Veteran’s homeless village ill conceived | The Olympian

| February 10, 2019

I have to agree that a “Veteran Village” for “homeless” veterans is an ill-conceived idea in Olympia, Washington.


FEBRUARY 09, 2019 04:43 PM,

UPDATED FEBRUARY 09, 2019 04:43 PM

After a Q&A session Feb. 1 at Christmas Village with City of Shelton proponents of the Veteran’s Homeless Village, and my own research, I have concluded this proposal is fraught with deception. There was no priority given to address concerns. Residents, some which are veterans, already have, namely security and property values. A local realtor warned that a homeless village near residences will drop residential property values; an opinion supported by a DuPage, Illinois, study and report given by a national realty association, and I quote: “a homeless facility has four times more negative effect on housing prices than being near a hospital and more of an effect than living near a powerplant and funeral home.” The data says this site will lower property values, increase costs to the city and county, and increase crime, all of which the city officials know.

Unlike Olympia’s Quixote site, Shelton’s proposed site is a stone’s throw from more than 100 homes with a vulnerable elderly population, many physically limited, on a fixed income. Compound this security issue with the fact that the site is a half mile from four public schools with over 2,800 elementary to high schoolers. Parents of these vulnerable students should be appalled that no public or PTA meetings were held before site placement or leasing even commenced. Dozens of students walk daily to and from home by this proposed site.

Shelton’s green space cries out: Squatters welcome!

The quickest way to keep the population of their homeless village to single digits is to let us confirm the military service of anyone who claims they are a homeless veteran.

Then, let’s get those two or three people in Olympia into the VA system.

Poof, no more homeless veterans in Olympia, Washington.

May the Gods forbid veterans from being around “a vulnerable elderly population”.  It’s so heartwarming to see concerned citizens protecting their property values.  Let me put their hysterically triggered tantrums to rest:


Even if that nonsense was true to any degree, may I suggest they contact one of the over 30,000 veteran charities in this country to come help.


Source: Veteran’s homeless village ill conceived | The Olympian

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, I hate hippies, Liberals suck

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2/17 Air Cav

Chief Rotten Teeth will be the village leader, I hear.

5th/77th FA

I hear he’s already the Village Idiot.

He do gots hisself a speaking engagement on evening upcoming out there in commiefornia. A paid gig at that. I hope he has “Times” for it.


He’ll be leading the line out of the village each morning as the occupants go to their designated street corner. They will have their ‘Homeless Veteran, Anything Helps, God Bless’ signs.

I give to charities that I am able to verify as being legit.


There’s a program in my area to get veterans into available housing, especially in the most recent cold snap. There are programs like that in most states.

I know these people mean well, but they never think about the consequences for other people.


They do not care at all about the consequences to other people.


I have never understood what veterans and homeless have to do with each other.
Everybody gotta pimp the vet.
Lets all march to bring awareness to the plight of our vets who experience higher levels of everything bad because of their military service. Disease, suicide, drug use,
violence (lots of violence) and the list goes on. Parking tickets, gun ownership, divorce,
adjustment problems and of course demon alcohol.

Thank you for my service.


Outstanding point about confirming if they really are a Vet. An informal “Hey Bud, what was you MOS? (in my experience anyway) A. Makes them scurry away. B. They’ll give you something ridiculous like-“Yeah, I was Special Forces..secret commando, Navy Seal underwater-sniper battalion agent orange company”. C. They tell the truth.

Comm Center Rat

Besides SF (18), most Army “vets” I’ve encountered on urban streets claim 92Y (supply)and 68W (medic) as their preferred MOS. Additionally, when asked which division they served with most “vets” spout off with the 82nd Airborne or 101st Airborne. One “vet” told me he was in the 25th ID but of course, he didn’t know the division is headquartered in Hawaii.

When asked what I did in the military, I prefer to reply “I did a lot of waiting and even more paperwork.” It keeps conversations mercifully brief.


You know that having a Supply MOS makes you an Door Gunner, right?

The Stranger

That’s only in the Marine Corps, if Forgin Frank is any indication!


“Forgin’ Frank”.
Haven’t heard that in a while.

Comm Center Rat

And don’t forget the HUD-VASH Program (Housing and Urban Development – Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing). This program combines the HUD Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless veterans and their families with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) at its medical centers and community based outpatient clinics.

Hack Stone

Well, there is a home on Wilson Lane in Bethesda MD that is probably vacant. It just needs a little fixing up, maybe fumigated to remove the stench of failure, and would it be asking too much too much to get a mailbox WITH a door?


It’s currently an EPA Superfund site.

Seems there was enough oil spewed on the driveway, lawn, and gutters to supply most of the DC Metro area for several years.


I agree wholeheartedly that there are few real homeless veterans. We have seen repeatedly one this site that bums claiming they are “homeless” war veterans had either never served at all or they were bedwetters who couldn’t even make the revered Gunga Dan Line. The poster boy for “homeless” veterans is ol’ Jessie “Killer Ranger” MacBeth, who was another BCT washout. IIRC, he didn’t even make the Gunga Dan Line.


Jesse Macbeth = 43 days as a bedwetter, then kicked to the curb.


Oops, forgot to add:

Gunga Dan Line = 111 days

A Proud Infidel®™️

But some libtards in the snooze media sure feel for his bullshit hook, line and sinker!


They not only “feel” for his lies, they fell for them quite consistently. But for the commenters on littegreenfootballs, they would still be preaching his BS story about Bush the Younger’s military service.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I wholeheartedly concur!


I know of one in my AO. No matter how much help we tried to get him through the VA, the vets home, and veteran’s court, he wants to remain on the street.

Working the road I came to the conclusion that most homeless want to be homeless. They like the freedom I guess.


From my minimal experience with the homeless, they certainly don’t want a job, unless you call begging for handouts on street corners a job.

Trapper Frank

Just my dos centavos, but the homeless “vets” I have had contact with were shitbirds. Most got thrown out of their respective service for being shitbirds. Once a shitbird, always a shitbird.


Here in my little berg, we had a program called “Homes for Warriors.” The City was supposed to build or renovate homes for wounded veterans and sell them to those vets. The City even arranged for financing.

The program was plagued with overcharges, fraud, a councilman who “donated” his companies services and then took a tax deduction which turned out to be twice the value of the services and took a court order to get what he had deducted.

The first home was sold to the vet for less than $60,000. It’s appraised value was $140,000.

Nine months into ownership, the couple in the house sold the home for the appraised value, paid off the loan of $60,000 and then walked away $80,000 richer.

As we have gotten older, we have become jaded and skeptical of “it’s for veterans,” “it’s for the homeless,” and “it’s for the kids.


“It’s for the children” is my fave progtard trope which they use for selling any bad idea that has something remotely to do with children.


I will donate spare change to a cat shelter or give the guy who sold newspapers on the corner in the Loop some cash, long before I will donate anything that is a ‘feelzgood’ program for people who do it for virtue signaling.

Both of my cats are bums. They give me accusing looks and make nuisances of themselves if supper is not on time, and annoy me at 5AM to get food out of me. There is no way to escape them, or small children. It’s easy enough to send small donations monthly to an animal shelter and a lot more worthwhile.

If that makes me a curmudgeon, fine.


Another great word.
Thank you, Ex-Ph2.


Actually there is already a homeless veterans domicile just up the road at Retsil Veterans home in Port orchard. Last time I visited with my dears group they weren’t up to capacity yet.


Riders not dears freaking autocorrupt