Viking Statue Toppled – Again

| January 2, 2019

viking statue thorfinn karlsefni boathouse row schuylkill river

Photo from PhillyMag.

I don’t know what the vandals who do these things have against the Philadelphia statue of Thorfinn Karlsefni, a Viking who followed Leif Erickson’s trail into North America in AD 1004, but it seems as though every year in the fall, for about six years now, someone decides to pull down the bronze statue of him and throw it into the Schuykill River.

Last year, the statue’s face was spray painted red and then it was dragged into the river. Since it’s a 1920 bronze casting, it isn’t a lightweight object. This time it was decorated with anti-Nazi language and the anarchy symbol.

Per the Philly Mag article, since this episode of vandalism preceded a Vikings/Eagles game, that may have had something to do with it this time. However, that connection was deemed slim by Philly police.

It’s also notable that a skinhead group meets nearby for their annual Leif Erickson celebration, and that they’ve clashed frequently with the Philly Antifas.

Remember those two Marines who were beaten by Antifas a couple of weeks ago? This vandalism took place around the same time as the vandalism event.

Probably the same bunch of useless schmucks, because frankly, people we used to call useless troublemakers have nothing else to do.

The response I have to these acts, since they take place under the cover of darkness and also seem to have a common theme, is that if these dweebs were faced with real Vikings, they’d wet themselves… copiously.


Image result for viking images

Anyone want to tangle with this skjaldmær? They were also called Valmeyjar, or battle maidens. It was not unusual for Viking women to choose to be shield maidens (skjaldmær).

In Old Norse, valkyrja, as well as Old English wælcyrge means literally, “chooser of the slain”.  And the fighting was usually over waelstow reáfung (battle plunder) and breeding rights. But that’s a different part of Norse history and legend.

And then there were the Celts. You do know that some Celtic women trained the boys and men for battle and participated in fighting themselves, don’t you? You didn’t know that? Ah! Well, then….

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

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Idiots gotta idiot. I suppose. They probably think he’s some Civil War figure.


It does appear to be Antifa who associate it with Nazis since a local neo-Nazi group has decided to make the statues location their meeting place for the dipshit Nazi activities.

There is no standards for joining antifa other than owning some black clothing and the only standard for joining the neo-Nazis is being white.

So both organizations are a very inclusive place for dipshits.


City of Brotherly Love, riiiiight.

The Other Whitey

And we all know how your Anqueefa buddies are obsessed with being the only nazis in town, Lars. Kinda like the Rohm/Himmler feud.

A Proud Infidel®™️

And it’s no secret that Ernst Rohm was a flaming homosexual who had a thing for young men.

The Other Whitey

Interestingly enough, so was Himmler. The big difference being that Himmler liked his boys dead first.


Many homersexuals have a thing for young males. That is why scouting and the priesthood was so popular with many of them. Ernst learned the hard way not to become too popular in a totalitarian dictatorship.

2/17 Air Cav

“[T]he only standard for joining the neo-Nazis is being white.”

So, then, Jews and white converts to Islam are okay? How about white members of the communist party? How about a couple of lispy, limp-wristed white males who walk hand-in-hand into a neo-Nazi meeting? Transvestites? Trannys? Couldn’t be that your statement is another Larsfact, could it?


Ed, speaking of Civil War figures:

It is now official, effective 1 January 2019:

“Alexandria Renames Jefferson Davis Highway to Richmond Highway”:

Sheesh…what’s next? 🤔



5th/77th FA

The Peace Memorial in PDRofMd is under hard attack too. WWI Memorial in the shape of a cross.

Slow Joe

Erasing ethnic heritage?
Isn’t that a crime or something?


Erasing Cultural Heritage is not a crime in the US other than statutes against property crimes.

Hate crimes require a victim.

It would be a crime if it were private property and it was targeted because of animosity toward the property owner or owners based on perceived race, ethnicity, religion etc.

There are scholars ,mostly liberal, that believe targeting objects of cultural heritage should be a hate crime even if there is no specific victim being targeted. Countries in the EU have passed such laws.


Erasing cultural heritage is a favored pastime of the left. They’ve turned it into a cottage industry.

As a person of Viking heritage, I am victimized by seeing my people’s history destroyed and mocked. Your tolerance and defense of these racists is unforgivable.

Perry Gaskill

There is also probably no law in the 50 states making it specifically illegal to cut off Lars’ air supply. Still, the crime of homicide-by-suffocation does apply, for which a court might have some sentencing leeway depending on special circumstances. In this instance, the court could well be inclined to be lenient because, well, it’s Lars…


Seems like a coupla ex snipers with gen3 NV would handle it quickly.

Commissioner Wretched

Had Stacey Abrams won the Governor’s race in Georgia, she said one of her objectives would be the removal of the carvings of Confederate leaders on the side of Stone Mountain.
Never mind that the carving is protected by state law, as are other Confederate memorials in Georgia and throughout the Southeast; she planned to have it sandblasted away anyway.
I’m more than a little glad she didn’t win.


