Fleeing Communism…again

| February 26, 2018

Reuters grudgingly reports that Venezuelans are fleeing the latest version of Communism to Colombia. An eight-mile-long line forms at the border crossing;

“It’s migrate and give it a try or die of hunger there. Those are the only two options,” said Yeraldine Murillo, 27, who left her six-year-old son behind in the Venezuelan city of Maracaibo, some 56 miles (90 km) across the border.

“There, people eat from the trash. Here, people are happy just to eat,” said Murillo, who hopes to find work in Colombia’s capital Bogota and send for her son.

The exodus from Venezuela – on a scale echoing the departure of Myanmar’s Rohingya people to Bangladesh – is stirring alarm in Colombia. A weary migration official said as many as 2,000 Venezuelans enter Colombia legally through Paraguachon each day, up from around 1,200 late last year.

Colombian government officials estimate 4000 immigrants cross the 1300-mile jungle frontier illegally everyday.

Luckily, for the Castros, there was 90 miles of ocean that blocked migration from that island. But that didn’t stop 14,000 from making their way to the US in the first two years of Communism in Cuba. The Germans built an 866-mile-long wall from the Baltic Sea to Czechoslovakia to stem the migration to the West. The North Koreans have their minefields.

Mechanic Luis Arellano and his children were among the lucky ones who found beds at a shelter in Maicao run by the Catholic diocese with help from the U.N. refugee agency. The 58-year-old said his children’s tears of hunger drove him to flee Venezuela.

“It was 8 p.m. and they were asking for lunch and dinner and I had nothing to give them,” he said, spooning rice into his 7-year-old daughter’s mouth.

“This isn’t the size they should be,” Arellano said, raising his children’s spindly arms.

Food has been weaponized by the Communists since Stalin used it against the Kulaks in the Soviet Union and Mao used it in his Great Leap Forward and now Maduro in his Bolivarian Republic.

Category: Hugo Chavez

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There’s nothing to fear from Communism.

Everyone knows that.


Did someone say “Don’t Fear the Commie”?

Oh, and remember: under Communism, 2 plus 2 equals 5 – just like it did in that early-1930s Soviet propaganda poster.

A Proud Infidel®™

Communism only killed 120+ million people during the Twentieth Century and hordes of useful idiots still want to give it one more chance.


Shouldn’t the useless idiots be the first to volunteer for that, API?


They need to gather up all the commies and ship them to venezuela…see if they still like communism! including if not ESPECIALLY our dumocrap leadership! imo

Winston "FuzeVT" Smith

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows”

The Other Whitey

Beware the Ministry of Love.


I would gladly shoot every member of Maduro’s gang for what they have done to Venezuela.

I lived in Maracaibo as a child. While there was a lot of poverty there, at least the kids could eat. And the resources are vast.

Damn commies.


I blame the Venezuelan crisis on the Venezuelan people.

They voted for a socialist government before Chaves. Only after that, came Chaves.

The options in most south American countries is between socialism and communism. Where is the free market option?

How’s that saying? You harvest what you sow? Something like that. ..


There is no free market option in most South American countries. What few “capitalists” exist are concentrated in a small number of robber baron families.

This might help explain why South Americans find socialism or communism palatable. They’ve never had a taste of an honest free market system.


Socialism and communism are one and the same, a Russian General came here in the 1930’s pushing for communism but knew Americans wouldn’t buy that crap, so they changed the name to socialism and guess what THE IDIOTS DID BUY IT!


“You reap what you sow”

Wilted Willy

Oh where is Lars to stick up for his Bezerkly mindset that communism is such a great thing? We should be dropping food to these poor people?


He got hammered by Jonn for being an idiot one too many times.

A Proud Infidel®™

I myself enjoy the absence of him, I miss him as much as I miss my last toothache.

Wilted Willy

I miss him like a chapped ass!

The Other Whitey

Commissar is missed like a sexually-transmitted disease.


Yet you guys keep talking about him.

What gives?


Yef, talking about him is like talking about the Bogeyman – may or may not be hanging around, so it’s best to be prepared to rout him and send him back where he came from.


He’s like the dingleballs you get after being in the field for two weeks…


But hey….they got a huge wage hike, so its not all bad.

