Bill Nye: It’s Time to Realize ‘the Planet Is on F*cking Fire!’

| May 14, 2019

bill nye
Bill Nye, the Not a Scientist Guy

Bill Nye, who is not a scientist but plays one on TV, vented a bit on HBO recently, confirming two things. Nye is an idiot, and I’m very happy not subscribing to HBO. His parade-ground-language laced rant failed to offer anything of substance, but pretty much insulted anybody who has the temerity to disagree with him.

Here’s Billy:

Appearing Sunday on HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Bill Nye launched into an profanity-laden and hyperbolic rant about climate change, exclaiming “the planet’s on fucking fire!”

“By the end of this century, if emissions keep rising, the average temperature on Earth could go up another four to eight degrees,” Nye said while discussing the Green New Deal, the far-left proposed stimulus package that aims to address global warming and economic inequality. “What I’m saying is the planet’s on fucking fire. There are a lot of things we could do to put it out — are any of them free? No, of course not. Nothing’s free, you idiots. Grow the fuck up. You’re not children anymore. I didn’t mind explaining photosynthesis to you when you were 12. But you’re adults now, and this is an actually crisis, got it?

Safety glasses off, motherfuckers,” he added.

Seems the Senate voting the Green Nude Eel down by the slim margin of 57-0 (Dems all voted “Present”) may have triggered Billy, resulting in his dire prediction of four to eight degrees increase in temperature. Numbers he clearly pulled from his fourth point of contact.

Go away, Billy. Far away. The rest of the article may be read here: Breitbart although except for the comments I have no idea why you should.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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Pecos Phil

He must be watching a different news / weather channel than I have available

Where is the fire?


If the world is on fire, all the rain we have had for the last month should put it out. It snowed in Wetern New England last night. STFU Bill.

The Other Whitey

California is showing signs of having a legendary, not-seen-in-years *normal* fire season again with the drought having ended and temperatures staying at or below historical averages. Plus it’s still raining!

Besides, I can’t help but laugh my ass off when I hear people insist that we’ve had “unprecedented” fire activity. First, no, we haven’t. Second, California’s recorded history is substantially shorter than that of just about anywhere else on Earth, so how the hell would they know? Third, anybody who’s ever talked to any old retired US Forest Service guys—my grandpa, for example—will know that the last few years, while shitty, were nothing new. Finally, I have repeatedly heard the “I’ve never seen it like this” claim from people who are way to young to have it carry any meaning. My answer: “Motherfucker, you’re 22! There’s all kinds of shit in the world that YOU’VE never seen before!”

When Bill Nye completes an S-390 class, maybe I’ll care about his opinion. Until then, however…


If he and ACO had children…


You know what you get when you mate AOC and a gorilla?

Fucking retarded gorillas.


Ugly ones with bug eyes too…..


Whatever you get, it’d be better looking, and more intelligent than AOC…

A Proud Infidel®™

More like NOTHING, there are some things even a Gorilla wouldn’t do!

The Other Whitey

Apes have better standards than that.


I’m still waiting for that ice age that was predicted in the 70’s and 80’s.

Of course we DID get some snow locally the last day or two….

Bill Nye–stupid “scientist” for stupid people.


I’m simply glad to see the apple tree next door about to burst into bloom because the weather finally warmed up, and he’s cursing at his viewers?

Would he like to see photos of the April snows? I have plenty of those! He is an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing at all.

Thanks for the language warning! Kids, don’t watch this guy. He’s one of those Bad People you were warned about.

Peter the Bubblehead

But didn’t you know? Snow is caused by global warming!

Is there NOTHING global warming can’t do!


You’re going to love this Fox News clip of the discussion following the quack’s outbursts!

The Other Whitey

My property is awash in California poppies and Indian paintbrush. My rose bush is in full bloom. My ground cover is a luxuriant green. And my daughter has excitedly taken it upon herself to be a “ladybug protector” since so many are currently residing in our yard.

The only downside is that the weeds are still green and grow right back when I knock them down.


Capt Kangaroo was so much better, hell, I sat through hours of watching Barney with my kids and that was better. He is a whiny little puke with sand in his mangina and needs to be committed to the Springfield Home for the Stupid.


Mister Nye should do his part to reduce CO2 emissions by ceasing his respiration. It’s almost mid-May and I’ve got the heat on, in Connecticut, ‘xplain that one Bill.
Those greenhouse gasses ain’t doing their jobs, maybe they’re on strike.


I think Accuweather is predicting another snowstorm just like that last one, too.

And I expect to see the Mississippi River flooding again, just like 1997 – levies breaking, fields flooding – all that stuff. The floodgates in Louisiana near New Orleans have already been opened.


I think Accuweather is predicting another snowstorm just like that last one, too.

And I expect to see the Mississippi River flooding again, just like 1997 – levies breaking, fields flooding – all that stuff. The floodgates in Louisiana near New Orleans have already been opened.

charles w

Mr Wizard was a far better science guy.


That reminded me of so much. I remember watching Mr. Wizard as a kid. Those were great shows.

I then remembered going with the Boy Scouts to watch a taping of a science show at the PBS station here. I thought it was Mr. Wizard, so I checked to see if that was filmed here. It wasn’t, but Newton’s Apple was. And THAT’S the show I remember going to a taping of.

