“Navy Sergeant” Gets Prison Time for Lying

| April 2, 2019

According to KYWNewsRadio, Joseph Gorzoch was caught in multiple lies and as a result, had additional prison time added on his sentence.

When Gorzoch got caught for his third and fourth DUIs, [prosecutor] James said he tried to get into a program for military veterans, claiming he was in Iraq and Afghanistan and had been injured when an IED went off.

But James realized something was up when he learned something Gorzoch had said.

“When he left the Navy, he separated as a sergeant, which I know from my military experience is not a rank in the Navy, so I started to investigate,” he recalled. “It sickens me, and I thought that I needed to bring it to the attention of the court to make sure he’s held accountable for those lies.”

James said faking military service or “stolen valor” is never OK, but especially in this case, where veterans court is designed to help people in the military get treatment for dependency, which is often self-medicating undiagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder, James explained.

Gorzoch also told the judge he was molested as a child but a family member says that’s not true.

At a prior DUI hearing, Gorzoch forged his mother’s death certificate to try to get that hearing delayed.

That pretty much checks the box for every type of victimhood.   Wait – no service dog that is in desperate need of an operation?

All Navy sergeants everywhere should be offended by this behavior.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Navy, Stolen Valor

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A Proud Infidel®™

Good grief, I hope he gets his can reamed by Bubba, Thor and Company every day, what damned excuse DIDN’T he try to use? I’m sure his enabler/Mother will keep his room cleaned for him while he’s gone.

Wilted Willy

What a lying scumbag, I hope you enjoy your time at the prison deli with Bubba and the gang! You have really Dorked the Squeakhole!


I would rip that band off real slooooooowwww.


Isn’t this the SAME Story that was posted on TAH by AW1Ed last Monday, 25 March 2019 and had 66 comments?


“Bucks Prosecutor: Bensalem Man Lied About Military Service To Avoid Jail”



SBalm, you & I BOTH have good eyes tracking these folks down…Teamwork!

I just thought I missed something when I read “additional terms” of prisonment, which was already covered in the preious post.

Thank You…and keep up the great work you do!

There was also another one the other day that AW1Ed posted about the Marine Corps Bride under “Master Chief’s Drive-By.” It had several comments as well. That “Bride” story showed up the next day posted by Dave Hardin with a different headlone, but same story.


I understand now.

The firts story read “After Thursday’s hearing, officials were again questioning Gorzoch’s claims. A spokesman for the district attorney’s office confirmed that prosecutors are seeking a reconsideration of sentence the sentence after learning that Gorzoch allegedly lied about completing the HOPE substance abuse treatment and recovery program.”

His initial sentence was 4 and 9 years, but because he lied about completing the substance abuse program, he was given an addional sentence of 1 and 2 years for a total time of 5 and 10 years in Prison.

Thank You, Steve Balm, for the clairification.


Hey, at least we agree on what is worth posting- great minds and all that.



All you have to do is add “Updated” to the headline, and that takes care of the problem!


I wouldn’t worry about it, anytime we get another chance to sit in the audience and throw shitbombs at one of these pukes is yet another reason to read TAH everyday, several times a day !!!
100 years from now, nobody will know the difference and you can’t see it from the road…

Comm Center Rat

“He technically turned what could have been a one- to two-year sentence into a five- to 10-year sentence by lying to everybody,” said prosecutor Bob James.

Not only is this former Navy sergeant a liar, he’s stoopid. Now Bubba and Thor will play Up Periscope with Gorzoch helping him learn to provide enthusiastic service with a smile.


Gets caught lying lies some more!


So is Navy sergeant a higher or lower pay grade than Petty Officer?


Roughly, the equivalent of a Bernath 3rd Class.

Daisy Cutter

It is one rank above an Air Force Corporal.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Or a US Army Petty Officer on duty as a Door Gunner aboard a USAF Submarine!


We have plenty of those


I dunno, my jump school certificate said I was a sergeant but that’s a question I never pondered until now. 🙂

Combat Historian

In his cell block, his moniker will be “Sergeant Semen”…

Guard Bum

I actually served with a Sergeant Sailor when I was in the Marine Corps. He took a lot of ribbing as you can imagine.


I knew a Seaman named Seaman…ran the ship’s geedunk.

We also had a Sergeant named Major at 1st Recon.

and a husband and wife team Chief Petty and Petty Officer Petty respectively in Lejeune

Had a student come through the schoolhouse in Bragg named Sgt. Slaughter


I’m thinking, “Sergeant Swallow”…


My current employment has me working in AIT barracks a lot. There’s a young Soldier, holdover awaiting a clearance… PFC Dick.


This guy is a dumb as an Army Chief!


“..Dumb as an Army Chief”?

MCPO NYC USN Ret, are you speaking of US Army Warrant Officers?

How are the “dumb”?



Retired Grunt

Ummm… we do have chiefs in the army.. we call CWO2 through 5 chiefs.


I thinketh youeth readeth to mucheth intoeth.




No I was not.

And most know that.


Ok. Then who is “An Army Chief”…that are dumb?

Similiar to “…dumb as a Navy Chief”?



Wouldn’t the CSA be referred to as the “Army Chief”?

Of course, we don’t call him “chief” to his face…LOL…but he is referred to as “the chief” informally at HQDA…

Daisy Cutter

The Air Force has a Chief Master Sergeant.

I did a double take the first time I heard that.


