Spousal Unit gets the boot.
I am sure most of you have seen the story about Alejandra Juarez who was given the boot back to Mexico recently. I put off posting about it until the dust settled.
The 16-year-old American daughter of a former Marine held back tears as long as she could Friday before her family was split in two. Her mother, Alejandra Juarez, was finally leaving for Mexico, rather than be sent off in handcuffs, after exhausting all her options to stop her deportation. “My mom is a good person. She’s not a criminal,” Pamela said, cursing at the immigration agency before her mother checked in for her flight from Orlando International Airport.
Alejandra and Temo Juarez, a naturalized citizen who runs a roofing business, quietly raised Pamela and their 8-year-old daughter Estela in the central Florida town of Davenport until a 2013 traffic stop exposed her legal status.Afterward, she regularly checked in with U.S. Immigration and Customs officials, which typically went after higher-priority targets like people with criminal records.
Temo didn’t figure his vote for President Donald Trump would affect them personally. That was before the enforcement of Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy toward illegal immigrants.
Now, the Juarez family will be divided in two: Estela will join her mother in Mexico after she gets settled, while Temo cares for Pamela and pays the bills.
So, she has been here 20 years without fixing her status and is being deported. I get it. It’s sad for her family.
Alejandra petitioned to become a citizen in 2001, but was rejected because she was accused of making a false statement at the border when she sought asylum in 1998, said her attorney, Richard Maney. He said she was asked about her citizenship and told authorities she had been a student in Memphis, Tennessee for a short time, so border officials apparently thought she was falsely claiming to be an American citizen.
U.S. Rep. Darren Soto, D-Fla., who couldn’t get the votes in Congress for legislation to allow Juarez to remain, called her situation disgraceful. “We’re not going to give up,” he told her with a hug at the airport. “It’s an absolute disgrace by the Trump administration to be deporting a patriotic spouse,” Soto said. “Her husband, Temo, served in the Marines … while she was at home on the home-front, raising two young women. What justice does this serve?”
It seems she probably was making false statements to officials.
“My husband fought for this country three times. The administration, yourself, you think you are punishing me. You’re not just punishing me,” she said, referring to her family. “I hope this make him happy. Perhaps we will forgive him.”
Señorita, your husband should have marched your ass down to Family Services while he was in uniform. Better yet, she should have just showed up while he was deployed. Almost all of those in her position that did were taken care of. Curious if there is some UCMJ violation for providing shelter to an undocumented alien. Did she have a Dependent ID? How much Tricare was she using? 20 years is a long time to let something fester, even Obama urged her to get the process moving.
I have a friend who posted about this and somehow managed to twist the whole thing into some kind of Liberal hallucination about marijuana laws under Trump. Its really sad to watch what was an intellectually sharp and intuitive mind be consumed by the dulling of “medical marijuana”. Sadly, he is probably one of the least caustic Liberals that are twisting the pain of others to feed some deeply disturbed fixation caused by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Slick Willy had to pay $850,000 for sleeping with his amateur harlot, The Great Orange Ape only paid $130,000 for a professional. It’s all about the art of the deal. We all have to pay for things we do wrong, there is always a price of some kind. It is not always fair but if fair is what you are looking for…There is one coming up in Lousiville .
I will make a wager she is back in the US with all her papers within 180 days, if not maybe they can seek freedom from all this treachery south of the border.
Category: Politics
Yeah, I saw this story and laughed my ass off at the way it was so sympathetically presented. 20 years here. Agreed in writing not to attempt to return. Lied. Broke the law. Now she’s the victim. Tough shit.
Same. I’m sure that President Trump is personally monitoring all of these cases. 20 years.
let’s see, if she had applied through channels to become a citizen 20 years ago, this WOULD NOT BE AN ISSUE WOULD IT?
So, had 20 years to get this right, Hubby ignored the issue, and then when the SHTF, the media turned it into a huge sob story.
“MY husband is a veteran, why wont Trump pardon me?”
Umm….because YOU are not a veteran.
“Why is Trump doing this to me and my family?”
Huh..lets review…YOU broke the law, YOU failed to fix it within 20 years, YOU lied in your application for “asylum”.
What could possibly be the recurring theme here?
I’m stumped.
“Anyone?” Even Bueller passes on that, too.
Don’t feel much sympathy. She had a LONG time to take care of this. Under The One, she could have probably gotten it resolved. Everything that Dave wrote I agree with. She has only herself to blame, but you know, Trump. This is like 8 years under The One, everything was The Bushes fault.
