YouTube shooter
What size do you wear, pinhead?
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) April 3, 2018
Nasim Najafi Aghdam, an Iranian national vegan, animal rights proponent and a body builder was upset at YouTube’s policies so she went to the company’s campus in San Bruno, California and shot three people before turning the gun on herself.
According to CNN, Aghdam’s brother warned police about her.
But it’s unclear whether the brother’s concerns were relayed to authorities in the Bay Area, San Bruno police Chief Ed Barberini told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Wednesday.
“We know that she was reported missing by her family in San Diego on the 31st of March, and that she was located in a community about 30 miles south of us early Tuesday morning,” Barberini said.
“I don’t know what concerns were conveyed to that police department, or how or where those concerns were relayed to. So that is something we’re looking into.”
The New York Times reports that she was contacted by police, but they cleared her;
On Wednesday morning, the police were still trying to piece together Ms. Aghdam’s activity in the days leading up to the shooting. Her family reported her missing on March 31 in San Diego, the San Bruno Police Department said, and she was located by another police department on Tuesday morning, before the shooting, about 30 miles south of YouTube’s headquarters.
From Fox News;
Police found her sleeping in a vehicle parked in a lot in the Silicon Valley hub of Mountain View around 2 a.m. Tuesday, about 30 miles from where she would later carrying out her rampage. She had driven more than 500 miles from San Diego to San Bruno…Of the three people wounded, a 36-year-old man was in critical condition, a spokesman for San Francisco General Hospital said. A 32-year-old woman was in serious condition and a 27-year-old woman in fair condition, the spokesman said.
Category: Crime
“Nasim Najafi Aghdam”…a good solid Amish vegan name if I ever heard one…
How did she get the gun?
Was she in the country illegally?
California has very “tough” gun laws. Why didn’t these laws help?
The shooter was well known to police. Why didn’t they do anything?
Last I heard the YouTube HQ building was a Gun Free Zone as well.
Thanks. I was just going to ask the gang here at Team TAH if anyone has heard anything about the existence of a ‘Gun Free Zone’ at YouTube HQ.
I’m seeing/hearing an increase in chatter about a ‘Gun Free Zone’, but haven’t come across a verifiable report yet, just speculation.
PETA has more mass shooters than the NRA.
Ted Kennedy killed more people than the NRA.
We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Or maybe we won’t!
If you try crossing it, you might be hit by a car that will plunge yours into the river. Just saying.
We should have a drink before we deal with the bridge.
“Teddy, should you put the bottle down and us both hands. I’m a little scared.”
“Don’t worry Mary, I’ve done this a hundred times, know it like the back of my secretarie’s ass and besides, I’m a strong swimmer. BUUUUUURP.”
Especially if we’re trying to cross one to go some place isolated to get a little nooky from our inebriated passenger who is feeling very grateful for being with a rising star.
But why would a PETA person kill another person, that is biologically an animal?
Some animals are more equal than other animals.
that happened like 50 years ago so it’s water under the bridge now. RIP Mary Joe.
True, but it is also a reminder that the media’s worship of the rich and powerful is not a new thing, and that people dying at the hands of those rich and powerful are seldom considered, by the same media, to be worthy of concern.
Mary Joe was not the first, nor was she the last, to die avenged. But that should not mean that we let their unjust deaths be forgotten.
When the car went into the drink, it was a bridge over troubled waters.
Not if Ted Kennedy is driving
I’m really chapped. Quit it.
USPS Employees have killed FAR more people than Ted Kennedy and US Post Offices are declared to be Gun Free!
You ain’t kidding.
Re: that twitter bullshit at the top of the article, I’m having a real hard time remembering any mass-murder attempts by any white Christian conservatives, or black Christian conservatives, or hispanic Christian conservatives, or Asian Christian conservatives, or Jewish conservatives, or atheist conservatives of any race. With that in mind, where do you suppose that little narrative originates?
Pushing a false narrative is all these cockweasels have.
But there sure are plenty of muslim mass killings to bring Sharia Law to America.
Funny how those go down the fake legacy news media memory black hole.
It’ll be really interesting to see if “Specific Gyre” actually does eat his words, or if he more likely fabricates another excuse for why we need to “Get rid of the fucking guns.” I have a feeling I already know what the answer will be…
I’d rather ask him if he would like some mustard and ketchup to garnish his hat as he eats it!
She was a crusading Iranian veggie-head PETA puke, NOT an NRA member!
Yes but you’re using facts to come to a logical conclusion, not emotions and lies like this Tweeter chowderhead.
He deleted the tweet, so no hats will be eaten today.
