Global warming protest in DC

| March 2, 2009

If the weather is like this;

Would you beclown yourself like this;

The Corner records;

The fact that their arrests, if captured on camera, will forever be depicted as in deep snow doesn’t appear to have curtailed their enthusiasm.

Category: Politics

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Brr! I like the comment from their blog:

15 minutes out. Hundreds are gathering in Spirit of Justice park. The atmosphere is charged with hope and excitement. People are bundled up in their warmest coats and staying active by chanting. I hear “Coal can never be clean.” There’s a prayer vigil in the south section of the park.

Not even their self-righteous egos will protect them from frostbite.


You miserable whining wimps. Today in lovely sunny Ontario global warming hit an incredible minus 20 F, minus 29 C. The last winter I saw snow this heavy was in 1975.


And 2 years ago, at the GOE 1, There was ice and freezing temps while we stood against the anti-idiots who have gone unopposed until then. It was March 23. Imagine that!! It was cold and we too, were wearing our warmest coats and chanting,
‘Sheehag sucks!” “USA, USA.” Or in Raoul’s case…something about the infamous summer of love…heh. No frostbite for us though, we were well trained!!

Frankly Opinionated

Someone told me today that this extrordinary cold winter has nothing to do with global warming. It is because a bunch of old white guys been sayin’ for 200 or so years, that it will be a cold day in hell when America elects a black president. So, I guess the cold air is emanating from hell. Just sayin’……..
nuf sed

Southern Democrat

Wow…we take a discussion about climate debate, and the people that are marching on Washington the same way that you all did on Friday with your Tea party..and we bring the race of the president into the discussion.

You are so stoic and inspirational Frankly Opinionated….only you could turn snow into a comment about a black man…

airborne injun

Southern Democrat….Tell me something white boy,didn’t we agree that your pale,puffy butt would not appear on this Grown Up Blog until you paid me $78,000 in damages for trespassing on my land,violating MY civil rights, and just generally offending the Hell out of me? Seeing how I’m in a generous mood…If you will kindly show me the signed and stamped Visa my ancestors gave to your sneaky white ones then I will consider letting you sit at the grown up table, but only if Jonn says it’s okay (after all,It’s his house!)Feel free to use your inspirational comments on this lowly and oppressed red man!!!

airborne injun

BTW…It’s awful cold for this global warming stuff,I have no idea when I’ll be able to wear my breech clout again.

Frankly Opinionated

Southern Dhimmicrat:
I related humor that a black person told me yesterday outside church. That you do not see it as it was written is your shortcoming.
I suppose that if I were to say: “How can you tell if a cat is a Persian Cat? Look for the burka and explosive vest.” That you would see it as an anti-islam thing and get all red,itchy and feeling funny over that too. And, how long did it take you to drive from the “South”, Mr. Southern Dhimmicrat, all the way up to Yankeeland where the protest was held? If we have one and I hear about it down here South of Interstate 10, I will attend- Yankee
Check my homepage and you will see that I am not a racist, but rather a realist.
nuf sed

Frankly Opinionated

Airborne Injun:
Thanks red brother, for covering for me til I arrived. I would do the same for you. Airborne!
nuf sed

airborne injun

Frankly Opinionated…any time. BTW,would you mind if I used your snow joke and cat joke? LMFAO !!!

Southern Democrat

Ah, the ever popular “my black friend told me this”

Ill have to use that line if I ever decide to stood to your level of classifying people by their color instead of their character…

I bet also are famous for the line” I’m not racist, I have black friends!”

airborne injun

S.D. If you ever “stood” to his level, you would need a damn big ladder! BTW…HOW(no pun intended)many red friends you got?


Airborne, I doubt he has any friends. Libs don’t have friends, they just have fellow protesters.

airborne injun

UpNorth…You are so right. However,we have the satisfaction of knowing that he will one day realize that he has NEVER done a thing that requires honor and sacrifice and that he will have to live with that shame(although he would never admit it!)I still haven’t forgiven him for his smart ass remark about free speech and the veterans who gave it to him. RESPECT



All my best friends are black. I will trump you on that.

