Blast From The Past – Shane Kunzeman; phony Army Ranger

| January 2, 2019

This week’s Blast From the Past “winner” is Shane Kunzeman, phony Army Ranger.

Shane paraded himself as an Army Ranger, Special Operations, PSYOP, etc. In some of his correspondences, he insisted on the reader’s calling him so that “he can go into more detail”. Why not simply go into more detail in the correspondence?

Well, as you can see below, things can get screen captured.

Turned out that he was regular supply, and that he simply did not exercise good judgment. He did what he wanted to do, at the expense of what he was supposed to do, and lied about things to prop himself up for his own benefit.

Well, after his lies were exposed, he jumped in and played the martyr:

Originally posted by Shane Kunzeman:

Hello everyone, I figure after the seven death threats that I’ve gotten this morning, and the man who called from an unknown number saying he’ll be at my office doorstep today and I’m sure a lot of you guys out there are extremely happy about that maybe another veteran will get killed who is a father and a husband and you can say that guy got what he deserved and since you guys decided to threatened my wife and kids and the attacks on my friends and clients maybe you all should know a few things.

Naturally, when the exposed phony/embellisher jumps onto a thread like this, you guys can predict what would happen.

During the exchange, he tried to BS the site into taking down the post on him. Continuing to play the martyr, he tried to make it sound like we were being cruel to the veterans that he was trying to help. He also attempted to paint a picture of us putting his family through an experience they didn’t need to go through.

His commentary and action on the other thread about him, as well as his actions in the organizations he was at, have one common denominator. He refused to accept responsibility for his own action. He also refused to view himself in an image other than how he actually viewed himself.

Eventually, he gave up trying to get the post on him taken down. He disappeared for a few months until he showed up again. On May 25, 2018, he wrote:

Originally posted by Shane Kunzeman:

I have discontinued the company. My deepenst apology.I wanted nothing more than to help veterans. And I want my family and and others to be safe. This has obviously changed my life for the worst. I honestly worked hard for the vets and I did my very best. We were just not able to continue due to many reasons. Please accept this apology. Hopefully I can get things back on track for my family and future. As honestly all I want to do is help people from the bottom of my heart. I have learned many lessons in this company and with veterans. I can assure you that I am deeply sorry. God bless.

Once again, he attempted to play the martyr. He attempted to BS us into thinking that our actions, and the site’s keeping the post on him up, contributed to his life changing for the worse. He appears to still want the post about him to be taken down.

The passage of time did not stop him from accepting responsibility for his own actions and moving on from there.

On November 19, 2018 someone wrote:

Originally posted by Penny Huber:
Number two… why does it matter at this point if you already have crucified and buried! I have the commendations and verified, thank you!

Just thought a note of ” shame on you” also needed to be called on you as well!”
Thank you!

This appears to be a sock puppet username, as it is very personal on behalf of Shane Kunzeman. It’s very defensive, especially with the “I have the commendations” remark. Once again, this individual shows that Shane Kunzeman refuses to take ownership of his actions.

If this is Shane Kunzeman himself, then he truly is not apologetic.

According to someone that served with him, Shane Kunzeman spent most of his time in the front leading rest position. For the non-Army types, this is the position that someone takes for doing push-ups. Also, they determined that the quality of his service didn’t warrant his receiving an ETS award.

What’s even funnier is how he made a point with Shane, with regards to the actual parting gift that he received.

Originally posted by Carlos:

I did give him a parting gift for his service to our country. I let him keep his canteen cup from CIF. I told him he may need it when he’s in the “soup line”. No, shit, I gave him a canteen cup. As I expected, he may use it.

Carlos pointed out, as we have noted in the post about him, that Shane brought all this upon himself.

