Hey Leftosphere: Póg Mo Thón

| March 17, 2009

Well, there has been some question as to whether the leftosphere is all working off the same talking points. I think this Obama/charge vets for their service related disabilities should conclusively put that to rest.

The ever loquacious Kos, himself a veteran, had this to say:

Not to be outdone in the chatty cathy awards, TPMMuchraker opined:

And who knew that all the Huffington Post authors felt so passionately about Veterans Benefits that they would come together and state that:

I mean really, such outrage using such similiar verbiage, can there now be any doubt that they are colluding?

ON EDIT: I feel what this post needs is more Lesbian Hentai.

Category: Politics

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Dave Thul

Great point. I checked my favorite lefty blogs and none seem to have anything to say about anything Pres Obama is doing lately.


Hey, there was at least ONE mention of the military from a leftwing website:

jenmito (1000+ posts) Mon Mar-16-09 12:12 PM
Original message
Do the troops get checked for weapons before the president speaks in front of them?

I ask because of the RW nuts who are still on this BS about Obama not being a citizen and therefore not “really” being president or CIC. I have been reading articles on the freeper site about people joining to “protect the Constitution” by “whatever means necessary.” It’s scary to know there are a few of these people in the military.



Have we heard from IAVA yet?

airborne injun

Claymore…In response to jenmito,I sincerely hope every person who serves would be willing to defend our Constitution by any means necessary!I mean,she knows that the whole point of service in the military is to do that, exactly as stated in the oath we take when we enlist.She is proof positive that people should be required to take intelligence tests before they breed.

Smokey Behr

This thread is worthless without lesbian hentai… ;@)

On a serious note: Do you REALLY expect something positive about the military, whether active or retired?

How dare you call Kos anything other than an ex-Marine, like Murtha. Both of those rat bastards have disgraced Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children. I wonder if you can court martial them for conduct unbecoming…


One of my favorite t-shirts has that on it! Wear every time I know I’m gonna be around the moonbat brigade. 🙂