Bucks prosecutor: Bensalem man lied about military service to avoid jail

| March 25, 2019

stolen valor

AnotherPat was kind enough to send us this story about Joseph E. Gorzoch, who seems to have a problem with drinking and driving.

The DUI convictions were his fourth and fifth such violations since 2002, according to Deputy District Attorney Robert James.

To ice the cake, as it were, he claimed military service, suffering from the PST of the D, with nightmares and flashbacks, as a Navy Sergeant. *cough* Since I have nothing more to say, here’s the article:

Prosecutors say a Bensalem man lied about serving in the U.S. Navy and being wounded in Afghanistan in order to receive a lesser jail sentence on DUI charges.

Prosecutors say a Bensalem man “spun a web of lies” in falsely claiming to be a U.S. Navy veteran injured by an explosion while serving in Afghanistan, in order to receive a lesser jail sentence for two DUI offenses.

Joseph E. Gorzoch, 41, was sentenced Thursday to serve four to eight years in state prison on charges stemming from two separate 2017 DUIs, and two years probation for a retail theft charge, court records show.

The sentence was handed down by Bucks County President Judge Wallace H. Bateman, who also supervises the county’s Veterans Treatment Program.

The DUI convictions were his fourth and fifth such violations since 2002, according to Deputy District Attorney Robert James.

James became suspicious of Gorzoch’s claims of military service while reviewing a presentencing report, where the defendant told a court-appointed psychologist last year he left the Navy after attaining the rank of sergeant and that he suffered from “service-related PTSD” and had nightmares and flashbacks. Gorzoch was looking to enter the veterans program and lessen his sentence, officials said.

“The problem with that is, there is no sergeant (rank) in the Navy,” James said.

James, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, began the veterans program in 2013 in an effort to direct returning military servicemen and women to benefits and support services.

He says Gorzoch also represented himself as a veteran to the county’s Drug and Alcohol Commission.

Surprising no one, after running Gorzoch’s name, date of birth and SSN through three separate veterans databases, James said he could not find any record of service.

But wait there’s more.

His military service wasn’t his only deception, authorities said. In an attempt to push back a scheduled district court hearing stemming from a 2017 DUI in New Hope, James said Gorzoch told court staff his mother had recently died and emailed the court a fake death certificate.

According to James, court staff did a web search for “forged death certificate” and the same document used by Gorzoch, including the doctor’s name listed on it, was the first one to pop up.

“The defendant appeared in court days later,” said James. “His mother was alive and well as she drove him to court … and was present in the lobby.”

The rest of this sad sack’s article may be read here: Buck’s County Courier Times

I was in for 17 years and never made Sergeant. Tip of the hat to AnotherPat for the link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Guest Link

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Combat Historian

Dumbass should have watched reruns of “McHale’s Navy” and “CPO Sharkey” to bone up on his Navy creds; he obviously did not…


41 years old and mommy has to take him to court.

We have a winner!


The drunk who ran over my daughter was 48. His mommy drove him to court. She didn’t have to drive him home – he got 8 years. Hooray for Texas.

You should have been there. Best line of the hearing:
Q (to my daughter): Are you better now?
A: Better than three weeks in a coma? Yes.


Even 8 years is far too lenient.


The shitbag that killed my sister in 80 got three months in fucking camp..bitch still drinks and married the asshole who killed her brother while driving.


Now that is fucked up.
Godspeed to your Sister and I am very sorry for your loss.
Alcoholism cuts across all lines. Back in 1980 the criminal aspect of DUI hadn’t been explored in depth yet. Back then the drunk level was .10
I know that for a fact…


I see young men and women in their 50s and 60s getting arrested all the time and their phone call is to mama to arrange for bail.

We point the finger at millennials a lot as kids leaning on their parents but the type has been with us all along.


When I turned 18, dad told me “If you ever get arrested, I will bail you out. BUT… if you get arrested on Friday or Saturday night, get comfy, I ain’t coming till Monday. Why should I screw up my weekend?” I had no doubt he meant every word and I never tested it.

A Proud Infidel®™

My Dad always told me I was on my own if I did something stupid enough to get arrested!

A Proud Infidel®™

“41 years old and mommy has to take him to court.”

She’s not only a mommy, she’s one heavy duty enabler, I bet he still lives under her roof.


every story like this has a co-dependent side.

But it is a hallmark of the failed man to still be riding on mommy’s skirt tail as an adult.

This is likely a deep and life long co-dependency where she has kept him dependent and he has simply enjoyed not having to actually grow up.

This is a far greater problem than most realize.

