Jose Cotto – Fake Navy SEAL

| September 17, 2018

The folks at Military Phony sent us their work on this fellow – Jose Francisco Cotto – who claims he was a Navy SEAL.

Jose’s Facebook profile oozes with the claims of Navy SEAL.

So does his bling…

Jose claims he was in the Navy from 1983 – 1998.

Oddly, he claims he was in BUD/S class 173 in 1982 on the UDT SEAL Museum page.

Unless ‘1982’ was a typo, this would have him being in BUD/S while he was still on Delayed Entry in 1982.

The National Personnel Records Center shows an alternative version of Jose’s career.

Cotto’s official military records show 1982 – 1985, slightly less than 3 years, vs. the 1983 – 1998 that he claimed.  He had a hospital stay and was discharged soon after.  Difficult to believe he was on TDRL for fourteen years – the limit is five years.

In any case, Jose’s records DO NOT list any SEAL training (BUD/S) or show him as being attached to any SEAL Teams.  Jose served during a time when others wouldn’t.  As is all too often the case with people who embellish their service record it appears that his time in the military ended prematurely.

Category: Fake SEAL, Navy

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Those are some cute Sally Jesse Raphael glasses he has on.

And yeah, I’ll say it first: fucking ate a seal, maybe. Or blew one.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

NHSparky; I haven’t heard the name Sally Jesse Raphael in years. She still around? If I remember, she used to be a radio or TV host.


She’s well into her 80’s, IIRC. I’m not aware of anything she did after her talk show, so who knows.


Meal Team 6 reporting!

A Proud Infidel®™

A MEAL Team Six Buffet Assault Commando!

Dwight Schwarz

Seal, just from pic’s I’d say possibly a elephant seal ( a whale seal has never been identified yet).


There’s a joke about cotto salami just begging to be written.

chooee lee

Looks like he never missed chow call

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he was a Special Chow Hall Back Door Gunner posted to keep Sailors from sneaking in for seconds?

Cameron Kingsley

Does he eat them?

Combat Historian

I’m sure his “real records” are stashed in a underground vault somewhere below the Pentagon to ensure his safety and anonymity…///

Doc Savage

Another survivor of the “Battle of Golden Corral”…..the only other survivor that made it through the battle untouched was the salad bar.


Over Macho Grande?

Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever get over Macho Grande.

Or in his case, Nachos Grande.


The only seal he’s ever had anything to do with is the one he has to break getting up off a chair on a hot, sweaty day.

Oh, sorry – that was kinda mean of me. My bad.


Gross! Glad I wasn’t eating while perusing comments!


He can likely make a good “SeaL” with those lips…Around what I will not speculate….

Daisy Cutter

I’m willing to bet that he knows a man in Thailand with a wooden cock.

And… he saw two whales f#@k.

2/17 Air Cav

I thinks it’s time we all made an assumption that everyone whoever served in the Navy was a SEAL.


I must have joined the navy when SEALs weren’t needed… I was just a jet mechanic


And some who wern’t in the Navy, as well.

Keepin' It Real

OK, so he didn’t go to BUD/S, but he did see both “Zero Dark Thirty” and “Lone Survivor” and imagined what it would be like.

Comm Center Rat

Looks like he was running and gunning across America’s mall food courts for “15” years to gain his impressive jowls. Now the “weight” of his many battles has fleshed him out to elephant seal girth.

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks like a highly experienced Jelly Doughnut Assassin!


Operations Specialist: Isn’t that what they used to call a radar operator? Big difference between that and a Special Operator.

So, he claims to be an OS attached to TEAM 3. Yup, sounds legit. I’m sure that happens all the time.


I wish I could find the list of old SEAL source ratings.

That way it would be far easier to call BS half the time.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

bim; During my time in the Navy, Radar Men were called Scope dopes. I guess the name changed over the years.


Well, OS was a source rate for SEAL’s before 2006. The other is yes OS is a Support rate for NSW and SEAL Teams. Not this POS.


From what I’m able to gather, BUD/S class 173 graduated in 1991.

Jose Cotto did not even do his research.


Good lawd, he look jis lik’a hawg!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Holy shit, what a start for this Monday morning with a phony Seal at the TAH starting gate.


BUD/S Class 173 was not in 82 or 83 … but we already knew that!


THIS IS NOT A REPLY TO THE CHIEF’S POST!!!!!!! This is an urgent notice to NOT look at Skyjumper’s link!! If you think Beach Bimbo Bradley was bad, then BE YE WARNED. You CANNOT unsee this image. Oh, and Jose Cotto, is not and has never been a Navy SEAL, and did not have honorable service in the US Navy.


He really was a Navy SEAL.

That’s just a “fat Suit” he wears to throw off the bad guys he encountered that are still looking for him when he was running & gunning as a frogman in never to be disclosed secret squirrel missions.

Here’s a pic I found of him sans clothes wearing the aforementioned suit.

Comm Center Rat

Damn! A My 600 Pound Life candidate in the raw.

Warning: going to Skyjumper’s link will result in a visual violation that can never, ever again be unseen or removed from your memory. Proceed with caution and only after you’ve had a chance to digest your last meal.

Combat Historian

Damn…just, damn…


That pic will put you off your pie and ice cream for a while.


The fella in that photo has perhaps the worst case of Dicki-du syndrome* I’ve ever seen.

*Dicki-du syndrome: defined as an affliction wherein a man’s stomach sticks out farther from the belt buckle than his . . . well, nevermind. (smile)

Deplorable B Woodman

We used to call it his Dunlap spare tire. His belly dun lapped over his belt.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Did he suffer a blow to the head, he looks like he’s not wound too tightly in those photos. He definitely looks in all those photos like he could be diagnosed on the spectrum for retards (apologies to actual mentally challenged individuals).

The thing that sucks about a turd like this, is that whenever I see anyone obviously no longer serving but wearing military gear/memorabilia I wonder if they’re being honest or just another full of shit wanker looking for free shit or discounts.


I’m also wondering if he wasn’t discharged for “headspace and timing” issues, too. Looks like he went to the Hospital in 1985, stayed a week, and was in a “holding status” for about long enough for a Med Board to approve his discharge (couple of months).

I also find it kinda odd that he didn’t move back to PR after discharge, but is now in the Harrisburg PA area. That area isn’t exactly known for its mild winters, and it’s been my experience that most who grew up in warm-weather climates don’t really ever learn to like cold winter weather.


I met a guy last week at a veteran’s BBQ who claimed he served with the 93rd Marines at Chu Lai. Since I served there in 1971, I did a little research. First, there was no 93rd anything that was U.S. Marine Corps and based in Chu Lai, RVN. Second, all Marine units were replaced with Army units in 1967. Moreover, the guy in question looked to be about 60 years old. Oh, and yes, the food was free for vets.


And I am only referring to the replacement of Marine units in Chu Lai.


In for 4 years discharged before 3 years after a brief hospital stay. I’m leaning toward rectal trauma caused by his head being up his own ass.

The loss of oxygen caused brain damage leading him to believe he was a mammal residing in the ocean. Specifically he assumed the identity of an Elephant Seal, also known as the “Earless Seal”. Note in his pictures his ears are miniscule.

The Elephant Seal, genus (not to be confused as genius) Mirounga.


JOSE COTTO may have blown a seal…
JOSE COTTO may have eaten a seal…



Jose Cotto was never a Navy SEAL, for Google posterity. Did he mean that he played the role of a seal by balancing a ball on his nose while clapping fake flippers and saying, “Arf, arf, arf,”?


The line about being ‘TDRL’ and 5yr limit can happen. The TDRL serviceman has to have a medical review, and exam every 5 yrs. To stay on the TDRL list.
I worked as Computer Programmer on the Retired Pay system at Marine Finance Center in Kansas City back in the 70’s.


Good point. Yes, going on and off active duty to string together consecutive TDRLs was considered but ruled out because no active duty showed up after 1985.

Even DoN provided a ‘NO RECORDS’ response after a FOIA request was sent to them to cover the period of Cotto’s claim to 1998.

Always a chance that extended service through multiple TDRLs could have been under the radar but the fact that there was nothing to support him being a SEAL was emphasized more.


Dumbfuck…why’s it always the dumbfucks?

Daisy Cutter

Jose cleaned up his Facebook page a little bit.

Got rid of the service claims of 1983-98. Still has SEAL bling photos up, however.

Carlton G. Long

That pic with the faux turtleneck … all he needs is a push broom mustache and he could sell Liberty Medical to help manage your diabeetus.

A Proud Infidel®™

Jose Francisco Cotto WAS NEVER A US Navy SEAL. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like a highly experienced MEAL Team Six Buffet Assault Commando. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like he couldn’t handle even one flight of stairs without having a coronary failure. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like he’d get exhausted just standing behind the counter of a “Stop and Rob” convenience store. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like he’s VERY allergic to work. Jose Francisco Cotto is rumored to enjoy sniffing toilet seats in highway rest areas when he’s not trolling for dates. Jose Francisco Cotto couldn’t make it as an Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear). Jose Francisco Cotto looks like he enjoys blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change. Jose Francisco Cotto has a look on his face like HE SHOULD NOT be left around children and teens. Jose Francisco Cotto might have been put out of the USN for bed wetting. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like one who creeps around in public restrooms. Jose Francisco Cotto is a legend unto himself. Jose Francisco Cotto has scars from his last trip to the beach when he floated out too far and got harpooned by a boat load of Japanese Tourists. Jose Francisco Cotto also resembles a Blobfish, is he also a cheese guzzler? Jose Francisco Cotto only seved a little less than three years in the US Navy. Jose Cotto looks like he’s also a Brony. Jose Cotto can’t burp with all those chins because it would start a ripple. Jose Cotto is so fat his farts are measured on the Richter Scale. Jose Cotto once wore a yellow rainsuit and had people running up behind him yelling “TAXI!”. Jose Cotto looks like he has raided many a surplus store and website when he wasn’t blowing winos behind bus stops or doing tricks behind The Blue Oyster. Jose Francisco Cotto has enough blubber on him to feed an Eskimo Village for two years. Jose Francisco Cottois about to find out about The Power of Google®. Google®™ be with you Jose Francisco Cotto, THE INTERNET IS… Read more »


