Benjamin Thomas Wolf; “Cannabis candidate” under fire

| March 8, 2018

Benjamin Thomas Wolf, who calls himself the “cannabis candidate” in the campaign for an Illinois Congressional seat because he has put the legalization of marijuana at the center of his campaign, you know, in spite of the myriad issues we face in this country these days.

In addition to smoking pot in his campaign ads, he also makes statements that might lead people to believe that he served in Iraq in the military as well as statements that indicate that he was an FBI agent;

He’s never been in any branch of the military and Wolf says in public that he failed the agent testing at the FBI Academy. According to Fox News;

“People in the military get upset when I say I served in Iraq. The military doesn’t have a patent on the word ‘served,’” he told Politico.

In a news release last week, Wolf’s campaign also identified him as a “former FBI agent,” despite contrary claims by the agency.

A spokesperson for the FBI told the Chicago Tribune that the candidate worked at the agency as “a non-special agent professional support employee” rather than an agent.

Yeah, well, now he faces charges of abuse from a former campaign intern;

“He actually hit me, threw me to the ground, put his foot on my chest. He was really angry. He grabbed my face,” Katarina Coates, who interned for Wolf’s campaign, told Politico.

She added: “I thought it was normal. I cannot explain the logic. It seemed like he cared about me when he did that. After that time he stood on my chest, he went and took me for chocolate cake. I kind of associated it with his caring.

“There were times I would ask him, ‘Do you ever regret hitting me?’ He would say: ‘No, but I’m relieved when you put your head down so I don’t have to do it again.'”

No surprises here. He looks like his picture should be in Webster’s under “douche bag”, and folks who mislead about their service are usually abusive to people around them.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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He also claimed he carried a M4 on his “multiple tours” in Iraq.

The Old Maj

He had a picture taken with one. Also more with the “Federal Agent” claims.

Where are the METOO people on this? Guy is a serial abuser and not a peep.


The linked article says he “graduated from the FBI Academy.” I’m sure that website will be making a correction to that false factiod.(not) It also says he supports more free shit for the FSA, including free college tuition and forgiving college student debt. If he has his way, we can all stay high on weed and live for “free” in the FSA (Free Shit Army). He should hand out “free” joints at his campaign stops.


What a Cuntry man he must be. Misspell intended to explain my thoughts of this DB. Dodge, evade & confuse appears to be his mantra in order to lie & deceive those questioning him…sounds like a perfect politician. That being said, those days are hopefully over in the political arena & we the people stop voting in the best liar. Hold accountable those who need accounting.

Wilted Willy

Just another lying sack of shit, move along, nothing to see here………………….


Right On! But in chicago, shytown! he is right up their alley, and that stupid twit said he hit her, threw her to the ground, stood on her chest then took her for chocolate cake??? The whole bunch needs imho to be put away somewhere in a deep dark dungeon!!!

The Other Whitey

“I thought it was normal…It seemed like he cared about me when he did that.“

Dear God in Heaven, chick, SEEK HELP!!! A guy who cares about you is one who DEFENDS you from violence, not the one who does it to you! Seriously, do you have Daddy issues that he preys upon or something?

“There were times I would ask him, ‘Do you ever regret hitting me?’ He would say: ‘No, but I’m relieved when you put your head down so I don’t have to do it again.’”

Not even a shred of remorse. He says it’s somehow your fault. That’s a fucking sociopath if I ever saw one! Guys like him are the reason why women should get CCWs.


GMTA, TOW. This gal is a domestic homicide looking for a location to happen at.


Because it’s not like abusers aren’t notorious for gaslighting their partners and convincing them what it is happening is ok, right? She even said it wasn’t logical. Even more so, she came forward, which indicates she’s realized what happened was an issue.

Do some research on abusive relationships before you relegate this girl to the label of “daddy issues” or a “domestic homicide looking for a location.”

And who knows. Maybe she does have “daddy issues,” does that make it any better or worse?


It makes it sad – and sadder that it happens so often.

The Other Whitey

It makes me fucking furious, is what it does. Furious that it happened. Furious that anyone would take that kind of abuse without at least pressing charges, if not justifiably killing the motherfucker. Furious that this piece of roach shit was allowed to do that to anyone and is still drawing breath.

I am not blaming her, I am expressing anger, horror, and frustration at the whole goddamned travesty. I have two daughters. I love them dearly. This kind of thing strikes a nerve.


The military doesn’t have a patent on the word “served”? Hate to tell you, but in common usage, it does.

You’re going to have some problems if you say “Oh, I served!” And when someone asks when and where, you tell them it was at Burger King. The very word implies military, especially when mentioned in conjunction with a known war zone.

So anyway, instead of just bloviating, HOW did you “serve” in Iraq, Mr. Wolf?


I think he’s fixin’ to get “served”.


Possibly even “serviced”.

Retired Master

Hopefully he will be doing the servicing.

2/17 Air Cav

Door #1. Maybe he served food or drinks in Iraq.

Door #2. Maybe he served as the resident asshole in Iraq.

Door #3. Or maybe he served up his mouth for several camel cocks and his ass for man and beast alike.


Assuming the picture set in Baghdad under the swords is actually him (and isn’t a Photoshop job), his wearing a black tee in the photo says he almost certainly wasn’t there in uniform.

