OXYGEN: Seduced by Evil

| February 9, 2019

Tonight on the Oxygen Channel (Oprah Winfrey) they are airing a movie called “Seduced By Evil.”  It is the story of the women swindled out of love and money by Derek Alldred, who posed as a Navy SEAL and medical doctor.

This show will air at 2000 – 2130 (8pm-9:30pm for civilians) Eastern Standard Time so adjust for your time zone.

You may recall Mr. Alldred, who was exposed by This Ain’t Hell… several times in fact.

Watch it.  There won’t be a quiz but you will be jealous if you can’t participate in the discussion about it tomorrow morning.

Category: Fake SEAL, Navy, Navy Poser, Past Posers, Phony SEAL

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Carlton G Long

If it is on Oxygen, it is likely to be more about him being evil because he is white cisgender than for being a valor thief. And of course the lady will be a perfect “saint” with a big heart as well as a firm belief in “a woman’s right to choose.”

Daisy Cutter

Women = Good, Men = Bad

5th/77th FA

Oh nooooooooo. The O channel don’t come in on free tv antenna broadcast. I won’t be able to watch it. The disappointment is real. (/s/)

If there were to be a quiz FIRST thing in the morning, I do believe I could ACE the test, just from the cheat sheet left by Daisy Cutter & Carlton G. Long.

Daisy Cutter

Try Hulu. You get a 7 day free trial and Hulu is pretty good for TV shows.

Get in, get out. Just like SEAL Team Six.

5th/77th FA

Ok huuuuuummmmmm NO!

I’m wid 2/17 Air Cav on this. I’ll even go paint something so I’ll have some paint to watch dry. Been surfing old country music videos on the you tube. Got some real nice quality headphones and the beer is cold. Hope y’all enjoyed it. I’ll cruise thru all the comments FIRST thing in the morning and be ready for any quiz that may pop up.


Let me be the FIRST to commend you on choosing free tv. I love it. I get CBS, FOX and PBS. All three!

Many years ago while working in the woods we had a portable tv that ran on a car battery. No stations to pick up but it made a damn good camp light.
Never missed a show.


Homeboy here made the front page top on Fox News on-line.

Mark Lauer

The movie will probably tell the harrowing story of how the woman, and a group of her female friends managed to put an end to his evil pandering through dogged determination, and investigation via the internet, and finding a female Navy officer who helped them track down his non-existent records from his time in the male dominated SEALs.

Aggravated Mopery

Its either this, Barney Miller or the new AAF league.

Im sticking with Fish


Thanks for the head’s up on this, Steve. I had to put my toxic masculinity aside so I could record something on the Oxygen channel.


My girlfriend at the time a few years ago took over my Netflix account and started ordering a lot of Broadway musicals.

Netflix has an algorithm so they must have thought I was gay and started sending me a bunch of movie suggestions with that type of theme. Billy Elliot, etc.

Took me over a year to get back to hairy-chested suggestions.


Greetings PTBH, I don’t have a hairy chest but I still don’t know who Billy Elliot is.

However, on a side note, my wife asked today what shoe size I wear and I told I’ve increased two sizes since I’ve hit my 50’s and now almost 60; almost size 11 now.

The problem is my dick is shrinking. I’d always heard the two were related but not inversely.

I think I’ve been lied to, sadly.


Billy Elliot was a film in 2000 and was a coming of age film about a young boy getting in touch with his gayness.


All the boys, including his older brother, teased Billy because he liked to participate in ballet and not boxing.

The British dialect is thick, so sometimes hard to follow.

Billy: “Just because I like ballet, doesn’t mean I’m a poof, you know.”

Doc (FMF)

Netflix? Not for me.

Not going to intentionally give money to Barky and Magilla-O.


I quit after I could not find Walter Brennan flicks. His Westerns were great but the Real McCoys was racist.


Poor Pepinno


I like hairy-chested films.

Is there something wrong with me if I prefer John Wayne over Richard Chamberlain? Or CPL Hicks over LT Gorman?

Retired Grunt

I can’t believe I’m watching this…. what a waste of everything. I find it hard to relate to anyone and even get a real date. This naval seal captain fake mf’er c#ck gobbling turdbag had 25 seemingly attractive intelligent women on the hook. FML…..


My sister-in-law is always lamenting that she can’t find nice guys. So she continually dates dirt bags and douches. Won’t take advice to find a nerdy guy, cause they aren’t cute enough.