My give-a-fuckometer is at minus 1000…
“I hope this make him happy.”
Yes, he be very happy.
It makes me happy. I am a retired Marine, so some say I am simple. But we were taught that there are rules and regulations. If you don’t follow them then you may get your ass in a crack. This gal blithely ignored the entire situation and screwed herself big time. No slack and no sympathy. If we keep applying those rules for long enough, they might start to think we actually mean it.
All that was missing in her missives about her husband deploying 3 times was a “thank you for your service”
I’m sure there was an element of “we can fix it later.” Which was accompanied by a belief that Hilary would win and maintain the status quo of no immigration enforcement.
Anyone else find it hard to believe this Marine thought voting for Trump wasn’t going to affect his illegal wife? Was Trump less than clear about how he felt about illegal immigration during the campaign.
Lot of BS to call on this one.
“Ohh don’t worry honey, Hillary will win and you’ll get to stay here, no worries.”
*Votes for Trump*
Free divorce, no child support, no custody battle, no alimony, gets the house and 100% of everything in it – she doesn’t get shit except a plane ticket.
Fucking brilliant.
Hack-ack … cough … cough-cough … snicker …
I had to snicker at this one … does that make me a bad person?
Ah, well.
JUST because she’s HOT as heck, she could STILL be a bee-yatch ! lol
No one is preventing Temo from relocating to Mexico. He’ll just have to get permission from Mexico to move there. Poof, problem solved, family reunited, life is good!
Why would he do that? He’s sending the 8 year old to live with her mother and Grandmother, and the 16 year old will be out of the house in 24 months or less. Look at the picture. That’s a guy who just fucking won at life.
“Sorry honey, I haven’t been able to save up enough money to come visit. I had… car problems I had to take care of. I’ve gotta run, but I’ll call you soon.”
*Drives his brand new 2018 Dodge Challenger around the block again*
Haha, I’ve never had a Dodge before… but given the opportunity, who knows. The man is about to emancipated 🙂
He could just could just illegally cross the border into Mexico. Staying there without a “permiso” is a problem. It is felony under thier law law.
She has a 16 year old and an 8 year old. This means that there’s a good chance that the oldest was born in 2002. Why is this important? She petitioned to become a citizen in 2001, but was rejected. So, instead of taking her medicine and self departing then, and serving out the “can’t come back in X years because of this”, she has a kid.
Maybe that would keep her in?
She could’ve attempted to do this the right way then, but she didn’t. She stayed despite the fact that her bid to become a citizen was shot down. She even checked in with immigration. A perfect opportunity to find out what she could do to become a citizen. Nope, just the status quo.
They’re trying to make it sound like President Trump is inhumane, but, in reality, she should be asking how she could do this to herself, perhaps she could forgive herself one day.
ding ding ding we have a winnah!
I see this sort of thing all the time at work, and they are shocked – SHOCKED – to discover that popping out a kid or marrying a USC does not automatically confer status. even military spouses, who are given consideration. but without the correct visas and paperwork, you just cant be a part of the American dream. thing is, as I said, those attached to the military are not typically held back absent good reason.
no, there is something stinky about this one. this is most definitely not the entire story.
Amen, married a Brit while I was on active duty. INS made it huge ass-pain getting her Visa. An INS worker, in response to my frustration about the process, said, “It’s much easier not following the rules…” She actually wanted us to break the rules so she didn’t have to do the work.
^^Amen^^. When I tell folks the procedure I had to go through, to marry while on active duty in the ROK ( Mrs. Dustoff,a former South Korean national) most reply with….”man , you must really love that woman.”
