When collusion isn’t a crime what to do, what to do…

| April 2, 2019

lady justice

…or should Schiff resign?

Veritas Omnia Vincit has been watching the post-Mueller investigation blow back where Democrats, who for over two years have been so invested in the witch hunt, can’t accept the fact that it’s over and nothing was found. Case in point is Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) who has been clamoring his belief that President Trump and his administration colluded with foreign powers, regardless of what the summary of Mueller’s investigation revealed.

“We will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues. That is, is the president or people around him compromised in any way by a hostile foreign power? It doesn’t appear that was any part of Mueller’s report,” Schiff opined.

In the days since, there has been a push by GOP members to get Schiff to step down from his position as head of the House Intelligence Committee. This has had predicable results.

VoV sends..

“My colleagues might think it’s OK that the Russians offered dirt on the Democratic candidate for president as part of what’s described as the Russian government’s effort to help the Trump campaign,” he said. “My colleagues might think it’s OK that when that was offered to the son of the president, who had a pivotal role in the campaign, that the son did not call the FBI, he did not adamantly refuse that foreign help — no, instead that son said he would ‘love’ the help with the Russians. You might think it was ok that he took that meeting. You might think it’s ok that Paul Manafort, the campaign chair, someone with great experience running campaigns, also took that meeting. You might think it’s ok that the president’s son-in-law also took that meeting. You might think it’s ok that they concealed it from the public. You might think it’s ok that their only disappointment after that meeting was that the dirt they received on Hillary Clinton wasn’t better. You might think it’s OK. I don’t.” – Adam Schiff March 28, 2019

Schiff has been saying for the duration of the investigation he had seen the evidence of collusion. That’s great except there is no federal crime that is identified as collusion. There are conspiracy laws, there are federal election laws, there are not collusion laws. Collusion with a foreign entity might involve those other actual offenses against the law and that was what the investigation sought to discover.

Any good prosecutor or defense attorney will tell you that it’s not ever about what you think you know, it’s about what you know you can prove. It’s time for Representative Schiff to put up or shut up. His comments above are nothing more than his indications of actions he doesn’t much care for by the current administration and once again nothing in what he doesn’t like in the comment is a criminal act.

As an American citizen there were a great many things I didn’t like about the previous administration’s actions. I wasn’t fond of the guns for drug runners program, I wasn’t fond of increasing the number of nations we were bombing without any declaration of war or expansion by Congress of the AUMF agreement from the Bush administration. I wasn’t fond of being penalized for being healthy by being forced to buy a private company’s health insurance product. None of those things however were criminal in nature regardless of how I think about them.

Schiff and others would like to rewrite the Mueller report and make those things that might have been distasteful or outside the normal political arena and suddenly make them criminal to fulfill their fantasy of impeaching Trump. That’s a dangerous path to head down for any political party and shows me once again just how short sighted many of the current Democrats in supposed positions of leadership are on a regular basis. Just as the Republicans failed to make any significant case over Benghazi the Democrats are now failing to make a significant case over collusion. Benghazi was not a winning platform element for Republicans, collusion will not be a winning element for Democrats either. It’s always interesting that the party infrastructure often fails to recognize those moments when they willingly put on an Albatross necklace and step out into public.

High crimes are not apparent in the summation of the Mueller report, what will come of looking at the full report will undoubtedly be numerous moments of innuendo and backroom political machinations. None of which is now, nor has ever been actually criminal in nature regardless of how distasteful it appears to the public. They are continuing to press an issue forward that they believe wins them points based on liberal polling data. The same data they used to laugh at Trump’s feeble campaign for president.

Consequently, what they all fail to realize is that no matter what happens to Trump, Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States. Never, not ever, not once, not twice, not ever. The Democrats currently running don’t even want her shadow over their campaigns for fear of the taint associated with her and her husband.

As I’ve said innumerable times on this very website, I’m not a big Trump fan. However I’m less of a fan of any politicians who will try and bend the law into a pretzel to achieve a singular outcome without regard for the damage they do to the rest of the nation in the process. In this regard I think Representative Schiff is overstepping his authority and may yet regret it in 2020.

I don’t know if Schiff should resign or not over his comments, in his district I suspect if he’s not elected some other asshole just like him will be elected. I welcome your thoughts on this as well.

If nothing else the Trump years have been wildly entertaining and interesting for those of us who are political junkies.


Thanks V. It ain’t over ’till the fat lady sings.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Guest Post, Politics

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Perry Gaskill

This post seems to be a duplicate of one on 3/29:


MSG Eric

Well, democrats keep repeating themselves, so why not? lol

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Agreed, I thought it was a decent post but not certain it needs an encore. 🙂


Good – I was looking at this one and thinking, “I swear I’ve read this one before.”

