Secret squirrel in Boston
QMC sends us a link to Fox News which tells the story of Adrianne D. Jennings, 40 and Francho S. Bradley, 59 who were arrested in Boston when they were found with a cache of weapons in a hotel room. Bradley claimed that he was on a secret government-sanctioned operation and refused to give police further details;
The report said the couple faces eight counts of possession of a large capacity firearm, three counts of possession of a silencer and other charges including possession of a firearm without a license and possession of a bump stock.
The two are being held without bail after being arraigned Monday in Lowell District Court in connection with a large seizure of weapons.
Twelve bump stocks were found in the hotel room of the Las Vegas massacre shooter. Lawmakers, including some Republicans are concerned about their capabilities but what are they?Robert Normandin, who represented Bradley at the arraignment Monday, told the paper that his client is a veteran and the weapon accessories were “props” and not actually functional. Normandin reportedly said his client uses them as he conducts business.
I guess “large capacity firearms” are those types that can operate on “full semi-automatic”.
Bradley drove across the country from Texas to Boston with the weapons.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Probably should have stayed in Texas.
The “secret sanctioned government operation” was run by Bubba, Thor and the rest of the boyz LOL
If they were on a “secret Government Mission”, they would have had a contact person and number to use to fend local law enforcement away from them; but we know that.
Absolutely, but that’s the way it works when one is on a secret US gov’t mission. But Bradley didn’t specify which gov’t his mission was for. Coulda been Texas gov’t, Frisco local gov’t, or Russia.
No, I checked with my Russian election advisers and they said it was probably Frisco.
“Bradley called the police while away from the room and informed authorities that he had a firearm in his hotel room.” Fox News
Crazy story about a crazy man.
Yeah …. and he called them to say someone was breaking into his room????
Nice props, BTW. Used them “to conduct business” … wondering to whom he was going to sell the weapons. And I guess he’d be out of town by the time his clients figured out the silencers and grenade launcher were “non-fuctional”?
Good observation. Props must be lawyerspeak for samples.
Does that mean the armed robber with a pistol is just possessing a prop while he conducts business?
Whiz Wheel says Francho S. Bradley (DAM*) 29×4 = 116.
*Dumb Ass Move
Whiz Wheel also says the alibi of being a sekrit squirrel has a maximum effective range of zero meters./smile
Whiz Wheel Update:
Middle Name of Samuel added. Score is now 144.
Oops, almost forget. Hat Tip goes out to MrBill for finding the middle name.
“Dozens of rounds” of ammunition…..oooooh, scary. Had they had enough to fill the magazines shown, it would have been “hundreds”
and those evil “bump stocks” … don’t forget those evil “bump stocks”
Yeah, Gummint types use bump stocks all the time, yeah riiiiiiiiiiiight!
Looking at the photo @ the link, I think the reporter was doing the opposite of what often complain about:
Instead of exaggerating, they were understating. “Dozens of rounds” can easily wind up more than 100, 200 rounds. “Hundreds” or “Thousands” of rounds can be, and is often, mocked when it turns out to be 200 rounds.
Working on the presumption that the magazines are topped off, it appears, from what I can see, that the 6 30-round magazines are full (180 rounds). If the pistol magazines are full and hold 10-15 each, there is another 30 rounds, plus the 3 speed loaders with 6 each for another 18 rounds. I have no idea how many rounds are in the 3 magazines that look like they are for a 9mm. Then there are the linked rounds and the boxes of rounds – I think the reporter would have been justified using “Hundreds”.
What I think we are seeing is a reporter who was actually trying to report the facts and not exaggerate them to make it sound scary.
I want me one of them there silencer thingies, to go on my large capacity firearm. Oh, and get me one of them bump stocks, too, for when I put the large capacity firearm against my junk and fire on full semi-automatic.
Hey, a guy can have a hobby, ya know.
The heavy duty rubber bands are cheaper, aren’t they?
I’m curious. Would a silencer work on a large capacity firearm? Wouldn’t it burn out after about the fifth round or so?
Yes, In older style silencers that used rubber ‘wipes’.
On other types (including the original Maxim Silencer) do degrade as fouling builds and require cleaning.
With modern powders, fouling can take much longer than you would expect.
I wanna chainsaw bayonet thingamajig!!!
Don’t forget the Shoulder thing that Goes Up.
Wakanda secret operatives?
No, no, no – that’s Wauconda!
Wauconda secret operatives! They’ll tell you (for a bribe, of course) where to rent a boat cheap, which spots are best for crappies and speckled trout on the Chain o’ Lakes and who has the best Italian beef, hot dogs and fries.
So, let us see what happens in the Vaunted DPRM! Will they actually enforce the laws on the books or punk out? The silencer alone is 15 years in this state. They just passed the Stupid Plastic Thingie Law here, because, Doing Something!
Bet they get probation, no jail time and are given a stern talking to!
