Daryl Fisher was making a joke

| March 27, 2018

Yesterday, we talked a bit about R. Daryl Fisher who is running for sheriff in Buncombe County, North Carolina when he told prospective constituents that he would gladly take guns from their cold, dead hands.

Today he’s claiming on his Facebook page that he was merely making a joke.

The crowd laughed and I made a joke. I admit the joke was a mistake and I should not have joked. But I go on to relay that the government cannot take away any guns or any items that were legally sold before any new laws take effect. To do this would be unconstitutional because that would constitute what is called an ex post facto law. Responsible gun owners have nothing to worry about. We have to do something different because what has been done is not working.

I do not mind anyone disagreeing with me and I in fact encourage anyone who has a better proposal to please make that proposal. Being downright rude, making false statements, making half-truths or being utterly disrespectful is unacceptable.

Ha, ha, ha, I’m rolling on the floor from laughing so hard at his joke about prying a gun from my cold, dead hands. The gun control issue is just so funny. I’m sorry that we didn’t get your joke at first.

“Responsible gun owners have nothing to worry about.” Well, except that we’ll happily pry their guns from their cold, dead hands.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A Proud Infidel®™

Joke MY ASS, now he’s sorry as hell that it backfired on him like that, I hope he gets steamrollered at the polls, I bet he’d be an even more sorry excuse for a Sheriff than that pisspants in Coward County FL!


Exactly!! The joke that wasn’t a joke. He’d be more than happy to do what he “joked” about.


I don’t think Sparky has the balls to do more than run his mouth. By the time anyone is holding their firearm in the cold, dead hands, they have expended a number of rounds and each one is going to find a target.
WHICH reminds me of a joke. I visited a mosque the other day and was just going through a few magazines. Then I ran dry.


In this day and time, I don’t think joking about a mass shooting at a mosque is very wise on a veteran’s board.


Yeh he IS A FREAKING JOKE alright! screw him come election time…vote NO!


The old “taken out of context” defense. Sorry, won’t carry any water, that’s exactly what he said.

‘“Don’t believe the scare tactics, because you’ve heard people say, ‘You’ll have to pry my gun from my cold, bare hands,’” Fisher is heard saying in a video posted by his campaign at the 3:04 minute mark. “OK … Whenever you pass away, we’ll come get it,” he quipped.’

He owns this.

chooee lee

This pant load is the end result of a bum fuck.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he was a car accident, one that happened in the seat of an old Rambler at a drive in theater? That or a Negligent Discharge that should have stayed a cumstain on the pavement behind a dumpster!


Mommy was a clearing barrel.


Spew alert required on that one; luckily, pie hole was free of food and/or beverage when reading.


No you wouldn’t. You don’t have the guts to try. You’d send others to try it, just like all the other pussy politicians.


Saying that it was a joke in no way lessens the threat he made against law abiding citizens who happen to own gunz. It was a threat. Some folks took it as a threat.

Here’s the deal, Daryl: When it sounds like a threat, looks like a threat, and is taken as a threat, it really doesn’t matter what you call it instead, it’s still a threat.


Kind of odd that someone running for sheriff and in and around law enforcement since 1985 is ignoring the fact that it’s not how he meant it, but how it’s taken as far as the law is concerned. I wonder how many people he arrested for what in Texas is terroristic threat (not sure about NC). A little bit of hypocrisy going on there.

2/17 Air Cav

“Sure, I said I beat the guy to death with a hammer, Officer Fisher, but you are taking it out of context.”


Vote! Turn-out is the only way to defend these Totalitarians/Slavers. Even the clown’s “explanation” demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge/understanding of the Constitution and Our Natural Right to Bear Arm.


Is there a limit on how many states and counties one can register to vote as long as you register as a dem? (Asking for a friend.)


All my old dead relatives and friends tell me that it’s okay. They do it all the time.

Wilted Willy

Please tell me this asshat is a Dumbocrat? I really hope something better is running against him? I pray for the people in his jurisdiction if this cocksucker is actually elected! I wonder how much armed security he has around him?? Is this shitstain running on the Barney Fife ticket?


Methinks it be the Barney Frank ticket…


Just checked. He’s a (D). I know that you’re all shocked.