I’m betting there are children fathered by this mook out there ready to take their places in the family tradition….sigh…

Of all of the maladies facing America today, the destruction of the family and the replacing of the father with the state is by far the most disastrous.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Yep, I wonder if that turd has ever even had a job for any length of time? Likely not, I bet he has mooched off his Mother for nearly all of his adult life.


If they had suspended his license, someone had to drive him to court.

Wilted Willy

I hope his lying ass rots in prison, just like another lying pos we all know should join him!


If you are going to lie about something, do your research!


I guess this tool found out the hard way that prosecutors don’t like it when people lie to them.

And neither do judges.

Hope he “enjoys” prison.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m hoping that the Judge tacks at least a few months onto his sentence for lying to the Court!


5 DUI’s and just short sentence, must not have 3 strike law. Is getting awful tiring of these posers that get off lightly and not getting the book thrown at them. Is also getting tiring of some snide references as to some here that have problems we have gone through in our own personal lives. Like it has been said over and over “If you weren’t there you will never understand”. You are right tho, who gives a flying fuck about the past anymore.


Oh yeah, Officers (unless they are rifted) and regular Navy never do make it to the SGT or above rank.


“Is also getting tiring of some snide references as to some here that have problems we have gone through in our own personal lives.”

Who are you aiming that remark at? Are you claiming that you have been mistreated around here? Are you saying that military service makes driving around drunk OK??

Any of us can expect a negative reaction when we say stuff that either makes no sense or is just flat wrong. Not sure what to do with your statements above, but if you want us to understand it, you really need to be a bit more clear.


Just wonder what PTS of D is, Post Traumatic Stress of Dumbasses and Viet of the Nam, never heard of these things but then what do I know as am apparently just one of those Dumbasses who was stupid and was sent to a small country. Yes stupid in that I dodged the draft and volunteered and got sent there any way, to stupidly do a job, because I thought I was doing something for this country, boy what a joke that was.

Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

“Dear Outcast”,
All you need to do is either ask, or…… ask. Any of us would be happy to explain the inside jokes to a newcomer. No need to get personal butthurt over it.

Ann Landers


Well, sorry but I never turn my back to them other type of fellas so am not butt hurt, just one of the dumbasses who has PTS of the D and also was in your joke of the Viet of Nam so now guess I live in the US of the A or to the Californica’s like to call it the US of the MA or Butt Rack Obuttwipe’s people want to call it as being the US of the AA. Oh well I guess I ought to see if I am also one of the A of the O seeing as to I am no longer one of the McNamara of the Morons as enlisted before July 66 and those since are part of that group.


So, without understanding what it even means, you are now claiming to have caught the PTS of D? ‘Round here, that means you are claiming to be a phony. Are you sure that is what you want to claim?

Apparently you would rather get your nose out of joint than to get educated on that which you do not understand. Guess it’s easier that way.



Again, the damage is done and most people who hear his initial excuse, won’t go on to find out the truth. Thus leaving us with more people who think veterans need special treatment in the civilian world like a bunch of soiled diaper wearing toddlers. Asshole.

Travelin' Man

As a famous guy once said,
“Life is hard, but it’s real hard if you’re stupid.”
What a waste of oxygen.

Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

I think the better line is,
“Life is hard, it’s harder when your stupid”
– John Wayne
Variations on a theme. You say po-tay-to, I say po-TAH-to.

5th/77th FA

we say tater…usually smashed…with butter…and gravy…with buttermilk cat headed biscuits.

Is it Thursday yet?


NO, why? Did you want the Special on Potatoes this time?

5th/77th FA

Sure, why not? I think it’s just cause I’m hungry. Tho officially, by the calendar, I’m an older man, at heart and stomach, I’m still a little boy. Or maybe I just love food….Or I’m a pig…. or I eat for the shear pleasure of eating….or something?


Here. Take half my donut.

(Easy to be generous – I already ate one…)


Although having been eating them since a wee lad, I found out what cathead biscuits were – on this site! Guess we call them something else in Ohio. 🙂

Travelin' man

Actually, I say ‘taters’ !

A Proud Infidel®™

“Life is hard for you because you’re a dumbass.” – Red Forman

The Other Whitey

Special kind of shithead, this one.

5th/77th FA

What a piece of sh^t. Yes, there are Veterans out there whose Military Service cause them to drink to excess and do stupid stuff. But.not.this.one. Got to have some Military Service in the FIRST place. Do believe this loser could qualify for a deployment of the Continent of Insults. Be nice to have an expending of all ordnance FIRST thing this morning. I’d be willing to make a motion. Chip NASA to the white courtesy phone.

BTW AW1Ed, if you’d of joined the (GO) Army instead of the (BEAT) Navy, you could of been a SGT….or a Major….You coulda even been a SGT Major! (dodges empty thrown grog container, runs around the corner, laughing like hell)

ps Tanks for the post A’Pat…rtr/hbtd/gabn


Oh, goody. That means I still outranked my brother, no matter what he thought. 🙂 🙂 🙂


I’m more than a little disturbed that the veterans court there doesn’t require any more than a criminal’s say that they’re a vet.