Of course he did. Besides, Tide Pods are so much tastier anyway.
From what I’m seeing, they’ve switched from tide pods to snorting condoms. Tide Pods are apparently so March 2018.
The government gives them condoms, they have to steal Tide Pods from their parents.
Those kid’s parents also didn’t know how to properly use a condom!
I wish those kids knew how to use them. That way they wouldn’t reproduce.
These kids are the reason I support 4th trimester abortion.
I fully support retro-active abortion up to the 270th trimester.
Is there a hemp hat manufacturer out there?
Looking at him he would prefer one made of discarded foreskins….
Maybe someone should force-feed him a MAGA hat? Any volunteers?
That would be so much fun.
I saw this morning that he made his entire Twitter account private. The tweet might still be there. Besides, I have screen caps, because that’s how I roll. And I posted them too.
I want them to record Jimmy eating his hat and them posting the video to YouTube!
People who believe that morals are relative or are merely a matter of personal preference must have a very hard time understanding what you wrote, TOW. One usually is what one is taught to be.
Amen. “One usually is what one is taught to be.” The average intellectual curiosity of the Millennials is sad. Mention Mill, Locke, the Federalist Paper, the Bible, any foundational text… Deer in headlights.
Critical thinking is a luxury, these kids have the means but zero desire or ability.
The little turds are kept ignorant and pliable. They’re taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think. Mindless little sheeples. It is to weep.
Even better, ask them to tell you what an assault weapon is. The response are hilarious and as dim as they are.
Since she is identified as a “body builder” the media faces the dilemma between blaming guns and blaming “roid rage”
Body builder? She’s built like Olive Oyl!
Well, she was a vegan and PETA-critter.
They say that in PETA,
The women are mighty fine
They look like Phillis Diller
And walk like Frankenstein…
Hey mom I wanna go
But they wont let me go
Ho-o-o-o-o-o-o-on e
…annnd auto-corrupt mangled the last line
Long drawn out “home”
I saw Phyllis Diller in a centerfold. Fang had nothing to complain about.
Body builder? She looks more like a cardio-lover. You know, the kind that shake their booties on the stair climber and then complain when men stare at their butts.
Remember that Chris Rock (back when he was still funny) joke?
“You’re right, I shouldn’t assume that you’re a whore. But in my defense, you ARE wearing a whore’s uniform!”
Her Brother warned LE about her, Police found her before she went batshit with a gun and yet according to moonbats we’re supposed to give up our guns and rely on Government for protection? Methinks not.
While I agree with your basic premise, the government cannot protect you, I don’t like seeing the cops blamed.
In order to put someone on a psych hold they need to meet the same burden of proof that they’re a danger to themselves or others as you would to arrest someone. You need to meet a high standard in both circumstances to deprive someone of their liberty.
So it depends on the information the street cops were given. Being asleep in your car and going on a two day walkabout is certainly abnormal but not in itself crazy or illegal. It certainly doesn’t help that we have so many LE agencies with all their own bureaucracies. So what is said to the reporting officer is passed through a half dozen or more hands in a game of telephone before it gets to the cop that found her in the park.
Sleeping in cars in high-tech Cali areas is also very common.
The relevant question – to which I have not seen an answer – is that given that the police were warned that she was angry at YouTube and had disappeared, were the folks at YouTube advised that a disgruntled individual was likely headed their way?
Even so – what could the folks at YouTube do but advise everyone to keep an eye out for a disgruntled vegan? Given that she pretty well fit into their liberal world-view as “good folks” (PETA, vegan, non-white) would it have made a difference?
Next question – how many YouTube employees are looking into buying a gun and joining the NRA today?
“Next question – how many YouTube employees are looking into buying a gun and joining the NRA today?”
The good folks at YouTube just learned a very hard lesson, and I’m willing to bet a lot of them are quietly rethinking their positions on guns. Reality is a cruel teacher, and she gives zero fucks about your feelings.
Like I said earlier, last I heard the YouTube HQ was declared to be a Gun Free Zone which guarantees criminals a Cornucopia of unarmed VICTIMS.
I suspect they won’t learn shit from it for the most part. Given that youtube policy is now to censor progun or gun related stuff as they find it I doubt they will change their ways.
Another one which will drop quickly from the headlines because placing blame is so difficult. How do they paint this clown as a crazy Special Forces vet, white supremacist, abusive racist, TEA party NRA Nazi guy? Maybe her family is rich and they can blame her father/husband/brother/boss.
There seems to be some geographic confusion with this story. Google, which owns YouTube, has its headquarters in Mountain View near San Jose. YouTube’s headquarters in San Bruno, where the shooting took place, is much further north near the San Francisco airport.
