Oprah Interviews Trump

| April 9, 2019

25 years ago.

Poetrooper found this video and was kind enough to share. A young Donald interviewed by an icon of another industry, Oprah Winfrey 25 years ago.

Thanks, Poe. Things haven’t changed all that much.

Category: Guest Link, Media, Trump!

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OMIGOD!!! BIG HAIR!!! The 90s were not kind to how we girls looked.

That is a very interesting video. It is almost 100% contemporary with what is going on today.


You must have a head of hair like Chief Shipley aka “The Hair.”


He liked Dukakis?

The Other Whitey

Everybody makes mistakes.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Well hair today gone tomoro.

5th/77th FA

Imagine what the economy and the National Debt would be now if the politicos had of implemented some of those ideas 25 years ago….Oh wait…Forgot we’ve had nothing but demon rats and republicraps running the Country until we put an adult in charge.

And both sides are still fighting him tooth and nail.