Manning garners little support in Maryland Senate race

| February 26, 2018

Chief Tango sends us a link to WTOP which reports that the convicted spy formerly known as Bradley Manning is way behind Ben Cardin, the incumbent Senator’s seat Manning covets.

The Goucher College poll has Cardin with a 61-17 lead over Manning if the race were held today.

“Ben Cardin is a really popular, long-term Senator,” said Mileah Kromer, the polling director at the Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center.

In fact, nearly two-thirds of Maryland Democrats said they have a positive view of Cardin. The same could not be said for Manning.

In fact, twice as many Democrats have an unfavorable view of Manning than have a favorable view (37-to-19), though even more (44 percent) don’t have any opinion…Manning “hasn’t really run what you would call a traditionally statewide campaign here in Maryland,” said Kromer. “I don’t know if there’s a lot of door knocking going on, or a lot of forum participating going on, or even engagement with the local media.”

Yeah, I don’t think that “door knocking” would work well as a campaign strategy for Manning. If you can’t win among the stank-ass hippies of Maryland, you should find another way to support yourself.

Of course, Manning can pull off another suicide attempt to attract support – that always works well in his favor.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Poor Brad…I almost feel sorry for it.

Never mind, it was gas.


Baking soda in a glass of nice, cold water will help with that feeling of inner conflict.

The resulting loud and prolonged noise will also scare your neighbors, but you will have some relief from your inner angst.

A Proud Infidel®™

The only sympathy I’ll ever have for him/her/it is what one finds in a dictionary somewhere between “shit” and “syphilis.

Club Manager, USA ret.

Hey, hey, that’s my line. If you are looking for sympathy, you will find it in the dictionary between “shit” and “syphilis”


It would be unwise for Manning to go on a door knocking campaign. Manning might knock on the wrong door, resulting in a end to being able to continue his/xer/its campaign.


I would like to have him go door to door in PG or Baltimore County

Musrtang Major

I think you mean Baltimore city…if I catch your drift.


If I also catch his drift…PG would work just fine.


The little bastard has more guts than brains, anyone else wouldn’t even consider running for office after being a traitor!imo


Fart knocking is more his style.


Or fart sucking.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure he enjoys playing a rusty trombone.


Almost 20% favorability for a convicted traitor…..


I think he needs to bob his style and wear deep red lip gloss.

Perry Gaskill

Interesting. One might extrapolate from the little psycho’s newest poll data that 17 percent of Maryland voters are either also delusional, or that they just like to fuck with surveyors…

MSG Eric

Or it could be that 75% of statistics are made up, though in this case I’d say that they will be all for Transdickhead rights, but behind the voting curtain, not so much.


Of course he doesn’t get any support.

He doesn’t need a jock strap any more, and everyone knows a training bra doesn’t offer any support.


From what I have seen in its pics, he/xhe doesn’t need a training bra either. Maybe, he needs a go-fund me campaign to get some fake tits. I am sure there are plenty of LGBTQWERTY progs who will donate. That type of “campaign” makes more sense that his/xer political one.

MSG Eric

When he left prison, supposedly he had a 6 figure bank account waiting for him from all the donations and finding he was given for playing the “because transgender!” card so much.

I think the attempts to remain relevant (suicide) were just icing on the cake to get a little bit extra.

E4 Mafia For Life.

I propose Bradley Manning take the Drink The Drain-O™ Challenge.
Oh, and I hear Manning has conclusive evidence of hillary.
The clintoon globe trotters will have him suicided.


Respectfully, a slight correction is needed to your above post:
“The clintoon globe trotters will have him self murdered.”


Nah, Brad will commit “Arkancide”.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, at some point he may actually realize that he’s yesterday’s news, that he is an ex-convict, that he has nothing anyone wants, and that, quite frankly, he has all ready exceeded his expiration date.

Combat Historian

Damn, I’m still holding out hope for an upset win for our special little fairy in the MD demonrat primary. Socialist Republic of Maryland and the Special Little Wo-Man-Child-Thing really deserve each other…


I kinda want him to win. Cardin, a popular and effective senator, out, Chelsea Manning, a treasonous, transsexual lunatic, in.

