Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 24, 2018

Lurking lurkers who lurk

Just walk away


Fear the crimson tide

Trump is far right? Seriously?

Carter Page, Kremlin Agent!

Clearly it’s not your message

Whah whaaaaa

James Commie

You’re a racist

Somewhere, a village in Africa…

Oh, it’s so clear now!

And by ‘brilliant’, you mean retarded

The missing ‘COEXIST’ sticker might have been a clue

Stay in your lane, science dude

And by ‘favorite’, you mean former

Forget Trump!

Bush’s fault

Fake conservative misses Kenyan president

Blah blah blah…TL;DR…communism

I bet she cried while posting this bullshit

In Lieu of bail

Did I mention you’re racist?

…unless they’re rigged again?

You keep using that word…


…until you’re blue in the face.

Good plan, if you want to get divorced

List o’ comrades!

Thanksgiving turkeys

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Ahhhh, it’s Tuesday. My ulcer missed tha stoopedes of DU last week.
“The missing ‘COEXIST’ sticker…”, soooo gooood! Criticizing individuals that want to go to Liberty University because they’re tired of liberal dogma being forced down their throats. Riddle me this, where do you thing you could express a counter opinion without being deemed the second coming of Adolph; Liberty or Harvard?
“I bet she cried…”, ACTUAL quote, meaning someone believes this, “President Obama was a great example of what a United States President should be and do… we have had very few of those over the years

Jimmy Carter was another ”

9 in the AM, already hitting the antacids.
…only stupid people are breeding…


They may be breeding but they produce nothing.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I never thought I’d see the day where the Democrats are fond of the FBI and the CIA as much as they are right now thanks to these investigations into Trump.

Were these investigations into anyone else the Dems would be screaming foul play, an investigation into collusion that’s produced nothing about collusion after a year and a half….they were bullshit over Benghazi, and bullshit over some others as well….but this one they like.

Some of us aren’t real fond of our government playing fast and loose with the constitution under the premise of “national security” and hiding their criminal acts against American citizens left or right based on speculation from questionable or downright criminal sources.

What can be done by the government to the most powerful among us can easily be done to the least of us without consequence. It’s why the founders wrote the constitution the way they did. It’s high time to start dismantling some of these organizations that have forgotten why they were instituted in the first place.

The FBI has always been suspect thanks to Hoover’s misuse of his authority….we the people should always be suspicious of those tasked with such overwhelming authority who are unelected and don’t represent we the people.


All our times have come
Here but now they’re gone
Seasons don’t fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain, we can be like they are
Come on baby, don’t fear the reaper.

To the Social Marxist the methods don’t matter, it’s about outcome. We don’t need any ‘individual rights’ given to us by a Creator, enumerated by evil, rich, salve owning, white men.

To your point, “It’s high time to start dismantling some of these organizations that have forgotten why they were instituted in the first place.” That times gone and passed thanks to the secret courts ‘legally’ formed by FISA and worsened by PATRIOT. There ain’t no fixing this.


Not here or now, but if you remember reactions to Trump’s visit with Elizabeth II a few weeks ago, leftists are now big fans of royal courtesies as well. It is a brave new world.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed should Trump cure cancer he will be soundly criticized for ignoring heart disease.


Are those twits even vaguely aware that because of Teresa May’s mishandling of the Brexit, she is losing her status and the more-conservative Boris Johnson is being encouraged to run for her office as Prime Minister?

No? They don’t know that?

Awwwww!!!! Shucky durn!

2/17 Air Cav

“It’s high time to start dismantling some of these organizations that have forgotten why they were instituted in the first place.” I agree wholeheartedly. When the bad apples outnumber the good, it’s time to toss the bushel. An organization that is corrupt at the top necessarily has corrupt mid-level managers and many agents whose suspicions went unvoiced. Changing a culture in an organization such as the FBI is not likely. The only corrective action is a rebuild. Will it happen? No, but just discussing the possibility and citing the need is worthwhile.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed it most likely won’t happen, but we need to keep reminding our politicians they represent us, they don’t rule over us. It’s about damn time we reminded people our government theoretically governs with the consent of those being governed. It’s time we starting considering if we will continue to consent or if we will decide to toss every incumbent the fuck out of office to send a strong message we’re done playing games, do what we say or go home is how we should all be voting moving forward.


“When the bad apples outnumber the good, it’s time to toss the bushel.”

And sometimes you have to clearcut the orchard and replant.