YouTube is 25 miles north of Mountain View.
Google HQ is just across the Stevens Creek levee — a stone’s throw from me — and I can see them every day. They are currently building part of their campus extension on NASA property.
And they have landing and refueling rights on the federal airfield.
NASA, now Google, took over the former NAS Moffett Field?
What the hell does a Video site need with an airfield? Server space?
The founders needed space to keep their 767, 757 and smaller private jets close by. The 767 is owned by Sergey Brin and the 757 by Larry Page. They worked a lease deal to allow NASA to occasionally use the 767 in order to get landing rights and hanger(s). Now Google is restoring the huge blimp hanger at Moffett Field.
They stripped the skin off of Hangar One about Four years ago and only the skeleton remains. Google is supposed to resurface the hangar but I guess they have to wait for some reason.
An obscure piece of Silicon Valley trivia is that in the period following NASA’s initial lunar landing in ’69, there was something of a migration of NASA engineers to Xerox PARC in Palo Alto. Some of them were involved in inventing, among many other things, the graphic user interface and computer mouse adopted by Apple and Microsoft.
Absolutely correct. But I take issue with your choice of words.
Apple didn’t “adopt” squat. They ripped off Xerox PARC to obtain the Lisa GUI. Either Jobs or Wozniak (I forget which) has been documented to have visited Xerox PARC and seen their GUI work well before the Lisa was ever developed.
That’s also why – no matter Microsoft’s flaws or how good Apple products are – I’ll never buy something from Apple, or own an Apple device. It takes a special type of hypocritical gall to sue Microsoft over the “look and feel” of something you stole from Xerox in the first place.
Me guilty of a euphemism? No way!
The way I heard the story is that Jobs and Wozniak were invited to Xerox PARC after attending a Homebrew Computer Club meeting at Stanford. Jobs was the one who pushed for using a GUI in the Lisa.
As an aside, It might have been the Lisa, or a close cousin, that cost $10,000 and shipped with chips badly installed by an automated process. End users were instructed to drop the CPU from a one-foot height onto a hard surface to seat the chips properly. Classy.
I remember dumping Apple entirely about the time desktop publishing tools such as Quark Xpress and Adobe Photoshop were ported over to the PC platform. It no longer made sense to pay the fashionista tax to Cupertino. Database and spreadsheet tools were also already much better on the PC side.
As I recall, yeah – the Lisa’s original price was $10k – in freaking 1983! Might have something to do with why it flopped badly – and why the Mac, released the next year, was so much cheaper. (smile)
However, I believe the Apple III was the one where Apple instructed users to drop the CPU as maintenance – and the drop was 2″, not a foot. (Had forgotten about that, and had to look it up.)
You could be right about both Jobs and Wozniak visiting PARC; my memory is shady regarding the accounts I’ve read of that episode. But it still occurred before the Lisa was released as a product – and I believe it’s now generally accepted that seeing the Xerox PARC work was the genesis of Jobs pushing for a GUI on the Lisa.
Also, memory foam was invented at Ames Research Center.
look at that….another lefty snapped. and yet somehow my guns and me are the problem. huh.
I read the articles this morning. conspicuously missing from most were the name of the shooter, the motivations, and whether or not the shooter was yelling aloha snackbar. I figured withholding this information told me the whole story, and so far, it’s panned out accordingly.
Early reports have her as a Baha’i, not a Muslim – so no ‘allahu ackbar’. It seems this was motivated by craziness, not religion. She apparently was mad at YouTube for not paying her enough and censoring her videos.
Of course since the original story had it as a lover’s thing, it might be a few days before we know things for sure.
fair enough. it’s just when reviewing reports on these things, there is always a definite lack of information where a certain segment of the world population is concerned. or puzzlement, as in “authorities are unsure of his motives.” either way, I don’t trust reporting agencies to be accurate or honest anymore; too many instances of people actually yelling it while hosing down victims and us being told it didn’t happen.
crazy was absolutely a factor here. if it did have any bit of a lover’s element to it, I bet that person is thanking their lucky stars to be apart from her now…
Indeed. Never, ever put your dick in crazy.
IIRC, aren’t Baha’i pacifists? I could be wrong about that one, but if I’m not, then there either an unusually-high level of crazy going on, or the religion she claims is not the one she practices.
As for motives, I’m gonna go with the most obvious, “She’s a hateful fucking cunt,” as a starting point and see where it goes from there.
A pacifist religion doesn’t inoculate someone against ‘crazy’; here’s a story from a few days ago about a psycho who was an aspiring (Christian) pastor:
Some people are just nuts regardless of their religious beliefs. It’s the people who are psycho because of their religious beliefs that are more of a problem, obviously.
