Might I suggest you spend your time posting on DU or some other site. Nobody here cares for your bullshit or comments, or your tactics of drive by comments that only hijack the discussion.


BlueCord Dad

After the appropriate review they should release any helmet cam video of that POS screaming and crying so the world can see what a fucking coward he was. I wonder if his watch survived…🤔


Even if he didn’t have a watch, he clearly knew his time was up.


Insh’allah, bitch!


Good riddance, asshole.

Combat Historian

72 Helen Thomases gonna be busy tonight…


I like this one better:


Frank G

“whimpering and crying” Why does that remind me of Che Guevara? Oh, yeah….


Committed totalitarians always turns out to be pussies when their lives are on the line.


Wow! Is there nothing Trump cannot do?

He actually made SNL funny again!


There’s been a second strike, this one taking out a prominent ISIS spokesman, Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir:

Go get’em Commander-in-Chief!


The article I read had elevated al-Muhajir to #2 in ISIS.

A Proud Infidel®™️

AMAZING how well the right information is kept Secret when it’s not shared with D-rats until it’s time, remember how OBL always seemed to get away in time during the “Blowjob Willie” years?


So we have been playing,

(Puts on sunglasses)

Bounce the Rabble.


Remember when people laughed when he said he was going to bomb the shit out of ISIS?


They won’t be laughing when he pounds the shit out of the lefty putzes at the nation’s polling places in 2020.


From your mouth to God’s ears, Poe.

I had great fun replying to a cold text message from this morning inviting me to vote Democrat to help impeach Trump. Needless to say, they soon offered to remove me from their lists.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Let’s not forget that President Trump’s predecessor gave OBL a burial at sea while President Trump just had their corpses left to rot where they got greased, I much prefer the latter!


Hey now! Be nice. OBL is our new chum.

RGR 4-78

You going to cut bait or fish. 🙂

Bubblehead Ray

What a nice birthday present! Thanks POTUS! And special thanks and prayers for the warriors who made it happen. BRAVO ZULU!

Slow Joe



Nope. Not at all.


Well,,,, bye!


SEAL Team Six not invited to the party – what in teh hell??!! There are movie & book deals to capitalize on man – rolling in the big bucks ya dig!!! 🙄


Too bad our guys didn’t get to shoot his ass like w/ bin Laden.


He blew himself up, to avoid getting mauled by a dog, while cowering like a rat in a sewer. (Dogs are “unclean” critters in Islam. “Like a dog” is seriously- offensive.)

Better that way, I think.

I hope Dogzilla is doing better. Plenty more chew-toys need serviced.


And lest we forget to say it:

Rest in Peace, Kayla. You are avenged.

(Thank you, profusely, to those avengers.)


I feel bad for the dog. How will he/she ever get the taste of that asshole out of his mouth?


Yes, it will be like smoking that cheap cigar you smoked that it takes three days to get the taste of your mouth.


…out of your mouth…. Damned I-phone.

5th/77th FA

Rest in pieces mofo, while Satan devours your worthless soul. Good riddance to trash. Too bad you couldn’t have been drug by the Hero Dog back to Kayla’s parents so they could have a go at you.

BZ to everyone who had a part in making this happen.