Clock Boy’s lawsuit dismissed

| March 16, 2018

The Daily Caller reports that the lawsuit that Ahmed “Clock Boy” Mohamed’s lawsuit against the Irving, Texas Independent School District that his father filed in his name, was dismissed by U.S. District Judge Sam Lindsay earlier this week.

Mohamed’s device included batteries, a printed circuit board, wires, a transformer, a timing display panel, and an alarm bell. On the day of the incident, two teachers advised him to keep the mechanism hidden before he was summoned to the school principal. He was arrested but the charges against him were dropped in short order. The school district assessed a three-day suspension against him.

Last year, a judge dismissed a law suit against the Center for Security Policy and our friend Jim “Uncle Jimbo” Hanson filed by the teenager and his father for comments Hanson made about the “clock” looking like a bomb.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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2/17 Air Cav

Shit. Clock Boy might have to get a job.


Cannon fodder for some Jihad in a third world shit hole? I’ll dummy up for the ticket.

One way.


One way

To hell


I think he just came back from Yeman or some shithole after being trained for his next job, Allah willing


Yeh, back in India where the little bastard belongs!!


Good but not great outcome. It would be a great outcome if “Clockhmed” and his family had been ordered to pay both the school district’s and the Center for Security Policy’s legal expenses.


Yep. This is a draw, not a win.


Unless I’m reading this wrong, doesn’t the “all allowable and reasonable costs taxed against Plaintiff” translate to the cost the defendants paid in legal fees?


Dismissed with prejudice. Buh-bye.


Good. Now he and his grifting family can just fade away. Uncle Jimbo’s comment, if I recall correctly, was along he lines of, “I was a Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, I’ve made brief case bombs, and that is exactly what they look like.”


Its Friday!!!
And the body knows it.
Too many miles this week.
Nah. There is no such a thing as too many miles.
Anyway, is everybody ready for the Weekend Open Thread??????


2300 miles on mine. I’m ready for a Guinness!

Sharon Nickols

This kid was singled out because he was brown. He was proud of something he made, be it just to impress kids and pretend he could actually make a clock out of parts. If this had been a while child, we never would have heard about it.


Sharon, you are a racist fucking idiot.

Sharon Nickols

I’m sure you dont make this same comment to al lthe people on this site who make generalizations about muslims, or women, or minorities.

A Proud Infidel®™

We need not wonder what kind of blithering idiot you are Sharon Nickols, you show it with each and every one of your comments!


Sharon, you’re an idiot. And idiots come in all races, creeds, colors, sexes, shapes, and sizes. It’s a one-size-fits-all word. And you wear it as if it was tailor made.





Please refer once again to akpual’s post above.

…. stop making excuses for other people’s shitty behavior and scumbaggery.


Why yes I do.


No, because Muslims and women aren’t races. But thanks for playing.


no, most of us just think it LOL


He took a clock apart and put it in a brief case. It looks like a bomb. It was meant to look like a bomb. It could have been a bomb.
Color has nothing to do with it. A bomb is bomb.


Hey Nickols, do push ups.
Have you ever been smoked through teh internetz?
Do fuckin push ups until I get tired of watching you doing fuckin push ups!


I’ll just come straight to the point.

Suck the fart out of my ass. Mmmkay?


It was done as a stunt to make some money. If he wanted to make a clock and display it, putting it in a briefcase was not the way to go.

His father did this to get a lawsuit going, he figured Irving Texas would give him money to go away.

If a “While” child did it, they would have been expelled. This kid was suspended for three days. This was a stunt to make money and it figuratively blew up in his face.

Brown? I am browner than he is and I am called white, get off your high horse. People who cry racism are usually the most racist, bigotted people around.


Fuck off, Sharon.

Seriously, how goddamn stupid ARE you?


Deckie, you know every time someone asks that question, they strive to reach a totally new level. So far, she’s in the top 10.

Gat Cat

“A while child”? ROFLMMFAO! ! Reading retarded comments is fun!

Daisy Cutter

While Supremacists and While Privilege.

I see where you’re going with this.

Keepin' It Real

My parents always told me I was a while child when I was growing up.

In fact, I can still hear my mom saying “Damn, that child while.”


Take your bigotry somewhere else, Sharon… go play the “race card” at some other libtard website.


I’ll bet ole Sharon didn’t get all upset when they suspended the little while kid when he bit his pop tart into a gun shape. Sharon is a bigot and a racist.


I’m guessing the pop tart kid “got what he deserved” because of his “white privilege” or some other bullshit SJW excuse of the day… right, Sharon (aka: the ignorant bigot)?



Sharon Nickols is almost certainly either a brainwashed Leftist/Progressive idiot who is incapable of thinking clearly and logically (but I repeat myself) or a troll.

