There have been several people who contacted me concerning the overall state of affairs. First of all, thank you…truly, thank all of you for your support. TSO has done a remarkable job of stepping into the breach.
We don’t really know a lot about dates and events surrounding Jonn’s funeral as of yet. I know I speak for all of us when I say his family has our complete and unwavering support.
For those of you who wish to send tips and content, please feel free to do so. I know for a fact Jonn wanted us to keep on keeping on…so I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I can not find the words to express how much it sucked to post articles here without telling anyone of Jonn passing. We didn’t want to do that until his family gave us permission to do so, I am so sorry.
We may fumble, stumble and stagger for a bit…but we will always regroup.
(202) 630-8468
As much as we will miss Jonn, I’m sure he would appreciate you stepping up Dave. Unless told otherwise I will continue my monthly allotment to TAH. Let me know if I need to change who it’s going to.
Thank you my Jarhead friend.
So sorry to hear of Jonn passing so suddenly. Jonn worked with me to expose Douglas Dietrich in 2016 who then “doxed” us and has continued to publicly slander us using his radio show. It also involved a VAOIG investigation which Jonn encouraged me to pursue. I admired his calm, professional attitude and appreciated his immediate responses. Unfortunately there are those such as Dietrich who will claim his passing as a victory. RIP Jonn Lilyea, I won’t forget you.
I’ll be glad to help Dave take guest posts, as well as take suggestions. My username here is the same one as my yahoo one.
Suggested template below the line, place your photo and other suggestions in “{}” or “[]” and position where desired:
Title: {Your recommended title}
Guest post by {TAH username or desired name here}
{Place photo 1 here}
Your paragraphs
{Place other photo here}
{Quote: Quoted text here}
More paragraphs
If you send an article template my way, I may adjust the title, and adjust for keywords and other reasons to help with web traffic, etc.
I do believe that Jonn required a DD214 before allowing guest posts. The only exception to this was GSM Denise Williams.
HAHAHAHA, we have caught a few posers doing just that.
I recall one guy who drew attn to himself, not by attempting to post, but by going over the top in attacking posers. Jonn gave him a choice: go away and don’t try to come back, or suffer the consequences. He took Door #1.
I said the above with the understanding that veterans were going to be sending guest posts in, like Retired Master Chief. I was able to locate him on enterprise.
For those claiming Army Service, I could verify through an option that I have on the HRC portal. It shows who’s on active duty, in the reserve, who’s retired, and who’s a veteran. This could bypass someone attempting to send a fake DD 214 to substantiate Army service.
Perhaps they have something like this with the other services, maybe BUPERS online has something similar for the Navy, and we could verify that way via someone who has BUPERS online access.
What we could do is have Dave, or another administrator, verify their service, then, if needed, forward a guest post manuscript to one of us for action.
If someone sends a suggestion, without the template, then the post would include “{Name} sends us a link” or something similar, like what Jonn did.
I’m just guessing that the HRC Portal has nothing to do with the failed Democratic candidate for president.
That server was rumored to be hacked.
Human Resources Command.
And you thought he was talking about Hillary…lmao
That’s the “official” name for it.
I call it “High Royalty Command” because far too often I deal with people there thinking they are royalty and above the same regulations I have to follow.
I don’t think (that I can remember) Jonn ever asking me for a copy of my DD214? But then he has had me on a moderated basic since I have been on here too? Let me know if you need something from me!
Jonn knew that I have never served, but kindly shared my thoughts about using a firearm in self defense a few weeks ago.
But I try to keep very upfront about my lowly status as just the father/brother/son of veterans.
No “just” when you talk about being the father/brother/son of veterans, GB. And, that status is not lowly.
I can’t begin to express how humbling it was the first time – and continued to be every time – Jonn honored me by posting my thoughts. Ive been shocked, saddened and cried over the news the world is a little darker now, just like all of you. I’ve also been feeling something I haven’t yet to be able to put into words, and now that I know we are encouraged to continue to submit stuff, if I’m able to put these thoughts into words, I will. In the meantime, I will continue to read, learn, be outraged, laugh and be appreciative of all of you.