This sucks for the family, certainly the kids don’t understand the truth of this at this time. The adults however have had some time to resolve this whole issue, and had they done so with even a modicum of effort on their part this would have resolved far more amicably than it did. Nothing of course stops the President from interceding in these cases involving military spouses, a simple EO requiring Immigration to grant stays of deportation to all military spouses would solve this issue immediately, along with a requirement to start the documentation process we could get people identified and into the system and legal. Again I’m not defending ignoring this issue for 20 years, that’s completely on the mom and the dad for ignoring resources available to resolve this. But for me we’ve become more and more of a police state over the last 40 years. You can hardly wipe your ass without government authorization for appropriate wiping materials. We can move forward with the wall and enhanced border security while addressing the people here whose only crime is an illegal border crossing. I don’t want us to be like every other shithole country, I want us to rise above that. I want us to be that shining light in the city on the hill. We are still that nation in so many ways, the current ugly political climate though is changing the nation and not for the better. When the only way we can win is to make sure the other guys lose, then we’ve fundamentally changed the nation and not for the better. She’s deported because she broke the law, and that’s how the law works to resolve her heinous presence as a resident illegal here in the states. Yay for us, we won. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Most of us wouldn’t even be here if our families had to go through the current process. The great migrations from Europe from the 1850s until the early 1920s occurred when there were virtually no laws, and none that… Read more »
Agree with most of what you said VoV, but one thing about legal immigration in the past… those coming in had to prove they had a means of support, that they would not be a drain on society.. did some game the system back then, as now? Sure, but the rule was there, and most abided by it. And once they did get into the country, there was no welfare, they got no handouts from the govt, they had to earn there way. Big difference from now.
Agreed Fyr, and like I said she engineered her own deportation by ignoring the law.
Regarding skilled labor that law wasn’t enacted until mid 1880s I believe and only applied to those who under contract. Not becoming a public charge was the rule about means of support and was mostly ignored during the mass migrations because how many farmers did we really need in this country? We needed workers and most of those coming in weren’t skilled factory workers but we made them skilled factory workers.
We need the workers in this country, the baby boomers who are retiring need a robust economy filled with workers. We don’t need layabouts to be certain but no economy grows without workers.
Fair enough.
The admission rate for immigrants from 1890-1924 was high, yes. But admission was hardly automatic. Roughly 1 out of 50 applicants for immigration at Ellis Island failed screening and were rejected.
Roughly 16M immigrated through Ellis Island. That means around 326,500 immigrants were rejected while it was in operation.
Even then, not all immigration was done legally. Around 1900, it was apparently common for some corrupt immigration officials to allow immigrants to “jump ship” at Manhattan without going through Ellis Island in exchange for a bribe.
Hondo you forgot to add that the citizenship tests were in American English only and that you were required to take the test alone not with 400 relatives to help.
” … like I said she engineered her own deportation by ignoring the law.”
Wanna keep your worries minimal? OBEY THE FRICKIN’ LAW!!
I agree with you completely. I’ve long said that the immigration quota system needs to go away completely. I’d say build a giant wall along our southern border and then put in a mini Ellis Island every couple of hundred miles. Every one who passes a background check, immunizations, a communicable disease check, and a short culture class gets to come in.
Or we could just annex Mexico.
If we annex Mexico we could solve the cartel problem by killing those fuckers and burning their crops to the ground…get rid of the corruption that’s rampant and have lots of room to expand and add year round massive agri-farming locations throughout that large territory. We could easily feed the world combining our two nations.
Now there’s an idea!.. We captured Mexico City once upon a time, guess we shoulda kept it….
We still have men buried there, in that actual shithole, Mexico.
Actually did it twice. 1847 an 1916. But who’s counting. Outnumbered both times and came out on top. Thrice if you count Texas,,,but they’re actually independent. Like Rudolph and that damn dentist.
I put that on facebook a month or so ago and I was surprised at the responses I got. Most of the friends I have on there who are left-leaning agreed that just annexing Mexico would really be the best solution to the immigration problem. It would also be a helluva lot cheaper than building a wall.
Can you imagine. Instead of inner-city gun murders, we can be treated to live-body burnings, decapitation, and decedents hanging from overpasses. Yeah, that would sure spice things up. They would soon be longing for the good old days of run-of-the mill daily murders in Detroit, Memphis, Baltimore, Chicago, and D.C.
Chicago and San Francisco are not enough of “failed state” problems for us, we have to go and annex a whole failed state nation?
Why stop there? Annex everything to the southern end of Panama.
I like the cut of your jib mate….
These sailing terms are like a foreign language to this old 11B, but they sure are fun to learn….
I think it means I like how you think!
Napalm everything south of the US border and start fresh. Agua Prieta would be a good start.
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
This line is one of the most misused lines in history. It does not indicate in any way that the USA has some destiny to be the sugar daddy to anyone who can find their way here.
The problem with Mexico and other central and south American nations is that they are conducting an ethnic cleansing of their “mestizos” and our lunatic communist fringe loves them some ethnic cleansing. Why, it almost as good as a gulag to our lefty friends.