Here’s what Jonn said in his original article:

Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow, Shane Kunzeman, who operates a resume writing business called Your New Life. For some reason, he thought it would be a good idea that he should become an Army Ranger, but he came to that conclusion after he left the Army, you know, when it was too late for him to attend training or to be assigned to a Ranger unit;

He did spend less than three and a half years on active duty as a 92A automated logistical specialist in an aviation unit in Germany. The he spent about a year and a half in the Army Reserves and he worked at the Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWP) as a logistics contractor;

No training or assignments that would make him a Ranger, not even parachutist qualified.

Category: Past Posers

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A DD-214 like that shows… unlimited potential? 🙂


“Unlimited potential”



Canteen cup boy, priceless.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

He’s probably not as good as Val Kilmer with the cup, but it reminded of this…

SSG Kane

I’m your huckleberry.


What a shane.


Some people just don’t get it.


Shane’s one of the lyingest liars that ever lied. With an exceptionally punchable face.

I also like how he makes fake death threats claims. 🙄

5th/77th FA

Remember this tool well. Hard to forget that 10 inch meat gazer’s stare.


Comm Center Rat

Shane was awarded the National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Canteen Cup. Meaningful and productive civilian careers have been built on far less. I had to turn in my camelbak hydration system at the Fort Benning CIF -oh the indignity of it all.


I was allowed to keep my P38 can opener but a canteen cup would have been way cooler.


I kept my arctic mittens. I love those things. They keep my hands warm when I’m ice fishing.

SSG Kane

They can take my BDU woobie from my cold dead hands…


I’m on my third one. My wife stole my first one and my daughter stole the second.


I got away with a mountain ruck frame and the small internal frame ruck from the CIF at Ft. Bragg after SFOC. I still have it along with my Brit Army mess kit rectangular pans (they are da bomb for cooking over a backpack white gas stove).

A Proud Infidel®™️

A Canteen Cup, WOW, what a coveted prize! I see that Shane Kunzeman is still an unrepentant Atomic Sphincter Weasel as well.

MSG Eric

Well he was an ASW contractor. So maybe that’s what the acronym really means, not Assymetric Warfare?

Green Thumb



I still don’t get this one.

How on earth does Ranger qualification indicate excellence at making resumes?

Is that part of the mountain phase now?

I can see it all now…”ok, here is the single most important chapter of the Ranger Handbook–resumes”…


Wilted Willy

Another lying horse turd that will not take responsibility for his actions! I wish you well with your tin cup, maybe you can beg for money over at some phony go fund me site? You sure as hell won’t get a dime from any of us!!


Another failed Junior Associate Apprentice Towel Boy that worked at Brucies Bath House (Entrance in the Rear).


Carlos sounds awesome. That totally sounds like something I would do to my little junior assholes when they would check out. As for Shane. What a dick.


When I was stationed at Ft Wainwright whenever we chaptered someone out the last thing we had to do was escort them off post and drop them off. Most NCOs took them to the airport or just dropped them off outside the main gate. I did the same thing except for one turd that had made my life a living hell dealing with him. I dropped him off outside Badger gate which is on the opposite side of Wainwright from Fairbanks.

Guard Bum

I have to say that was an awesome move!


There’s something about having the name Shane.


Alan Ladd agrees.

“Shane: A canteen cup is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A canteen cup is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that”

Great movie

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Shane on you Shane for being a BS Artist.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Shane Kunzeman WAS NEVER a US Army Ranger.
Shane Kunzeman still has a 1000 yard meat gazer’s stare.
Shane Kunzeman still looks like he enjoys blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change.
Shane Kunzeman is a wannabe rest stop gigolo.
Shane Kunzeman is an unrepentant Atomic Sphincter Weasel.
Shane Kunzeman is rumored to have contacted Bernath via a Medium for legal advice.
Shane Kunzeman is still a Dutch Rudder Gang wannabe.
Shane Kunzeman and Michael Sleeper both falsely claimed that they were US Army Rangers.
Shane Kunzeman was reportedly fired from his job at Asymmetric Warfare Group.
Shane Kunzeman is still a former Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the Rear).
Shane Kunzeman is a wannabe pole dancer at The Blue Oyster.
Shane Kunzeman looks like he could dive into a pool full of pussy and come up with a mouthful of balls.
Shane Kunzeman is still more fucked up than a herd of spotted Zebras.
Shane Kunzeman is likely pissed off that he didn’t get noticed when he attended the Crossdressers’ Catillion.
Neither Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman or the Loch Ness Monster believe in Shane Kunzeman.
Monkeys go to the Zoo to look at Shane Kunzeman.
Shane Kunzeman looks like he could fuck ten dozen wet dreams up in the blink of an eye.
Shane Kunzeman is experiencing the power of Google®™️ and will continue to do so because Shane Kunzeman already knows that the Internet is forever!