I’m here for the long haul nowhere else I feel comfortable
I’m still in shock if there is anywhere that me and the boss can send flowers
It would be nice. 2018 is turning out to be a odd year
Three uncles who all served in Vietnam have passed away since
The first of the year, two of them I at least was able to say goodbye
One of them passed the day I was taking a fishing trip to Colorado
On the 20th. Then to my shock Jonn on the day I was on my was
Home a week later
What ever Is needed we are here
You had a lousy job, Dave. Don’t give the need for silence another thought. If we can help you in some way, say so.
Thanks brother, means a lot coming from you. I know your thoughts and prayers are heart felt. S/F
Double ditto…
As I said, when we talked, when someone stumbles or falls, you pull together and move ahead.
It will take some time to get past the sudden shock, but we will… and I know that Jonn would expect that of us, and would appreciate it, too.
Glad Jonn’s got so many good friends able and willing to step into the breach to keep this going. I’m not going anywhere. I lurked here for many years and this place has been a big help for me over the last year as I was unexpectedly thrown into retirement and so able to post more.
Whatever needs to be done to help out, there’s a lot of people here that I’m sure are feeling like helping out and just waiting for instruction. 🙂 I wasn’t a voracious tipster, but I’ll now send them your way, Dave.
Some things are just not our call to make, and the timing was the family’s alone to make, with no explanation necessary to the rest of us. We will adjust to whatever they want.
That said, you guys all did a great job of respecting their wishes in their most difficult time. If it caused a bit of angst amongst us, so be it. A very small price to pay to give them a little time to process things before dealing with the inevitable public onslaught.
No doubt in my pea brain that things will be a little different but that the mission will continue.
No explanation or apology needed Dave, you did what needed done, wishes of the family are above all in a time like this. If there’s anything I can do to assist, just say so.
Dave anything and everything that could be said in support of you and the TAH team has been said beautifully above.
If I may add one thing…Dave Hardin, you are indeed a true Gentleman. We are blessed to have you.
I’m fairly new to the TAH site Dave and will continue to make donations to the site. Am not computer savvy as you may have seen in one or two of my comments so any computer tech help I would not be able to do. Will send you an email with the address that you put up with my info for your records.
Been here since the launch of TAH and also hung out on Old War Dogs, Swiftboat Vets, Freepers, GOE & Lord know how many other sites. TAH became home for me just as it has the rest of you. Granted in the past few months and maybe couple of years I’ve backed off a bit, I suspect Jonn, myself and other Army vets here share a bit of training in common even though I did not attend Benning (I went to Gordon & 95B school out of Ft. Hard Knox).
“Learn the job of the man above you, teach your job to the man below you”.
The call can only be made by family unless Jonn and TSO were wise and set things up prior to this event. That said, I have no idea what or how things will turn out for TAH. I do know, whatever comes next, I will be at the ready and willing to lend a hand to the mission.
“Of the Troops, For the Troops”
Ft Knox,Gordon and 95B is the same path I followed, Streetsweeper.
Uh, yep. You told me that a few years ago. Not sure on the exact time frame but I remember you telling me. Been struggling since my heart attack to remember minor details. That was one hell of a “firefight” I had going on, buddy.
I started off as infantry and then after coming back from Somalia, reclassed to MP and did my 95B at Fort McClellan back in 94. Then I went to Germany as an MP.
When I left active duty, I bounced around, became a mechanic in the Guard (hence the name Jon The Mechanic) and was finally medically retired in 2015.
Im the hippy web developer/wordpress guru behind the curtain. I am absolutely positively gutted as I talked to Jonn on Wednesday afternoon on facebook. I still cant believe this is even true. :/ :/
There was some work going on with the site, at Jonn’s behest, and I do plan on continuing it, for as long as it’s here.
Im always reachable by email for any site related technical issues.
You’ve done excellent, Cherie. *APPLAUSE*
You are Jonn’s what does he call you–something chick! I can’t think of it just now. But, hey, it’s great you stopped by and thanks.
Thanks “hippie chick”…lol. I am sure we will be in contact soon.
No, that’s not it…is it?
I think he actually called her “some hippie chick” lol. In the most affectionate manner possible of course.
Hippie web chick
Thanks, Cherie, for all your help even when we didn’t know about it!
We love you Hippie Chick!
Cherie, thank you for the tech work. We appreciate it. As a big-iron geek, you have my respect and appreciation.