Misty watercolor memories…

MSG Eric

I saw someone on facebook try to argue that “well, he has a mechanical engineering degree, but it’s a bachelor’s of SCIENCE. So, he’s a Scientist!”

I told her, “well, my business degree is a bachelor’s of science. So that makes me a scientist too then!” I didn’t get a response from her, but I got several likes.


Mr. Wizard taught real science… not this Global warming/cooling bullshit.

Bill Nye looks like a demented Pee Wee Herman…


Maybe it’s just me, but I have a hard time taking anyone’s opinion seriously when they’re wearing a lime green/sky blue/white striped bow tie.

Oh, and Billy-boi: lose the “big suit” look. David Byrne you’re not.


A fact for which I am forever grateful.

(Whistling to the tune of, “Burning Down the House.”)


“big suit” look

Pee Wee Herman


Pee Wee’s Big Adventure was released in 1985. Byrne had been doing the “big suit” look during Talking Heads concerts for quite a while before that. One example: Stop Making Sense was filmed in Dec 1983.

Nye certainly acts enough like a snot-nosed brat these days to remind one of Pee Wee, but I’m pretty sure Byrne originated the “big suit” look of that time frame (early/mid 1980s).


You’re right, Hondo. Time Magazine did a “Renaissance Man” article about Byrne and the Big Suit in October of 1986. He started that look as part of his show.


There’s a flattering photo of Billy?
Huh. Who knew.

Jus Bill

A picture of him searching desperately for a clue?


So he is as stupid as he looks.



He is not even a scientist by any stretch of the imagination. He got into the “Science Guy” shtick as a comedian. I believe his degree is in mechanical engineering or some such.


Yes, he has a BS in mech engineering. He has no training in anything climate related, unless you count hot air.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

At least when the north gets a snow storm, it’s not a snow job they are getting. More CO2 should up in ice core samples from way before Fred Flintstone owned a car.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66,

I won’t De Nye the fact that he is not banging on all eight cylinders.

MSG Eric

cylinders are bad for the environment, so he turned them all in and sticks his finger in the wall socket everyday because that’s “cleaner”….


Hey Bill. I’ll let you in on a secret that pretty much everybody but you knows.

You’re an actor. I don’t care how many times you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, you’re not a scientist. You play a role. You recite from a script. Bill, you’re a fake.


..and stay away from my kid.


But then we’d have a reason to shoot him?


Much better show: Demonstrations in Physics, Professor Julius Sumner Miller.


Now THAT was fun!!!

5th/77th FA

Professor Proton. Best Tv Scientist….EVAH! Just ask Sheldon Cooper. Nye is still drinking the vodka he made from the potato clock taters he stole from Professor Proton.

MSG Eric

If Bill doesn’t tow this party line, he won’t get paid. His bank account relies on him regurgitating this stuff everywhere and anywhere he can.

In fact, since the 70s, the USA’s air, water, and soil have all gotten substantially CLEANER. Our CO2 output is decreasing as well. Yet, China has two CO2 clouds over their country, one the size of the contiguous US and one between the size of Texas and Alaska.

As some keep saying, we in the US could stop using internal combustion engines COMPLETELY, we could turn off all our power, go full carbon neutral and it would do less than a percent change for the rest of the global “change” they are looking for. Same with outlawing plastic straws when 95% of the plastic in the ocean comes from Asian countries and less than 0.05%? of our 2% from the US is plastic straws. “Oh look, we did something! Let’s celebrate with large decaf lattes for everyone! Who’s calling the uber to get us to the Starbucks?”


Illinois is proposing a $1,000/year licensing tax on electric vehicles because they will not be paying the state’s gas-at-the-pump tax.

So much for the green-is-good thing.

MSG Eric

No matter what you do, the gummint is gonna get paid.

The Other Whitey

So from the consumer’s point of view, what’s the point of a “green” vehicle?

A Proud Infidel®™️

Not just that, today there is more forested acreage in the Continental US than there was in the 1920’s and 30’s!

The Other Whitey

Took my kids to Disneyland two months ago. We had a good time, but unbeknownst to me they went balls-deep retard on the straw issue. Ordered a milkshake to share with the kids, and got a straw made of cardboard—what the shit? I wouldn’t have minded had the cardboard straw done the job, but it didn’t. Barely 30% into the shake, the straw disintegrated into the cup, leaving me quite frustrated at having just spent nine dollars on something we now couldn’t even drink.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s raining, it’s pouring,
It’s always global warming…

Bill Nye is more full of shit than ten million Geese.


If the Earth was on fire you’d think a few folks would notice and this clown wouldn’t have to scream about it. Or maybe the definition of fire has changed…

The Other Whitey

As a subject matter expert combustion and the suppression thereof, I can assure you that, no, the world is most definitely not on fire.


Anyone from Vermont?
How’s it up there today?


I just hope it does not snow up where I am, that’s all. My winter savory, a perennial herb, started to revive in early April and then it snowed twice, froze the plant and sent it back to the dead state. And I am not going to try to revive it, either. Just start from scratch.


He’s a bloomin’ idiot. I used to love watching his show in the early days, before he started polluting it with all of his blathering nonsense about evolution and global warming. More recently he has just gone full retard.

Carlton G Long

Bill was actually likeable and funny on an old show called “Almost Live” which Comedy Central aired when they still tried to be funny.