She’s got crazy eyes!
I don’t think IDC SARC would even hit her.
Give him a sack and stand back.
im not taking that bet at all. if for no other reason than this quote of his from a few months back: “I can identify 26 kinds of STDs by taste alone”
IDC SARC is an absolutely fearless man. I thoroughly believe he’d tap her. twice.
He’d view her as a challenge. A triple-dog-dare.
I bet he’d say “Hold my beer!” and double tag her just for shits & giggles!
She kinda looks like David Hogg in drag.
I really hope he follows through; That way he will have to pull his head and his hat out of his arse.
Damn, just saw he deleted his tweet and locked his account.
That’s funny. There’s a bunch of funny stuff on Woods’ page. I sometimes wish I were a tweeter and this is one of those times.
Indeed. Woods is a good one to follow. I have a twitter; but I am pure lurk mode on there. I maybe have less than 30 tweets or so for the years I have had the account.
I thought she was Kate Micucci, Rajesh’s girlfriend on Big Bang Theory.
That’s Whiz Wheel’s Sweetie.
You just gotta love a girl who has “Ma coochy” in her name./smile
Speaking of the Whiz Wheel, Name Scrabble results are available (upon request) for this fine Amish lass.
Where did your initiative go, Claw? Of COURSE we want the name game on this one.
(So consider this your request. Unless t came in sooner but I haven’t read that far yet.)
(Throw in an “i” as well as the aye.)
Roger. Purple 4 Report (Request for TAH Name Scrabble(Home Version)®™ KAL-55B Activation) received.
Results are:
Nasim Najafi Aghdam (RBLDAM*) (DRT**) 36 x 6 = 216.
*Raghead Bernathian Level Dumb Ass Move
** Dead Right There
For future reference: Request use of phrase “Purple 4 Report” when asking the Whiz Wheel to spin./smile
We don’t have to say “Over”, Over? We just go with the Purple 4 Report request? That is soooo cooooool.
((Over)) may be added, but is not required.
The request can also be shortened to just “Purple 4”, no Report required.
If no report is required, is a committee working on developing criteria concerning when one will be issued and when one will not be issued?
Yes. I am glad we don’t have to use a lot of complicated message formats like we did in SF when using the blind transmission broadcast system to put in a request.
A vegan who valued animals more than she did people. When I heard the initial report of a woman shooter, I immediately thought that Sr. Mary Maureen O’Grady, OSM finally went off the deep end…but, noooooooooooooooo, it had to be a loon named Nasim Najafi Aghdam.
She posted graphic PETA videos, which were pulled for content.
Fox News
This explains much.
This most be fake news.
We know vegan-iranian people don’t do this kind of things.
The pure irony writes itself. Someone who claims to be a supporter of animal rights/against animal cruelty/harm(vegan/PETA) harms animals(humans; if one subscribes to the theory of evolution.)
Which is why the whole premise of PETA is self-defeating.
They have read Orwell.
Some Animals are more equal than other Animals.
Like most of the Left, “Equal” means “treat folks by group, differently, because we are all equal but – this- group is -bad- inherently so compensate for the differences that we of course deny but require adjustments for historical legacy of the differences that don’t exist but we will level the playing field to remove…”
Maybe we ought to ban veggie-heads like her instead of guns?
Conditions considered prima facie evidence that the sufferer has a serious mentally illness:
Member of one or more of the following: PETA, Greenpeace, DNC, BLM, Code Pink,…
Makes exercise videos.
Iranian female.
Speaks in “Persian-accented English” (as well as having Farsi and Turkish-language videos)
PETA activist.
Lived in San Diego.
Made work-out videos.
All that just screams conservative-white-Christian-right-wing-male-NRA member-MAGA alt-right fanatic! /s
😀 lol.
I wonder if the NRA will soon see another spike in donations?
She’s a CIA/NRA plant, this is all just a false flag operation to distract from David Hogg’s glorious ascension to exalted expert status.
Oh, David Hogg who looks like an anorexic version of Pee Wee Herman on a bad hair day?
Or a young Joseph Goebbels.
Hogg rocked that brown shirt arm band thing!
David Hogg, who bragged about how universities not accepting his dumb ass was “their loss,” touting his not-that impressive SAT score? I hear they recently went back to the 1600-point system, so his score isn’t quite as pathetic as it otherwise might have been, but my score from when I took the test in 2002 still beats his by over 100 points.
One less mouth breather to deal with, perhaps? And exactly what was her beef with YouTube? If they censored her videos, because they showed heinous treatment of animals, I don’t blame them for doing so.