Oh, of course they attempt to dissemble with the usual blather about “yearning to live free”, but will not answer the basic question. Why are these nations not among the wealthy first world nations? Why indeed. Could it be continuous flirtation with the ideals of Lenin? Why, yes, yes it is.
So, if your idea of “fixing” the problem includes the USA either annexing these nations or allowing everyone free entry, it is proof you don’t know what is going on.
Mexico is a failed state in the final stages of collapse being propped up by a USA too inept and too corrupt to end the source of all problems–the ethnic cleansing and economic exploitation of poor and under educated native populations.
The bottom line is that failed nations are not fixed by free immigration policies designed to allow lazy Americans to get cheap labor.
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
Liberal folk don’t understand that it’s a line from a poem, NOT the law.
I see it more as that anyone and everyone who violates our laws pays for it. I have no problem with that. If I am expected to obey all the laws and can do it, so can they.
A very great deal of that police state you mention came about when the fraudulent mulatto known as Obama came into power and started making it so.
Did she vote?
I wanna see a DD214 on the husband.
She self deported. Shame. I would have preferred an Eyewitness News team filming her arrest and transport to the airport. 20 f’n years. I’ll say this, though. She does sound like a modern American inasmuch as she takes no personal responsibility for what she has done to her family and instead blames President Trump for what he is doing to them.
So let me get this right because she was breaking the law for nearly 20 years she should get a pass? How fucking stupid. Or is it she should get a pass because she has children? When the fuck do American citizens just get to be exempt from punishment for crimes because kids? That’s right it doesn’t happen. The Left makes me sick. Fuck these seditious assholes and their blantant attempts to turn the country into a 3rd world shithole while they reap the benefits of illegal votes.
Actually it happens all the time, they don’t get a “pass” but they get something far less than serious punishment.
How many drunks get to 5 or more DUIs before seeing prison? Most drunks get a “pass” of sorts for their first offense and are allowed to use their vehicles for work even when the law states they should lose their license. Because we as a society have determined that preventing them from work is more of a problem than trying to work with them.
Many states have a first offender rule where for a great many misdemeanor or minor felony offenses if the defendant remains trouble free and attends probation as scheduled for one year their records are sealed or charges are dropped.
Our laws aren’t designed only for punishing people, they are also designed to protect society, consequently we’ve decided that some folks deserve that opportunity to self-correct because it’s cheaper and benefits the rest of us.
In this case she was of no harm to the community at large, I was in no danger because she was simply here. We have someone in a misdemeanor situation where we could have chosen a different path.
Instead society is being trained to bark at certain dog whistles both on the left and the right, the left is teaching people to hate the wealthy and the right is teaching people to distrust those “others” illegals and the poor. I wonder why that is so? Who benefits from us being divided into winners and losers instead of being simply Americans. I suspect it’s neither the right or the left that benefits….I suspect it’s the folks with the permanent tax cuts that don’t expire in a few years.
The thing about sheepdogs to remember is that they don’t only protect the sheep from the wolves they keep the sheep inline so their common masters can shear the sheep.
The dogs get a few meals for doing so and the sheep get to live as penned in slaves, but neither are free.
“the right is teaching people to distrust those “others” illegals and the poor”
Amusing how the right is accused of “clinging to guns and bibles” and also of disliking strangers and poor people. Must be a different bible.
“In this case she was of no harm to the community at large, I was in no danger because she was simply here.”… except for the precedent it sets VoV… If you start making exceptions to the law, you’ve shown that it’s not really a law, and subject to interpretation, which then gets looser and looser over time, as well as showing that our laws don’t really mean what they say.. that DOES do harm to the community, and put you and the rest of us in danger..
I’m sorry but there has to be much more to this story… As someone mentioned we need to see that DD-214 on her husband; time for a FOIA.
Any respectable military guy would have worked on the paperwork while they were on active duty, and had a better chance of resolving this.
Of course as someone said he conveniently is “raising” the 16 old (24 months and out the door) and will be sending money home. He’ll get the geographic separation and if he sends the wife a decent amount of money she will live pretty good in ol’ Meheco…
I’m not totally unsympathetic because I know there are some dumbass veterans/active duty types that have screwed over their foreign born spouses… for example:
I had a SPC (E-4) (was a SGT busted for smoking crack) when I was a first shirt who decided to put his spouse on a plane back to South America for a little “vacation.” Unfortunately he sent her off without her US Passport and military ID card. She entered the country with her old country’s passport (pre 9-11). She had a hell of time getting back in country (took 6 – 9 months) and was practically destitute save for some generous folks in the states. The a**hole SPC was living in my barracks drawing BAH… until myself and the CO got a hold of his arse…
“Let’s get that allotment started hero” and “don’t even think yer gonna go to the S-1 and have it changed back when I’m not looking…” The First Shirt reviews every LES on payday before handing them out!