I’m still wondering what MCPO NYC USN Ret meant when he wrote:

“This guy is a dumb as an Army Chief!”

My name is not Francis…I’m not going to lighten up.

And I am not a snowflake.

Some of ny best Officers were Warrant Officers or as we called them (terms of endearment) “Chiefs”.



I unknowingly addressed a USMC W2 as “Chief”, as is the Army custom. I was immediately corrected for my transgression, and was sternly informed that “Chief” is a naval rank, and that USMC Warrants are addressed “Mister” or “Gunner”. I can still feel the cold, blue-eyed stare that I received…


In the Army, we referred to CWOs as Mister. Generally, the CWO would tell you his name and once you got know him, that’s how it was.

If you’re unsure, salute, say Sir and let it go.


LOL…when I worked at DISA there was an Ensign who called the CWO 4 on his team “Specialist”.

I think I know where that came from but still funny as heck.

That poor Ensign was significantly challenged by the joint environment. Probably unfair to him, but oh well.

5th/77th FA

Well known truths:

Liars gonna lie!

Dirtbags gonna dirtbag!

Army gonna Beat Navy!

Tide gonna Roll!

Dawgs gonna Go!

Artillery gonna bring dignity to what would otherwise be considered a vulgar brawl!

TAH gonna rule!


Now Francis … it was a play on words.

It was no way intended to offend, damage, bend, twist, spindle, cut, fold and or hurt anyone.

Furthermore, your can KMRIA if you could not have noticed the sarc.

Oh, and have a nice day.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I served in the Navy and was 11B20 hard five in the Army National Guard out of Huntington Station Long Island NY, (75-77) so would I be considered a Navy Sgt.???grin


From the link:

“He technically turned what could have been a one- to two-year sentence into a five- to 10-year sentence by lying to everybody,” said prosecutor Bob James.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


“And he was initially sentence to 4 to 6 years in prison…” so am confused about “the one-to-year sentence”.


When a guy would forge his own mother’s death certificate just to get some extra time out of court, the disgusting son of a bitch has zeroed out in life.


There are also Master Chiefs, Police Chiefs, Firefighter Chiefs, Indian Chiefs….so why state Army Chiefs”

Repeat to Master Chiefs: Why did you say:

This guy is a dumb as an Army Chief!”

That was a personal insult to me and the Warrant Officers who worked for me….and I have a pretty good sense of humor.


Again, no.

It was a play on words not rank.

In fact, my posts and comments here stand on their own.

If you are looking for a fight, you are looking in the wrong locker.


OK…I have to ask about the term “locker”…does that refer to a room or like a wall locker type of thing?


Ok … Army wins!

I am going to the pub!


seriously, when you refer to a locker, what are you referring to? I picture a wall of lockers, like at a bus station, but I”m sure that isn’t what you are talking about.

Daisy Cutter

There’s a (goat) locker and there is a mess.

You can have a mess in the locker. 😉

I could be wrong but the locker is a physical place (lounge) and the chief’s mess is a virtual community.


But what about the Snot Locker?


I called a USMC Warrant “chief” one day…he lost his mind.

When he was done being upset, I told him…”welcome to the Army, Chief”…

we called him “chief” for his entire 4 month deployment just to mess with him.

I think he would have been more aggravated, but it would have interfered with hanging around at the coffee shop and MWR.


We seem to have had the same experience, boss! Scroll up!

Daisy Cutter

I knew a guy (E-8) that was in the Navy and never liked to bother with ranks.

He called everyone “Shipmate.”

It was endearing at first until you eventually realized that he didn’t care what your rank was.


MCPO NYC USN Ret. says:

“It was a play on words not rank.”

A play on WHAT words? What are you talking about?

“If you are looking for a fight..”

Nope, no fight. I am completely baffled and do not understand what you wrote or why you wrote it, thus the questions, which you gave no answers but a bunch of run-a-rounds.

I’m letting it go.


No, you did not let it go.

You got your Army green panties in a bunch.

Which, by the way … I like those olive drab undergarments.

They come in handy if you are pantless and being chased by coyotes.

12 step programs work.

You drilled in for a fight and lost.

This Chief is having a few libations and will raise one to you now …


Blake Morgan


Speaking of interservice rivalry, let me tell you something a lot of you may not have thought of.

When it comes to Broadway musicals, do you ever see Marines, or soldiers or airmen dancing around with tights and white gloves? No, you don’t. It’s always the Navy.

‘Nuff said. 😉


The Army does it like this:

Morgan Blake

No tights. PFFFFT!

Enjoyed seeing Ronnie back in the day.


Army Chiefs are like Unicorns or Bigfoot anyways. Very rarely briefly seen at official unit events, and the only telltale signs of existence are recently used coffee cups lying around…

Pineywoods NCO

Joseph Gorzoch, the Doylestown Dumbass.


OK, let’s settle this like men.

An ole fashioned Army & Navy dance off!

Here is my submission, bring it on Army:



Wow, the lessons one learns on this site, kind of explains why Navy guys are light on their feet. Also explains what they did on the flight deck on those long sea tours, “Dance class on the flight deck at 13:00”, and always they were in a group so other ships could send crew over to learn. Always did wonder why when at bars was always Navy out on the dance floor and Army at the bar. Navy would wear them selves out on the dance floor and Army would take the girls home. Kind of ruined that scenario now days in that they let women serve on ships.


Challenge accepted.