Higher taxes imminent in Maryland

| October 26, 2007

Well, when the electorate votes in Democrats they get higher taxes – that’s just the way Democrats work – it’s how they insure their jobs. Here in Montgomery County, we have Democrats as far as the eye can see – the governor proposed raising taxes and the Montgomery County legislators are falling right in line behind him, according to the Washington Examiner;

Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett praised the governor for offering “a fair and comprehensive solution” to the state’s budget problems, and he said the counties would suffer by “shifting responsibility” for education and public safety.

“We can’t use this as a scare tactic,” Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon said of the possibility of reducing funds.

But “citizens need to understand” the consequences of cutting local aid, she added. “It could take us back two, three steps” in the progress made in the city.

“A fair and equitable solution” – raise taxes. Fair and equitable to whom? Especially when one takes into account, in another Examiner article, Governor O’Malley wants to increase  Medicaid spending $250 million by adding another 100,000 people to the roles. Doesn’t that seem a bit at odds with his threats to slash spending by $1.7 billion?

The proposal hinges on passing new taxes and slot machine gambling in a special session of the General Assembly that begins Monday, O’Malley said Thursday. The plan comes two days after he disclosed $1.7 billion in budget cuts he would have to make if the legislature does not raise taxes, including doubling the cigarette tax.

“They are really part of the same mission to make our state a better place,” O’Malley said. “There is broad consensus in the General Assembly” for health care improvement. “If we’re unable to make progress, we will continue to backslide” on this issue.

So, the truth is; O’Malley doesn’t really want to cut spending, he just wants to spend my tax money on paying off constituents for their votes. “Backslide” must mean that he’ll lose the elction in three years unless we fund his campaign with tax dollars.

“It is very easy to be against tax increases in the abstract,” Howard County Executive Ken Ulman said. “We’re all making progress. The people in Howard County do not want their library system eroded. It’s time for the structural deficit to be solved at the state level.”

In the abstract? The abstract being, I suppose, that I can’t afford to pay higher taxes and still be able to fund my retirement savings. When you’re talking about a state solution for your library in Howard County, you’re telling me to fund your library in your county where I don’t live. You’re shaking me down for your stupid library.

In yet another Examiner article, a spokeman for Ike Leggett, the County Executive, touched briefly on the impending problem for the State of Maryland;

“Our concern is not whether people making that much could or should pay more taxes,” Lacefield said. “… But one unintended consequence could be that people might not choose to live in Montgomery County. They can move across the district line, they can move to Virginia.”

And then there goes your source of revenue – while you’re still stuck with bloated spending. Just like planning on the tobacco taxes to fund soending – if people quit smoking, no more revenue – but still higher spending. Doesn’t it take just a little bit of common sense to realize that maybe the problem is revenue – it’s spending you goofballs!

I’ve seen it devastate the economy of New York State, and it can happen in Maryland – of course if it does happen, I’ll be watching it from across the Potomac.

Category: Economy, Politics

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