Army Veteran brainwashed into Citizenship.

| September 20, 2018

Army veteran Fabian Rebolledo returned to the U.S. Wednesday after he was deported to Mexico in 2012. (AP )

I have looked into a few of these. “Veterans who have been deported” cases.  I am sure there are exceptions but they all seem to have valid reasons for being sent out of the country.  “Being a Veteran” does not absolve an individual from his civic and legal responsibilities.

A U.S. military veteran who was deported to Mexico six years ago walked back across the U.S.-Mexico border Wednesday proudly wearing his Army uniform and maroon beret to reunite with his family.

Anxious to greet Fabian Rebolledo, 43, across the border in San Diego were his parents, siblings and 18-year-old son, The Los Angeles Daily News reported.

Rebolledo was first deported to Mexico in 2010 after authorities said he cashed a $750 check they believed to be forged. He insisted he received the check for construction work he performed and didn’t know it was fraudulent.

He reentered the country and in 2012, immigration officers picked him up at his parents home and he was deported again.

His battle with the U.S. immigration system received help from the University of California, Irvine Immigrant Rights Clinic and other advocacy groups.

“We fought for this Constitution, not only for our own families but for everybody in the United States so they can walk free,” Rebolledo said. “There are a lot of veterans out there that need our help.”

Yes, yes, yes, there are Victim Veterans everywhere.  Cashing a forged check and then re-entering the country illegally should be all forgotten about because he is a Veteran.  Most of the cases I have looked into involve drug crimes…we should look the other way for that too I guess.

The Daily News reported Rebolledo dropped out of college to work before he joined the Army.  A recruiter “brainwashed” him into thinking he would automatically become a citizen, he told reporters.

My recruiter told me that I didn’t have to die in a steel mill or a coal mine, he said if I was lucky enough I would die far away from all that in some country I could probably not pronounce.   So Rebolledo was ‘brainwashed’ by the Army but enjoys using his service for special treatment.  I always find this special kind of Veteran Pride a bit shallow.


Category: Illegal Immigrants, Veterans Issues

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After “Awright, maggots!” probably the most common phrase heard in Basic was “But my recruiter told me….”


My recruiter told me that if I signed up for an extra year I wouldn’t go to Vietnam. Someday….

J.R. Johnson

Sounds like a guy that left the military after one tour and did not know what to do. His command did not help him to get his citizenship (which happens a lot in CONUS units), and he started a drinking problem. Then some letter of the law folks decided he did not fit their agenda and deported him, and no one was around to help him…wait who was in office in 2012?!?
Ohh, that explains it!


The “Deporter in Chief” as the Hispanic community called him.


I was with this Soldier at Fort Bragg and he had such a horrible drinking problem prior to getting out of the Amry, it was so bad he had a breathalyzer to start his car……he received all kinds of help and would not help himself.


Odd how the media is siding with ‘veterans’.

2/17 Air Cav

White, heterosexual male Veterans remain still a threat to the security of the country.


Only because of all the heavy weapons training, explosives training, and hair trigger PTSD issues all veterans have.


I object to the use of ‘hair trigger’.

I have NO triggers in my hair.


But do you have hair on your trigger? (It begged to be asked.)

Slow Joe

Nobody has hair in their trigger anymore.
If you don’t manscape you don’t get laid.


Just keep your noses clean. You’ll be okay.

jeff monroe

are you real or this a joke

MSG Eric

The foreign guys I served with were constantly hounded by the CO to get their paperwork through.
I have to believe it was a choice not to do so.
There were exceptions, two Field Grades and Chapter paperwork comes to mind.
And I’m POSITIVE if a ‘problem’ was raised IG would be all over it like stink on sh*t.

2/17 Air Cav

I was a very hard sell for my Army recruiter. The conversation went something like this:

‘Hi. I just tried to join the Marines but I was told I would have to wait, that they weren’t taking anyone any longer who would is not at least 18 or would be by the time Boot Camp ended. Do you have that rule, too?’

‘No. Have a seat.’

MSG Eric

I walked into my recruiter’s office and told him I wanted to join. My best friend was in the Army Reserve at the time so I knew some of what he was going to tell me at first.