Southern Democrat

Well A.I., I’m not sure how many of my friends are full blown Red…I’d assume that a good many of them have a fraction, be it I cannot say how much. I think I even ended up with 1/16th in me…so I guess you could deduct what you think I owe you from that. Or better yet, since I have a lot stronger ties to President Polk, maybe because of him I owe nothing. I thought the republican way was “to the victor, go the spoils” Now, how would you explain that if we won(ha, we won this election as we won back then) why I should pay a losing side? I understand that the US rebuilt Germany, Japan and now Iraq and Afghanistan…so go to the military for my share of whatever it is you think I owe you. This whole discussion started about the irony of a March snowstorm in DC, and Frankly Closeminded decided to use it as a platform to get a jab at the race of the President. Dont any of you see the ridiculousness in that whole chain of events?! You take my comment that Frankly Ignorant couldnt follow a simple line of thinking and went to the gutter in his head to go on a tangent that has nothing to do with the original article..just as Friggen Ignoramous did by hitting on race. You all do hold some interesting, fairly well thought out conversations on this blog..and it is those conversations that entertain and educate me as to what a Republican believes is the right way to do things….which I then stack up my rebuttals to and easily shoot them down. My last that you were all quick to put up pictures and political cartoons showing when the MSM took shots at your girl Condi’s color…and how no one ever stood up and defended the embarassment that those pictures caused…but you’ll let one of your own blame the snow on hell freezin over for a black man being in office?!? While I disagree with most of what you say, there was always… Read more »

Frankly Opinionated

Southern Dipshit:
“but you’ll let one of your own blame the snow on hell freezin over for a black man being in office?!?”
Which “one of our own” blamed the snow on hell freezin’ over? The closest I can come to that, Liberal twisting and evading of facts aside, is that I related what someone told me in jest, that you immediately pulled a Sharpton on and called RACE!!!!! On Prez Husseins color: It is the Dhimmicrats that have called race on this one. We conservatives realize that he was not elected “in spite of being black”, but rather “because he is black”.
And yes, As you have said: “We Won”. And as I have replied, seconded on this blog; “But America Lost!” You are a liberal, totally lacking in having a grip on reality, and most likely think that this Porkulus is good for the country. Limbaughs speech at CPAC nailed y’all for what you are, perfectly.
Sure am glad that my neighbors don’t come off as you do.
And, when you feel near death, don’t worry about burning in the fires of hell, take an extra overcoat, you’ll need it.
AIRBORNE INJUN: Hell yes, use them. The 5 or 6 of us that were standing outside the church all cracked up. And the guy who told it comes off more like Bob Parks than Snoop Dog Dick. You’d like hell out of him.
nuf sed

Southern Democrat

Fairly Obtuse….you made the comment on race after a post about global warming.
But I digress, I see now, after clicking on your link, that your true motivation in posting and being so cutting edge, is to hopefully sell some silly tshirts, mugs and aprons that the over eager Republican right go nuts for.

I will, from here forward, ignore your posts as you only retailiate in the hopes someone will go “Yea, he’s awesome, let me go find out more about him” and then hopefully they buy a mug.

Enough Said (thats proper english for those backwoods yokels)

The Sniper

Southern Democrat, I amazed at how cogent your arguments are. I myself just dumped an argument that was much more cogent in my toilet.

That being said, let’s get back to the matter at hand: The left showed up to portest global warming and looked like a bunch of asses in doing so because the temperature in DC that day was only slightly colder than a walrus’ nuts. Now some D-crat tried to tunr the tables and call everyone racist.

So this is what I’m taking away from this exchange: if you don’t like the facts, call the people that are stating the facts a bunch of racists and the facts will just go away.

Southern Democrat

Sniper, perhaps youre the one missing the point of this discussion.

The topic was the irony of a global warming protest on the coldest, snowiest day this winter. We can all get the humor out of that. I expected idiot liberal comments, shortsighted hippies, etc.