Cherie, I think I speak for all of us when I ask that you continue your incredible work.
Word…. ^^^^^
PS: Retired as of 13JUL2018…Free to be me now, lol!
Ya, I went bat shit after about a week of that. The Soviet got me a watch that reports to her on how much I did not do all day.
I recall you being as regular here as the sunrise, streetsweeper. Glad you’re back on a more regular basis. Congrats on the paper filing.
Yep, Air Cav. Thank you! Being “tied” to a corporate image and the vast knuckleheads that went after everyone they could, I felt it wise to shrink into the background since I’d just landed a job while the knuckleheads were going after Jonn & everyone else they could. I did do my best on another platform to continue spreading the word about posers and Stolen Valor and shall continue to do so.
Yes, please be around MORE, streetsweeper. The future may seem somewhat clouded right now, but we must just keep moving ahead.
roger that
Some of us still have the same old phone numbers and email addies…
I still have my Yahoo! but lost the phone I had with all my contacts. It fell into a spring while
chasing the stalker we talked about through the brush and timber. Had all my contacts and didn’t survive the jump it made into the spring. By the way, did catch said stalker. Mofo thought I was a rookie and wouldn’t be able track his ass through the pine needles, brush, timber and crap. Heh.
I’ll send you and Ridgerunner an email, asap.
Good to hear. Much has happened since we last talked.
OK, OK, giving back the post to the original topic. May I claim normal straying from topic is a sign that the shock is wearing off a bit? No?? But, but, but, that’s the best excuse I could come up with on short notice.
No, I do not want no stinkin’ participation trophy…
Thanks for holding down the blog, and the update, Dave. Anything I can do, don’t ask- just tell me what you need.
It doesn’t look as if there’s any immediate systems problems but if you run into any, my husband’s a very experienced system administrator (and currently between contracts) so if you do run into any problems, he’s said he’s happy to be available if you find you need assistance.
Hope all keeps running smoothly so it isn’t needed, but if it is, feel free to let us know and I’ll prod him with a pot of coffee!
You all are doing a fine job. You have my full support. I still have a full-time job, so any assistance I may offer right now will be very limited. When I retire in a couple of years, I look forward to guest-posting and doing more here. Once again, y’all have my full support…
I have been following this site for several years. One individual posted how checking TAH was one of the ways he started his day, and I realized it had been one of my rituals as well. I finally contributed financially to the site, and didn’t realize how much I missed it till the North Slope/Denali region took me out of interwebz domain.
Another mentioned how when he donated, Jonn’s response/receipt started with,”Welcome Home”; Reminded me of how I received the same response/greeting,
and how this site is a home for us veterans to find others who know just what the hell we are talking about.
Thanks to all of you who are keeping this going.
Thank you Dave for this post and keeping us up to date. I will continue my support of TAH both here online as well as financially.
Also Dave, if you know of any additional financial needs of Jonn’s family, please let us know so we can help.
P.S. I cannot find the Donation link now. Perhaps it is the snake that will bite me but if not, please let me know how to contribute Dave or whomever is monitoring now. Is it possible to just make the donation through PayPal as I did before? Is that link and option still working?
Sorry to trouble you and thank you very much.
It looks the donation link has been removed. I suspect because that went straight to Jonn’s paypal account.
Thank you Cherie, for your answer as well as your hard work for the site. I’ll be watching for the new Donation link.
We just put the donation thing on hold for the moment. Jonn had his shit together so there is no immediate need that I am aware of.
When TSO gets things settled on that front I will let everyone know. Thankx.
Thanks Dave.
No, thank you bro… I got your msg. Just keeping the wheels turning.
So no donations for the time being???
Ditto. AMEN. Concur with all of the above posts. You done good in the way you grabbed up and advanced The Colors Dave. The epitome of what Semper Fi means. You not only have all of us, but also the Trophy Soviet to back you up, and be proud of what you are doing. Some of us that have been lurking, in the rear with the gear, as FUBAR’ed, SNAFU’ed, POG’ed/REMF,Dickweeds will need a pay to the order name and a snail mail address. We will endeavor to persevere, for Jonn and all the ones before and after! jc nsnr
This is what happens sadly and when the CO falls the next in line takes his place. The intricacies and practicalities of what is behind a website will inevitably arise in time. But this will be Jonn’s legacy and so throwing full weight behind the 2IC will ensure the legacy continues. Good on ya Dave.