He didn’t know what to do. I skipped like 5 steps in his “sell the Army!” talking points. I later found out he was the worst recruiter in my state, which I wasn’t so surprised by.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah. The fact is that we weren’t recruited at all. We enlisted in every sense of the word.

MSG Eric

That’s why I have the RangerUp shirt that says:

I wanted to Serve.
I volunteered to Serve.
I knew what I was doing.


I wasn’t even sober. I literally had to cover one eye so that I could see well enough to sign in the right place. I am still a little surprised at that, but they were not too picky back then.


“Victim Veteran”. Yeah I like that one Dave. Let’s see if I’m on deck here. 18 years after discharge and turning into a shit bird, he decides he is meant to be a soldier? WTF? He had at least 3 years of AD to do a little paper work that the Company clerk and CO could’ve handled in just a very few minutes. He was meant to be a soldier? How many incentives were being offered to re-enlist or return to AD were being offered at that point in time? Is my white privilege card worth anything on trade for a Victim Veteran card?….. On 2nd thought, never mind.5


I have some sympathy for the guy. But not much.

The LA Times article indicates he came to the USA in 1988 at age 13. Since his parents were living here openly and he received Permanent Resident Alien status after his military service, I presume he either came here legally or was covered under one of the various past “amnesty” programs.

That means he could have applied for US citizenship shortly after turning 18 (5 years residency) and taken care of the issue before even joining the military. He elected not to. And he also elected not to do so for years after his military service. Frankly, I’m not buying the “but my recruiter told me it was automatic” claims. What I would believe is that his recruiter told him that serving would make becoming a citizen much easier.

He may have gotten a raw deal on the forged check charge (and arguably the deportation), but the deportation wouldn’t have happened at all had he made the effort to get naturalized anytime after he was eligible to do so. Prior to his felony conviction on the check charge, that would have been essentially a “check the blocks and pay the fee” process. After a felony conviction? Very different story.

MSG Eric

Yeah, it’s like when we were in Afghanistan and the Afghans knew the rules about CERP better than we did. They knew exactly what could be done/not done with project money.

This is the same case. If he didn’t have a citizenship ID, even in California, he would’ve known something wasn’t right. Plain and simple. Let alone, as you go through Basic and AIT, you get info on citizenship. Then, when you get to your first unit you have the same thing. Since at least 2000, units also track citizenship status for all members and get checked on why someone isn’t.

There are so many reports that can be seen all the way up the chain that GOs ask why SPC Johnson hasn’t finished his SSD1 yet so he can go to WLC.

MSG Eric

I can’t understand it. While Obama was President and reducing the force, giving us 1.3-1.8% pay raises every year, sending us into yet another country without any strategy, telling us that our biggest priority as the military was climate change, and so on, the media was silent. Strange…..


Was that 82nd guy that was kicked out for cocaine use and dealing? And was later arrested and deported for cocaine trafficking? The media misses that part.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I joined as well, went down told them I was there to sign up, didn’t need to be recruited I wanted to serve.

I did laugh my ass off though when one kid showed up at basic with a set of golf clubs because his recruiter told him he’d have weekends off and be able to golf at some nearby courses….

MSG Eric

Now that recruiter is just plain mean. lol But, that’s funny. I wouldn’t be surprised if that recruiter had friends at that Basic installation he talked to about pulling that one.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The best part was the DIs called him Private Trevino after that…and they were constantly busting his balls over what club to use depending on the weather of the day…It’s going to be wet today Private Trevino, what club should we use to play out of the rough on our road march?

Luckily for him some kid from Texas shit his pants after chow during a run….so attention shifted to Private Turdpants for some time afterwards…

MSG Eric

My bunkmate in Basic left his locker open and went to the Latrine and asked me to watch it. Of course a DS walked in 2 minutes later. We tried to tell him, but he said, “you can’t trust him with your locker! you can’t trust anyone!” and then proceeded to look in his wall locker and found a few crumbs.

He was sneaking crackers / cookies from the chow hall. From that point on, to every Drill Sergeant in the company, he was “Cookie Monster”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

hahahaha, anything they find on you is comedy gold for weeks…whether you liked it or not.