Been “hair-on-fire” busy lately, but didn’t think I was so busy that I’d imagined having read it before. (smile)

A Proud Infidel®™️

Schitt, I mean Schiff is more full of shit than ten million geese and seagulls, TARDOs on the left will never stop screeching their mantra,
“Orange Man bad”… *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad”… *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad”… *CLICK*
“Orange Man bad”… *CLICK*

I can’t wait to see what whatshisface is going to orally excrete in response, I hate to conjure the goblin, but it’s gonna be fun to see!


“Whatshisface” is probably Schiff’s “special advisor for all things Orange Man”

MSG Eric

They’ve learned the art of “I win everytime!” from millenials and don’t want to let it go.

Trump could cure cancer and they’d get pissed off at him from taking jobs from doctors and researchers who treat it.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Hey Schiff, Why don’t you resign and go into the
Schiffon pie making business.


You must be referencing that Congressman Shiffhole. He makes Juicy Smullett look truthful.

Comm Center Rat

A friend of mine has such intense OCD he refers to it as CDO because he insists the letters be in alphabetical order.


OH, for Pete’s sake – just revoke Schiff’s clearance! That will really send him into another conspiracy tailspin.

If he’s this obsessed with unseating a duly-elected president, he ha a problem called D-E-N-I-A-L. He doesn’t like the REALITY that there is nothing there, that his entire conspiracy non-fiction book titled “How I Found The Manchurian Candidate” won’t have a publisher now, and he’s just another silly wretch with “orange man bad” rattling around in his squidgy brain.

Just take away his clearance. After all, he is clearly demonstrating a lack of intelligence, so how can he head the House Intelligence Committee???


Unless they had a prior Executive Branch security clearance, Congressmen don’t get specific clearances to revoke. There access is tied to their position as a Congressman and their specific committee assignments.


I’m amused at the notion that has been forwarded by many on the left that the president “obstructed justice” by instructing the AG not to investigate certain aspects of the campaign.

I don’t see how it is legally possible for the president to “obstruct justice” by instructing one of his subordinates to stop investigating anything. After all, the AG is an appointee – he works for and ‘at the pleasure of’ the president, which means the president can fire him at any time for any reason or for no reason.

So if the president picks up the phone and tells the AG to stop investigating something, that is not “obstruction of justice” – that is the president exercising his authority as the chief executive of the United States.

And if the AG says “I’m sorry Mr. President but I can’t agree with stopping this investigation” then the president is 100% within his rights and authority as the chief executive to say “Well, I’m sorry to hear that. Effective today, I am accepting your resignation” and appointing someone who will act in a way the president wants him to.

Any repercussions for the president doing something like that are political, not legal, which is exactly as the Constitution intends.


Neither the founders nor the constitution intended anyone to be above the law.

The removal from office is a political process.

But a president can be charged criminally once he is out of office, and he can be charged criminally by non-federal jurisdictions while in office.

Even Nixon’s pardon was an admission of CRIMINAL culpability and he would have been charged if not pardoned first.

Besides, claiming this should be a political process is implicitly arguing congress should be given the FULL report. Because it is up congress, not the presidentially appointed attorney general, to determine if the committed high crimes or misdemeanors.


I don’t follow your reasoning here.

The president is not “above the law” but in practical terms, there is nobody who can hold the president accountable other than Congress (through the impeachment process) or the people themselves at election time.

As you pointed out (correctly) impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. Which means that a “high crime” or “misdemeanor” is whatever the House says it is.

The House could impeach the president for having a bad hair piece if they wanted to. Of course, they’d be laughingstocks in their districts and would likely face serious political backlash for doing so, but there is no legal reason they couldn’t.

With regard to the Mueller report, the choice to release it or not release it is also an inherently political one. The president can direct the AG to release it or not release it and live with the political consequences either way, whatever they might be.


Counter-intel investigations are in service of the office of the president. That is his baliwick.

It would be utterly irrational to expect the Executive to investigate the Executive. Duh.

The check/balance of the Executive is congress and it’s power of impeachment.

But you already knew that.


So if you can’t find a law he broke, just make one up, eh?

That won’t end well for you. Trust me.


So if the president picks up the phone and tells the AG to stop investigating something, that is not “obstruction of justice” – that is the president exercising his authority as the chief executive of the United States.

And if the AG says “I’m sorry Mr. President but I can’t agree with stopping this investigation” then the president is 100% within his rights and authority as the chief executive to say “Well, I’m sorry to hear that. Effective today, I am accepting your resignation” and appointing someone who will act in a way the president wants him to.