Now they will have ample worthless currency to wipe their asses(even during a cholera epidemic) and stoke cooking fires.


I never doubted the intellect of the average non-commie Venezuelan.
I must admit that I never would thought of creating art with worthless money. My Canadian Tire money is worth more than the Bolivar! Probably Pamper’s Points too…


Racist Columbians complaining about Venezuelan migration.

On another note, socialism sounds awesome! When can we get some more?

A Proud Infidel®™

Venezuelans wanting to get into Mexico we SOL unless they can get past their wall on their Border with Guatemala.


Remember what all the lefties say here, Food is a Human Right! But who decides who gets that right? Yup, the Lefties in charge and we see in the latest interation of their dream what happens.

Hasn’t worked, won’t work and can never work.


What you miss, Jack, is that the Lefties then get to decide who is human.

Those beings who are NotLefties are sub-human, and therefore do not have a right to food or legal protection.

That is what is happened in National Socialist Germany, in the Union of Social Socialist Republics, Red China, in North Korea, Cambodia…


Some pigs are more equal than others.

2/17 Air Cav

“Venezuela and its revolution will endure under the proven leadership of vice president Nicolas Maduro.” Sean Penn

“I mourn a great hero [Chavez]to the majority of his people and those who struggle throughout the world for a place.” Oliver Stone

“Hugo fed the hungry. He lifted the poor. He raised their hopes. He helped them realize their dreams. And, so, today we do mourn, because we’ve lost a lot. But we have a lot left – a stable government, an orderly transition.” Jesse Jackson

“[Chavez] was not only my friend, he was my brother.” Danny Glover

Of course, Michael “I-Haven’t Seen My Pecker Since 1964” Moore also joined the Chavez socialist fan club, but the less said about that lard ass the better.


C’mon guys…they’re just doing Communism wrong, our brand of communism will get it right. /sarc


‘We’re smart enough to make it work this time.’


Maduro raised the minimum wage 40% a few weeks ago. 40% of nothing is still nothing.


Even an hourly wage of $1M per hour is effectively worthless when there’s nothing to buy.

Arde en el infierno, Maduro – esperemos que muy pronto.

Tom Huxton

“Do not worry about the tpaper shortage, comrades; because there is nothing too eat.”

The Other Whitey

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


Left her six-year-old behind….

Not enough words to express my anger at that gross snorting crapweasel Maduro may he roll in hell forever..

A Proud Infidel®™

May he roast in Hell alongside Hugo Chavez.

The Other Whitey

May he be spitroasted in Hell for eternity.


Seems they have run out of other people’s money. Winston was right, “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.”

Sharon Nickols

Think of how much help we could give those people, with the money that Drumpf wants to spend on his wall.


I swear to the Almighty Himself, you were supposed to have been a twin; because you have enough stupid for two people.

Denise Williams

is it stealing if I tell you I’m stealing? Because…

“I swear to the Almighty Himself, you were supposed to have been a twin; because you have enough stupid for two people.”

…is gold, pure gold.

2/17 Air Cav

I’m jealous, Atkron–very, very, very jealous.


Why don’t you give them all of your money?

Reverend Pointyhead

Let me guess. You’re in the special school that feels more correct by the amount of us disagreeing with you.
Go back to Vice News and read the latest rag on how marginalized you are for wearing the wrong tongue-stud.


Thus Spake Sharon “the Idiot” Nickols:

Think of how much help we could give those people, with the money that Drumpf wants to spend on his wall.

Well, I’ll answer that question for you, Sharon. Somewhere between diddly and squat.

Maduro and his fellow Communist Idiots and Sycophants “Socialist” colleagues would insist that we sent the money to the Venezuelan government. Then Maduro and his cronies would steal it.

You really are an excellent example of an argument in favor of birth control. Too bad your parents didn’t practice safe sex the night you were conceived.


Venezuela has the worlds larest or second largest proven oil reserves depending on how one counts such things.

They should be swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck, instead being bankrupt and picking garbage for survival.

Behold the mighty power of Socialism to turn gold into shit. If Penguins adopted it, they would be importing ice cubes in ten years

Combat Historian

Are you Lar’s little sister?.?.?