Lead … others will follow.
I will still do my part.
Working my piece on/for Jonn.
I have read each and every comment.
Have minded other resources and my final words about Jonn will be craftfully assembled and only submitted for guest post when ready.
I have been a wee bit eaten up over this for reasons only known to Jonn, me and few here. So, a couple of days, or a week, or more … and you will have my new first of many guest posts to come.
I got Recon that says you are just laying around living the dream.
Yeah, you got me!
The last time Jonn needed extra help, in January 2017, he told me to just go on posting stuff, which I did. He also tapped Dave Hardin on the shoulder as well as Hondo and Poetrooper. Poe sent his stuff to me, and I posted it, because he had always asked Jonn to cover that for him.
That’s what you do – you pick up and carry on, regardless.
We all know the drill, don’t we?
It is bewildering when it is so sudden, and sometimes hard to deal with, but we can and will keep things going for as long as possible, because that is what Jonn would expect of us, while muttering ‘dickweeds’ under his breath.
That is so true.
I wish I had been able to post more. Unfortunately, my former employer was more than a little gunshy when it came to Bernath, et al. That’s no longer an issue.
Even though I’m working some insane hours, I will certainly do my part to step up as well. I can only hope my skills are worthy of the fine folks here.
“MY HIPPIE CHICK CODE MONKEY” – that’s what Jonn called Cherie.
That was bugging me.
Yeah, man, that’s it!
I do believe you hit the nail on the head Dave
Dave ,
I’ll join the chorus:
Good job.
No need for any apologies.
I appreciate all yall are doing. Thanks.
TY, stay in the shallow end of the pool.
I think I am going to sell the last of my tanks , and limit myself to hookah lines.
I only drop in here about once a week, so it hit us pretty hard (my wife usually reads as I do to laugh at the posers) when we read this. There’ve been a couple of times I’ve left a blanket thanks to everyone here for what this site has done in a) outin’ posers and b) creating a community for vets/active duty to feel like we’re sittin’ in a club or the day room and lettin’ loose. Never did get around to sendin’ Jonn a copy of my DD214/215 to authenticate my status as a non-poser. Special thanks (belatedly) to SFC Lilyea for what this blog has become, and thanks, too, to all of you here. May Jonn’s family find peace and may all of us remember the great man who got us all together in this place. I hope we’re all able to keep comin’ here for many more years. Thanks guys.
BTW, to Dave or whomever takes over, please contact me at my email of record if you’d like me to send along DD214/215 or a signed SF180.
Rob J. 11Bravo AlphaCo,4th/47th,9thInfDiv
Great comment, Inbred Redneck – I have a couple of guys in one of my VA Support Groups that were with the 9th ID back in the 60’s. You’d be proud to know them as I am sure they’d be proud to know you.
Take care.
Sorry, I am calling BS on Inbred Redneck.
Most LEGIT rednecks I know would never capitulate or admit to inbreeding.
Just sayin’ ….
… or know how to properly use “whomever” vice whoever.
It was either use “whomever” or ‘All y’ all” (that bein’ the correct plural of y’all) so I took the choice with the fewest keystrokes. As for inbreedin’, we believe that you can’t send ’em over to your cousins in the next holler ’til you’ve tried ’em out yourself. It’s kinda like a point of honor. No pawnin’ off damaged goods. Besides. what’re the odds of an inbred redneck bein’ legitimate in the first place?
Llright, I was only with the 9thID for a couple of months in ’68 before I earned my PH and ended up on Okinawa. Spent 14 months with 30Arty but never had the feelin’ that everybody had your back, as opposed to the way it felt bein’ in-country with the 9th. Now, everybody back to the day room and the next round’s on me but for the visit to BJ Alley in Koza, all y’ all are on your own.
OK … you are good.
My bad!
We all know that a Master Chief could never be wrong, and if he was, nobody would have the cojones to point it out.
Well, nobody below Flag level, and even then he’d better do it in private. :^)
The comments here and elsewhere are all of the reasons why this blog is the tightest bunch of guys and gals on the Internet.