Father Orangutang decided it was a good time to throw out that the President’s black!! woo hoo, sneak in my racists comments. Compounding this, is if you click his name and look at the wonderful merchandise he is selling that tells you to “urinate in a footbath” or “you get 77 goats like on earth” and “wetback mexicans”. Now, is that someone that you think would flinch at an opportunity to jab the president for where he came from/what he looks like?

If you choose to defend his freedom of speech, thats fine…use whatever excuse you have to justify his existence…but know that he alone brings you all down more then just a few notches on the ladder of respectability.

airborne injun

Obama is a BLACK guy? Why didn’t someone tell me!! Some friends you are…


“but know that he alone brings you all down more then just a few notches on the ladder of respectability”? That would be by your standards? I see, but then no one here gives a flying fork what you think, haven’t you gotten that through your thick, empty skull?
Frankly is entitled to call a shovel a shovel, if he wants. It’s guaranteed. You’re entitled to totally make an ass of yourself, as you do on a daily basis. It’s guaranteed by the same document. It’s just you libs that don’t believe in free speech for anyone, other than libs.
Witness Joe, who got a free medical checkup, including an invasive proctology exam by the democrats in Ohio, then nationally, for asking a question of the “chosen one’.

Southern Democrat

UpNorth….calling a spade a spade is one thing…but you see nothing wrong w/ calling Mexicans wetback, and then selling shirts that say that?


Free speech man. As long as he doesn’t yell “fire” in a theater, or “Free Food” at some hippie protest, causing a stampede, I’m fine with it.
Again, you don’t seem to get the Free Speech thingy in the First Amendment at all, do you?

airborne injun

Southern Democrat…BTW…My shrink at the local V.A. hospital says I should play nice and use my inside voice, so I’ll try to make the effort…I contacted my tribal elders and explained your situation about being only part native American (Like I don’t here that ALL the time,usually by touchy,feely,liberals who share my peoples “PAIN”)and it was decided, after much consideration ,that we,the Cheyenne nation, and in particularly the Dog Clan,would adopt your sad,sad,sad, butt since nobody else seems to want you.Your new name shall be” Screaming Flea” and you will now be a full fledged member of my tribe after your initiation of playing Russian Roulette with my colt 1911A1…Don’t be afraid…it will have only one round in it instead of 7 so that improves your odds greatly! P.S. The ONLY way you could have 1\16 native American in you would be if a gay Indian dwarf popped you in your a$$!


Airborne- I got duped like that, too. Everyone said the COW’s Grandmama was white…I don’t have any friends,either!!

airborne injun

defendUSA…I would consider it to be an honor and a privilege to be your brand new and shiny BFF!

Southern Democrat

Injun, I never said I wanted to seek acceptance from you or your tribe. You asked if I had any red friends, and I said I’m sure there some of the people I have something in their history. If you comprehend what you read, you might have remembered that I also have stronger ties to Polk, so I believe that side of the family whipped the hell out of the red side….

I dont say I feel your pain, granted I have no idea what it was like to live peacefully and then have a rogue nation show up and kill off your people because they thought it was the right thing to do. So with that in mind…if you support the military so strongly for what they are doing in Iraq, then you must be a turn coat and you must support what the white man did to your people so many years ago…

Or is it only ok when its a muslim they’re killing, and not a Cheyenne?

The Sniper

Okay SD, let’s get something straight, shall we? Not liking Islam isn’t racist. Period. Not liking certain practitioners of Islam based on their race (Arab, central Asian, Pashtun, Eskimo, whatever) could be construed racist but being against Islam in and of itself is not. Could you call it bigoted? Sure, if you like. Prejudicial? Again, if you like… but it’s not racist so quit throwing that race card. Islam is a religion, not a race. The “wetback” phrase could be construed as racist, but then again you could argue that the US government is to blame for that in general and Woodrow Wilson (a very liberal President, by the way) in particular for his “Operation Wetback” which was the hunt for Pancho Villa in Mexico… led by BlackJack Pershing, but named and ordered by Pres. Wilson. A lot of what is derogatory is only taken that way because of the slant that a lot of liberals put on words. “Retarded” used to be just a word until the left got a hold of it and made it “hurtful”. Do you really think retarded people were inherently aware that the word “retarded” carried negative connotations? Not a chance… that is, until some social worker told people to quit calling retarded people “retarded”. Then they started calling them “special education” kids or whatnot and eventually that became hurtful. You know what they call them now? That’s right… back to “retarded”. Words carry only as much weight as we assign them. You assign the word “black” the same weight as a hate crime, and so it is offensive to you. You glibly discount people with black friends and call it an excuse for making a joke. I won’t bother to mention my black friends because I’m sure that you would discount them too… but know that they exist and your marginalizing of them will not detract from their existence or my friendship with them. You and your ilk talk about the Obamessiah and use the words “black” or “African-American” (which is actually more the case with him) and talk about how far we’ve… Read more »