She is the one that Lars calls when he needs his weekly pegging.


GODDAMIT Chief! I was eating lunch when I read this…


Aaannnddd… the Idiots self-identify – again.

Roger in Republic

That’s why I love the fist Amendment. It makes the idiots so easy to identify. All you have to do is wait for them to open their mouths, and, Bingo!


And how much cash have you sent to help them out? Oh, that’s right, you can’t be bothered to help “deplorables” out.


Libs love to say what OTHER people ‘should’ do… like the folks who say we should help the Syrians fight but won’t join the military, or the folks that preach against guns while hiding behind their own armed guards. Sharon is a mediocrity in their world of hypocrisy.


Here we go. This is for YOU, Sharon Nickols, you incredible moron.

Karashnikov’s “Another Christmas of Agony”
Mischa the dog
lies dead in the bog.
The children cry over the carcass.
The mist chokes my heart,
covers the mourners.
At least this year we eat.



Sharon, why don’t you hook-up with the Berzerkely Idjit (“Commissar”) and fly down to Caracas? You could hand out food to the starving and the Idjit could tell the starving people lined up for 8 miles at the border not to fear communism.


Sharon, you do realize that there is already a wall on the southern border, where it is practical to build it? And as we speak, it is being improved using federal funds allocated by your lord and master Barrack? And I hate to break your heart Sharon, but walls do work.

Now kindly fuck off.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s some advice for you Sharon Nichols, learn to control your drooling and slobbering, your speech, comb your hair over your forehead, wear some decent sunglasses and most people won’t assume you to be the recipient of a badly botched lobotomy!


Think of how much the people of Venezuela could help themselves if they were not pinned under the jackboot of Socialism.

They were the richest country in South America until they voted in their socialist utopia. Then ….broke. In just one generation, imporverished and collapsing.

And Argentina, long ago and long before Venezuela, was the richest country in South America, until they voted in -their- attempt at socialist utopia. There was an expression in the early 20th century: “Rich as an Argentine”. They had the world’s largest gold reserves, by far. (Wy beyond even -ours-) Then….. Socialism!

Then…. broke. All gone.

Venezuelans voted for thier Socialist idiocy with eyes wide open, and broke themselves in near record time, so my pity is minimal. They still haven’t really learned the lesson.

Your idiocy is duly noted, and already duly mocked, elsewhere.

2/17 Air Cav

“Think of how much help we could give those people, with the money that Drumpf wants to spend on his wall.”

That and “world peace” are the perfect answers. Congrats.

The Other Whitey

How is it our responsibility to prop up the failure of another country that declares us to be their enemy, you sanctimonious cunt?

Carlton G. Long

Hi, Lars.


Upon hearing this, I have decided to personally home some Venezuelan refugees.
Open to attractive young women between 20 and 25 yo with a healthy BMI. 😉

But damn, they have some HOT girls there!


They won’t look so “HOT” once their weight is down to 75 pounds.


Thats why im lookin NOW. Duh! 😉

I have my’ Save the Venezuelan Hotties’ Tshirt on.
Want the gofundme link?

The Other Whitey

Now there’s a man who plans ahead!


I think he plans on getting some head, if his plan “comes together.”


Sharon Nickols, you pompous-assed, self-righteous slug, you want to do some good? Go down to Venezuela and find that 6 years old whose mother had to leave her behind. There must be thousands of them down there, starving to death, while you spout your high and mighty snotnosed shit at us.

Put your sorry ass where your mouth is, Sharon Nickols or shut the fuck up and scramble back into your Cubicle of Safe Spaces where Nothing is Wrong. Nothing is Ever Wrong. Everything is Just Fine.

Go to Venezuela or shut your mouth now.


Take some aspirin while you are going, Sharon Nickols. They are out of drugs in the hospital.

It is ok – it is not nearly as hard to get out of Venezuela as it is the Hermit Kingdom. Yet. Some Westerners have managed it alive even.

2/17 Air Cav

As I wrote to Jonn a few weeks ago, I did receive a dozen give-s-shits for Christmas, but I re-gifted them. So, I’m out and cannot give a shit about V Land.

A Proud Infidel®™

“The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” – Lady Margaret Thatcher