The divorce one might be the end of my interest in these posts, honestly. It has long been obvious, but being exhilarated that one woman is going to trick her conservative husband into not voting takes pathetic to a whole new level.

Let it be November already so we can take this rabid dog out and shoot it (and yeah, I know that’s insulting to rabid dogs).


“insulting to rabid dogs” gave me a good chuckle (probably too good.


And they think that Republicans are responsible for “voter suppression”, nevermind that it’s ALWAYS being alleged in Democrat-run areas. Here they are, literally partaking in voter suppression.

They are so dense they don’t even look in the mirror and see the hypocrisy.


What is with their angst over being termed ‘socialists’ because it’s associated with the defunct Soviet Union? All those central Asian countries cobbled together into a lump by Joe Stalin are still around. They jst aren’t in that Union of Soviet Socialist Republics any more, because it went pllllaaattttt!

I guess history is hard.

I’m still mystified in regard to how two of the more fumbling bozos can ever be seen as Great Presidents. We’ve had a few dipsticks in that office, but those two…? Headaches! Or maybe they want to be ruled by tinpot dictators….?

Still trying to figure that out.

Will the DUers ever grow up? Unlikely. I hope that their fave rave Bernie will steal enough votes from the less popular peeps to drive those undecided to the righthand side of the fence. Mugwumps, they are, but we need them.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I laughed at their arguing over socialism, the one poor bastard who actually read them the dictionary definition was told he didn’t know what he was talking about by another dipshit living in Europe who doesn’t believe the European politicians who tell everyone they’re not socialists they’re free market economies with extensive social safety nets…the DUers were crucifying that guy for daring to say he lived in a socialist country previously and had some bad experiences there…the DUers were telling him he didn’t know what he was talking about even though he had lived it….he’ll be part of the #walkaway movement shortly I suspect….


Yesterday I picked a customer, he had an accent so I asked him where he was originally from. He explained how he was a Christian from Albania and has been in the states since the fall of the Soviet Union. In a 15 minute ride back to the dealership he was in tears about the suffering his people went through, his love for this country, and the fear he has about Socialism coming here.
Ask 100 people who lived under the heel of that brand of tyranny about their idea of freedom and you’ll get 99 Americans and one sick bastard that needs serious psychiatric medical attention.


They’ve started a new way to label anyone not a libertred: MAGAers or MAGAs.

Still not sure if they’re going to go down to the garden and eat worms, but I’ll be happy to supply them with some.


They like MAGAots too. Just thought I’d share.


Thank you, Claymore. I will life a glass of fragrant, clearm brown liquid to you tonight. No, it’s iced tea, silly. Bourbon & ginger ale are good, and the MacAllan or Glen Livet aged in ancient barrels also work for me. There’s also the Bunabhain….


At Folly Beach last week, I decided to try this rum called The Kraken. Little splash of Coke and I was feeling no pain. 😀


No pain?

Could that be the reason they call it ‘The Kraken’? Hmmm… The Kraken at Folly Beaach… is Cthulhu rising? 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

“….[T]here are no words in the US Constitution that says @POTUS can’t be indicted for committing a felony.” The grammatical thumbscrews aside, how’s that for legal genius? The thing is, it comes not from a run-of-the-mill DUer but from a critter. The critter’s name is Ted Lieu.


He’s right. There’s also countless Democrat opinions defending Clinton that suggest their party’s position is that the President cannot.

They just cannot see that they created an environment that not only encouraged Trump to run, but won him the nomination and the presidency! It’s all their fault.


You just don’t understand. Only some people can commit crimes. When other people behave exactly the same way, it isn’t a crime. That is situational relativism. Anyone can practice it, but there seems to be an abundance of people on the left side of the political spectrum doing so with entirely too many but significantly fewer on the right side of the aisle playing that stupid game.

2/17 Air Cav

What I sarcastically referred to as Teddy Toilet’s legal genius springs from his worthless statement aimed at encouraging those who would favor Trump’s indictment for unspecified crimes. I would hope that he would know that the indictment of a sitting president is not expressly permitted by the Constitution either. And that’s no minor point. Imagine if any prosecutor anywhere (NY, CA, Mass, Conn come to mind) could obtain an indictment for a sitting president. It is absurd on its face.


Frankly, now that you mention it, I’m surprised some of the moonbats in California haven’t charged Trump already.


“Oh, it’s all so clear now” is brilliant for the way in which they are wrong on literally everything.