Shon Wilson; Special kinda guy

| July 31, 2018

Our friends over at the Guardians of the Green Beret posted their case on Shon Wilson.  It seems he was testifying as a Weapons Expert of some sort. Maybe some of you want to take a crack at what the guy is qualified to testify about.  Let me give fair warning, there are puppies being trained and he knows what “is” and what “is not” a bomb.  I started with some of his claims:

Ok boys and girls I have a suggestion for you.   If you are in need of legal representation and they hire someone with that kind of resume,  you should probably seek new representation, but that is just my humble opinion.  Lets see what else this trained killer is qualified to do:

I realize lawyers are not exactly the brightest crayons in the box, (except ours of course, I think he fancies fuchsia) but who is gullible enough to think the idiot who wrote that is an expert in much of anything?  I suspect the only thing this clown ran into that was  foreign and high-density occurred while he was burning shitters. Come on, seriously?

Why is there always a puppy involved?  But at least he has ribbons and medals and badges, oh my!

I just love commemorative awards, I didn’t realize they qualified me as an expert in anything other than “Online Ordering”.  Hey now,  there are some real ones mixed in.  Let’s see how “Operator” this warrior looks:

Oh my goodness, we all know that clown we deployed with who had to take Tac-Tee-Kool photo ops.  He looks outside the wire, hahahahahahahaha.  I guess this nonsense plays to civilians.

Seriously, you are going to have to go over to the Guardians of the Green Beret and attempt some explanation of his records.  They have 40 some pictures of evidence to go through.

Is the Unit Clerk Course now part of Special Forces training?  Anyway, he has prior service and lots of records to comb through.  Search as I may…I can’t find any Special Forces Weapons Expert stuff.   But, maybe I missed it all.  I am getting the opinion that maybe he is an embellishing clown who just couldn’t be proud of what he actually did do.  I think he should just man up and stop bothering puppies.




Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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He thinks he’s Casey fuckin’ Ryback.

The Other Whitey

I was thinking Tom Cruise Reacher, though I didn’t watch that movie, as I just can’t buy into the “World’s Deadliest Midget” storyline.

Roger in Republic

If I remember correctly isn’t Maj. Reacher 6 ft 6 and about 280 lb of solid muscle?


6’5/250…But yeah, close enough lol. Apparently Lee Child (the author) states that Reacher’s size is a metaphor for his relentless force, and Cruise brings that bout in his own way. Or something like that. I always though Dwayne Johnson would make a DAMN good Jack Reacher.

SSG Kane

The first one was pretty good. Cruise played the part well, though I think the movie tried to stay too true to the novel and so dragged on for a bit. Also carried over a bunch of military errors (Lee Child never served and outside of Top Gun neither did Cruise) from the books.

But all in all it was decent mindless summer afternoon entertainment.

Second one sucked ass though.


In at least one of his books, Child stated that Ft. Dix was a Marine base. When someone reviewed the book and pointed out that obvious error, Child responded, paraphrased here, fuck you, don’t buy the book, then.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but when I view the pic linked below, I think “Nail chomping warrior.”


Is that a man or a woman he’s standing next to with the pooch? I can’t tell. Really, I can’t.

I’m so confused about this.

2/17 Air Cav

I had the same thought until I clicked on the pic to enlarge it. The warrior is the one holding the leash!

Daisy Cutter

That’s Chastity… er, Chaz Bono!


Wouldn’t his testimony be perjury after falsifying his credentials under oath?

2/17 Air Cav

Absolutely. And his testimony, if admitted, would result in additional problems for the case in which he gave the expert testimony. It’s probably why he lawyered up, but that’s just a guess.


Dumbarse. It’s one thing to do it down at the bar to impress whoever. Quite another to do it under oath in a murder trial and provide the state with all the credible evidence needed for it’s case. All they need is the court record and he’s toast.

SSG Kane

On the record gets you paid…at the bar gets you laid.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Nice purty clean uniform as well, not what you’d see on someone who went outside the wire!


He does have an ear-plug case on hid DCU.
jusss sayen!


And it makes him a hearing expert too



And a lensatic compass. Gotta have a compass.

He’s not wearing the matching camouflage Camelbak. I’ve got one of those, to prove my high speed creds.

A Proud Infidel®™️

What IS that coiled up in the D-ring on his vest, spare enema tubing for himself later on?