These so-called animal rights activists think pigs are wonderful people, but they’ve never had the pleasure of being attacked by an angry sow that just farrowed 8 piglets and wants to kill them. They live in some kind of dream world that doesn’t exist, and expect others to follow the same trail to lunacy that they took.
Oh, well, she’s out of the picture now, right?
One video she complained about them marking 18+ was an exercise video.
I’ve not watched it, but the screen-shot has her laying one her back…
From what I’ve read, part of her “beef” (you see what I did there) with YouTube may have some merit…that they arbitrarily and capriciously “de-monetize” videos for “content” after they’ve already generated ad revenue for themselves…so that the content provider doesn’t get paid but YouTube still does.
Obviously, it’s not a justification for shooting people
Think her biggest beef was the money.
Its possible to make pretty good money off of you tube content.
I think that was her income.
There is a six year old kid who does toy reviews who made 11 million last year.
Not sure how much she made, but it could have been more than enough to live off of.
They live in a world of free Skittles and unicorns, where unicorn farts smell like fresh popcorn, and pigs can be your best friends, instead of our view that they are merely mobile pre-bacon.
“mobile pre-bacon” = Bacon Seeds.
“Bacon seeds”
Love it!
“mobile pre-bacon”. LMAO May I use that Sir?
Feel free, I didn’t copyright it. I was inspired by the famous 18th & 19th century Apache concept that horses are merely mobile meat.
Ex; You must mean they see everything through rose colored glasses. I had a pair I wore to the pool awhile back and when I told them what they were for, it went over their heads.
When the Whiz Wheel first saw Nasim Najafi Aghdam’s name he said ” Is the Octomom running loose again?”
Sounds like a typical California resister. Vegans all have mental issues. Good thing the gun used was California compliant model approved.
Lack of quality grain fed protein fucks up one’s brain.
All this crazy needed was a big piece of meat.
uhhhh, how do I take that?
That’s what she said.
Looking at various photographs of [name redacted] I suspect she would not have know how.
Or, How does she take that?
That much cray-cray, you might not get it back.
Never put your dick in crazy.
A friend of mine actually said that to a couple of cute vegan females he was sitting between on an airplane a couple of years ago. It was out of his mouth before he thought, when they started laughing (along with everyone within earshot) he realized what he had said. Our Fire Chief was there and said he turned beet red.
If God had meant for us not to eat animals he wouldn’t have made them so damned delicious!!!
“There’s a special place for all of God’s creatures, right next to the potatoes and gravy.”
If it flies, crawls, swims, or goes on four legs and is slower, dumber, and/or tastier than me, pass the barbecue sauce!
PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals
Oh, look, a mentally unwell leftist and person of color goes on a shooting rampage.
I hate identity politics, and as far as shootings are concerned, I don’t think there are any racial/gender/political indicators (I’ll be nice and ignore Islam). I am certain there isn’t a coherent political belief to be found anywhere amongst Roof, Holmes, Loughner, Harris, Klebold, Cruz, or this chick. The only unifying factor between them is that they are all FUCKING NUTS.
So yeah, I can’t stand this politicized bullshit, but since the left wants to babble on about the NRA and the propensity of white dudes to commit mass shootings (of yeah, this one is bullshit- trust me, I’ve counted), I am more and more willing to return the favor. Factually.
I think it’s largely that every side argues an incomplete view.
White men are responsible for the majority of shootings in the US. That’s a fact. However, looking at per capita statistics across racial lines, you get a different result.
Similarly, though it’s not tracked, I’d bet my hat you’re more likely to be shot by a Christian in the US (~70%, give or take a bit, of the population) than a Muslim (1% or so of the population). But the likelihood of any particular white man shooting you is pretty small – smaller than that of some other demographics. That’s before you even get into the different types of shootings…
And what evidence do you offer for your assertions?
I’ll go even further an say your assertions are BS.
Per the FBI crime statistics for 2016 (
35.9% of murderers are black, while only 29.5% are white, where the ethnicity is known/reported.
The murder rate for 2016 as reported by all agencies is 5.4:100,000 – FWIW.
In all of the shooting reports I have read a “Christian,” in the traditional definition of that term, has not been the assailant – although a Christian may be the one defending against an assailant.
If by “Christian” you mean “not a registered member of a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or Jewish organization” your definition is lousy. But so is your logic.
Your assertion is wishful thinking on your part, you need to lay off the drugs.