Southern Democrat

So, we have another example of someone who didnt pay attention to where this all started, dont we.

Sniper, I dont care who your friends are…black or white or red or yellow, or whatever color the guy you love is.

This discussion started out about a climate change protest on a snowy day.

This discussion started out about a climate change protest on a snowy day.

I say again. This discussion started out about a climate change protest on a snowy day.

Frankly Opinionated took it as an opportunity to say “oh hell froze over, we elected a black guy”.

It was that statement that aggrivated me. Your republican buddy is the one that couldnt drop race, and thats all he sees. He didnt say “oh, a new guys in office” or “oh Al Gore shoulda been president for this”. He made a comment about the race of the president.

You are just like the majority of the retarded right…you take a factual discussion, and instead of talking about what the issue is, you take it down a tangent that means nothing to the original topic, and then claim that someone is doing you wrong, or mistreating America!!!!

Lets get back on track here, and I’ll type slowly for you Palin supporters.

Why does it matter what color the President is, when talking about the irony of a snowstorm during a climate change protest?

airborne injun

Screaming Flea…As to Polk,The native Americans were greatly outnumbered and out gunned,starved and riddled with white mans diseases’,no big surprise we were defeated. As to the implication that I am a turncoat……Read this VERY carefully!The biggest problem we as Americans have is lack of Unity!I have chose NOT to play the victim,although I could easily get away with it if I chose to be part of the why me club,I’m sure the little liberal chicks would give me some if I pouted enough…we should not be African American,Native American,German,Italian,Scandinavian,etc…but should be AMERICANS FIRST AND FOREMOST!!!!This is what I have chosen to do.Be an American first and foremost.DO NOT EVER QUESTION MY LOYALTIES AGAIN….


Right on, Airborne. Of course, Screaming Flea can’t get past being a hyphenated American. Bet he hates even being an American. Again, it’s the dems/libs who throw race around like it was a frisbee. So, if someone mentions it in a context a lib doesn’t like, he or she is a raaaaaacist!!

Southern Democrat

You people are really missing the whole point of this….I had thought I had spelled it out.

Maybe I should phrase it in the form of a question.

Can anyone tell me why the wetback tshirt, anti muslim coffee mug, anti anything white sweatshirt selling Frankly Opinionated had to throw race into a discussion about the climate crisis that some believe is occuring?

airborne injun

Damn Ya’ll….this is as much fun as putting Screaming Flea in a round room and telling him to piss on the corner!Are you still hearing the voices Screaming Flea?