2/17 Air Cav

He throws a bone to gun owners, saying that responsible gun owners need not fear. I see. And how does one take the measure of “responsible?” Is he going to establish a Gun Responsibility Advisory Board of some sort? If he doesn’t want guns around, he can start by surrendering his own. He can follow that up with promising that his deputies will be unarmed. It’s called leadership by example. Go for it, Porky Fisher.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey. I swear I didn’t intend that but the acronym formed by Gun Responsibility Advisory Board is GRAB. Talk about backing into something.

jim h

not nearly as bad as the large phallus he backed into making this statement. I hadn’t even caught it until you posted. it’s catchy though. you better trademark that one…


As long as Gun Responsibility Advisory Board is preceded by Democrat Intentions Completely Kind, it works for me.

That gives you D.I.C.K. followed by G.R.A.B.

jim h

not sure whether I should be alarmed or aroused.


Oh, I think you’ve hit gold in that one, 2/17.

There are so many jokes we can make with the Gun Responsibility Advisory Board (G.R.A.B.) theme. Copyright that puppy and run with it!

RGR 4-78

“I do not mind anyone disagreeing with me and I in fact encourage anyone who has a better proposal to please make that proposal.”

Here is a better proposal, enforce the laws that are already on the books, to the letter of the law. No plea bargains, no reduced sentences, no concurrent sentences, no early paroles.


I have a much, much better proposal: make sure that every time he opens his mouth, someone brings up his speech about his gun grabbing policies.


Oh, that’s easy. A “responsible: gun owner is one who follows orders.


Daryl Fisher’s parents made a joke.

Green Thumb


And he sees it in the mirror every morning…..


As soon as you post anything other than supportive on his FB you get banned.


So much for, “I do not mind anyone disagreeing with me…”

jim h

I am so very tired of these people. “we have to do something because….”

no, MFer, we don’t *have* to do something. and im sure I can speak freely amongst this crowd here and for you too with this statement: when I screwed up, my mom didn’t coddle me and my dad didn’t medicate me. he put his foot in my ass. and then encouraged neighbors, friends, teachers, etc., to do the same to me if they observed stupid behavior and then to let him know so id get more when I got home. the end result was that I learned what behavior was and not allowed in society. they were not scared of parenting. they loved me, but they didn’t treat me as a snowflake.

these kids today are what they are precisely because mom and dad coddle and medicate, a/o try to be their friend instead of their parent. and then come the jackasses like this dude, who appeal to the people too scared to parent, by saying “we have to do something because…”

weakness like this disgusts me. more so because it appeals to an ever larger group of people who have been taught that laying down and dying as a victim or martyr somehow imparts strength or nobility. you don’t hold a magical high ground by being a victim. I wish folks understood this simple truth. what we have to do, numbnuts, is teach our kids civility, respect, and how to stand up to adversity. what we have to do, is not put dickheads in positions to infringe upon individual liberties.

I’m sorry about the wall o’ text, Jonn and fellow readers. thanks for the space to rant. love the blog.


“We have to do something” should have applied when it became obvious Nikolas Cruz was a psychopathic, criminal degenerate, which was long before February 14th, 2018. Something should have consisted of arresting him for any of his many crimes, so that his name flagged in the NICS database and he walked out of his chosen gun-store, gun-free.

Doing something should NOT have consisted of listening to social justice retards and their concerns about the school-to-prison pipeline, which are apparently absolved by not punishing people appropriately for their individual actions. Of course, the added irony of this situation is that Nikolas Cruz still gets to enjoy that pipeline in a very permanent way, except he took 17 innocent people with him.

Great fucking job all around, guys. Let’s continue to pay tribute to your genius by disarming law-abiding people.


I swear, in Nikolas’ picture taken while he’s being marched in handcuffs by the deputies… he looks aroused


Last year there were 132 individuals murdered in mass shootings. There were 3,000 who died from food poisoning; last 23 times more than the prior. When are we going to make laws against restaurant buffets to stop this mass eating?


But I love buffets….

Carlton G. Long

I’m sure that some states are already working on it.


Last year there were 274 deaths at Train Crossings and another 807 injured.

It is clear that we need to ban either:
1. Trains
2. Train crossings
3. Or maybe the stupid drivers who try to beat the trains.


Nobody needs a high-capacity plate. Close the buffet loophole.

2/17 Air Cav

Good stuff, jim h. The idea that gov’t is the surrogate parent and the lifelong protector of individuals and their property is wrong, wronger, wrongest. Those who believe otherwise we call victims and victims to be.