Again, there’s something fishy about the original story…
The left isn’t being taught to hate rich people, they are being taught to hate America, all White people, Blacks that go off the reservation, Hispanics that voted for Trump, anyone that supports Trump in any manner, anyone that disagrees with them in their moronic flaccid laser brained beliefs that everything American is bad and any7one that doesn’t think like that should be killed, by someone they delegate to kill people and not them because the black scary guns scare the shit out of them and they have no idea how to use one. They are also taught to hate police except when they are arresting and preferably killing any White person, even white people that support them. Today’s left is a full replay of the Wisconsin Recall Election of Scott Walker where they threw fits, threw stuff at any GOP member of anything. They spit on people that had Walker support buttons on too. They marched and protested against Down’s Syndrome children that were asking for some innocuous thing. They protested me when I sat outside their HQ in Menominee Falls with an American Flag, my Disabled Veteran bumper stickers on my car and sat in a wheelchair. They called the cops on me and tried to forcibly remove me from their sidewalk. I had made up signs and everything supporting Walker and the GOP Senators and Rebecca Kleefisch, the Lt Governor. Walker handily beat the rematch of Tommy, the Trainboy, Barrett, the mayor of Milwaukee. I have a feeling that we will witness another mauling of the stupid libs at the ballot box with a Red Wave that will leave them crying RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA in their sleep !!! I’m with President Trump on this one. We are all sick of their behavior and all that does is piss off more GOP voters and make them even more motivated to go to the polls and elect more GOP pols and also trash out the RINO’s in the meantime… My biggest pet peeve on a RINO is Paul Ryan, he is the most mealy-mouthed little whiny ass libidiot right… Read more »
Cogent remarks. Thank you.
And thanks for reminding me that it’s time to re-read “Animal Farm.”
Didn’t appeal, submit a new application or hire a lawyer in 20 years. Guess they were expecting the Immigration Fairy to wave a magic wand and fix it.
20 years and no paperwork? Yeah, sorry, that’s on her.
One down…
I am mystified by people who are too lazy to follow the steps to stay here permanently.
My skating coach was from Poland and her husband came from Chile. They both were self-supporting, both applied for citizenship and received it, along with a bunch of other people in the applicant group.
Now, if all those people can go through the simple steps of applying for citizenship and get it, then why does this silly cow think she’s entitled to remain here at all?
I don’t get this laziness. I just don’t. And no, I do not feel sorry for her. If she’s too confounded lazy to spend even a few minutes during those 20 years to apply for residency, she doesn’t deserve an ounce of sympathy, period.
My in-laws arrived here in 1981 with newborn twin girls and nary a pot to piss in. They completed the process properly for themselves and the aforementioned twin girls. Of course, neither of them are lazy sacks of shit who entertain delusions of being owed anything.
And did I mention that neither of them spoke a word of English when they got here?
I believe that at some point, you did, TOW.
Curious if there is some UCMJ violation for providing shelter to an undocumented alien.
Article 134, the “general article,” includes not only offenses against good order and discipline, but “crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty.” So if you commit a civilian offense, you can be court-martialed for it, even if it’s not otherwise a UCMJ offense.
8 U.S.C. 1324 makes it an offense to bring in and harbor illegal aliens, so it looks to me as if the answer is “yes.”
Now whether the command would want to take the trouble to court-martial somebody for this offense is a separate question. From my point of view it’s highly unlikely–unless they’ve got other reasons for wanting to punish that individual.
What’s more problematic IMO is that the lady in question committed a felony in reentering the US – which probably directly or indirectly is why she was denied US citizenship.
Mrs. Juarez was refused entry into the US because of questionable statements she made to US INS personnel when entering the US in 1998. At that time, she signed paperwork to the effect that she (1) had unlawfully entered the US, and (2) that she was barred from re-entering the US for a period of (if memory serves) 5 years.
Later that same year, she knowingly unlawfully reentered the US. In doing so, she violated 8 USC 1326 – and that is a crime that qualifies as a felony.