However: on the minute chance that she’s merely ignorant, I invite her to read this:

It details precisely why Clockhmed’s little “science project” should have been treated exactly as it was – e.g., as a bona fide threat – until proven otherwise.

The Other Whitey

What exactly is a “while child?”

No, Clockmed’s (yes, I call him that) father has made a career out professional whiny victimhood. This whole thing was an engineered publicity stunt intended to milk the school district for money, nothing more. Probably wasn’t even the kid’s idea. Most likely his asshole father came up with it, but he misjudged what kind of reaction it would draw, since the school didn’t roll over and the court called bullshit.


I think she may have tried to go retro-hippy on us and typed a dope-muddled version of “Wild Thing” by the Troggs.

Or perhaps she is just brain damaged from overly self-medicating?


Clockboi’s sister pulled a “everyone is pickin on me cuz I’m muslim” stunt at the same school a year to two earlier.


Step away from the kool-aid, Sharon.

The first step in joining in adult conversations is to know what you are talking about – that is, know the facts first.

Until you know those facts, go back to the kindergarten table and have conversations with your intellectual peers, leave your superiors alone.


Sharon said: “He was proud of something he made”

I was once really proud of a deuce I made, but I didn’t put it in a briefcase and bring it to school. And I wanted to. It was quite impressive.


“He was proud of something he made”

What is “Something never said by Sharon’s father”, Alex!

A Proud Infidel®™

Ooh *POW!*, right in the kisser!!

E4 Mafia For Life.

You have just won the R Lee Ermey Award for March!


He did not make a clock. He dismantled a clock and wired the pieces back together in such a fashion that it resembled a textbook IED. This kid was singled out because of that. The fact that he was “brown” and middle-eastern descent was just another version of playing the race card when reality kicked him in the balls. Now please go away.


Do you really believe the crap you spew on here or does somebody pay you to troll sites? This kid was singled out because of the climate in shich we live today thanks to being bombarded with advice telling people if they see something say something. Skin color had nothing to do with it. Stay away from the Kool Aid; Rev. Jesse and Rev. Al are NOT information sources for anything, nor is Louis Farrakhan (between them they might have a marginally have a functioning brain); and most important stop eating the paint chips you find in the houses you haunt, they might taste good, but lead paint is bad for you. And finally I would suggest the following to improve your thought processes – grab your ears and pull hard, get a friend to help (if you have any) until you hear a rush of air and a loud popping sound. That pop will be your head coming out of your rectal cavity, the rectal-cranial impaction people like you suffer from stifles normal thought processes.

E4 Mafia For Life.

I’m awarding a second R Lee Ermey Award this month. SFC D received the first one.
Outfuckingstanding!… which is where Sharon’s mother was located when her father paid for her mother’s services…


I will happily share the award, it’s an honor just being nominated. I’d like to thank the members of the academy, my producer, director, mom and dad, all the little people behind the scenes that made this possible, but mostly, I’d like to offer a sincere and heartfelt “eat a bag of dicks” to Sharon, who was a true inspiration. (No animals were harmed in the production of this feature, feelings may have been hurt. In case of hurt feelings, please submit (in triplicate)DA FORM IMT WF1, APRIL 2009)

Commissioner Wretched

And you know this … how, exactly? Or is this just your opinion?

You know what they say about opinions …


You’re absolutely right. Had he been white, we wouldn’t hear about it. Why? Because there’s no political or financial capital to be gained by reporting the justifiable punishment of a white student doing something absolutely stupid. The kid’s parents made him being “brown” an issue because they saw dollars signs ahead. People like you make it an issue because, well, because you’re as moronic as he was. You’re willing to ignore security concerns at a school for the chance to make a perpetrator a victim. God forbid we should hold anyone accountable who is on your list of special people. Now, had he been a white, midget, transgender Muslim, the media, our former president and people like you would be peeing their pants and slathering the airwaves and social media about the injustice of it all


Sharon, you are a stupid effing scrunt who would believe anything, no matter how demonstrably false. Clock-boi didn’t “make a clock out of parts.” He took an old digital clock out of its plastic case and wired it to a battery. An online video shows how he did it. He deliberately made it look like a bomb, likely to frighten people at his school. He had it set so the alarm went off while he was in school.


He and his family did this on purpose. He took a clock, some wires and stuff in a suitcase to school. When busted his family promptly sued and CAIR parachuted in within a few hours. Total setup and a standard tactic to desensitize people to this stuff and cow them into not saying anything in fear of a lawsuit. The Muzzy’s then explode at will


If that kid had bright a homemade gun replica to school, you would have been screaming for his head.