I posted this at the much-too-late end of the “I am a combat veteran” thread yesterday, and I’m proud enough of it that I’m just going to copy and paste it here, even if it’s not perfectly on topic. Sue me: I’ve actually asked leftist colleagues over the years how gun confiscation would work. I’ve pointed out that many members of the military would not go along with it, and their whole scheme would be kaput. Their response is almost invariably to remind me that “soldiers follow orders”. Yep- they see members of the armed forces as an unthinking monolith that will do whatever their superiors say. It’s funny, because I, as the only service member in the convo, would say that assumption is wrong, but they’d insist. Since they almost without exception never served themselves, I can only assume that this belief comes from the movies. Especially anti-war ones. I don’t remember Platoon that well, but the soldiers in that movie commit a number of war crimes with nary a thought. Did someone order me to burn down this village full of civilians? Fuck yeah! There’s no knowledge of actual history. They know nothing of My Lai, where, while some soldiers committed atrocities, others challenged rank and orders to stop the tragedy. Further afield, they might know about Eichmann trying to excuse himself as simply following orders, but they know nothing of the members of the Wehrmacht, such as Rommel, who did ignore certain orders from Nazi high command. TL;DR? Soldiers are not unthinking automatons! I joined the military with a goal. I wanted to contribute to my vision of the world, where America’s enemies are put to the sword so that the safety and freedom of innocent Americans are preserved. I follow orders that feed into that. Even when those orders are lame. Deploy to Afghanistan, work in the S3, and prepare CONOPs with risk mitigation procedures for green-on-blue attacks during joint patrols? Ok, well, that’s not exactly “lead an infantry platoon into combat” but fine, I’ll do it. It contributes as part of this team to my… Read more »


Besides the fact that none of them realize the oath taken gives allegiance to the Constitution. Not ‘popular opinion’, nor an unlawful order.

jim h

well, I don’t consider oliver stone a reliable purveyor of military truth, either. after I came home from the IZ, I got dad to finally watch it and we were soldiers, after many years of avoiding them. mind you, not because of any fear of latent or repressed memories, but because he didn’t want to see what hollyweird did to the Army.

he actually laughed at platoon. it was so far off point that he idly wondered if it was a Vietnam parody movie. he did his tours with 5th ID along the DMZ, USARV, and a little while in MACV. by his recollection, during his time in-country from 69-71, they only had three guys in his various units in trouble for marijuana usage. I tend to believe that the whole modern caricatures of soldiers committing random war crimes and atrocities, being mindless killing machines, and murdering each other comes from this movie almost exclusively.

on the other hand was we were soldiers, a movie which depicted the events and soldiers of IA Drang mostly accurately, and honorably. no drug use, no war crimes. and it sold…it just doesn’t play into the leftist ideology.

btw, you forgot the 900 SHARP briefings…since we are all rapists, or something.


Your colleagues would be rather surprised at the plans that may or may have not been laid by Soldiers that might or might not be like me, involving playing along until we had the crew-serves and enough ammunition and then turning on those who issued such unconstitutional orders.


Yeah, I usually tell my colleagues that, even if I wanted to give such orders, getting unceremoniously mowed down by an M2 is not a life goal of mine.


I also laugh when my colleagues tell me that, according to polling, higher ranking officers in the military tend to be increasingly liberal. So gun confiscation would go swimmingly.

I guess that seems important if you’ve never served a day in your life.


A small pistol that will chamber .22 Short has some real utility in a “fight tyranny” scenario.

the noise is less than a backfire.

There are some “quiet” .22 LR loads that duplicate Short loads. “CCI Quiet” works nicely in revolvers.

Small and quiet pocket pistols have a real utility in “resistance” scenarios.


Colibri loads.


Small, quiet, and inexpensive pocket pistols…



But now they have the Death by Power Point rule for anyone that won’t confiscate firearms from the civilian population !!!!
Good thing they didn’t have that after Vietnam, I would have done nothing but sit in Power Points by some Spec 5 somewhere…


“It was just a joke.”

Isn’t that in the Politicians Book of Lame Excuses© as #7?

Daryl Fisher: this is us not believing your lame excuse. μολὼν λαβέ, τύραννος


Daryl Fisher, you incredible twit. There’s no takesies- backsies for you on this one.

You said “take your guns from your cold, dead hands.”

You said, buddy boy. You own it.

If it blew up in your face, that’s just tough bananas.

You said it. Yow own it. It’s yours.

Let me know when you grow up.

