Oh, Gun Laws Were Tougher, Were They?

| October 30, 2018


Last week marks 50 years since President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Gun Control Act of 1968 into law on Oct. 22 of that year. It was the first major gun control measure in the United States in 30 years, but its passage earned this dismissive take in the pages of TIME: “better than nothing.”

http://time.com/5429002/gun-control-act-history-1968/  “Forget the democratic processes, the judicial system and the talent for organization that have long been the distinctive marks of the U.S. Forget, too, the affluence (vast, if still not general enough) and the fundamental respect for law by most Americans. Remember, instead, the Gun,” the magazine had noted earlier that year, in a cover story about the role of guns in the United States, which was prompted by the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. “All too widely, the country is regarded as a blood-drenched, continent-wide shooting range where toddlers blast off with real rifles, housewives pack pearl-handled revolvers, and political assassins stalk their victims at will. The image, of course, is wildly overblown, but America’s own mythmakers are largely to blame. In U.S. folklore, nothing has been more romanticized than guns and the larger-than-life men who wielded them. From the nation’s beginnings, in fact and fiction, the gun has been provider and protector.”

TIME Magazine says, in the final paragraphs of its own article, that there were hundreds of gun laws in the 1800s, and going back to the 1600s in early colonial America.

What do people get wrong about the history of gun control? Are there any myths you find yourself debunking?

“One of the great myths is the idea that gun-control laws are an artifact of the modern era, the 20th century. Gun laws are as old as America, literally to the very early colonial beginnings of the nation. From the beginning of the late 1600s to the end of the 1800s, gun laws were everywhere, thousands of gun laws of every imaginable variety. You find virtually every state in the union enacting laws that bar people from carrying concealed weapons. That’s something people don’t realize.”

“When we were all colonies, there were laws in the 1600s making it illegal to discharge a weapon near a road, near buildings, populated areas or on Sundays, and that barred discharge of a gun during social occasions. In New Jersey, there was a law that said you weren’t allowed to discharge a weapon when you were drunk and the two exceptions were at weddings and funerals. In the old ‘Wild West,’ they took people’s guns away when they were in a populated area, only to be retrieved when they left. That exemplifies how laws were much tougher 150 years ago than in the last 30 years.” – TIME Magazine

It appears that we’re supposed to just take their word for it, without any references or backups of any kind. I know that in general, after the Civil War, the South was essentially disarmed.

However, in The New Republic’s article from 2013,  https://newrepublic.com/article/112322/gun-control-racist , the NRA’s origins stem from attempts to bar newly-emancipated blacks from owning guns.

“As Keene notes, after the Civil War there was a rash of gun control laws aimed at disarming blacks. Southern blacks who had long been denied access to firearms were finally able to obtain them during the Civil War. Some served in colored units of the Union Army, which allowed soldiers regardless of skin color to take their guns home with them as partial payment of back-due wages. Other blacks purchased guns in the marketplace, which was flooded with the hundreds of thousands of guns produced for the war. Many predicted, accurately, that they might need those weapons to defend themselves against racist whites unhappy with the Confederacy’s defeat.” – Article

We have to remember, also, that the reason we have a Constitutional law – a federal law – that gives us the right to bear arms is specifically because the British government not only taxed everything under the sun in Colonial America, but also confiscated weapons any time they had a chance.

They also forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers without compensation, which is against the law now.  Read both the Articles and the Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

While I wouldn’t mind having a couple of Marines in my house impatiently waiting for roast beef and gravy with new potatoes, I know they’d also be paying room and board to stay here.

In regard to the Time Magazine article’s opinion about gun control, there was, a while back, a Ripley’s ‘Believe It Or Not’ cartoon about how 19th century Philadelphia’s streets were so hazardous with people shooting at each other that commuter trolleys were clad in steel armor to protect passengers. And while Hollywood glamorized shootouts in the Old West, they were really rather rare. Wm. Bonney, nee Henry McCarty, was a glory-hounding idiot whose sole purpose was to be known for what he did – shoot people to kill them.  And as I recall, the drive-by shootings in Chicago during the Depression were gang wars between Al Capone’s people and other hoodlums trying to cash in on Prohibition’s burgeoning illegal alcohol business. And there are, frankly, more drive-by shootings in Chcago now than there were during the Depression.