NCO Professional Development Ribbon but discharged as an E-4? Is that common, or did he fuck up and lose rank?


I know that ribbon just means he completed BLC, but is it common for guys to complete BLC and not subsequently promote before ETS?

E-6 type, 1 ea

It is somewhat common in the NG especially; usually due to PT and HT/WT failures. My guess is this guy barely passed PT at BLC/WLC/PLDC,celebrated at Golden Corral and failed his next PT test before he was promoted. My guess is that his chain of command realized what a worthless sack of poo this guy is, and they did this intentionally because they couldn’t kick him out. I’m not saying I’ve seen it happen, but I’ve seen it happen.

charles w

In the National Guard there has to be a slot open. Hard to get.

SSG Kane

Yeah. A friend of mine spent two years after WLC before getting pinned, because there wasn’t a slot for him. He joked that he was waiting for a sergeant major to die, so their 1SG could get promoted which meant his platoon sergeant could become the new first sergeant…

Eventually he managed to get promoted by threatening to ETS and re-enlist in the Reserves.


So having a CAB with a GWOT-E
Is possible because 2003-2004 was before
They had had the ICM medal right ???


Correct, Skippy. Though it was created circa 2005, CAB eligibility was backdated to some date in either Sep or Oct 2001.

The ACM and ICM were also created circa 2005; prior to then, those who deployed to either received the GWOTEM. It’s thus entirely possible for someone to have the GWOTEM for service in either sub-theater (Iraq or Afghanistan) prior to creation of the ACM/ICM and to have later received a CAB for an engagement occurring during that tour. The problem would be documenting the engagement to HRC’s satisfaction.


CPT11A: the original GOTGB article indicates they have reason to believe he was reduced in rank to E4 from E5. However, I don’t recall seeing any definitive documentation of that in the article – just an indication that they had good reason to believe it had occurred.

Disclaimer: they have 40+ pages of documentation concerning the tool at GOTGB. I didn’t read each one in detail, so the documentation of a reduction might be there and I simply missed it.

AW1 Tim


You know, I only have my Navy Aircrew wings and 5 ribbons/medals, but I earned every one of those. This is the sort of guy that really pisses me off.

If you raised your right hand, took the oath, and got out with an honorable discharge, then why, oh why, fuck it all up with this sort of stuff?


Poopie Head.

Wilted Willy

What an assmunch! I would hope any judge he goes before as an expert witness would at least verify his credentials for crying out loud. This guy couldn’t beat up Radar O’Riely?? I hope this twat waffle enjoys his Google fame now! Go choke on a bag of dicks!


I think my cat Punkin could beat the crap out of Shon.

Combat Historian

So this dumbshit is going with the “my OGA super seekrit squirrel secret agent training/quals are classified” routine (as noted in GoGB link). If we get more laughably lame excuses like that, it may be time for ChipNASA to whip out his famed SV bingo card…

J.R. Johnson

From his resume you would at least think he took the basic Armorer’s course… at least on line. From what it shows he wasn’t even Combat Engineer, just heavy equipment…which would be why he was taking pictures on top of buildings inside Camp Victory. That looks like Al Faw in the background, XVIII ABN Corps was just arriving in Jan 2005.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I see that he was also a Navy 2nd Div. Deck Ape and the bottom Army fruit salad case has a medal in the #12 row that looks like some kind of a French Foreign legion medal with the little flame. Was he in the Legion also??

SSG Kane

I think you figured it out. All his special forces training was in the French forgein legion and he’s just using google translate to convert the descriptions to English. Which is by he sounds like an SV moron.


Words matter:

Very early he had me at anti-terrorism.

That is all.



Anti-terrorism is a thing. It focuses on buildings though, and things like crash barriers.


I thought I was reading this guy’s doctoral thesis – the only thing missing is that he “won” the Medal of Honor and was a Viet Nam POW.

A Proud Infidel®™️



“High Density” Dingleberry at that!


He’s (She’s??) featured in this story about the Wyoming National Guard being deployed to Kuwait in 2003 as an Engineer Unit (Bridge Trolls?):


Another example of a honorable service record flushed down the crapper for no good damn reason. Enjoy your google fame moron
You’ve work hard for it with your bullshit


This syphilitic turd went FULL HOOAH.
You *never* go FULL HOOAH.

The Stranger



Way to blow honorable service all to hell, asswipe.


Earplug case on the wrong side of his BDUs. Obviously a fake.