On 2nd thought, don’t bother. It will never happen.

The Other Whitey

Lick my Black Irish nutsack, Fisher! Serious or not, you thought you were in an environment that would allow you to threaten people without consequences. Having shown your chickenshit ass, you now realize that your assumption was erroneous, and now you want to equivocate and obfuscate, claiming that you didn’t actually say what you said. You are a worthless slithering cuckfuck devoid of balls, spine, or integrity. Go back to sniffing Hillary Clinton’s laundry like the good little fascist you are.

MOLON LABE, asshole.


Damn TOW, good post, except for the last line before MOLON LABE… it made me throw up in my mouth a little…

The Other Whitey

Yeah, but am I wrong?


Oh HELL no… but a spew alert would have been nice..


Daryl Fisher is not funny.


With the media and their overlords, when a (D) says shit like ol’ Dumbfuck Daryl, it’s a “joke”… when an (R) says it, all you hears is “they want to take your civil rights away from you”.

Fuck you Daryl Fisher…


In that picture, above, Fisher looks like Hannibal Lechter contemplating who to invite over for supper.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s funny. I can see that. Now, if we can only see one of him strapped to a handcart and sporting a face mask.

Combat Historian

Fisher looks like a ticklemonster in that photo. Y’all in Buncombe County really want this guy to be your sheriff???

A Proud Infidel®™

He grins like a meat gazer in a crowded locker room.

USMC Steve

It was not a joke, it was a threat. Fuck this motherfucker.


I don’t think this guy should posess a firearm.
Especially if elected Sherrif.

A Proud Infidel®™

Daryl Fisher made what he thought was a joke/ cute campaign statement.
It blew up in his face like a Wile E. Coyote bomb.

Now I’M laughing at him alongside everyone else.


His chin is just a ballsack rest. Fuck you Daryl Fisher. If you at least had the balls to stand by your statements I’d have some respect for you (even though I absolutely disagree). But no,Daryl Fisher, you caved like the pussy that you are. Daryl Fisher you folded like a skinny hooker with warts on her faced getting punched in the stomach by a fat guy.


Believe I read this was a meeting organized by Everytown, the gun-grabbers group. He was talking to his audience and telling them what they wanted to hear, and guarandamnteed had he not been busted doing so, he would keep right on saying it. Fuck him for a lying pol who can’t even keep his story straight.


If Obama had a joke.


More like, ‘when Fisher comes for our guns, we’ll give him the ammo first’


Also, Daryl ‘Anal’ Fissure was not born. But, spawned from the collective genetic material found on the floor of Brucie’s Bathhouse.

E4 Mafia For Life.

In the words of hillary fatass clintongue, “I misspoke.”
Misspoke = lying when you are trying to convince others that you meant what you said the first time and because of the backlash and focus groups, you are backpeddling


On his Facebook page, he proposes the ban of “high” capacity magazines. So, is he willing to start with his own department if he’s elected? Bet not, because they “need” them unlike the rest of the unwashed masses. ESAD you slimy fuck.


Silly thing is, he has to kill me first (maybe that was the joke.?.)

Come on, you fucking tosser. I dare you.


He’s deleting comments on his FB page. It appears he’s against people exercising another of their constitutional rights.


If R. Daryl Fisher, the gun grabber running for Sheriff can’t “police” his mouth, how can he “police” Buncombe County, North Carolina.
R. Daryl Fisher IS a joke.
R. Daryl Fisher is certainly sorry and he is also sorry about his “joke” comment about grabbing guns from peoples “cold, dead hands”.
R. Daryl Fisher, the “gun grabber” running for Sheriff of Buncombe County, North Carolina, has proposed a ban of “high” capacity magazines on his Facebook page.
Wonder what hunters in Buncombe County, North Caroline feel about his humor.
R. Daryl Fisher can delete comments in Facebook and come election time, voters can delete his ambition to be a “gun grabber” Sheriff of Buncombe County, North Carolina by voting for his opponent.

Mark Lauer

So, what’s he saying? We can keep the guns we’ve already bought, but after the law passes, we can’t buy anymore guns?

That’s what would be unconstitutional.
I would wager to guess that if the sale of computers, pens, paper, old style typewriters, or printing presses were to be made illegal, those same people in that room would have been screaming bloody murder about the UNCONSTITUTIONAL infringement of their rights (much as the students are not bitching about having to carry “invisible” backpacks)