Despite President, Caterpillar slashes jobs
Remember last month when Obama told workers at the Caterpillar factory in Peoria, IL that his bailout would save their jobs? The CEO said it wouldn’t save some of their jobs and it turns out, according to the Washington Times, the CEO was right;
Caterpillar Inc. of Illinois on Tuesday announced nearly 2,400 layoffs despite President Obama using his home state’s company as an example of a struggling manufacturer that would benefit from his economic stimulus plan and save jobs.
The new round of job cuts will span five plants in Illinois, Indiana and Georgia, and follows the January news that Caterpillar would slash 22,000 people from its 112,000-person workforce.
So I guess it just proves that the reality bitch gets in the way of all of that Hope and Change stuff. It must be tough to suddenly realize that actually performing at the job is a lot tougher than interviewing for the job. But those of us who actually have jobs have known that for a while.
Category: Politics