Even more alarming is how a court appointed psychologist wasn’t able to sniff out that he didn’t have PTSD!

At least this shitbird was found out, but it sounds like the system is designed for this kind of scamming.


You’d think that verification of vet status would be required prior to the court accepting your case. That concept may make too much sense.

chooee lee

Well, I was appointed Colonel of the Urinal after only 10 months in the Navy.

The Other Whitey

Can I take a page out of Daffy Duck’s playbook and call myself “Supreme Allied Commander of Pizza Distribution?”


Not sure, but although you can’t have an incubator, you CAN have a Pizza Oven. Just cross out where it says “Machine Gun” and write “Pizza”.


Great M*A*S*H reference. Thanks.

Comm Center Rat

Now this Navy Sergeant will be known as “Seaman Stains” while he works for 35 cents daily in the state prison linen exchange office. How may I assist you today Thor? I’m here to serve you Tiny.


Five DUI arrests/convictions (?). I’ve seen this movie and it doesn’t end well. The ‘best’ that can be hoped for is he checks himself out w/o doing the same to another. Some poor family will lose their life and this guy might stumble away, reeking of alcohol. Sometimes the only answer is life without. Too harsh? Tell that to the next family he crashes into.


I wonder if he also claimed to have served as an infantryman in the U.S. Navy. 🙄


Maybe he was an Airborne Submariner??

A Proud Infidel®™

He could have been a US Air Force SEAL, a US Navy Green Beret or a US Army Force Recon!!

Roger in Republic

Wouldn’t that make him a US Marine?

Hides under desk, pulls rug over self.


So the degenerate habitual drunk driver wants to be able to claim PTSD? Hell, he’s welcome to mine – the untreated variant because I don’t want it in any form. Navy Sergeant, is that like the Corporal-Captain on M*A*S*H? Maybe it was one of those test ranks when they tried to do away with ratings… well I don’t like it, nosiree not one bit. In fact F–k him, put his no account drunk ass under the jail and forget about him.


To my esteemed colleagues who served in the Navy form a guy who served in the Army: Is a Navy Sargent like an Air Force Petty Officer? Thanks ahead of time.


Kinda sorta… but not in a ghey way.


Remember that Poe guy from America’s Got Talent? He said he “caught the PTSD”, as if it were some sort of transmittable disease, when it ain’t. But the psychs seem to want to hand that label out like some sort of coverall when it should not be done that way.

This dorkwad is a pathological liar, in addition to whatever else he’s done. Even if he gets 8 years, he’ll get out sooner than that and go right back to what he was doing. Count on it.


Isn’t that spelled STUPID?

John Wright

GORZOK (Gorzoch) sounds like a cool name for a monster.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like the name of some super villain from an early 1960s B-Grade Sci-Fi flick!

“Meanwhile, in his lair, the evil Gorzok plots his next move…”


Gorzoch the Infalllible, whose speeches last up to an hour and a half and are as incomprehensible as that picarsso guy over in the ‘threat to blow up VA’ link. Yes, we knew Gorzoch. We knew him well. We felt no bad stuff when we threw him overboard into the Whirled Pease of Bronica.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66, ARNG 75-77

What a great start for a Monday morning in having a non Navy Seal but a genuine Navy Sgt. phony baloney.


Keep wondering as what is the tape on the top of his head for. Yes it looks like a black mark is under it but Mommy could have used a magic marker and drew a line and maybe some stitch marks and covered it with tape to get him some sympathy in court. Course could have been Bubba pushing and ran his head into the bars. So many questions and no answers, oh well.


He walked into a shower door.

A Proud Infidel®™

…and then collapsed while crying for his Mommy to pick him up.


Looking at the above picture, I noticed a small white band-aide covering a scar on the top left side of his head.

I can only theorize that the scar comes from a dopamine drip procedure.

Apparently, the drip procedure triggered his lying drunken asshole neural receptors.

Not his fault. /sarc


Thinking about it here and all I can come up with is a unsuccessful frontal lobotomy attempt by his mother at home.

A Proud Infidel®™

I just gawked at the article, lookslike that sniveling LOSER Is living somewhere in PA where one would think that they would have stricter DUI Laws. Many States these days have “Three Strikes” Laws where one permanently loses their driving privileges after a third DUI after which being caught driving is an arrestable offense, something like “Driving while suspended or revoked with knowledge”.

Synloy un

I once heard a newscaster refer to a Lance colonel then show a picture of a young nineteen year old colonel