HT3 '83-'87

Douchebag level achieved: EXPERT


Checking out his website… talk about another pajamaboi. Looks like he never had a set of nads in the first place.


O-Bozo, Wide Load, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel will all heartily endorse Wolf’s candidacy, which will ensure that Wolf will win in a landslide.

A lying, pot-smoking, abusive, Stolen Valor assclown like Wolf is the perfect Libotard candidate.


Do people really love pot enough to center a campaign around it? I mean, anything that makes hippies stupider can’t be all bad, but maybe it shouldn’t be the top priority.

I had trouble stomaching Johnson because of it. Could he possibly get through one short speech without bringing up drugs? There are other types of liberty too.


Well, at least he will split the crazy left Marxist voters


Methinks that Benjamin Thomas Wolf either:
a) Never had any cognitive abilities to begin with
b) Has fried his cognitive abilities with the weed and other possible substances mixed in therewith.

In other words, he is the consummate Liberal/Progressive/Socialist.

Carlton G. Long

“a non-special agent professional support employee”

Probably a data entry clerk who dreamed of much bigger things, but had neither the brains nor the brawn to make any of it happen.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So he’s a doper who beats women…at first I thought this might be an interesting take on libertarian candidate, but nope just another fucking criminal trying to get over.

Hope he goes to jail before the election, fucking wienie.


Benjamin Thomas Wolf, you WORKED in Iraq…you SERVED the guys at the truck stop gloryhole.

He’s always mixing that up…

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he worked blowing winos behind bus stops?


Is it really work when you love your job?


Caption the poster…


Covers so much, on many levels.


Abusing a female assistant – well, that will get him some time in the media. I hope she cries on camera.

I won’t vote for anyone who smokes dope. People like that, as I’ve found more than once, are only in it for themselves.


Abusive to women, substance abuser, stolen valor LSOS. This guy is a libtard trifecta!


Female AF vet here: not a hero, never left McChord, did my job the best I could & proud of my service.
So are there any female phonies out there or is only males? just do not understand these stoen valor goofs.


By my count, yes, two this year.


Hi Max. I passed thru McChord once. It was dark.

Here is a female phony example:


Welcome to TAH, Max. We’re a fun bunch but mostly harmless.


Welcome aboard, Max. Glad to have you along. As SFC D said, we are mostly harmless.

And you are right to be proud of your service. Everyone on the team plays a part in the successes of our military – no-one here will do more than the inter-service lovingly administered jesting.


“Mostly harmless” – Fort Prefect’s revised entry for Earth in the edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide for the Galaxy pending publication immediately prior to the arrival of the Vogons in the Solar System.

Rest in peace, Douglas Adams.


It is more of a male fake “macho” thing to feign military service you never had. We only get a handful of female military fakers each year. I was in McChord for only about an hour after my flight home from the RVN. Believe it or not, they had a large poster on the wall in the air terminal that said, “Welcome Home.” That was the only time I saw or heard that phrase until about 25 to 30 years ago when it became popular to be a Vietnam Veteran.


Hi Max. Another female vet here (from Australia)

Unfortunately females are in on SV too. Not as much, but there. Being an asshole spreads over both sexes equally

The Old Maj

“Wolf confirmed to the outlet that he failed the FBI’s agent test but denied he ever identifies himself as such, adding that there is a small difference between his role at the agency and that of actual FBI agents.”

Not even the smallest chance of that.

This guy is a security nightmare. Stupid, DV, Drugs, bald faced liar if he ever did get elected his clearance should be on permanent hold.


I just looked up bed wetter in the dictionary and this POS face was next to meaning.


I swear, as Turkeys are my witness, if this wet noodle hits my car when he’s high, I will haul his useless ass into court and clean his clock, but good.


Democrat. This is my surprised face: 😐

His loose morals and unbelievable twisting of the truth tell me he’s in the right party.


You know what I’m thinking wolf – Manning ticket 2020.


You mean he is not running on the National Sociopath ticket?


[…] Screwed. The Jawa Report: Everyone Wave Buh Bye To Ali Muhammad Brown This Ain’t Hell: “Cannabis Candidate” Under Fire, also, CT Governor Says NRA Is “Terrorist Organization” Victory Girls: McDonald’s […]


He “served” in Iraq? So we have the second coming of Joe Teti?


Kinda looks that way to me, Twist. But I could be wrong.


This ass clown is just trying to establish his creds across the board – unfortunately the creds he’s establishing aren’t the ones he’s after… reminds me of the douche we had running at the state level here in MA who had a website where he had pics in DCUs taken when he was in Afghanistan as a CIVILIAN PA Liason he said he served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan WITH the Army. He had the nerve to want to march with the veterans in our Memorial Day Parade when I was Commander of the Legion Post; I told him he could participate, in a suit and not call attention to himself as the event was not about political candidates but fallen servicemen. Guess who decided NOT to join us for the parade?

An Old Arty Sgt

This is odd..on the link below he states.

” After completing a university internship on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., Benjamin was recruited by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He graduated from the F.B.I. Academy and worked for years within the National Security Division on the highest priority terrorism,intelligence, and international security matters”

I didn’t know the FBI had newbies stationed overseas in combat zones..

This guys just smells all lies..