Retired Grunt

I would not say that I am nerdy but I wouldn’t say that I’m an Adonis either LOL. I know have a lot of people on this site feel about things like PTSD but I really have serious issues relating to people personally now and it sucks. This guy on the TV is a total douche and he gets to date 25 seemingly very intelligent and attractive women I would give my left nut just for one LOL


Look me up Retired Grunt….I took that pig down and very single!!! Lol


Neuroscience has mapped the human brain…what they have found is that the amygdala and the fore brain are essentially separate centers, one triggered by knowledge and training the other by the endocrine system. Emotions, are not subject to the fore brain as the endocrine cues do not pass through higher thought synaptic structures in the fore brain, but pass directly to the amygdala triggering response actions rather than thought. Much like the fight or flight reaction. How does this work? Oxytosin is an important part of this equation and in a beautiful piece of evolutionary adaptation, the female produces most of it, binding the female to the male emotionally. Oxytosin can be triggered by things like baby faces, but mostly by the presence of testosterone. The male producing more testosterone triggered the most oxytosin in the females. Hence, the strongest or most capable males “got” the best and most fertile females, while the females got the security and resource necessary to care for offspring. The native intelligence of these females simply doesn’t matter. It takes a strong will and years of practice for a person to learn to dominate the amygdala with the fore brain and prevent the response center from “running the system”. This means a lifetime of trial and error and consequence based programming. Unfortunately, our culture promotes the opposite in most females (and increasingly in males). So, males with lots of testosterone trigger lots of oxytosin which triggers a response in the amygdala which bypasses rational processes and produces in the female a desire, however irrational, to believe and be with the male. When the male in question is no longer around, the cycle is broken, and the oxytosin levels recede allowing a pathway for rationality to return providing the female does not immediately bond with another toxic partner. This is also why so many break ups and divorces are so nasty. The withdrawal of the oxytosin is as toxic to the individual as any other chemical addiction withdrawal. It is worth noting that sociopaths appear to understand intuitively that this provides operational advantage over females that… Read more »


Hmmm, and here I figured they were just lonely.


Nope. Sticking with Live PD.

Warwick, RI is so much more entertaining.

Keepin' It Real

OK, I just finished watching the entire thing.

There was a lot of crying. There was a lot of disbelief.

And that was just me. The women even more so.

2/17 Air Cav

“Watch it.” Not on your life. Not even with your eyes. No way. No how.

2/17 Air Cav

Order of preference:

1 Watch paint dry.

2. Watch grass grow.

3. Watch the clock.


5,897,022. Watch Seduced by Evil.


So what you’re saying, CAV, is, it is on list still.

Actually, I’m about to start it in a few with my wife. I’ll let her yell at the TV for a chance.


I watched it. I was just amazed at how much rope the authorities gave him. If it wasn’t for the NCIS, I wonder how long he would have continued his crime wave. Apparently, the corrupt Feebies had no interest in him. The only reason he is going to spend until 2038 in the slammer is because of the NCIS and these ladies he swindled, and a Texas judge.


Exactly. I am thankful everyday that I lived in The Colony, TX and the police and detectives took this serious. The NCIS Detective was the best. Don’t mess with Texas and now Derek has bubba to spend nights with!

Keepin' It Real

Retired Grunt

I thought that was awesome as well….. in the end it was stolen valor that got him. Lol


I am thinking you are being unfair to them. Once they learned he was a phony they were done with him. Some were even terrified of him. Their only offense was being gullible. They have paid a stiff price for that.


You realize a woman married Richard Ramirez…


Yes, but women who marry notorious serial killers in the joint are mentally disturbed. I have seen mind readers (psychatrists) who opine that the only reason they marry them is the satisfaction of saying they are “married” to someone who will stay locked up for the rest of his life. So, yes, some “bitches be cray cray,” as the rappers would say,


None of us would take him back. I’m the one in the glasses who cried most of the time. The reason is that this had just happened to me. I was his last victim. I was embarrassed, humiliated and so angry. I wear my feelings on my face. Oh well. But I did all I could to get him to pay the price for what he did for years. We won. Talk to me about it now…you won’t see tears. You will see confidence and a smile!


I’m watching the show now. I love how he blew town while out on bail before his sentencing in Minnesocold. Too bad they couldn’t have sent Mule-ear and the Feebs after him.


I wonder how this one will turn out:


Cannot help but wonder if he mentioned military service. Nah, I don’t wonder at all.


Women are dumb…


You guys are just as easily suckered by women as women are by men.

5th/77th FA

More so; God only gave us enough blood to operate one brain at a time.


My posts are not…posting. So if you see repeats, it’s not on me.