How Christine Blasey Ford Used Fundraising Money

| November 27, 2018

You guys are familiar with how Christine Blasey Ford fabricated a story in an attempt to derail then Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. However, neither the committee, Congress, nor the levelheaded segment of the population agreed with her.

The other side of the argument, not known for its willingness to embrace fact, reason, and logic, believed her. With some arguing that we should simply believe the “she” in the “he said she said” in this specific argument, a GoFundMe account was set up for her.

From her GoFundMe:

We used your generous contributions to pay for a security service, which began on September 19 and has recently begun to taper off; a home security system; housing and security costs incurred in Washington DC, and local housing for part of the time we have been displaced. Part of the time we have been able to stay with our security team in a residence generously loaned to us.

Christine Blasey Ford said that she is going to donate, the donated funds that she does not use, to trauma survivor support organizations. As of this post, she hasn’t named which organizations will receive that money.

You can read more, from her GoFundMe, here.

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Frankie Cee

She was probably as astute with the spending as the trio in the Homeless Vet/Go Fund Me thing that went down at about the same time.



The only clap that bitch deserves, is, well, you know.

Hack Stone

She could use that money to hire Jared Stern and his team of crack investigators at Prudential Services to rescue Elaine Ricci.


Better yet… The Stunning Agency!

USMCMSgt (Ret)


I agree. The Stunning Agency needs to be revitalized. I’ve tried using flaming squirrels during past hunting trips, but can’t seem to perfect the process.



She chose to live in an area very near where her “traumatic” experience took place as well as her being near her “tormenter” instead of heading back to Jerry Brown country.

Yeah, right.

Me wonders if all that $$$ is taxable to her. Probably not. It should be, though.

This will backfire on her. Just watch. A person always reaps what they sow.

2/17 Air Cav

I think that over a certain amount, the personal gifts become taxable as income. This is most likely why she says she will be donating the excess. It will remain income but she will get to deduct the like amount.


the way I understand how GoFundMe works is they take the taxes out for you, but don’t quote me on that. I really hope the tax man rakes her over the freaking coals on this one.

2/17 Air Cav

No, they don’t. They don’t issue any tax forms either. The recipient is on his own. “Gifts” cannot exceed a certain amount in total. That’s why some folks don’t have to pay taxes for GFM funds rec’d: they didn’t cross the threshold.


thank you, I always thought they took care of that end of things.


Some SJW at the IRS will give her a free pass… and probably rake Judge Kavanaugh over the coals for the next 15 years.


Even though, to my knowledge, he didn’t use a dime and the person who actually raised the funds donated all of it to the Archdiocese of Washington.


They’re probably still too busy investigating Tea Party organizations to really put any effort into investigating her.


You are right, and don’t trust that lying bitch to donate anything to anyone except herself! what a wart on the ass of humanity! imo


No it won’t. Sadly, she’ll milk this cow for the full 15 minutes, do her TV appearances, sell a hyped up piece of shit book, hell, probably get Meryl Streep to play her dried up ugly ass in some Lifetime/Oxygen/OWN movie of the week!

Two words, Christine: Cindy Sheehan. Remember her? Yeah, nobody else does either. You’re heading to her level of irrelevance mighty quick.

Club Manager, USA ret.

This is a woman who earns big bucks, with a husband who likewise, whose family is wealthy, who resides in a high $$$ area of SoCal and she needed a GoFundMe. Me thinks someone may have misspelled her expressed need and replaced the “ck” with a “nd”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I see what you did there….


So let this be a lesson to you all, kiddies. Lie on demand and you too can be paid well! I’d like to see Judge Kavanaugh file a defamation suit for the exact GoFund me amount, then donate it to the Trump re-election campaign.




I second ^^^^


She extorted $647,610 of her $150,000 goal on GoFundMe. What a crock. If she wants to donate any ‘surplus’ funds to a worthy cause, I would suggest St. Jude Children’s Cancer Hospital in Memphis. A hospital that does really good research and treatment of childhood cancers. Let’s see down the road where that money really goes. It’s hard to give away hundreds of thousands of dollars, however worthy she feels the cause may be.

Oh, and STFU, Bitch. You had your 15 minutes which destroyed your credibility, compliments of the Democrats.

2/17 Air Cav

Now, now, she didn’t extort any money. Remember, we’re talking about women who wear pussy hats, want to remain anonymous when they claim sexual assault, and demand that they be believed with no–or even contrary–evidence.