The nutball who went into a synagogue and killed 11 people, including 4 police officers, had a hair up his backside, as did the “student” at Parkland HS in Florida earlier this year, the whack job from southern Illinois who shot up a GOPer softball game practice session, and the psycho who went to a hotel in Las Vegas last year for the sole purpose of shooting fish in a barrel at a concert near the hotel. They all want one thing: soft, easy targets combined with the element of surprise.

Many of you have asserted that concealed carry laws reduce the number of lost lives. I would be quite comfortable patronizing a restaurant with a sign on its door that read “Responsible Concealed Carry Owners Welcome Here” if it meant a solid chance of stopping some warped creature from coming in and shooting the place up.

Sometimes, I really do think these crackpots are in cahoots with the Lefterds.  Find a wacko with a chip on his shoulder over imagined wrongs (Trump won! Gaaaah!) and give him a pat on the back to go shoot people.

And the response to that? Take away the soft target aspect by arming everyone; remove the element of surprise by posting notices that welcome CCWs. Stand up to “lawmakers” and these useless buggers whose butthurt crap is only relieved when they slaughter people.

The hysterics about gun control are not going to quit. And it isn’t about gun control at all.  We all know that.

It’s about destroying freedom.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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Imagine the horror of today’s millennials opening an old Sears or Montgomery Wards catalog, and seeing page after page of eebil guns… available by mail, no questions asked as long as the check cleared.


Those were my second favorite pages of the Sears Catalog. The first being the ladies undergarments.


I can neither confirm nor deny any report of a young D ever looking at the aforementioned pages, nor would I be able to comment if I possessed knowledge of such an act.

2/17 Air Cav

National Geographic made me color blind. All I ever saw was boobies.

5th/77th FA

I will admit that I only looked at said magazine sections until I was vision impaired and required corrective lenses. Another magazine caused me to be surprised that my brand new frisky girl fiend did not have staples in her belly button. Seeing said magazines, in a basement, triggered charles w.’s staple fetish and helped contribute to his drinking problems. He tries to blame Nacho Grande. Now you know the rest of the story.

2/17 Air Cav

A 1632 statute of Plymouth Colony ordered “that every freeman or other inhabitant of this colony provide for himselfe and each under him able to beare armes a sufficient musket and other serviceable peece for war with bandaleroes and other appurtenances with what speede may be….” By the end of the following May, each person was to own “two pounds of powder and ten pounds of bullets” with a fine of ten shillings per person who was not armed.

A March 22, 1630/1 order required that every town within Massachusetts Bay Colony “before the 5 th of Aprill nexte” make sure that every person, including servants, “furnished with good & sufficient armes” of a type “allowable by the captain or other officers, those that want & are of abilitie to buy them themselves, others that unable to have them provided by the town….” The March 22, 1630/1 statute was modified two years later, on March 6, 1632/3. Any single person who had not provided himself with acceptable arms would be compelled to work for a master. The work earned him the cost of the arms provided to him.

Those passages were lifted from the following link, where there can be found much more information, with citations, about colonial gun laws in New England: https://www.claytoncramer.com/popular/GunControlColonialNewEngland.PDF

As for the Crown’s laws, in 1774, King George ordered that no powder or arms be imported by the colonies. And this was the beginning of the end. No colonist misunderstood the meaning of this act.


If anyone is curious, a .50 soft lead round ball weighs about 160 grains – call it a bit over 43 balls per pound. A 70 grain powder load is more than sufficient for deer, moose, etc. So at 7000 grains per pound, this is the equivalent of 200 rounds in powder and 430 rounds in projectiles. Especially for a single shot, not an inconsiderable amount.


FWIW: the Second Militia Act of 1792 also enrolled most free male US citizens between the ages of 18 and 45 into the militia – and further required them to obtain a knapsack, a firearm, and ammunition.

So it wasn’t only a few individual colonies/states that once required citizens to own a firearm. The Federal government at one time mandated it nationwide.


