Oh, Here We Go Again

| March 25, 2019

Lever un

I’m still not sure what the hysteria is surrounding gun ownership, but is this going to precede confiscation of kitchen knives and — well, anything that can be used for self-defense?

I don’t have the language of this proposed bill in front of me, however, as AW1Ed pointed out when I sent it to him and Dave Hardin, it violates a bodacious number of Amendments to the US Constitution, as outlined in the article at Baldwin’s site. Due process goes right into the trash with this one.

I do recall that scene in ‘Josey Wales’ where the Northerners and Redlegs were confiscating the guns of the Southerners, who objected to it on the grounds that they needed them for hunting squirrels. Of course, that led to a shoot-out, because gun confiscation was going on the South after the Civil War ended.

We must remember that the twit who shot up two mosques in New Zealand was from Australia, where they have enormously strict gun control.  It ain’t the gun that’s the problem unless you’re hoplophobic to start with.

Anyone with a working brain knows that it is not and never has been the gun that is the problem, any more than a nuclear weapon is the real issue. It is who is holding the gun or has his finger on the “Launch” button.

Here’s the link to Baldwin’s article, an open letter to Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, both of whom should know better than to sponsor something so obviously out of whack with Constitutional law. I have considered that perhaps they decided to do this, not to confiscate guns, but to stir the pot and find out what happens when you do violate those laws with this kind of legislation. Take that into account you read this, but don’t bang your heads on the wall.


This is a link to Trump’s response at Real Clear Politics:


I will bring up the following: the Branch Davidian episode under Janet Reno; the Ruby Ridge episode; that abysmal business with a not-too-bright CPD cop shooting someone as high as a kite 16 times in the back, before the stoner dropped dead; the farce that was Burge, another CPD cop who tortured people to get confessions out of them even if they hadn’t done anything; the creepazoid episode of Baltimore cops shooting someone at his own front door; and that St. Valentine’s Day massacre at the bus barn on Clark Street in Chicago.

This isn’t just about guns or gun ownership.  It’s about your rights and mine.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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5th/77th FA

From.my.cold.dead.fingers….And a body surrounded by expended brass!

This could become dangerous for all. Having been a “victim” of false, trumped up charges, I know how quickly things can go horribly wrong.

Another reason I try to maintain a very good, close relationship with my local LEOs.


Since it’s a federal law who’s going to enforce it? “Deputy Bubba, the FBI says you have to go seize all the guns that Cletus Merle has out in his trailer. His ex cousinwife said he threatened her. Now go get em.” Don’t see that happening. Maybe in Chicago or New York but out here in flyover country, not so much.

Cops in Colorado, New Mexico and Washington have already stated that they aren’t going to enforce state laws that they believe are unconstitutional so I don’t see them jumping on the Federal Flag law bandwagon.


Once local LEOs start getting arrested for “obstruction” and “conspiracy” , and face time in general population, there will likely be more cooperation.

Don’t bet your own freedom on others.


Not trusting to others. But harken back to the days of the initial Brady Bill. The background check required local LEOs to conduct the background checks. Local LEOs sued stating they could not be forced to implement federal laws. Courts said “Yep. Feds enforce you’re own law”
Same shit “sanctuary cities” are pulling now. Immigration law is a federal law and we will not enforce federal law. To the point of not cooperating with ICE WRT detainers.

IF this abomination passes, I see a lawsuit being filed before the ink is even dry, the 5th Circuit issuing a nationwide injunction (thanks Obama judges for making that a thing) and the Supremes tossing the whole thing.

But just in case, if anyone wants to go boating with me, I’ll be renting a pontoon party boat. Capacity of about 20 PAX.


Colorado does not take your guns they take you.

If you want of find out how these things are going to go look at the whole video confrontation between Douglass County Sheriff’s Office and Mathew Riehl.

Riehl was killed by Douglas County Deputies for pretty much just being an asshole. 1 Deputy was killed and four more wounded in the shootout as well as two other uninvolved people. There is extensive body cam footage available from the TV Show Body Cams showing the confrontation leading up to the shootout. The deputies were planning on seizing him and putting him in a mental institution even though there was no evidence that he was a threat to himself or others.

I bring it up because this a textbook case of what can go wrong under these laws. Up to the point where deputies breached his apartment to seize his weapons Riehl had not threatened anyone or committed any crime (although maybe some noise violations) but was generally being a pest.

Some mentally ill people (like Riehl) are waiting for the police to come get them to trigger an encounter like what he got.

A Proud Infidel®™

just look at [formerly] Great Britain which has all but banned guns and GUESS WHAT? their rate of stabbings went through the roof with their Government now trying to regulate and ban knives, what a bunch of bloody fookin’ Poindexters!

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

Enough with making fun of our initiatives. We are better educated than you! Avast! You are to forthwith and henceforth bow to our superior intellectual thoughts and ideas.


Currently Houston is witnessing what happens when cops acted on false evidence and kicked in the wrong door a couple of months ago. Supposed heroin dealers turned oly to have had recreational quantities of pot… and were killed by the popo for shooting back at a police home invasion. We are still waiting for full disclosure of the “biker shootout” in which the majority of the folks shot were killed with 5.56…and none of the bikers used rifles.


Yeah, Houston and Waco are not making themselves the pride of Texas.

In Houston it was reported that one of the cops had lied, which led to the fiasco.

The fact that cops are human beings, with all the failures appertaining thereunto, is one reason we need the 2nd Amendment and the right to be equally well armed and equipped as they.

Mr. Pete

I pray for my tortured country.

Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

Is it time to turn John Ross’ “Unintended Consequences” from story to real life?


Since an actual shooting civil war would likely result in 10-20 million casualties, if not significantly more, we really should try not to go there.

Boxcars used to “relocate” folks would be a pretty good “go” sign. Mass “disappearances” of folks would also be a sign.

You don’t want to wait until you hear the showerheads hissing. But you also do not want to become that lunatic on the evening news.


Time to end the farcical, utterly failed ‘War on Drugs’. That will cut the problems in half, at least.

Did we learn NOTHING from Prohibition I?!?!