Indeed. And there’s even historical precedent for that exact scenario.


AG Barr’s letter makes it clear that the AG and Deputy AG didn’t even have to consider this Constitutional issue when they came to the “no obstruction” decision.

If the professional prosecutors in Muellers team (most all of whom were not supporters of POTUS election) couldn’t come to an agreement that something was even potentially a crime before an opposing lawyer start presenting any evidence, then you have to question if a case can be made at all. Obstruction is a generally high bar to meet, let alone trying to meet it if there wasn’t an underlying crime to begin with.

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

Mueller has to be colluding with the Russians.

Say, anybody needs a mascot pirate? I have the dress and fake sword, but not the job. Got fired when I pointed my fake sword out and said, “Avast ho!” right when a woman walked in front of me. She got a free meal and now I can not pay for mine.


You suck at this.

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

You guys made me so angry that you have me talking to myself now. I hope you guys are happy.


It’s like you had any sense of humor surgically removed.


I think should go on National TV from the Oval Office and pardon himself of any and all wrong doing past, president and future.

And watch Libs heads explode.

Perry Gaskill

I’ve got a problem with Schiff on multiple levels:

In the first place, he apparently actually believes that the useless Trump Tower meeting with the Russian lawyer who wanted to talk about the Magnitsky Act is all the positive proof needed that President Trump is a Russian operative. People who work in the intelligence community can probably tell you that if you’re trying to get an accurate picture of things, situational context is often at least as important as what is specifically said.

Schiff has also managed to somehow combine such tunnel vision with a presumed guilty framework: Prove how you are not a Russian agent instead of making me prove how you are. This is stuff right out of a McCarthy-era playbook, and Schiff should know better.

It might also be pointed out that all the fuss over alleged Russian collusion, and speculation on the full Mueller Report before it’s even released, is a distraction from what is likely a more immediate and serious foreign threat. Last month, there were an estimated 100,000 illegal immigrants forcing entry to U.S. soil mostly by trying to game the asylum system. It’s also evident such efforts to breach our territorial sovereignty are organized.

And if you’re looking for intelligence community guidance and resources to help curb such a foreign threat, the chances are excellent you’re not going to find help with a congressional committee headed by a guy whose district is in a county that is home to the largest concentration of illegal aliens in the country.

5th/77th FA

Nailed it! Thanks Perry!


I would be a lot happier if Congress would do something substantive about the border than screwing around with collusion or the ACA.


Schiff is against a Republican candidate (not even in office yet) getting offered dirt from Russians, but he’s OK with a sitting US Representative getting dirt from Russians.


Pictures of naked Trump???? (Snorrrtttt!)

They could at least emit a warning!!!

Is that street in Odessa, TX? I was there when I was 4 years old. Should I report that?


Holy Crap, that is funny!


Congress appears to be demanding that AG Barr violate the law in releasing an interacted copy of the report. Classified info and Grand Jury info appear to be “must protect” by various laws.

If he complies with a congressional subpoena, that is not a defence against prosecution for the violation, is it?

If he does comply, nothing released improperly could ever be used in a prosecution, right?

I have a strong hunch there is serious dirt on Dems in that report, dirt that is legally actionable. And the “release it now!” Shrieking is in service of spoiling it’s utility in prosecuting the “wrong” folks.

Not to mention the utility of preventing anyone currently targeted from clearing themselves in court, no prosecution being thereafter possible.



“Unredacted” not “interacted”.


Collusion has never been a crime, except maybe in the context of anti-trust law, which made colluding by businesses to fix prices a crime under the Sherman Anti-trust Act. The correct term is “conspiracy,” which is just an agreement among two or more people to act in concert to commit a crime. In election law there is an offense of coordinating between an election committee and another entity in violation of the election contribution in kind laws. But otherwise, there is no crime of “collusion.” Any truthful lawer will agree.


I wonder why Hillary and the rest of the sponsors
Of this fake collusion document are still running around free ????
What most people don’t realize the juice of this report had little to do with collusion.. it’s the obstruction of justice all be it, it’s total bullshit
But that’s what the crazies on the left are waiting
For remember only Republicans can be changed with it
Because Democrats always get a pass
This is off topic but why is trump hell bent on telegraphing closing the boarder
We all know when someone does that it only leads to total mayhem
I’m still not sold on trump he’s playing us, he better at making you feel like he’s doing the right thing…. wish some of these idiots from the last occupation of 1600 would get there day in court but I know it’s never going to happen