He is just something for you to exploit for your political purposes, like you progtards have been exploiting high-melanin folks since we took away your slaves.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Did Rock Climbing Joe or one of the other trolls go transgender, and change it’s name to Sharon?

Looks like it, judging by the bullshit comments lately.


Sharon, I feel your pain. It truly must be miserable to be you. Clockboy and his family played the ‘professional victim’ card and it blew up in their faces. I doubt it had anything to do with a science project. The intent was to milk the system for megabucks. Each of them can eat a bag of dicks.


This is the first time I’ve actually seen a picture of the co-called “Science Project”.

So- this kid took a mass produced product, disassembled it, and mounted it (sloppily, i might add) into a briefcase. That was his project? And the media and his dad was calling him a misunderstood genius? He received offers to go to college all over the world?

YGBSM. You can’t make this stuff up.


EDIT: Sharon – GFY.


First she has to peel the maxi-pad off she applied adhesive-side up.

A Proud Infidel®™

She strikes me as the type who would complain about insufficient seat cushions on a lifeboat!




And a trip to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to grip and grin with Barry, the SCoaMF.

Edit: Sharon, GFY


Yes, she does have that affect on people, doesn’t she?


And they get to pay court costs too.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure they’ll ante up like a certain deceased disbarred lawer.


Is this little jihadist in training even still in the country? Last I recall hearing of him he was in the land of Mad Man Hassan’s Used Camel Sales and U-Pick’m Goat Dating Service at school on a scholarship honing his trade. Glad to see the grifters ran into a judge who saw through their BS and sent them packing, although it would have been even better to see them stuck with the legal fees for both sides and the court costs for being annoying butt wipes and wasting the court’s time.

That Guy

Clock Boy is now 0 for 3. Two suits DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE


Ain’t that the truth, Jonn.

Sometimes that’s my consolation thought through all of this. That no matter what the screaming, whining, and “protesting” from the SJW crowd, at the end of the day the adults are still firmly in charge and decisions are made that (mostly) make sense and are fair and equitable.

I hope that trend continues.


It will as long as someone sane is appointing judges.


Sucks to be Clock Boy…

A Proud Infidel®™

HA-HA!! I wonder how soon he’ll file yet another lawsuit that will also be dismissed in no time at all, another self-entitled LOSER trying to get a free ride. Didn’t they go to Kuwait? They should have stayed there, KUTOMBA WEWE, asswipes!

A Proud Infidel®™

“…KUTOMBA WEWE to that whole family of freeloading asswipes”

Combat Historian

In a while, Clockodile…

Some Guy

Jim “Uncle Jimbo” Hanson… Had to do a quick search to verify that we weren’t talking about the guy who invented Kermit the Frog…
Does anyone else see a resemblance between Mohamed and Beaker?
comment image

Carlton G. Long

“Sharon Nickols” has to be a troll…and time’s up for Clock Boy.

Perry Gaskill

The Daily Caller piece leaves out some important nuance in the Clock Boy saga. One of the important factoids, for example, is that Clock Boy’s engineering teacher told him to put the device away and not show it to anybody else. Which Clock Boy ignored, and triggered everything else which fell into a cause-effect sequence.

My own view is that the lawsuit against the school district was a matter of opportunity, and not preplanned. Consider the timeline:

The original incident happened on September 14, 2015, and set off the media frenzy. On October 19, Clock Boy was invited to the White House where he was hugged by Barack Obama. The Mohameds then sent on November 23 a letter to the school district demanding an apology and $15 million. When the district didn’t cough up the cash, Clock Boy and Clock Boy pere then filed on August 8, 2016 the lawsuit just rejected.

Thinking back, I’m fairly confident things would have been played differently if I had pulled similar stupid kid shit. My mother would have probably called up the school and said something such as, “What’s going on over there, Bob?” Getting an answer, she would have then turned to me and made the ultimate checkmate move:

“Wait until your father gets home.”

And for the rest of the day, I would have had plenty of time to contemplate all the ways it’s possible to regret being born.

Carlton G. Long

And would have been singing the old Dovells song, “You Can’t Sit Down.”


I have a feeling Sharon is a bored College kid.

Does the IP Address lead back to a college Jonn?

There is no way somebody can be as ignorant as ‘Sharon’. If she is real…then Sharon needs to walk to the nearest hillside of trees and apologize to each and every tree for wasting the O2 they produced.

A Proud Infidel®™

Figures, that area is overloaded with brain dead proglodytes.


Proglodytes will become the real “walking dead.” You all know what that means. ((over))


Probably a DC technocrat that has a bullshit job in a basement somewhere licking envelopes… when she’s not surfing the net on the job.


Since these Muzz-slimes sued Uncle Jimbo, I hope he goes after them for every dollar in sanctions and costs he can recover.


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