Democrats are utterly shameless, but I think this would do it. The embarrassment factor would be through the roof!

Plus, can you imagine the mockery Trump would make of him on Twitter and in the press? It might be our best chance for him to whack himself. Successfully, this time.

Wilted Willy

I hope he succeeds in his next suicide attempt, and I hope he hurries up with it?


Giving a fuck about this Satanfucker is not my thing. If it somehow gets in the US Senate, I will call for its impeachment on the grounds of sanity, or of treason

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No rules against convicted felons in the Senate apparently from the great state of Maryland?

Ahh well here’s hoping he loses by a landslide.


That law was recently overturned by the Democrat idiots in Annapolis.

But I repeat myself.



‘“Ben Cardin is a really popular, long-term Senator,” said Mileah Kromer, the polling director at the Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center.’

Really popular in PG, Montgomery, and Baltimore Counties. Everywhere else in the PDRofMD folks think he’s an asshole.


I guess they are just a bunch of LGBT-phobes in Maryland, right?


Forgot to add /sarc to the end of that

Sharon Nickols

Why are you attacking her. She was pardoned by the president, she has every right to run


It didn’t get a Pardon. It got a commuted sentence.

You didn’t have kids did you? Because, I’d hate to think that you actually released you form of dumb into the gene pool.


Shut up.

It was pardoned, its sentence was commuted.


Crap, supposed to read “wasn’t pardoned”, but Atkron had my six.


“IT”, was not pardoned but had It’s sentence commuted to time served. It, is still a felon. Under Maryland, It is allowed to run. Again, It was NOT pardoned.

But thanks for playing, “Do You Know Your Facts Or Not” Sharon. You lost but there’s a nice consolation prize for you of a bag of dicks.


She needs to go to Costco, and get the pallet.


A commuted sentence is not the same as a pardon. Manning remains a convicted felon and as such may run for office in Maryland by a recent change to their laws.

On the other hand as a member of the military, still appealing conviction at courts martial Manning does not have the right to run in a partisan political race.

Combat Historian

You know what, Sharon, you’re right! Xhe has the perfect right to run, and I hope xhe wins the demonrat primary in commiemaryland! Go little fairy go!!!


The PDRofMD is quite disfunctional enough, thank you. While I can appreciate your point, from a purely selfish position I’m stuck here for at least two more years.


Manning has done nothing but dress in women’s clothing and pretend to be what HE is not. HE is still an intact male.

It does not matter how much female hormone he ingests, or anything else, he is and will ALWAYS BE male, period. Even when he is castrated and has had his pecker lopped off, he will still be male by genetics. There is NO way to change that, period.

Oh, and the best part is that even if he goes through the surgery, he will never EVER have an orgasm, for the rest of his useless life.

He’s nothing but a worthless attention whore, and especially in his case, he can’t be trusted. He’s already proved that he’s a security risk. That alone should disqualify him from anything more important than emptying wastebaskets and cleaning floors.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sharon Nickols, I suggest you find a good Medical Malpractice Attorney and go after whoever gave you that badly botched lobotomy.


It was a totally unnecessary procedure!


We aren’t attacking him, we’re just pointing out the obvious that Bradley Manning, the male, is an asshat and traitor.

The Other Whitey

BRADLEY Manning is not a “she!” HE is a wannabe-eunuch traitor piece of shit with a history of violence against women. If HE wasn’t a treasonous piece of shit, if HE wasn’t a liar, and if HE didn’t think it’s okay to physically attack women, then maybe I might give a shit about HIS precious “self-identification” feelings. Since HE is guilty on all counts, I don’t give a single solitary fuck about how HE wants us to pretend HE is a girl.


Ya know …. come to think of it…

When someone pretends to be a different sex, it’s “okay” and heralded by the progressive left-leaners; yet, when someone pretends to be Native American …. watch out! Incoming!

“… Look at em’ out there — running around like a bunch of wild Indians (thwupppppp)…..”


Actually, TOW, HIS name is now actually Chelsea.. HE had it legally changed. In some states, a person can change their name to anything they want, as long as they go through the process.. So, in light of that, i will call HIM Chelsea… so not only is HE everything you said above, he’s also got a really fucked up name for a dude!