I’m guessing that when she applied for US citizenship in 2001, she was refused on that basis. Her lawyer’s statement quoted above that “because she was accused of making a false statement at the border when she sought asylum in 1998” is disingenuous at best and deliberately misleading at worst. While that ma y be the underlying reason, I’m betting the actual reason for denial was that she knowingly re-entered the US after being denied entry – and may have lied about that on her citizenship application. Doing so is a felony, and those guilty of committing felony crimes are generally not allowed to become naturalized US citizens.
Thanks for pointing that out, Hondo. I thought she was not eligible for citizenship because of the illegal re-entry.
She only lollygagged around for twenty years, thus I’m incapable of giving even half a fuck!
I have no fucks to give. Tried to borrow one from spousal unit, The Russian, and she told me to fuck off. This is kinda sad but it never should have gotten to this point. Had 20 years to make it right but didn’t do so. Now, they should round up a few million more and send them home. Start with MS 13. Better yet, round up MS 13 and kill them dead.
Agree across the board, especially with the ms-13 part.. round em up, put em in a deep pit, add gasoline and a match…
Fug her. In the ear with a frozen trout, sideways.
Temo voted for Trump? Impossible! Everyone knows that Hispanics hate Republicans.
Things I learned today about Alejandra Juarez:
(1) On 28 July 2013, while driving her 2003 Black 4-Door Jaguar in Florida, Alejandra Juarez was pulled over.
(2) Her Driver’s was ran thru a Police Database. It turned out her Driver’s License EXPIRED on 7-6-2007. In other words, she never renewed her license. After 6 YEARS.
(3) According to the Police report, she was arrested and booked in Polk County, FL for driving with a license that was expired with an expiration date of 6 months or older.
(4) https://mugshots.com/US-Counties/Florida/Polk-County-FL/Alejandra-Juarez.65283853.html
(5) She was released on a $250 Bail Bond.
(6) She appeared in Court in October 2013 and plead NOT GUILTY. Still can’t figure out if the charges were dropped or what happened but I do know this:
(7) It was all because of that Durn Expired Driver’s License. 6 years passed due…And she failed to renew…Which leads to the question:
(8) How in the world did she get a Florida’s Driver’s License in the first place?
(9) According to this site, Non Immigrants that apply for a Florida Drivers License or ID card must provide Proof of Social Security Number and 2 Proofs of Residential Address.
As a Non Immigrant, they must provide one original or certified copy of the following Identification documents:
Employment authorization card issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security (Form I688B or I-766); or
Proof of Non Immigrant classification provided by United States Department of Homeland Security (Form I-94, not expired, with required supporting attachment(s).
(10) Which leads to the question: How did she get a Social Security Card?
(11) And as always, there is a GoFundMe Page:
Tip for the Day…Always renew your Driver’s License…and buckle your seatbelt.
Looks like she’s a real deal MENSA… with not a freaking ounce of common sense.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
YGTBSM!? What. The. Hell.
Actions have consequences. The US accepts about 175,000 immigrants ‘legally’from Mexico/Central America. She can try getting in line, or have her daughter sponsor her, but given her prior actions, she’s got a check mark next to her name.
Although I was already married to a Vietnam Army veteran my father walked my ass to INS with my green card and had me fill out the paperwork for citizenship.
I became a citizen at age 19 as did my brothers.
If one hundred (100) years of Socialism in Mexico have made it a garden, a paradise. Shame on her for deserting her country. I would have hoped that, out of solidarity, Progressive politicians would be encouraging the repatriation of citizens of Mexico.
Now, the real question that we have all been waiting for…
Would IDC/Sarc hit it ?????
Of course he would!
[…] The Political Hat: Nicaraguan Violence & Venezuelan Breaking Points This Ain’t Hell: Spousal Unit Gets The Boot, also, Join The Exciting World Of Stolen Valor Investigation Victory Girls: Anne Frank Reimagined […]
Dave Hardin,I am deeply offended by you calling President Trump “The Great Orange Ape”.
You are no John Lilyea. No doubt you voted for Hillary.
I have it on good authority that he voted for Wide Load five times! As for who he is not, I heard that he checked his birth certificate after reading your comment and that he must, reluctantly, agree with you.
LOL, I was expecting you to say…”I knew Jonn Lilyea, and you sir are no Jonn Lilyea”.
Ahh, my sarcastic nature gets me in trouble, if only I knew a friend who understood. S/F