A Disbursing Clerk in 2nd Division?


Oh never mind…he was trying to abbreviate a four letter word. (Deck)

I don’t recognize any of the bottom row of medals…are those the commemorative type you can buy from Medals of America?


Roger dodger…..


There’s even a Cold War Victory medal in the mix. I never knew such a thing existed.


It doesn’t, it is one of those Geedunk commemorative medals I was referring to.


The name sounds vaguely familiar – I was in the WY ARNG at this time and it’s possible we crossed paths. Over on GOTGB it shows his SSI as the 115th FA Brigade, the same unit I was in, though he may have been in one of the subordinate units (I was in the Brigade HQ Battery.)

There was an Engineer company in Laramie when I lived there (2000 – 2005) that I believe was a heavy equipment company, (133rd I think) and over in Rock Springs/Green River there was an other engineer company that was a pontoon bridge company (1041st.) I’m guessing Wilson spent most of his time in those units. I believe both of those units deployed to Iraq, and that must be where Wilson earned his CAB.

He did some full time duty as well, looks like he was an AGR (Active Guard and Reserve) unit administrator or clerk.


Newspaper article I posted above said the unit he was with was the 1041st Engineer Company, “Bridge Trolls”.

2/17 Air Cav

I hate bridge trolls. First, you sit in a backup. Then, the idiot in front of you drops something. Then after you’re good and aggravated, you have to pay through the nose for the privilege of driving a very short distance. Damn bridge trolls. Hate ’em.



Actually, I kinda like this Bridge Troll:


“That’s easy!!”

The Stranger

There’s gotta be a “Three Billy Goats Gruff” joke in there somewhere…


That. Was. Good.

(Do they even read that story to youngsters in school anymore…or is it not PC (sarc)).



That’s not outside the wire, that’s the roof of one of the green zone admin buildings in the palace district.


The palace in the background is the one I use to hang at

jim h

well, then there’s the total and complete lack of any outside the wire gear, like ammo, grenades, first aid “red kit” stuff, radio, rifle, etc.

SSG Kane

You can’t see it because they taught him how to properly camouflage his gear../


You can’t see it because he doesn’t need it. His hands are registered weapons.


Hopefully Shon Wilson would warm himself up in front of the KU-Band dish, rendering him sterile.
I can’t confirm but I have a sneaking suspicion that Shon Wilson pooed himself IF he “left the wire”.
Shon Wilson Could have rested firmly on his honorable service but Shon Wilson made a willful decision to crap all over it by lying.
Shon Wilson is, was, and forever will be an embellishing REMF pog that discredited himself.


Dave, in the FOIS, under the Decorations and Awards section, it states ” Continued on Next Page”.

Do you have that page to share here?

Thank You.




AnotherPat: it, along with other items from his official records, can be found on the GOTGB page (follow the link in DH’s article). There’s also a FOIA reply describing some Navy service the “fine fellow” had in the early/mid-1990s.


Thank You, Hondo. Initially, I did go to the GOTGB site, but failed to click on the document embedded in the posts that had the other part of the FOIA and his DD214s.



Step right up! Two throws for a dollar!
Knock over any doll in any row and earn a medal from the equivalent row.


You know, it’s one thing when a poser is bragging about how his is an SF/SEAL/Sniper/Recon/Steely Eyed Killer at a bar or even on an internet forum.

But Wilson somehow managed to get himself “qualified” as an “expert witness” and now there are likely to be some real, honest-to-god consequences for his lies.

If he falsified his credentials to a court in the proceedings of a trial, he could be charged with perjury or held in contempt of court. Furthermore, if his lawyer relied on his misrepresentation, the lawyer can face discipline as well, and it may be that she can be indemnified by him (IOW the lawyer can sue Wilson for the money his lies have cost her in terms of her own disciplinary proceedings and any potential lost business.)

And now, apparently, a very complicated and expensive trial is going to be postponed (which will cost the principle parties more money) as a result of Wilson’s lies.

I’m thinking Shon here is in a heap of trouble.

And I haven’t even gotten to the part where the accused (and likely guilty) murderer now has another person to be pissed off at.

Maybe being a Combat Engineer with a CAB wasn’t such a bad thing, eh Shon?