At Ranger School, the instructors did “pogey bait” inspections of our rucksacks just before we went to the field. One guy in my platoon had a whole salami in his ruck, hidden between the waterproof bag and the inside of the ruck. That was good for about 30 pushups and a 25 point bad spot report.


One thing the cadre emphasized to us “aggressors” was to carefully secure all foodstuff before each exercise. As it turned out, even the cadre were not above scarfing up every edible in sight. Can’t say I blame them, though.


I chose the “guaranteed” two year, all expense paid vacation in Germany to avoid Viet of the Nam. One year later it was hello Da Nang. Breach of contract. I should complain. And be compensated.


Failed to read that paragraph at the end that says anything can change “for the good of the Army”, didn’t you?


You too! At least I got 18 months in Germany before the inevitable. When I returned I went to the IG to see about that “guarantee”. There was, of course, no guarantee in my records but I still had to do that extra year at Benning.


I had to find the recruiter when I enlisted, he was having coffee across the street from the recruiting station. When I got home from work that night, Huntley and Brinkley began their nightly report with the first casualty figures from the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley. Talk about timing.
I did get 31 months in Germany, after basic and AIT.

William Milewski

So lemme get this straight, article said wearing his uniform, ASU’s were not issued back in 1999, he is wearing unit awards, he is no longer in the unit so not authorized. Something tells me his lawyer bought him this for just the right “photo op”


Eh bien….

El Mexico Lindo no le gusta no mas, eh?

Maintenant, je comprends tout.


Here’s a guy who has earned a little more sympathy: a retired Gunnery Sergeant who’s been denied a passport. (May be behind a paywall so link is to the cached version.)

2/17 Air Cav

Thanks for the cached link. He wasn’t singled out. The explanations as to why certain birth certificates are suspect makes good sense. I would think he would understand that instead of whining and making a speech. Sounds like he’ll be fine, as soon as he submits the additional material. Besides, it sure sounds like he’s going nowhere soon and is unsure whether he’s going to Mexico or Europe.

MSG Eric

I had to have my birth certificate replaced years ago for a security investigation. The old BC’s were made in such a way that they can easily be copied and faked by a regular color printer.

The newer versions have a raised seal, water marks, etc., on them to show it is the original and not a fake. The State offices are fairly quick to get them to you these days.


I could have chosen any number of MOSs but for good reasons I opted for 8400, Hospitalman. Surprisingly, my recruiter told me there was a good chance I’d end up in Nam. I accepted the risk. I hit Basic Hospital Corps School and was told if I graduated in the top 10% I would get my choice of duty station. So I graduated with honors (damn, but it actually says that on my certificate which I didn’t realize until lately). Needless to say, I didn’t get my choice of duty station and I also ended up in Nam. Such is life in the service.


My Army Recruiter brainwashed me into believing only pussies went into the Navy for Nuclear Propulsion on a Boomer (which I was offered). Real men jumped from perfectly good aircraft in the middle of the night. I listened and it was a hoot for sure.


Article says he got a Purple Heart from a sniper ? in Kosovo ? also hes got on Cross Cannons … I think our artillerymen hold the record on tah as their original MOS and who participate in this fukery of being something more than artillery

I didn’t know artillerymen in cleared land mines


[…] The Political Hat: Capitalism – Extermination, Racism, Redistribution This Ain’t Hell: Army Veteran Brainwashed Into Citizenship, also, “I Don’t Believe You, But Even If I Did It Wouldn’t Matter At This […]

Hack Stone

Hack Stone’s recruiter told him that a Marine Corps uniform would help get him lied. His recruiter did not lie.


I knew this bonehead quite well. I went to Kosovo with him, I was there when he got booted out of the army for a series of DWIs and a pending failed urinalysis, and I was even at his going away party. He was not shot in Kosovo nor were any of our guys. The one thing we all seem to remember about him is that he is a terrible liar. The guys at Stolen Valor are getting ready to go public with what else they found on him. I’m proud to say I had something to do with that.

Daisy Cutter

But wait! There’s more to this story: