Trump Orders Declassification of Russia Investigation Records

| September 17, 2018


Today President Donald Trump ordered the declassification of records surrounding the Russia investigation. Citing “reasons of transparency” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced the president’s decision, confirming the action.

Trump ordered the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to declassify select parts of the FISA court application to spy on his former campaign surrogate Carter Page during the 2016 election.

Trump also ordered that FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr be released surrounding the ongoing Russia investigation as well as all text messages relating to the Russia investigation from former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The volume of unclassified information will throw the Russian investigation into chaos as the motivations for the investigation into Trump campaign collusion will likely be revealed. Exactly as intended.

Citing a Fox News report about Page’s testimony, Trump commented on the investigation on Twitter on Monday, that there was no evidence of collusion before the Mueller appointment.

“The case should never have been allowed to be brought,” Trump added. “It is a totally illegal Witch Hunt!”

“Click” look at all the roaches running from the light. We may “Live in interesting times” as the Chinese curse goes, but damn this will be fun to watch.

View the entire article Here.

Category: Usual Suspects

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Br’er Trump just threw several someones in the Tar Pit.

(To mix a metaphor….)



“The case should never have been allowed to be brought,” Trump added. “It is a totally illegal Witch Hunt!”

And yet, it’s found witches. Unless people here are going to defend Manafort, Flynn, etc.? Isn’t this draining the swamp?


Yes, but the Manafort plea included charges stemming through 2016 – it’s not all ancient history. People who commit fraud against the US, even ‘just’ tax fraud and failing to register as a foreign agent, are surely part of the ‘swamp’ of DC, no?

As for Flynn, I guess we have to wait and see, but the stuff with Turkey was pretty damning, in my opinion.

All told, there’s no evidence that we have that President Trump is a ‘witch’, but the investigation has not only revealed various individuals, but also may have just paid for itself by the forfeiture of some of Manafort’s property. All in all, no matter what side of the political fence you sit on, I’d think we could agree that the law catching up with criminals is a good thing.

I’ll stand by that even if (hell, maybe especially if) it turns up people with a ‘D’ next to their name, too.

2/17 Air Cav

“As for Flynn, I guess we have to wait and see, but the stuff with Turkey was pretty damning, in my opinion.” Wait and see what? The conversation Flynn had was recorded. The DOJ/FBI knew exactly what he said. That was their trap and he walked into it when he was less than candid. Flynn was played like an old fiddle as part of the Great Hoax into Trump/Russia collusion. Collusion regarding what? The only collusion came from the DOJ/FBI and other apparachiks in the US gov’t.

2/17 Air Cav

There is a concocted investigation prompted by duplicitous sources and conducting by gov’t officials who are pulling strings like so many puppeteers. They manipulate information, selectively leak information, and serve up information they themselves do not believe in order to obtain FISA warrants. They then begin leaning on people, delving into this and that to find someting–anything!–that might help their cause. The whole thing stinks from beginning to end and as far as I am concerned Mueller, Comey, and others ought to be prosecuted, not applauded. They are a disgrace. So, yeah, put me down as one who will defend all of the bad guys they dreamed up in order to get at Trump. I’ll take old-fashioned fraud for personal enrichment over treasonous behavior any day.


Did Flynn lie to the FBI or not?


Yo larsie-boi…
You just got your ass handed back to you, wait until November, you’re gonna need an entire case of Charmin ’cause you’re gonna be shitting a real brick…


A skilled interrogator can produce a “lie” from almost any person, on almost any topic.

jim h

this. no matter how innocent that person is. even Mother Theresa could be found to have lied with a skillful interrogator. Flynn got “gotcha’d”, not caught in a lie. and they put the screws to him until he couldn’t afford to fight.

@ LC:

on another point, the investigation did not aim at Flynn or Manafort, and no matter how sketchy they may be, this is not the swamp. this is the sign of an investigation spun wildly out of control. as even the Federal judges are slowly beginning to find. there should never be a loose cannon rolling around the battlements unchecked whose entire job is to create chaos. Mueller is that loose cannon. time to chain that puppy down. this is counter to the entire notion of our republic. and imagine the howling if we’d had a never-ending, unfocused investigation into who knows what going on with The Jug Eared One.

here’s a thought: let’s investigate (in perpetuity) congress critters like Mad Max and Schumer. to show im fair to all, McConnell too.


Right On!!


Wait and see once this whole thing is done? If we get to learn what the evidence and charges were, that is.

Flynn is apparently, as of today, due to be sentenced for his reduced charges (lying to the FBI) after the mid-terms. If you know a way for the FBI to ‘trap’ someone into lying, I’m all ears, but that seems to be on Flynn.

The other stuff, which apparently Mueller has investigated, includes the story about the Fethullah Gulen kidnapping plot and whether he took money from Turkey and didn’t register as a foreign agent. Whether he’s not being charged because those are baseless or erased as part of his plea is unclear, but it seems like Mueller had to give him something to get cooperation, as he’s still being charged with lying, so I’m inclined to think there’s something there on at least one of those issues.


I agree the FBI knew the answer to the question they were asking -that’s standard procedure- but look at what the charges are and tell me a) how this was an FBI ‘trick’, and b) why Flynn is pleading guilty:

Simple things? Sure, any deviation can be construed as perjury, but it’s a tough sell to a court. Documented deception, however, is a different beast altogether. This wasn’t a ‘trap’, this was Flynn lying. And he’s acknowledged that.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Never talk to the cops, never cooperate, never agree to come down to answer questions.

Even if you’re the victim it’s often wise to be careful speaking with the authorities.

There’s a reason no one ever wrote a song called fuck the fire department.

jim h

talking to us is not bad in itself. it’s knowing when the questions begin to have a focus that it can get sticky.


And not being a raging moron helps. Doesn’t do you much good when you say that you were choking your wife when she grabbed a knife and tried to stab you. Naturally he wanted her arrested.

USMC Steve

For Flynn, the correct response and action would have been to refuse to cooperate with the FBI at all. Particularly when it was a weaponized secret police version of what used to be the FBI. THEY are the ones with no credibility. Flynn caved because they told him they would fuck with him until he gave them something on Trump. That is known to have been their objective all along. Same with Manafort, but he made it that much easier for them by being a greedy crook.


ers will not do well in the slam, after they are also “investigated”.

That can and will pull in your family, friends, even minor children for “questioning” gets the full-court-press of police procedural.

And given the state of Federal code, sooner or later they find some trivial thing. Now you get the deal: cooperate and little Betty and Bobby do not spend the next two in the slam.


Others. First word was truncated.

2/17 Air Cav

Never, ever truncate in public.


Mmmmm, Popcorn. Somebodies gonna have some ‘splainin to do. Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of hacks ‘n flacks. Keep poking the tiger with that twig you stoopid dummycraps, he’s gonna turn around and bitchslap you so hard your great-great grandchildren are gonna be bruised… It’s about time!


Good! It’s great, with a big scoop of good on top! Acces to clasified material has always contained a “Need to Know” requirement. The American people ‘need to know’.


So he decides to compromise sources and methods and our ability to continue to colllect on Russian agents in order to score short term political points in an effort to discredit and obstruct a legitimate investigation into criminal activity and Russian influence in our elections.

Political points he will score by intentionall misrepresenting the context and facts surrounding the FISA request.

And you guys celebrate this as a win for your “side”.

Nice to know whose side you are on.

2/17 Air Cav

Whatever side you are on, you can bet 99.9% of us aren’t. There’s no reasoning with you so just eat shit.


Let me be very clear; there is only two sides in this; Trump vs Everyone Else.

When the gig is up Trump will look out for Trump and will do anything to protect himself at whatever cost to the U.S., it’s institutions, the rule of law, or the American people.

You can say you are siding with him but anyone who continues to do sonis merely a folkish meat shield conned into compromising their own dignity and reputation to defend a criminal grifter, con man, money launderer, and possible traitor.


Replace Trump with Clinton, and you have something there. Go one further and put Obama in there. Cannot do that, can you asshole.


Silence on the net from Cwhateverthefuck his name is.



The two sides are the USA vs the intolerant, bigoted, tyrannical, and vile collectivist hoard attempting to smother freedom and free thought.

It is clear which side you are on, comrade.


Well, Trump just stirred up the proglodytes. We have both Cunthulu and the Liberal whatzit opining here. Neither, regardless of the masked content, will ever admit their fearless leaders of he Deep State ever weaponized the CI, DOJ, FBI and other organizations to go after Trump and his administration. So, why waste your energy responding to their true believer talking points. As one of my law school professors commented in class once, “you can’t reason with zealots; they believe what they believe, in spite of all contrary evidence, because that is what they want to believe.”


P.S. I’ll go with calamari on the hoof, with the accompanying brain power of a large snail.


Nope. Snails are smarter. Chthulhumimic has the brain power of an empty canteloupe rind.


Misrepresenting facts and context is exactly how they got the bullshit FISA request past the judge.

Slow Joe


USMC Steve

Dude, that already happened under Obama some time ago. You have a weaponized and corrupt Gestapo-FBI and Mueller actively trying to subvert and bring down a legally elected president, and Trump putting all the bogus shit they are trying to tell us out in the light, so there will now be very little doubt this is a socialist democrat attempt to take him out. The “classification” of those documents only protected the crooked traitors such as Mueller in their attempts.

Flush out your headgear, never Trumper.


Timing is important.


What in the eff were they doing discussing sources and methods via unsecured cell phone text messages? Or were they using their SIPR phones in a SCIF for all those texts?


Ain’t it grand !!!!!
They’re already blowing smoke out their asses with just the release. We haven’t gotten into the meat of the subjects on this clown parade !!!
It brought out all the libidiots here on TAH and I am certain that this is just the beginning !!!
Gonna have to buy a big box of Orville Redenbacher’s for this one !!!

Slow Joe

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.


Yes, it certainly will be interesting. Tomorrow is Tuesday. I owe money to the guy who fixed my front steps, called him, asked him when he’d come by my house so that I could pay him, and he said “Is tomorrow okay? or Wednesday? Or Thursday?”

Sure, I said and hung up. I have this cash burning a hole in my pocket, just like these scumbags trying to destroy an elected President whom they hate have poison burning a hole in theirs.

Karma is an interesting and nasty bitch. Do those creatures trying to dig a hole for months now. Even vultures and hyenas behave in a more civilized way than those slimeballs in Foggy Bottom. I’ll just bet they’re all partying after each day is done and patting each other on the back at how this is going to turn out.

Yeah, well, Hitler danced a little jig before signing the French Armistice after the French government surrendered, and look what happened to him.

We must be patient….

Dwight Schwarz

Personally I’m surprised the internet is working today as Obuttwipe, Billery, Muley and all the rest of the corrupt Democraps and staff as well a special interest groups and lobbyist’s, spent the night hitting the delete button all night long as well as there were many fires in various designates sites that paper files were burned. Why, because it is called a cover-up. US citizens and Donald need to do complete thorough check on all politicians and not the BS that is now employed as to qualifications for our elected officials. Scams and corruption abound in the halls of congress far worse than any where else.


Are we waiting for Godot?


What a Gal!


Watch the absolute hysteria as we get prog-splained why openness and transparency are now bad for us.

Remember, these are the same hypocrites that say there is an absolute right to reveal ops, sources, and methods when they want them exposed. (When they can damage the USA with them.)

Example: there was a big fight way back when, over publishing details of the construction of nuclear weapons. “First Amendment. People have a right to know!” they shrieked. They won. Nuke info is all over the net. But now they say you can’t publish -firearm- making information. “Too dangerous! Someone might use it!” they shriek.

They are batshit hypocritical crazy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just like they snivel and screech that destroying a US Flag is their First Amendment right, but burn a rainbow fairy flag and they’ll scream “Hate Crime”.


Time to release the Kracken. They are the Borg. Resistance is not futile. Can’t we find a village for all of these idiots?…. Somewhere?…Anywhere?… The Souls of all of our fallen Heroes want their Country back!