Terry Stater Column

| November 9, 2007

Terry Stater has written an outstanding column entitled: The Second Casualty of War, you can find it HERE on STLToday.com
A short excerpt: If “In war, truth is the first casualty,” the second is the image and reputation of our military. It has been under attack for 40 years. It isn’t the primary target; it is collateral damage, or a useful secondary target, in a war on the war.

Debate on the Iraq war is legitimate. Dissent can be patriotic. But the campaign against the honor, courage and integrity of our troops isn’t just unpatriotic; it is despicable. It is treason. The honor of those who serve cannot be tarnished or stolen. It is diminished only in those who try. Those who denigrate our military often begin with, “I support the troops, but….”
Very worthwhile reading.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics, Support the troops, Terror War

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Don Carl – EXCELLENT column by Mr. Stater. I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for the link!