HMC I suggest she donate to the Republican coffers LOL…wouldn’t that frost the leftist asses! LOL

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

She can A Ford to give the rest of the moola shmoola to charity.


She can donate large to the Feed Ex-PH2 Slush Fund. Half of that $646K can go a long way toward bird food, nuts for the squirrels and a warm blanket for Miss Punkin Squawkypants.


So on her temporary housing did she build a “second door” and then rent it out to a marriage counselor who ‘recovered’ more memories of the next SCOTUS nominee?

I know that sounds weird. Just trying to use the correct language.


“marriage counselor who ‘recovered’ more memories”

The correct word is “planted” vice “recovered”.

Slow Joe

Who is John Galt?


What’s on second.

Slow Joe

I just finished watching the Atlas Shrugged trilogy on Amazon Prime.



You should read the book.

2/17 Air Cav

Because she had security AND a security system, that tells me the first security was armed bodyguards. Armed as in with guns and bullets. Wanna bet she is opposed to private gun possession?


No bet, Air Cav. It’s in the liberal DNA.


She sleeps with lead sap embedded dildo.


There could be a big market for those. It would give a whole new meaning to “concealed carry”.

2/17 Air Cav

Chick could never recall who paid for the polygraph she claimed to have taken. She was so full of shit, you could smell her from a mile away.


Should have given her a Plethysmography as well.


Nasty bitch should have married into the Kennedys.

A Proud Infidel®™️

It’s a crying damned shame she didn’t marry OJ Simpson!

Bill M

“As of this post, she hasn’t named which organizations will receive that money.”

Probably the ‘Christine Basely Ford Trauma Survivor Support Organization’ which provides support for original survivors of attempts to smear prospective Supreme Court Justices nominated by Donald J Trump. Current survivor class size is one.

(But I’m not cynical or anything…)


She probably already has checked in with the Clintons to find out just how to set up the proper sort of “foundation.”


Anyone want to bet that a full accounting of where all that money goes is released in our lifetimes? No? Me neither.


This lying bint/scrunt is proof positive that being a lying proglodyte for the party pays big time. In a sane world she would be the one prosecuted for perjury, not those being prosecuted by Mule-ear and his gang of D-rat lawers.


Remember when all the talking heads and libs said, “Why would she lie? She has nothing to gain by lying.” Well, the better part of a $1m is a pretty big incentive to lie, doncha think? I’ve seen people lie for far, far less.


And we have no idea what other benefits she received from these proggie D-rats, in addition to the GoFundMe bucks.


Suppresion of an old “compromising”
photo? Those old Polaroid cameras kept things private back then.


What are the odds her “security” upgrades to her residence included things like a in-ground intrusion detector and trap (a pool), a slate table with 16 heavy balls and bo staffs (a billiards set), or a high speed garage evacuation system (Tesla Model S)?

All because she received alleged “death threats”. With said threats being made before she went public. Call me cynical, but I think there’s about as much credibility to her claims of threats as her claims of sexual assault 36 years ago.


Even when the Left is the assailant they portray themselves as the victim. This cunt. This cunt is something else.

Doc (FMF)

I’m kind of hoping she’ll need to spend money on security for a looooong time, if you know what I mean.


“Although coming forward was terrifying, and caused disruption to our lives”

Disruption? You fucking self centered cunt.
And I mean that with all due disrespect.


She didn’t pay for her attorneys, the polygraph test, her travel, her lodging…. nada! I doubt she’s paying for any security she may have.
The Go Fund Me money is hers to use as she wishes, be that a home renovation, a world cruise, or vitamins. We’ll never see her tax returns to determine what she gives to charity, if any at all.
She received a big paycheck for her lie.


I hope she saves some money back for therapy…being forced to live in a house with armed white men will definitely cause the PTSD in her.

Retired Grunt

Here come the attacks in 3, 2, …. I personally believe that she believes something happened to her. I also believe that she does not remember the event clearly and that she transposed her teenage attacker with the honorable Judge Kavanaugh when she had the opportunity to support her “noble” party and cause. I think she is still an idiot and a snowflake.


Why is there no accountability for people like this ???
Holy Crap I should be a Democrat I could get away
With all kinds of shit and no one would hold me accountable
Complete BULL SHIT