He was likely having a brain hiccup from drinking too much of his bong water. If one looks at age and ethnicity stats, black males between the ages of 14 and 50 make up only about 4% of our population, yet they commit about 30+% of the violent crime in this country. They and the Hispanics (illegals are 1/3 of the federal prison pop.) make up over half of the U.S. state and federal prison incarcerated males. So arguing one is more likely to be killed by a white male Christian is highly disingenuous. But we should just consider the source.
A “Christian” by the standards of this web site is any person born in a predominately Christian nation. Just like any person born in a predominantly Muslim nation would be considered a Muslim if it were not known.
I was not aware that Jonn had posted such a standard.
Is that your own thinking projected onto us?
I usually say someone is of a religion if they say they are, or they otherwise make demonstration of the practices of that belief.
I suspect his supposition might be that since there are more adult males of the pale persuasion than of any of the other shades, they would proportionately be represented in crime statistics. Wishful thing on a Hogg-like level.
Disproportionately, in that more shootings -not murders, but shootings- happen per capita via blacks, but in total via whites.
I think that’s backed up by the numbers above, and the closest thing you get to ‘magical’ thinking are the assumption that a) more than 2% of ‘aggravated assults’ include guns (I think the general number is around 21%), and b) an admittedly more speculative one, that a good fraction of those involve someone shooting the gun rather than just pistol-whipping someone.
If that’s ‘wishful thinking’ (not sure why the hell I’d wish for either scenario), I’m all ears if you have better data and assumptions.
I wasn’t trying to be difficult – I used the same statistics you used, except you’re talking murder and I went with a more general ‘shootings’, which I figured would include some portion of things like ‘aggravated assault’ that was non-fatal.
Here’s the full crime page I’m working from:
So in your chart you’ve got 6095 murders by Blacks, and 5004 by whites – no question, there are more murders by Blacks.
Robbery also goes that way – 41562 vs 33095.
But aggravated assault? (Of which, some portion are likely to be using guns, I’d think) : Whites 191K vs. Blacks at 101K – a 90K difference. If even 1.3% of those involve a shooting, guess which racial identity takes the crown for shootings? Not murders, shootings.
And yet, even in that case, it’s still a lower per capita rate.
And this, again, is why it’s such a shit show when it comes to understanding the issues – language, statistics, etc.
That assumption of proportionality is specious. The -other- numbers do not neatly track skin tone, why would that one?
I would like to know, also, LC, just where you get your statistics?????
The majority of shootings in Chicago, and in the surrounding suburbans areas from 95th Street on the south side up to the state line at Beach Park, are committed by blacks and Latinos, and most of them are by black gangbangers. And that’s just in the Chicago area, including the collar counties which also includes all the way over to Rockford, IL, SPORT.
Those ARE facts. They are on the news nightly. I do NOT see any white males in those news reports, so provide YOUR source or retract your statement.
He just wanted to throw a turd in the punchbowl and run away. It is his MO.
Sometimes I think “LC” stands for “Lars’ Cousin”.
Pretty sure it stands for Lost Clown.
Saying that LC is full of shit is like saying fire is hot, water is wet and shit stinks!
Does “LC” stand for “Lars Cunt”? Inquiring minds want to know.
The “L” could stand for “lily” as well.
Don’t say that name or you’ll summon her/him/zhim.
Summon or do you mean conjure?
Don’t you have to say it 3 times?
It would probably take a bottle of -really- good hooch to get that banhammer lifted.
“White men are responsible for the majority of shootings in the US. That’s a fact.”
THE FBI’s UCR provides murder stats reported to it and does not separately report shootings. Shootings are included in aggravated assault but so are many other assaults involving serious injury. Similarly, the murder stats include illegal killings using any or no weapon. All of that said, I thought that in terms of raw numbers, whites would lead the way for murders. This is not true. As painful as it may be for you, the minorities lead the way, both in aggregate numbers and by
Yeah, I was talking shootings, Grey was talking murders.
The estimates I’ve seen for ‘aggravated assaults’ is that ~20% involve guns. What percentage of them involve shooting the gun, I don’t know – but it wouldn’t require much to change the statistics. Similarly, as you say, the statistics on murder aren’t exclusive to guns.
So take a 90K difference in aggravated assaults, apply a 20% factor, then maybe some fudge factor of (low) 25% of cases of aggravated assault where someone had a gun but, you know, smacked someone upside the head with it, and you get a delta of of 4.5K. Enough that when you factor in the murder numbers, it’s pretty damn likely that more shootings (in total, not per capita!) happen via whites. Unless, say, they all knife everyone, and blacks shoot everyone.
I also agree that blacks (haven’t checked out the stats on other minorities) lead the way on per capita shootings. But in terms of total numbers, in a white dominated country, whites have the edge. I don’t even get why this is controversial given the numbers and demographics.