Indeed, we like to drop the gun charges first so we can get a plea deal…and that way the criminal doesn’t have any prior gun charges right up to the point where they finally actually murder someone, then the public seems surprised that a non-violent, non-weapon carrying criminal suddenly escalated into homicide.
I bet he’s the guy that brought down WTC 7. Hopefully we have assets in place that can silence him in lockup.
Unfortunately, we still have idiots in Texas. Occasionally they show up in Boston Massachusetts when they are extra stupid.
Oh, well.
Why do they never end up going to California? Can’t they read road maps? Oh, wait – can’t read GPS stuff, either.
“Robert Normandin, who represented Bradley at the arraignment Monday, told the paper that his client is a veteran”. Just WTF does being a veteran have to do with being okay to break the law? Particularly at age 59.
This is the kind of defense that makes it difficult for veterans with real problems to get needed help.
Reminds me of the kid who killed his parents, then asked the judge for mercy because he was an orphan.
From the Lowell Sun article:
Bradley and Jennings are both charged with 8 counts of possession of a large-capacity firearm, 19 counts of possession of a large capacity feeding device, 8 counts of improper storage of a firearm, three counts of possession of an infernal machine, three counts of possession of a silencer, and one count each of possession of a firearm without a license, possession of ammunition without a license, and possession of a bump stock.
WTF is “possession of an infernal machine?” Does it work on sulfur and brimstone?
“infernal machine” – Gee, could you post a spew alert, Big Guy? I know you got it from the online article, but for pity’s sake, some of us have early morning beverages within reach!
“infernal machine” = Anal Intruder II w/Patented Gorilla Fist Action.
Only Police are authorized to carry Infernal Machines. Go figure.
2006 Massachusetts Code – Section 102A. Infernal machine; possession; definition; notice of seizure.
Section 102A. Whoever, other than a police or other law enforcement officer acting in the discharge of his official duties, has in his possession or under his control an infernal machine or a similar instrument, contrivance or device shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than ten years or in jail for not more than two and one half years, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and the said machine, instrument, contrivance or device shall be forfeited to the commonwealth.
OK, Official definition (bonus points to the MA Legislature for using “forthwith” in a current statute):
The term “infernal machine”, as used in this section, shall include any device for endangering life or doing unusual damage to property, or both, by fire or, explosion, whether or not contrived to ignite or explode automatically and whether or not disguised so as to appear harmless. Notice of the seizure of any such machine, instrument, contrivance or device shall be sent forthwith to the commissioner of public safety and the article seized shall be subject to his order.
OK, got it. By the MA Legislature’s definition the matchbook with a lit cigarette tucked into the edge to create a time delay that was used by LT Dunbar in Stalag 17 to blow up a passing ammunition train would be considered an “infernal machine.”
Do I have that right? Or should I stick to the Anal Intruder II story?/smile
The way I read it, your car could be an infernal machine. It has the capacity for creating unusual damage to property and is only propelled by hundreds of explosions a minute.
Unless you drive a Tesla. Then you’re good.
Have you seen what a Tesla battery fire can do? Epic incendiary.
Chevy Volts have been known to catch on fire sans a rear end collision Would turn a Ford Pinto into a Chariot of Fire.
Since iot says the device does not actually have to have been used with intent, you’d better turn in your propane tanks! And your butane lighters! Do it for the children!
No. Note that the definition specifies “unusual damage.” Last I heard a book of matches (what, they still make those?) was good for a burnt finger, and not much else.
You can’t start a fire without a spark.
Tony Danza (In The Dark)
What, they didn’t get the memo that Operation Fast and Furious ended a while back???
The claim that Bradley is a veteran appears to be true. The Army White Pages lists a veteran named Francho Samuel Bradley, with rank of Specialist.
He’s “special” alright.
Large capacity firearm…
Like an Evans Repeater with an 28-round rotary helical magazine?
Maybe a Ghost Gun capable of shooting 30 clip magazines at a million bullets a minute?
Yup. Each one of those AR-T1000 clips will totally ‘splode a deer. Dont ya know?
‘splode a deer like Michael Bay wanted it to die.
Flash processors are scary.
I wonder if the people he was selling the weapons to could pass a background ch…never mind, dumb question.
These are some Dumb criminals, with a capital D. Reminds me of the calls we’d get for a home invasion trying to steal the “victim’s” weed. Or even better, the dope dealers who would call in a home invasion at 0300 in which five black guys broke in, punched everyone in the face, and left without taking anything. Right….
Or a few cases where someone called the Police wanting their drugs tested because they thought their dealer had ripped them off.
They were “props”, but instead of telling the Police this, he told them he was Secret Agent Man, and couldn’t divulge what he was doing there with all those—–“props”.
Yeah. I believe him. Let him go.
And while they’re at it, they can just open the doors at Gitmo, too.
Props to Franco Bradley.
These were the rescue team that the proud but humble woman owned business that Hack works for hired to recover Elaine Ricci. Jared Stern had to decline because he could not find enough empty Gatorade bottles he would need for a mission this complex.