How copy

Mark Lauer

As soon as I saw that “Your New Life” thing it all came back to me.
He had a lot of stuff on You Tube. I went there and did some submarine warfare on his ass. I kinda lost track of him after a bit.
I wonder if he still has any videos up? I should check and see if I have to fire any more torpedos.


Mark Lauer commented:

“I wonder if he still has any videos up?”

Don’t know about any videos, but do know he now has a Mugshot dated 7 June 2018 for violating a protective order that was initiated by his Ex-Wife.

Based on Court records, not sure if those charges were dropped. Divorce happened the same timeframe as his arrest.

Not a good time to be Shane .


His home went up for sale a few months after the arrest and is still on the market.

Possibly Mamma decided to kick him to the curb? Who knows with this guy.


Paul Whelan made the big time now.
He was arrested in Russia for spying…..

I cant wait to hear this story…


Bret Baier said that he had a BCD from the
Marine Corps.
Here’s his shit from way back, I knew I had read that name before !!!
Some things stick in your mind like a dingleberry in your shorts…

RGR 4-78

I don’t think that is the same Whelan.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Man, those dingleberry’s can be a bitch. Ouch.


Not the same guy, Thunder …

But you’re not far removed from character of discharge. Here is what the media has on Paul Whelan as of two hours or so ago:

Whelan served 14 years in the US Marine Corps Reserve until he was discharged for bad conduct in 2008.
His service as staff sergeant ended when he was convicted at a special court-martial on an attempted larceny charge, military court documents show. He was accused of wrongfully using another person’s Social Security number and writing bad checks.
During his time in the military, he completed two tours in Iraq, in 2004 and 2006.

Sounds like a standup guy and model Marine. Must be a bitch to be canned after 14 years service. The above information came from:

By Nicole Chavez, CNN
Updated 10:19 PM ET, Wed January 2, 2019

The article also said he had vacationed previously in Russia when on leave while on active duty or while in the reserves.

This may be payback for the person we arrested in the US recently for allegedly spying. Might be a swap in the works after the Ruskies get as much information from the guy as they think he has to give.


As I’ve said, I’m very behind but I’m doing my best to catch up and then be up-to-date.
Also checking for any The Continent of Insults®™ before Christmas and after New Years.


Who’s the white private dick
That’s a sex machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right!

Who is the man that would risk his neck
For his brother man?
Can you dig it?

Who’s the cat that won’t cop out
When there’s danger all about?
Right On!

They say this cat Shane is a bad mother
I’m talkin’ ’bout Shane.

He’s a complicated man
But no one understands him but his woman

apologies to Isaac Hayes.


Damn Right!


If tnat’s his normal grammar, diction and vernacular, and he’s selling RESUME services… WOW.


Penny Huber is his mother’s name. That’s right. Instead of letting her son attempt to be a grown ass man and take care of things himself, she ‘came to his rescue’ on here. I guess we can see why the turd didn’t far too far from the asshole because she is attempting to cover for him with more lies. (If she has the commendations- then she can photo/screen shot that shit and prove it!) She also started a GFM for him saying it was due to health related issues… Well, silly wanna-be CIA me did a quick Google and put two-and-two together that the GFM *coincidentally*..cough, cough, was at the same time he’d be needing some bail money… He is an ass and I’m so very glad my friend is away from all his bullshit.