Geezers for Peace honor a geezer for peace

| February 23, 2009

Shoe Bush 027
Someone sent me this article from Palm Springs’ Desert Sun that tells us that former colonel Ann Wright gets *surprise* an award from the Geezers For Peace;

Wright will be recognized today in Palm Springs with a Silver Helmet Award by the local chapter of Veterans for Peace at its annual banquet.

“We admire her integrity, courage and dedication to the cause of peace,” Veterans for Peace President Tom Swann said in written statement.

For those of you who don’t who Ann Wright is, she resigned her post with the Bush State Department in protest of the war in Iraq. Her posting was in Mongolia, so I’m sure she was a real valuable asset to the State Department and they were sorry to see her go. That was sarcasm, by the way. I’m pretty sure State doesn’t send important employees to Mongolia.

She claims that while she was in the military she was stationed in Afghanistan, Granada, Nicaragua and Somalia. I’m having a little trouble believing all of that, which is why I’ve had a FOIA request in for her records since last month. But, her reasons for resigning on March 19, 2003 were;

In her resignation letter, Wright listed four reasons she could no longer work for the U.S. government under the Bush administration:

* The decision to invade Iraq without the blessing of the U.N. Security Council
* The “lack of effort” in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process
* The “lack of policy” in regard to North Korea
* The curtailment of civil liberties within the United States.

So the reason she resigned was because President Bush didn’t allow her and her cohorts to make policy for the United States. In other words, she won’t be missed. She just generally makes a pest of herself since her resignation, interrupting Condoleeza Rice’s testimony to the Senate Foreign Relation Committee in 2006 and sleeping in a ditch with Cindy Sheehan in Crawford, TX in 2005.

In her interview in the Desert Sun she tells us;

It’s the responsibility of us, as U.S. citizens, to question our government. We have the responsibility to look closely at our government.

So I wonder when she’s going to start speaking out against this Democrat government. I won’t hold my breath.

She also says;

I never really got any “You’re a traitor” or “You’re unpatriotic” because I worked for the government for so many years. To call me unpatriotic didn’t make any sense. Very few people approached me in that manner.

Alger Hiss worked at the State Department for fourteen years. No one with a bit of common sense could deny he was a traitor – it’s not your length of service, Wright, it’s what you do while performing that service.

And now the Geezers for Peace give her the Silver Helmet Award. I’d really hoped it was me that got the award for exposing so many phonies in VFP’s ranks, but it was not to be this year – maybe next year after I expose Ann Wright.

I wonder if this is the “Silver Helmet Award”;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Frankly Opinionated

She isn’t the first to suggest “Curtailment of Civil Liberties”……. I don’t feel that any of my civil liberties have been curtailed by the BushitlerCheneyburton Administration, and would invite the readers here to respond and itemize these curtailed civil liberties in order to enlighten me and others who “just don’t get it”. Which of the civil liberties of the law abiding American have been curtailed? Please? I’ll have another cup of Florida Keys style Cuban Coffee with a ton of sugar as I wait for this enlightenment.
I do feel that this latest administration will curtail my civil liberties, if in no other way than to take so much of my meager income as to cause me not to have the liberty to afford to travel.
I’ll wait…….
nuf sed


those poor mongolians! and col. wright? “You’re a traitor” and “You’re unpatriotic.” ah. that felt good.


Damn, Kate, you beat me to it. But, for good measure, former Col. Wright, “you are a traitor and you are unpatriotic”. It does feel good.


“She claims that while she was in the military she was stationed in Afghanistan, Granada, Nicaragua and Somalia.”

Wonder who’s military she was working for in Nicaragua?

Next time you see her, sneak up from behind and whisper, “Commendante” and see if she answers.

Frankly Opinionated

Jonn: “Silver Helmet Award”- By George you’ve solved a question for me. I have been wondering what a Silver Helmet could be, having only seen Chrome ones based on our Steel pots. But your photo of a “Silver Helmet” explains it so clearly. Why didn’t I think of that? Does the IVAW have someone who makes them and supplies them to their quartermasters? I mean, wouldn’t they want some uniformity to them and all?
nuf sed


<< warning – following is a strong rant which some may find objectionable. I do not usually choose to communicate in this fashion, only when provoked by people who are sub-scum level.

Although many of these types are pukeworthy, SHE deserves a special Gag Choke and Retch category of her own.
“Without the UN’s BLESSING”?????
Does anyone here harbor a moment’s doubt of what the readers of this blog would like to ‘bless’ the UN with?

But to add my voice the the above chorus of Americans –

Wright! Front and center! You, Wright, are an Effin’ Dis-Effin-Grace, do you understand that? To say you are un- effing-patriotic and an effin’ traitor is such an understatement it makes me physically ILL to compare you to OTHER traitors; and you are such a lowlife you are not fit to wipe Hanoi Jane’s arse, no matter how much you would both enjoy that.
Now – get out of my sight.

OK. I’m through now.