My heritage is Viking as well. But we were not the owners of the statue or targets of the crime

2/17 Air Cav

“My heritage is Viking as well.”

Somebody in your family lied to you, Lars, and is probably still laughing about it. Viking, Inc was the name of the company that produced the sperm bank cups.


Wow, the cuttlefish known a Cunthulu, is waxing eloquent on the law. Wonder where he obtained his law degree. Maybe he studied with D. Birdbath, J.D., at Flybynight Law.


asspull U

A Proud Infidel®™️

Let’s see, the Nazis toppled statues and memorials they didn’t like, ditto with the commies in Russia as well as China and Vietnam, and now we have the antifa shits acting just like Hitler’s Sturmabteilung or “Brown Shirts” did in the days of Hitler’s rise to power.

5th/77th FA

Just gonna get worse for the cultural heritage hate attacks on Confederate War Memorials. Y’all know my feelings and postings on this subject quite well. Even “Silent Sam” from UNC was dedicated to the men of UNC that served, it was not a “generic” War Memorial.

The hatred of these Memorials has and is spreading to Statuary Art of all forms. The hatred and hypocrisy of the domestic enemies of our beloved Country has no ends. They will not rest until their mission is complete.

The Stacy Abrams, OCs, Betos, DiFis, Al Sharptons, Lewis Fs et al are just the ones we know about.


Elvis did steal black music and got rich and corpulent off it. So yeah, they’ll be going after him soon enough.


There’s a Confederate memorial right down the road in Piney Point MD, just outside of the State Park there. It commemorates the Confederate soldiers who died at the Union run prison camp there. There are several marked graves, but the total is known but to God.

The memorial also flies the The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, commonly known as the Stars and Bars. It is on private property.

Any Antifa types looking to desecrate the memorial would receive a very warm welcome indeed, and never be seen again.

5th/77th FA

Resistance will become futile. You and your knowledge will be assimilated.

Comm Center Rat

Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go to Valhalla with Ragnar Lothbrok.


“I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints,

The sinners are much more fun.

Only the good die young.”

Billy Joel.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well there are mostly white folks in Iceland so I’m sure antifa wienies think it must be racist…

They’re not particularly bright and intelligent associations aren’t their forte.


They also won’t let you have kids with your cousins. I’m sure that offends Antifa as well.

5th/77th FA

Now, now, now, VOV; everybody knows from their history books that Viking ships flew a nazi swastika at the bow and a Saint Andrews Cross/Army of Northern Virginia Confederate Battle Flag on the stern. The cross/main mast that held the main sail was mounted and fired by a white boy wearing a sheet and a hood. These ships sailed south to the middle passages and awaited for the ships filled with africans who were released from the holds and chained to the oars of the Viking ships.

Chapter two covers the Errickson who built a metal raft with a cheese box on top.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun where hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
Will drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde
Sing and cry
Valhalla, I am coming

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

I do not blame you guys for wanting to be like me. If I were you, I would also want to be me.


And I get accused of being the forum troll with idiots like this guy posting.

5th/77th FA

It is not an accusation, it is a statement of fact. You ARE the idiot forum troll.

Go Away…Go Far Away

The Other Whitey

You were trolling, irritating, and generally making an ass of yourself long before the narcissism posts started, dickhead. We’ve been keeping track. As usual, Commissar, you lose.



2/17 Air Cav

He must have committed grave sins and his penance is to regularly visit here, make comments, and be ridiculed. Either that or he’s just an asshole who enjoys being regarded as an asshole.


Sarcasm stings when it’s dead on-target – doesn’t it, Poodle?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

There should be a statute made to Leif that statute alone. I hope I didn’t start punning too early in the year.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ok Ex, what do I do with Jam. This should be good. I hope I don’t get into a jam with the question./grin

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ya got me on that one.

RGR 4-78

I bet you grew up in Punsylvania.


Those Valmeyjar, or battle maidens, were said to be full of Leif…


While the image of a skjaldmær provided by Ex-PH2 is indeed attractive, I doubt it’s historically accurate.

I’m fairly sure spike heels were not a fashion option for skjaldmær – or any other Viking ladies, for that matter. (smile)

RGR 4-78

Leif us alone, we aren’t hurting anybody. 🙂


Stephan Pastis incorporates puns in his strips:

5th/77th FA

Yeah, but Lucy only charges Charlie Brown 5 cents.


Could it be pantophobia?



Hope you don’t mind that I post this video …could not resist….*Grin*

“Cthulhu Statutes Appearing Around the World!”


Perfect comeback, Ex…Perfect!


Cthulhu (AKA L.T.) sometimes has a good sense of humor…😉

It’s all good, L.T.😄


Why yes, yes I do want to tangle with that skjaldmær.

chooee lee

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