Pentagon unveils new cartoon to recruit for the military.

| October 6, 2018

Several people sent in this article and I have no idea what to make of it.  I hope there is some backstory that explains what this is about.

This is being explained as part of the 5 Sided Insane Asylum’s new website update.

According to the Pentagon, the video is intended to serve as an entry point into the rest of the website, which “finally matches up with the way Americans view news and content online” by providing more visuals and interactive content.
“All year, the DOD’s #KnowYourMil campaign has been working to let the public know that our service members are no different from you,” the website states. “And while military jargon can be confusing to ‘civilians’ — also known as people with no military connection — the public can still be engaged without needing a translator to decipher that jargon.”
I have no idea what they paid for this… thing.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

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Hack Stone

Next up, they will provide videos to translate Dutch Rudder Gang jargon into something close to English.

Doc Savage


IsNt Dutch RuDdEr EaSy To LeArN oN RoSeTtA sToNe?


I did not know they lowered the recruitment age that far. Best part was the Coast Guard taking the money leaving the “bad guy” and flying away with it.


I want to know what all those countries are helping us with our wars. Especially all those map points in Africa. And why does Australia get 2?

A Proud Infidel®™

Who the hell did the animation, some millenial college freshman wanting extra ROTC Credit?




And was paid $16M to do it…

FFS, that is some embarrassing shit. Hopefully The Warrior Monk puts a boot up some PR flunky’s ass for this shit.


Pretty sad when South Park beats you on production value.

A Proud Infidel®™



Well, it won’t play on my antique thing, but it looks like the work of a rank amateur so I won’t waste my time on it.

The Bright Idea Club needs to be shut down before it wastes any more of my tax money. I think any one of us could come up with something better as a recruiting campaign. Even that brief scene at the end the “Starship Troopers” movie, where that bunch of troopers lock arms and walk off together is a better example of what the military gives you, and that was THE dumbest movie I’ve ever seen.

Green Thumb

Where is the one with leadership bending you over and fucking you in the ass?

Or the with one Joe all gooched and stumbling down the hallway before formation?

Or of Blue Falcon sticking it to you in more ways that one?

Yeah. Totally realistic.


Please, spew alert. I freaking actually blew coffee out my nose. Now I have coffee/snot on my screen. This was actually the funnies thing I have read in some time. Got any more?

Green Thumb

We are the World, We are thing Children should be playing in the background.


Which one is the white guy?

Green Thumb

You mean the Infantry dude?

He is in the field sucking ass.

Green Thumb

And where are all the fucking tattoos?


That is the dood that dropped his pink ice cream on the floor. He is in the hall running the buffer to get it all cleaned up.


So the USCG receives payment for smuggled goods then rushes the funds to a safe “offshore” bank?

I learned something today…

Dave Hardin

The Navy … It’s all about the water.

I never thunk a dat.


The Marines: it’s all about bitching about everything, especially a bug hunt.

Reverend Pointy Head

I need a like button.
“Man, you look just like I feel.”
Always a great ice-breaker.


What, was Maximilian’s ‘Terminal Lance’ not available for life as a Marine grunt?

Used to be StillServing

This appears to be designed for those with an IQ less than 80. What an embarrassment.


its for democrats. That way they don’t think we are all baby killers.

BlueCord Dad

The Duffel Blog could’ve done a better job…


Holy Mother of God. From now on if I’m asked, I’m gonna tell people I was a civilian. If DOD paid more than $2.53 for this shit, they got ripped.

Where do I get a patch for my eye like the pirate has? You can’t fool me, this shit was made by the staff of Duffel Blog when in a drunken stupor. Amateur hour 101.

Where is the brown nose guy?

Jus Bill

Supposedly by Petty Officer 3rd Class James Bleyle. I’m betting while he was killing time at work. In the Pen. While being paid. Sucking up.

Can anyone say “Fraud, Waste and Abuse”?


Where is the barracks lawer? Where is the brig? Half of the infantry is in the brig at any given time.

Hack Stone

Somebody has to fill that Brig Quota. At 3rd Combat Engineers, it was the Communications Platoon that stepped up and answered the call. Luckily for us, they moved the Brig to Camp Hansen, just across the bridge to the rifle range. Made it real convenient for us to visit the troops.


Hack: I actually held sick call at that brig on Hansen, 70-71. It was right up the road from the dispensary. The Marine guards really disliked taking in any for whom I wrote a consult to see a real doctor. Of course, every prisoner had low back pain, severe migraine headache, extreme dental pain. The LBP and migraine complainers got aspirin. I wrote a consult for the dental pain patients. Guess I have a soft spot in my heart for dental pain, as it is not easily cured by aspirin.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

They could have used Popeye, Farmer grey, Mr. Magoo, Betty Boop and Elmer Fudd to make the cartoon and that would have been Boss to watch.

The Other Whitey

Was this dreamed up by the same geniuses who gave us the Obamacare Pajama Boy?

Slow Joe

I thought it was very well done. I don’t think it will convince anyone to join the military, but at least might help the civvies differentiate the different branches.
The animation is a common technique used as a visual aid in presentations. It is designed to be simplistic as to not detract from the verbal message.


And yet, it detracts.

Doc (FMF)

When did the CG become a branch of the military?


Next thing you know Canada will have the A-bomb.


They already have one.

It’s name is Trudeau.


We used to joke about that in school and then some commander with a bad sense of humor would lecture us on 14 USC section 1.


Perry Gaskill

I’ll swim against the current on this one. The TAH crew seems to be assuming that the public service animation by Petty Officer 3rd Class James Bleyle is targeted at a general adult audience and might see air time on, for example, The Simpsons or something else in prime time.

I don’t think so.

It seems to me the audience Bleyle might have been trying to reach was more for very young, say, SpongeBob SquarePants viewers. On the face of it, that might not appear to make any sense, except for the fact that those same young viewers might someday grow up and enlist if they picked up a favorable view of the military early on.

It might also be pointed out that those same young viewers likely have parents who fit in a demographic window more likely to enlist than the population at large.

Hack Stone

Aha! So it is propaganda to brainwash the innocent children to be cannon fodder for the Republican Party War For Oil policy. Quick, everyone lock your kids in the safe room and give them gender neutral dolls to calm their anxieties.


That explains why the narrator doesn’t say “This is no shit”.


This has something to do with the launch of a new or revamp of their old website? Aimed at who??

Got me scratching my head. Would probably be a bit embarrassed but don’t know enough about the why of it to have much of any reaction.


They left Tasmania off Australia! 🤔

Just An Old Dog

Looks like we can get most of the 4th graders to buy off on it.
Was anyone else in when the Army made PM pamplets like cartoons for people with like a 6th grade reading level. They had a crusty old Master Sgt and two chicks in them.
But hey in the field with no Playboy Magazines those chicks inspired many a hand to gland actions.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

Those PM Mags rocked!


Cartoons, eh? I thought this new all-volunteer military had higher standards.

The Stranger

They should have used “The Damn Few” from Ranger Up instead.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

They give credit for the video to Petty Officer 3rd Class James Bleyle…

Must have sent him the tasking at 1700 hours on a Friday…

Should have just slapped together a PowerPoint slide show…