Shane Kunzeman claims 3

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Shane Kunzeman claims 3
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Teh shit baggery is strong in this one.

Shane Kunzeman

Hey brother please know that most of the stuff that is posted right here is false. I Am Shane kunzeman himself the original email that is sent has been tampered with and for which I never sent on my behalf. With that being said I want to begin to apologize no matter what if somebody else tampered with the email or if people were to possibly believe that I would make the statements that I am an Army Ranger I am not an Army Ranger nor have I ever been but I have worked with them for quite a while. My old boss was one along with many other things. I’m saddened and disheartened it the group of guys for which I know would make such allegations. I did address them accordingly and let them know that what they saw and what they see is false information and I did let them know that I did not write these emails but I apologize that they came out. I did not authorize anyone to publicly post my DD-214 in my private information with that being said my deepest apologies


Hey stupid DD214’s are public record. Anyone can request them.

Shane Kunzeman

I hate to hear that you guys are making post about me. But let me first and foremost apologize for any statements that have been made. As per and some of these conversations it was never meant to come across as if I am an Army Ranger by any means. The fact that I did work in Special Operations is a true statement I have worked for them for quite a while and for Special Operations units. I did work for a brief time with the asymmetric Warfare group for a year doing the logistics and helping build some logistical program. But with that I’m sorry to hear that my words have somehow came out for which I am stating that I am an Army Ranger. Let me be very bold in the statement I am not an Army Ranger and nor would I perceive that to be some of these messages have been tampered with and that my friend is a fact. Anything else no matter what with the tampering or untamperable of my messages and emails let me publicly apologize if the perception of which I was saving I was an Army Ranger made people to believe that I was. I am not. I can assure you that I did not write the email for which was posted out.


Where are these Spec. op unit assignments? I only see one assignment to a regular Aviation unit on your ERB.


Please,,please tell me you were assigned to a secret Spec. ops Aviation Unit,,,cause that is the 160th SOAR which I was a member of and can easily verify.


Hmmmmmm…seems like this attempt at damage control is doomed to fail…

Shane Kunzeman

Hello, To the owner of this site, I am reaching out to you to ask if you would drop the information about me from your site as well as I wanted to formally apologize to the VETS that this upset, and take ownership as a Veteran and as a brother in Christ. I would like to address the situation to that you may know my intentions and know that I didn’t mean to upset you and mislead anyone. I was taught a valuable lesson from this as an owner of a company that is impacting many VETERAN lives and trying to help them. I will make sure that I am number 1 very specific with my verbiage with talking about my affiliations, and just plain down right not mention special ops or the Army Rangers at all….and I will just leave it out completely and offer our services with the word of mouth testimonials we have Already so you will not see any more mistakes from my self and my team moving forward. I pray you will forgive me and please take this down from the site. It is making it extremely hard for our creditability that we have worked so hard for. I know that some of you will make some more comments and say here is the “BEGGING” But honestly the LIVES OF VETS and the future of the VETS that work for me are WAY MORE VALUABLE THAN MY EGO….And I just can stand by and not help these VETS OUT THERE THAT NEED OUR SERVICES….. So please consider removing this completely as I WANT TO HELP VETS AND I CANT MAKE AS BIG OF IMPACT WITH THIS ON MY NECK…. PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGY. Please know we are VETS HELPING VETS I want you to know that We are doing the right thing we are helping people and not being greedy, we give much more than we receive and we offer services to vets out there hurting and need our help. I know that we have many clients that will attest to our GIVING and SERVING.… Read more »