Lima Charlie above the DMZ

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Roger Dodger API

A Proud Infidel®™

Commo Checks are usually done by repeating the message like this: Jose Francisco Cotto WAS NEVER A US Navy SEAL. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like a highly experienced MEAL Team Six Buffet Assault Commando. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like he couldn’t handle even one flight of stairs without having a coronary failure. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like he’d get exhausted just standing behind the counter of a “Stop and Rob” convenience store. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like he’s VERY allergic to work. Jose Francisco Cotto is rumored to enjoy sniffing toilet seats in highway rest areas when he’s not trolling for dates. Jose Francisco Cotto couldn’t make it as an Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear). Jose Francisco Cotto looks like he enjoys blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change. Jose Francisco Cotto has a look on his face like HE SHOULD NOT be left around children and teens. Jose Francisco Cotto might have been put out of the USN for bed wetting. Jose Francisco Cotto looks like one who creeps around in public restrooms. Jose Francisco Cotto is a legend unto himself. Jose Francisco Cotto has scars from his last trip to the beach when he floated out too far and got harpooned by a boat load of Japanese Tourists. Jose Francisco Cotto also resembles a Blobfish, is he also a cheese guzzler? Jose Francisco Cotto only seved a little less than three years in the US Navy. Jose Cotto looks like he’s also a Brony. Jose Cotto can’t burp with all those chins because it would start a ripple. Jose Cotto is so fat his farts are measured on the Richter Scale. Jose Cotto once wore a yellow rainsuit and had people running up behind him yelling “TAXI!”. Jose Cotto looks like he has raided many a surplus store and website when he wasn’t blowing winos behind bus stops or doing tricks behind The Blue Oyster. Jose Francisco Cotto has enough blubber on him to feed an Eskimo Village for two years. Jose Francisco Cottois about to find out about The Power of… Read more »


Yay! Maybe we are now back to our once a week phony SEAL rate of Navy POSing frequency. Impressive is this one’s true story of “service.” Made to the lofty rank of E-2 before he got sick/injured and sent home.

Query to the squids here, what is a Battle “E” ribbon? Cuz the only battle Jose Cotto appears to have encountered is the one at the one at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

If I remember rgr769, the Battle E ribbon was for efficency while at battle stations and a certain % of performance had to be met to be awarded. If I remeber, while I was on the OKIE 3, we had 3 Battle E’s which were patches sewn onto the arm sleeves of our dress uniforms. First “E” was the cotton patch with the E on it and if any more were awarded, there were hash marks below the E. Each Dept. E’S were different colors IE Engineering were red, Aviation were green and Deck/ops were white. If anyone can add to what I probally missed since it was during 63-66 that I was on board.


I did some wiki research. It is now apparently an award to a crew for battle stations efficiency tests and is awarded to the entire ship’s crew. It is now a ribbon only award to the crew of the ship at the time of the testing resulting in the award. Guess it is sort of like the Presidential Unit Citation ribbons of the Army.

Green Thumb

Another fat shitbag.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

To make my above comment clear, at the time I was on the OKIE 3, (63-66) there were no ribbons at that time, just the sewn on patches I mentioned.

Deplorable B Woodman

He has his own song, from back in the day. “Welcome Back Cotto”

“Welcome back,
Your dreams were your ticket out,
Welcome back……”

Daisy Cutter

From Jose Cotto’s hospital bed in 1985:

JOSE: Doc, be honest with me. With my current medical situation, what are my chances of becoming a Navy SEAL.

DOCTOR: About what they were before your medical condition.

JOSE: There are so many things I’ve dreamed about doing.

DOCTOR: In civilian life, you can be whatever you want to be, even a Navy SEAL.

JOSE: Can I be Lady Gaga?

DOCTOR: Who’s Lady Gaga?

JOSE: I think I’m ahead of my time.

DOCTOR: I think so, too. In thirty years, you can self-identify with whomever you choose and it may be well accepted.

JOSE: Wow, that’s a lot to take in. Thanks, Doc.

DOCTOR: The important thing for all of us is that in a few weeks, you’ll be out of here and gone. Nobody will me more happy about that than you… and me.