A Small Reminder

B-17 Contrails at 25,000 feet
The UK and USA both have the “Got Talent” competitions started some time ago by Simon Cowell, and some of the entertainment that has come out of those competitions has frequently been remarkable. Once in a while, something sticks out and you may keep going back to it.
These two videos are from 2018, and the group is the D-Day Darlings, who have taken up the task of reminding their own and future generations that freedom isn’t free.
The D-Day Darlings singing group (UK) does WWI and WWII songs. In this video, they were auditioning for Britain’s G0t Talent in 2018.
The next video is the final competition, with their lovely rendering of “White Cliffs of Dover” and the appearance of WWII vets. Please note, this was Vera Lynn’s “song” during World War II. And if this doesn’t make you a little nostalgic for those days, listen again.
Category: Feel Good Stories, Historical, Support the troops, We Remember
My kind of music!
Mine, too.
Wow. Thanks, Ex!
Chem trails!
B-17s did not have jet engines.
Correctamundo. Any high flying aircraft can leave a contrail, not just jet engines. The pic is of a bomber formation in WWII, with aircraft flying at varying altitudes, all likely over 25K feet.
They make my eyes sweat. What a wonderful tribute!
Outstanding and very Classy Ladies. Can I be your Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy? I’ve had all of my shots.
Dang, it must be spring allergy season…
Same here.
Glenn Miller would be proud.
Now those are some awesome chicks! Easy on the eyes with those WRAF blues, too! Hope they do a US tour one of these days. Maybe hook them up with CAF and/or the Collings Foundation.
Dang nab it ex you made my eyeglasses leak water.
Stock up on kleenex! They’ve got an album out now!
I wish our talent shows would do some of the same things. This was truly wonderful.
From what little I have seen of these shows here, first you have to have talent, second, you need judges who have been there and done that and still doing it, what the heck has Simon ever done except seemingly judge things. The trend in all the shows that have a panel of judges, that always get to determine the results of others, I have never seen very many of them actually do anything that is related to what they are judging. Them that can do, those that can’t, try to teach or judge.
Simon Cowell ran a talent agency in the UK.
He also recruited and launched the careers of many talented people in the music business. He knows talent when he sees or hears it. I don’t agree with all his assessments, but he is usually on the mark.
He’s an asshole on TV because that’s what the producers want. He may be an asshole in real life, or not. I don’t know the guy.
But he does have pro cred in the music industry.
Actually, he comes across on the show as a much nicer person since he married and had a child. But I am sure the producers initially wanted him to play the caustic hard-ass judge. There has to be some psycho-drama in all these reality shows to entertain the audience.
This is great stuff! Thanks for posting!
You’re quite welcome.