Yeh makes you wonder what’s in the water in mass two shyts to make them so whimpy now? 😉

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I had 2 reprints of the Sears catalogues. One was from the late 18oo’s and the other was the 1910 catalogue which listed my Colt .25 pocket gun which a friend of mine’s Daughter gave it to me after he passed on. the price was five bucks for the .25. Before the 1968 act, Popular science and Pop mechanics had those .22 Lugers for sale and also those plugged barrel Chauchat French machine guns for sale. Macy’s had English Enfields for sale for if I remember like twenty five bucks.

2/17 Air Cav

Is there any rational person who would argue that, seeing and hearing what we do from the Democratic Socialists with us fully armed, that with us unarmed they and the government could be trusted to observe our rights under the Constitution, as well our state Constitutions? Anyone?

2/17 Air Cav

I actually played it and laughed…

5th/77th FA

Yeah that cricket was funny as hell. Re your linkie post, good stuff. I liked that part at the end, “where now Mass. tries to keep you from guns, 300 years ago it required you to own one”. My how things have changed. It is a shame that we now feel the need to be armed to protect ourselves not only from ne’r do wells, but also from a potential oppressive gubmints. Maybe if we had a few more Bat Mastersons, Wyatt Earps, et al, or better yet, some Judge Roy Beans, we wouldn’t feel the need to CC. I will defend me and mine. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. I am concerned about the future for my Grandchildren.


The worst cowtown or boomtown was a sea of tranquility compared to New York or other large eastern cities.

The cities haven’t changed all that much. Chicago is a failed state.

5th/77th FA

Roger that. Lots of folk went west to escape the crap in the eastern cities. Lots of western law men/judges were strict so that their areas would not become like what people had left. That whole Gangs of New York thing was going on in about all of the major cities.


And all this time the liars that be said they make their noise by rubbing their back legs together lol…looks like wings to me! can’t trust anybody anymore! 😉

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Watched the video and all I can say is that is Cricket.


From the TAH Science Corner,

The frequency of chirping varies according to temperature.

To convert cricket chirps to degrees Fahrenheit, count the number of chirps in 14 seconds, then add 40 to get the temperature.The number you get will be an approximation of the outside temperature.

Example: 30 chirps + 40 = 70° F

To convert cricket chirps to degrees Celsius, count the number of chirps in 25 seconds, divide by 3, then add 4 to get the temperature.

Example: 48 chirps /(divided by) 3 + 4 = 20° C

Hmmm, should have saved this for CW’s trivia post.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Counting the cricket chirps are mentioned in Albert Lees Weather Wisdom book and Eric Sloanes weather book.


WHO in hell counts cricket chirps? I guess its the same people that watch whoopi and Joy lol 😉

The Other Whitey

I have a female firefighter on my crew who prefers other females. She has recently announced that she’s in a steady relationship with a chick she’s been fooling around with. Said new girlfriend was in the crowd that the asshole in Vegas shot up, witnessed several fatalities up close, including a head shot, and has been dealing with multiple issues ever since.

Talking about these issue, the crew’s consensus (including my input) is that she needs to get her girlfriend into shooting, both to face her fears and to snap her out of the feeling of helplessness she’s been stuck with ever since. Somewhere inside her head, she’s still at the mercy of a bloodthirsty asshole and dumb luck. We believe that if she can put some rounds downrange, then in her head she can return fire at the motherfucker and regain some mastery of her own fate.

In other words: guns are the solution!


I agree. Poor soul, I hope she overcomes.


I think your crew is on the right track. I have a 14 y/o stepson, he’s not a big shooting fan (yet), but he knows his way around guns, knows how to shoot safely, and understands the responsibility that comes along with firearms. MRS D and I wanted to remove the mystery and curiosity factors, we feel that firearms education prevents firearms stupidity and negates the normal male desire to screw around with things we know we’re not supposed to. He had a huge fear of school shootings, and teaching him firearms safety seems to have alleviated it. He now understands a gun is a tool, it’s only as bad as the person holding it.

Slow Joe

But, is she hott?