Frankly Opinionated

Well Y’all; in typical lib fashion to never, ever allow the facts to interfere; Southern Dumbphuck lyingly said that I called Mexicans “Wetbacks”. I did not, never have, never will. I called Illegal Immigrant Mexicans “Wetback”. He also took issue with a good selling design in my shop that says: “Urinate in a footbath”. When Taxpayer money cannot be used to put Christian Icons, even chapels in public airports, but yet Taxpayer money can buy footbaths for those who support, finance, and otherwise endorse the terrorists who kill Americans, it is time to call attention to our disgust of that. When cultist Muslims strap on Murder vests, build IED’s, fly airplanes into buildings, it is time to ridicule the 7th century savage. It seems he missed the one that says: “100% Pure American- no Hyphen”. Airborne Injun would like that one, as it is about those of us who are above race, who are aware that the racists in the country are the followers of Sharpton, Jackson, Conyers, which for the most part, recently elected an empty suit because of his race. Southern Dumbphuck is so far below me that I can no longer shout down to where he slithers. Y’all can have him. Just hit my homepage once in awhile to see what other outrageous thing I have put up to upset the Libs. Like: “I am a Republican because not everyone can be on welfare.”
Thanks Y’all for covering my back while myself, my son, my grandson, and our friend Senor Raciel Garcia-Laguna Reyes; were out fishing today. When Raci read the comments he was splittin’ a gut. He says we are really fortunate to have a genuine dipshit amongst us. BTW- He isn’t a “Wetback” as he came here legally, and it only took him a couple of years. Of course, unlike the majority of “Wetbacks” he does have an education, and a good trade that helps us to have a stronger America. He was denied enlistment because of his bad eyes, but flies our flag on his arm tattoo.
nuf sed

The Sniper

Jeebus dude, talk about myopic and about as stupid as a bag of hammers! Please allow me to quote you (actually, I;m not asking for permission) “Frankly Opinionated took it as an opportunity to say “oh hell froze over, we elected a black guy”.

Actually, frankly Opinionated said “It is because a bunch of old white guys been sayin’ for 200 or so years, that it will be a cold day in hell when America elects a black president. ” Let me repeat that for you…

“a bunch of old white guys been sayin’”

“a bunch of old white guys been sayin’”

“a bunch of old white guys been sayin’”

That is, a bunch of old white guys, not Frankly Opinionated himself… or do you not know what a quotation is?

He mocked the myopia of a bunch of old racist white guys and you take it as an oportunity to attack him by warping it to support your own prejudice. He’s white, he’s conservative, he doesn’t use the left-mandated PC vernacular, so he must be a racist? Come on man.

And just so you don’t get away with trying to insult my intelligence again, yes, I understand that the post was about a GLOBAL WARMING (not “climate change” as you tried to warp it… again… read the article more carefully so you can actually comprehend it or quit trying to mold it to your needs) protest on a snowy day. Someone interjected third hand humor you found offensive and YOU turned it into a discussion on racism and bigotry on the right.

Southern Democrat

Whats ridiculous…is the moron is defending the freedom to call someone a wetback…really????? So are you going to call an illegal from Africa a racist term and slap it on a tshirt? An illegal from China another one and make a shirt about it?

You know there are illegals from elsewhere then just south of the border…..

Frankly Opinionated

In checking my online shop,(at my “Frankly Opinionated” spot above), I have had a good increase in visitors today, and a noticeable increase in Sales, especially with 10 pack of buttons in this design: , Being the biggest seller. Guess people want to share their feelings with their friends. Seems that I owe Jonn, and all the readers here a big THANK YOU. Couldn’t have done it without the help of Y’all. Keep it up.
And, AIRBONE INJUN, I have a design with you in mind, will discuss it privately sometime tomorrow.
nuf sed


Southern Man
It was a joke and you let it offend you. It should have been funny, but you let it offend you. Get. Over. it.

I love shiny new anything. (wink, offers handshake.) PS If you saw the clip of yours truly, I actually made national news. Friends in NC gave me a call to tell me. How cool is that? I was a born leader. heh.



Might have been, “The Summer of Love Is over, why are you still here?”



Heh. You rock!

The Sniper

“Whats ridiculous…is the moron is defending the freedom to call someone a wetback…really?????”

Yes, we wouldn’t want to defend someone’s freedom of speech, now would we? The guy made a joke, you came here, saw it, got all offended by it, tracked him down, found a t-shirt, adn summed up the guy on the basis of a t-shirt. Just how the hell does that figure in with global warming protestors getting caught in the snow? Or is it only okay if you’re the one going off topic?

airborne injun

defendUSA…Absof**kinglutly you would be a outstanding (and natural)leader.Maybe you and Jonn could start your own political cable show,can’t be much harder than web sites.(LOL)Keep on drivin’ on….