I’m not pushing an agenda; I think per capita stats are more important. I was just lamenting that both sides picks a metric that makes them look good.
If my numbers are wrong, I’m fine with hearing where. I don’t have an ideological dog in this fight.
In a thread where multiple people accused you of making up numbers,
You -openly-
Made up a number by ass-pull.
That was…. epic. …
THAT kind of numeric ass-pull puts whatshisface to SHAME.
Sorry, Jonn; I fat-fingered the reply button and hit report.
In reply to our resident Mailclerk, I would say that next LC will be telling us that homicide is the leading cause of murder by white Christian males.
I cited all my numbers except the one there wasn’t data on, and I made up one that sounds low but reasonable. What would you pick? It works with a pretty wide range of numbers, so the point remains.
If someone says, “What percentage of people on this website are conservative?”, and someone -because we don’t have the data!- says, “Oh, probably at least 50%”, are they ‘making up numbers by an ass-pull’? Or is that a pretty reasonable, albeit low, estimate?
For the numbers not to work, that ‘fudge factor’ would have to be that over ninety-plus percent of ‘aggravated assaults’ with a gun use the gun in a non-shooting way. Dude, indeed.
As measured
The stats on crime do -not- neatly follow skin tone. In some of the measured numbers, the numbers are -far- off proportionality, even -opposite- to it.
Thus assuming a related category -would- track skin tone is erroneous.
You keep seeming to miss that.
Groups that trend to highly dysfunctional cultures have disproportionate dysfunctions.
The melanin has nothing to do with it. If folks clump by pigmentation, the cultural stuff will parallel.
If your number was correct, one would have to conclude, based on the numbers, that one group was inherently lousy shots.
You made an assertion. Taskan you then picked a non-indicative number, said because it must be so the number must be such, then defended that number because obvious.
-that- is called -bullshit-
Go find the stats on crime. Get some competent instruction on statistical analysis. Run proper interpretations based on actual measurements. Any place you say “must be so” go back and say “what actual evidence would support that assumption”.
Note: when one says ” group X is larger, thus their stats must be larger” there are already -well- established measurements that show otherwise.
What skin tone predominates in the NBA? In the NHL? Does that mean that free throw skill tracks melanin, or does it mean that some folks are culturally selecting for hoops?
You can’t infer that because group Y is N percent of the population that they will approximate the population distribution within players of Mah-Jong
That is called “non sequitur”. “it does not follow”.
And that was the break in your numbers. Thus not valid.
You -do- see the non sequitur in your prior post, right?
I skimmed this conversation, because I’m short on time and because I think it’s a stupid one.
Unlike some of my fellow conservatives here, I don’t really care whether your statistics are entirely objective or entirely fabricated. My sole focus at this point in this debate is that arguing totality vs per capita is idiotic.
Whether accurate or not, whites SHOULD commit the majority of murders. They are the majority of the population.
As an example, would you think it significant to learn that Hindus in India commit more murders overall than Muslims in the same country? Would you use that as a talking point that Hindus are more violent? Without pointing out that there are something like 600 million more Hindus in the country than Muslims, that statistic is as out of context as a statistic can possibly be. That’s what you’re doing here.
Also, like I said, I did this for mass shootings a few years ago. I forget, my exact criteria but it was something like “in public, against random people, with five or more fatalities.” Something like 20 out of 30 since Columbine were committed by whites. So yes, the majority belonged to whites, but they committed these atrocities at a smaller rate than their numbers within the population would suggest.
Again, I don’t really care, but every time a shooter turns out to be a white guy, leftists come along to act like white males have a monopoly on psychopathic angst.
It does not take a lot of thought or effort to show that they are wrong on all levels, and driven only by their own bizarre racism.
This was my exact point. I agree with you that people who point to total numbers, instead of per capita numbers, are using statistics to distort the truth. As you said, whites should be (and are) the highest when you look at it through that lens… but it’s not the metric to use the moment you’re talking about racial differences – those have to be per capita stats.
In short, we’re in agreement. But god forbid you point out (to use your example) to a Hindu that more murders are committed by Hindus, because even if you’re trying to make a point about the importance of per capita stats, people immediately get utterly defensive.
I’m white, I don’t have ‘white guilt’, I don’t care what the racial stats say because it doesn’t mean anything about me, but in a country where whites outnumbers blacks by at least 4.5:1, chances are we’re gonna take the lead on total crimes in a bunch of categories. Even shootings, despite it not having exact data.
Sure, I agree with you in theory about the relevance of totality vs. per capita.