She’s dating a firefighter.

5th/77th FA

A female fire fighter. They probably both are “hot.” (snicker)


While easy to fall into the trap that these nuts are in cahoots with political enemies, it’s really the media. The only thing all these nutcases have in common (aside from not getting institutionalized, since we got rid of mental hospitals) is the desire to be seen and remembered. As long as the media glorifies it and obsesses over the shooters and their motivations, it’ll only inspire more loonies.

I’m not saying don’t mention it in the news. It’s obviously newsworthy and a tragedy. Just give the victims all your attention and not the perpetrator.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I forgot to mention the 1926 Johnson Smith novelty catalogue I think was the year had handguns for sale among all the other stuff they sold. Not the same company anymore with those novelties they used to sell.


I think those guys screwed more kids out of their allowance than any company in the history of everything.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I read Dana Loesch’s Hands Off My Gun and she did some history research on Firearms from King James 11 in England right up to the present.


I call it “cower in place”

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Nassau County NY used to have ranges in their High Schools for years until their was an asbestos clean up and when the parents of non shooters found out the Schools had ranges, they made like the squeaky wheel that gets the oil and the Schools shut down the ranges. The ranges were for training future Olympic shooters. No one really knew about the ranges except the shooters, their parents and other pro gun students.


Two high schools I attended had rifle ranges in the basement. They were for the JROTC program. I first learned to shoot military style in one of them with a Remington 40X target rifle. That instruction is likely not allowed anymore.


As I recall, Hicksville JHS on Jerusalem Ave. had a range for decades.


Right on…being a former police officer, there were always guns around my house, my kids were shown them, taught to use them at an early age, therefore the mystique of them is gone….they never messed with any of them..they are middle aged now, enjoy target shooting and have never been a problem, but then being Christians didn’t hurt a bit LOL 😉


My kids each in turn learned to shoot on the M 1 carbine.
Their friends are all conservative, well dressed, well mannered, fishing, boating, shooting enthusiasts.
The girls play lacrosse and don’t fish.
They are all products of the local A rated public school.
They will inherit my gun collection
So I have hope for the future of America.


The NFA and GCA are unconstitutional and anyone, and I mean anyone, that thinks to the contrary is delusional.
Here’s a quick list of idiots:
-Almost all of the Democratic Party
-A good chunk of the Republicans
-Arguably 4 out of 5 Supreme Court Justices
-A list of Fortune 500 companies
-Plethora of nonprofits, Unions, Academic Groups
-The NRA
-Santa Claus
-the kitchen sink
And I’m tired of the ‘consent of the governed’ argument for gun laws, Liberty is derived from fear of the government of its citizens, movement toward the other limit is tyranny.


Dammit, Ex. I was tracking right along until I got to the “…impatiently waiting for roast beef and gravy with new potatoes,…” part.

Completely lost my concentration on your post to thoughts of Yorkie Pudding…

5th/77th FA

and biscuits/cornbread for sopping purposes.


Ya just gotta cube ’em up.


No Yorkies were harmed in the production of this milblog entry. The term “Yorkie Pudding” is a well known abbreviation of “Yorkshire Pudding” a concoction of flour, eggs, milk, various seasonings, and beef drippings.
It should be noted that “Yorkshire” formally known as the “County of York,” is also too large to fit in a pan of normal proportions.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.


“Yorkie pudding”??? no, not yorkies, boxers, or other bulldogs, even pit bulls but NOT YORKIES 😉


I see some mention of Wyatt Earp as being a guardian of your freedoms. The irony is thick there. Earp and his posse were famously all about support for gun control. The shootout at the OK Corral was all about gun control. Guns were for the police and military only. Everyone else had to check them. Don’t check them and you get gunned down.

That is not the guy I want watching over me.

A Proud Infidel®™️

If Gun Control Laws were the panacea that liberal snowflakes claim them to be then places like Chicago, LA, NJ and Mexico would be crime-free utopias! Said libtards also scream about Law Enforcement and Government while screeching that they are the only ones who should be armed, liberalism is truly a mental disorder!


liberalism is truly a mental disorder!