MSG Eric

I guess Fuckbag Traitor Douche wasn’t acceptable so he just went with Chelsea? Or was it too long?

USMC Steve

Might have something to do with being a disloyal traitor and a shitty soldier, stuff like that.


I’m actually surprised. Seemed the perfect Democrat candidate…

Gay – ✓
Trans-sexual – ✓
Convicted felon – ✓
Hates America – ✓
Radically Left (like further left than Stalin) – ✓

Hmmm, I’m genuinely perplexed.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed their “Lion of the Senate” once drowned a woman and became a beloved Democratic figure…

Bill M

“Of course, Manning can pull off another suicide attempt to attract support – that always works well in his favor.”

If he decides to follow that route, let’s hope he’s more successful than his other tries. I wish him great success in that particular endeavor.

The Other Whitey

If at first you don’t succeed…

A Proud Infidel®™

He/she/it ought to be celebrating with a Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktail and a sulfuric acid chaser.


Maybe he could be the new 6 for the DRG? I hear that position is vacant.

A Proud Infidel®™

I HEARD RUMOR that Bradley/Chelsea Manning has some damning dirt on Hillary Clinton!

There, that ought to do it…

The Other Whitey

I would tell BRADLEY Manning to eat a bag of dicks, but that constitutes HIS idea of a good time.

Fucking lying whiny woman-assaulting fairy traitor.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, I remember hearing that he started a fight with a Female in his Unit who kicked his pissy little ass to the Moon and back!


The only thing I’d like to know is who those fucktards in the 17% are


There’s an old saying, jonp: “There’s always that 10%.”

Apparently in MD “teh stoopid” is exceptionally common. There, “that 10%” is closer to 20% than 10%.

Mustang Major

Manning should have given representing San Francisco in the house of representaives a shot. Seems like they he would have a supportive voter base. Additionally I understand San Francisco voters are getting tired of Nancy Pelosi.

Just for kicks, wait a few weeks and check who is donating money to Manning.


yep, San Fran Nan is now considered too conservative for her district..

Green Thumb

Brewster’s Millions: “None of the Above!”


Whether or not “Man”ning ever goes through with his elective package removal surgery, I do wish he’d change his last name.

He doesn’t deserve the term “Man” in his name anywhere. He’s proven that by selling out his comrades and his country.

I’d suggest “Turncoat” as being apropos for a new last name for the disloyal bastard.


How about ‘Channing’ or ‘Nothing'(as in no thing)?


“Quisling” or “Arnold” would work as well.


“BM” is kinda appropriate, eh?


Sooooo…. Even the clown party won’t support his dumbass…
His fifteen minutes of fame is sooooo gone, now he’s just sucking the oxygen from more deserving clowns…

Guard Bum

Poor guy, back to sucking dick for beer money.


It’s not work if you love your job.


He still has back pay, doesn’t he?

Whatever will he do when that runs out?

He doesn’t get VA bennies, does he? I’d object to that because he doesn’t have a service-connected disorder. He’s just a stupid, self-centered little creep, desperate for attention.

I keep hoping that 18 months from now, people will be saying ‘Who?’ and go back to reading the latest twitters from the Kardashians.


Ex-PH2, according to, he still is eligible for active duty military benefits (health care, commissary, PX) while appealing the charges filed against him.

“Chelsea Manning will remain on active duty following her release from military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas on May 17, the U.S. Army said Sunday.

Manning will be an unpaid soldier and will be eligible for health care and other benefits, USA Today reported. Army spokesman Dave Foster told the paper that she will remain a private in the Army.

“Pvt. Manning is statutorily entitled to medical care while on excess leave in an active duty status, pending final appellate review,” Foster said.”


Well then, he should check himself into the nearest military hospital and demand his loppadicoffmy STAT. Then he can stay for the fake tits, and then he is the real deal x-gender. He will be “all you can be.”


BM: Pay. Attention. To. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Is it wrong that I want him to win the primary so his defeat in the general will be even more crushing?

Also its probably the only way we can unseat a Democrat in the Peoples Republic of Maryland.