That’s assuming your claims are accurate. Graybeard provided credible statistics suggesting that blacks commit the majority of murders, and the only response I saw from you was that, with a hypothetical statistic (“IF 1.3% of aggravated assailants use guns”), then whites top blacks in overall numbers of shootings but not in murders.
Your logic and use of statistics in that particular thought exercise is suspect, as well, I should add. Are all black murders committed by shooting? Are all white murders? How many black aggravated assaults are committed via firearm? There are two many unknowns to put forth a scenario where whites are the real totality kings of criminal gun violence.
Not to mention, it obfuscates the more important fact that, at least in 2016, a grander number of lives were terminated, regardless of weapon, by black citizens than by white citizens. And it ignores the per capita concept, which we both agree is more important than context-lacking totality.
Your logic and use of statistics in that particular thought exercise is suspect, as well, I should add. Are all black murders committed by shooting? Are all white murders? How many black aggravated assaults are committed via firearm? There are two many unknowns to put forth a scenario where whites are the real totality kings of criminal gun violence. I’m glad we agree on something. But here’s why the logic and statistics work – let’s take a worst case (for my viewpoint) scenario. Let’s assume, first, that not a single white murder uses a gun, and every black one does. So, for now, it’s W=0, B=4935 using the 2016 full crime stats page [1]. Now let’s turn to aggravated assault – per the FBI’s 2015 stats [2], firearms were used in 24.2 percent of aggravated assault incidents. I’ve seen some 2016 stats that say 21 percent, but the FBI doesn’t list one for 2016 that I’ve seen. Let’s go with the lower number since, again, if skews the numbers against my argument. That means we’ve got W=40153 and B=21300 aggravated assaults with a firearm. Since there are categories for (1) firearms, (2) knives or cutting instruments, (3) ‘other weapons’, and (4) hands/feet/etc, there’s an open question of whether if you don’t shoot someone with a gun you have as you’re assaulting them, and instead just clock them in the head, that counts as an ‘other weapon’, but if we don’t make that assumption the theory that blacks shoot more people than whites is already cooked, so let’s go with it, as strange as it seems. Now let’s make our ludicrous assumption -again, going against my position- that blacks never pistol-whip someone, already assuming that counts as something different than assault with a firearm, so every one of those numbers counts as shooting. I’m not a lawyer, so I’m also making the assumption someone wouldn’t be charged with aggravated assault if they’ve also gotten charged with murder, so in a worst case scenario where blacks shoot everyone and every murder is done with a gun.. we’ve got B=26236 shootings by blacks.… Read more »
You do realize that assault is the threat of violence, not the actual use of a weapon(that would be battery.) Meaning Assault with a firearm would be threatening to shoot someone; not actually shooting them. Also meaning “firearm as a blunt weapon” is utter bullshit; unless you THREATEN to pistol whip someone.
I don’t think the FBI is drawing that distinction – there is no category for battery, and they state,
If someone shoots at another person unlawfully, that seems to count for these statistics. Notice there is no category for ‘battery’ in their statistics.
Notice: Shooting AT someone(and not hitting them) would not be battery, it would be assault; seeing as it is the threat of violence…
Comprehension, my friend.
Going Youtube. The new “postal’
My blonde retired USPS Postmaster wife thanks Nasim Najafi Aghdam for that.
I always thought postal workers got a raw deal with that label. What was it two incidents and it became a household word? Even the news media use it.
According to CNN the shooter left a message in her own blood “Bernath is my copilot” the FBI is following all leads.
That would be short flight, ending in a crash. I wonder who had their hands duct taped in that scenario…
Time to ban handguns. She used one in the shooting.
Assault Soda detected by MSNBC host –
Tucker played that clip tonight. It was hilarious. These people shouldn’t be running or trying to run anything they are absurdly stupid.
We should allow them to run, but blindfolded with sharp scissors in a cobble strewn field.
After this unfortunate attack by a Vegan will “the authorities” make sure than no one else has a suffer at the hands of Star Trek characters.
If it saves just one life, etc….
Is the Youtube campus a gun free zone?
Are there signs?
Did anyone else notice that once they found out what she was, the news reporting just STOPPED. Nothing further because it does not further antigun efforts, nor does it fit into the propaganda media efforst to lie to us.
Does. Not. Fit. The. Narrative.
Change subject!
::Trying to find my surprised face::
I was a little surprised to see this article:
and in it (since it does not fit The Narrative) they do not focus on the gun, and very little on [name redacted] but on the issue with YouTube restricting access to videos.
For a very liberal site (ArsTechnica supported Canckles explicitly) seeing an article focusing on the issue(s) and not the tool the cray-cray used is both surprising and refreshing.