All of the above. Shon Wilson, who had honorable (on paper) service, lied his ass off and is a disgrace to POG/REMFs everywhere. He best git hisself a lawer cause all this WILL bite him upon the buttocks. I pity the poor Service Dogs that have to come into contact with this crowd. Shon Wilson, the embellisher may force me to finally buy stock in the Shadow Box and I Love Me Metals (sarc) businesses.


“And I haven’t even gotten to the part where the accused (and likely guilty) murderer now has another person to be pissed off at.”

I’m thinking it could be a blessing in disguise for the accused. They could declare a mistrial based on the false credentials of an expert witness.

This is assuming that Shon was testifying for the prosecution vs. the defense.


If I read the article correctly, Wilson was hired by the defense attorney, so no, I don’t think her own incompetence in failing to verify Wilson’s claims is going to benefit her client in any way.

It may give the client a legitimate legal malpractice claim but that would be cold comfort from inside a prison cell.

2/17 Air Cav

“May I help you?”

“Yes. I’d like two #5s, three #6s, and one of the 7s.”

“Need any genuine bogus citations with them?”

“No, no thanks.”




I think if I wanted an “expert witness” in something like explosives or arms & armor, I would first get in touch with a real demolition company and a manufacturer of weapons and/or ammo, and a company that manufacturers armor of various kinds.

I would certainly not hire an uncredentialed twinkie-stuff like this one, unless he coughed up his military info and I could get the records from NPRC or whatever other databases there are. I’d ring up SCPO Shipley about these things, too, if no one else was available.

I guess you get what you pay for. The people who try to pull the wool over your eyes don’t take into consideration that they may compromise the results of a trial, nor do they care. They are only after money – YOURS.


Originally posted by Guardians of the Green Beret:

SEALS, Rangers, USAF STS, MARSOC, JSOC, SFOD-D, SOAR, CA and PSYOPS are NOT Special Forces. Collectively, the Green Berets and these other forces are what makes up the military’s Special Operations Forces or SOF. The term “Special Forces” uniquely applies to US ARMY SPECIAL FORCES (Green Berets)

Exactly. I just identify as “PSYOP”, it’s cool as is. :mrgreen:

Troy A. Lowe

Can someone please clear something up… This clown was both Army and Navy? Regardless, what a tool. I’d love to see his DD-214 from Navy if available, I don’t buy any of this chumps BS.


The Navy DD214 is shown on the Guardians link, under the “load more items” section at the bottom of their page.

Click it and take a look.

Troy A. Lowe

thanks Claw


Haha are those pougie bait pouches on his brand new looking interceptor vest? Nothing weapon related just pouches for the important stuff when you’re being a badass SF operator! 🤣

POG’s are so quick to spot by their gear and this guy’s setup is the antithesis of anyone pulling a trigger. The pristine shine of everything he is wearing as well just gives him away having stored that gear under his bed only using it for declassified photo ops. What a shitbag.


Also stolen valor humanitarian service medal!!! 🤣

Finally. I’ve been waiting for this.


That’s detonator cord on his picture, leading to the pouch. He dosn’t really need that to self destruct as he already did with his ridiculous claims

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Of the many things he claims to be an expert (or proficient) at on his resume, who wants to bet the only thing he actually good at is “penetration testing”?




The sloppy kind
smell of low tide
leaves a trail
EPA mandated clean-up crew


Lawers who fail to do any background checks on an expert witness they hire can have an unpleasant surprise when they are cross-examined on the witness stand. One famous local attorney discovered his star expert witness was a complete phony when unmasked by the defense attorney. It resulted in the loss of his case for a man whose injury rendered him a quadriplegic. This plaintiff’s attorney was subsequently sued for malpractice.

Country Singer

I actually deployed with this guy when I was in the Navy, in ’95 for the first CARAT/MALABAR. Don’t remember him though, as I was on FFG-19 and he was on FFG-46.

Here’s a pic of the idiot from that cruise:

Country Singer

Side note: see the bigass anchor on his sleeve? He was a striker for DK (Disbursing Clerk; aka Finance). That indicates he never went to “A” School, at least not prior to the deployment, but entered the Navy as an undesignated Seaman.


Which one of the other two mop heads is the Barber?


Updated 4 September 2018 story on Shon Wilson:

“Records Further Cast Doubt On GJ Veteran”

2/17 Air Cav

Well, well, well. They caught him lying and, alternatively, going quiet to protect himself. As the sheriff said in the old TV commercial. “You in a heap of trouble, boy.”

Green Thumb

The tip on the anal spear this man is….