Keep it going!
PS: MCPO NYC USN Ret. how are you doing?
Dave – please let me know if there is anything I can do to help out. I’ve been one that has contributed a couple of time a year with money and links to stories.
Thanks, Dave, for stepping up. Same thanks to EX, TSO, MCPO, Poetrooper, AW1, thebesig. I’m probably forgetting someone, another CRS moment.
On a side note, I’d send along Feel Good stories at the admin at TAH address, is that one still good, or is there another address that will be used?
Please use my email for the time being.
OK, thanks, Dave.
Well done, Dave, handled with tact and taste. I assume article links still go to the old ‘admin’ address? I’ll probably keep that aliased to Jonn Lilyea as long as I can.
For the time being send them to my email.
No need to apologize, that’s an easily understood factor. Definitely a shock to the system, but it seems like you all are hanging in there with the site fairly well. That is a great thing you are doing.
I can help out in some ways, but I’m just a lowly Army guy after all. Though I’m not a cook, so I’ve got that going for me!
Anything you need, just say the word.
Dave …
Any way I can help, don’t hesitate to let me know.
Dave Hardin, I read this blog everyday, rarely comment. It was like a punch in the gut when I read your post abut Jonn. Thank you (and the rest) for keeping it going. Prayers to his family.
We shall all miss JOnn, but I do believe that given the circumstances regarding other things with him he assembled a crack team to carry on if something ever happened to him.
It’s an honor to be able to call this place and the people in it a place like home. With all the assorted personalities providing a never ending stream of excitement and a great case of the shits and giggles!
I would like to know the arrangements and where I can donate to continue to help keep the lights on and, I would imagine a foundation to donate to in lieu of sending flowers.
Dave, you couldn’t very well say anything until Jonn’s family gave you the high sign. Nobody thinks ill of you about doing the honorable and correct thing. (Now some of the other things…)
It is surprising to miss. Something as simple as a name on a story tagline. I always looked for John’s as I knew that snark and grit was coming to those that deserved it.
That we can echo what he did so well.
Dave Hardin & all the others, one simple word, but it comes from the heart. Thanks!
If there is anything, no matter however large or small to help out, I am willing to help out. Just say the word.
However, be aware that this old retired grunt was highly trained to write using Crayons so a switch to pen or pencil could be highly challenging for me.
Also willing to submit a Form 180 if needed.
Dave, After you and Jonn exposed my brother, I made this my home page and yours right after that. I have grown to love both sites and all the folks that comment on here. If there is anything I can do, please ask. I have this empty hole in my heart that needs filling.
BZ to all
Dave, you nailed it with these words:
“We may fumble, stumble and stagger for a bit…but we will always regroup.”
Thank You so much for your words of wisdom.
Still can’t believe Jonn is gone…but I know his spirit lives in each and everyone one of us, because we are Family.
“Still can’t believe Jonn is gone…but I know his spirit lives in each and everyone one of us, because we are Family.”
Nailed it!
Damn! Just damn.
Thanks to TSO, Dave, MCPO, Ex-PH2, et alia for continuing to assault the objective and establishing a perimeter.
I posted a brief condolence on the pinned thread, but the news hit me like a ton of bricks as it did for the rest of you. It hit me especially hard since I recently lost one of my former Platoon Sergeants to suicide. The news about Jonn’s passing was difficult in that context. He was in many ways like that gruff, knowledgeable NCO that we’ve all had the pleasure of serving with. He did God’s work here and I’m sure he will continue to do so. We will miss you, Platoon Sergeant. Save me a stool at the bar and the first round is on me.
Adding my deepest thanks to you as well Ex-PH2, MCPO, thebesig, TSO and everyone that my poor mush brain can not recall at the the moment. Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can help/contribute to continue Jonn’s legacy.
Wishing you all peace and easy dreams.
Well hell…Dave you were supposed to be in that post too as was Hondo and Poe…I do believe my keyboard is possessed…. Thank you all for stepping up and again, please let us know how we can be of help. <3
I see how you are, forget about the Jarhead and there is still something very unsettling with seeing my name in the same sentence as that H*** guy.
Hey Dave, do you still have my email addy? I’ve been trying to get in touch with you!
Any update on the arrangements for Jonn?