John Epling; phony wounded veteran

| February 13, 2018

Our partners at Military Phonies share their work on this John Epling fellow. He claims that he was wounded while he was serving as a combat engineer in Iraq while he spent five years on active duty;

He spent a few months on active duty when he was mobilized from his Army Reserve unit to support Operation Iraqi Freedom, but he didn’t deploy, he didn’t encounter any IEDs and his knee is just fine. And, oh, his ex-wife didn’t get his veterans’ compensation – he never got any to begin with;

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Spawn of Brian “Chaz” Culp?


And what the fuck is on his chin? Has he been getting chin tapped by what’s left of Bradley Manning’s shriveled ball sack?

The Stranger

Man, that picture of him with the rifle sure looks like it was taken at Atterbury!

The Stranger

Just saw the 214, it’s definitely Atterbury!

1SG Eazy E

That’s the first thing I noticed also! This douche and I both were there over the same time period. I got back from AFG in AUG 2005 and demobilized. I think he was the guy they caught at the big park down the road blowing truck drivers.


I know that park. When I first got stationed there I was at that park fishing during lunch when a LEO pulled up and explained to me what goes on there. Last time I went fishing there.

The Stranger

But was the fishing good!

The Stranger

I meant ?


It was horrible. I was going to say it sucked but that would imply the wrong thing.


Fly fishing for “Golden Bass” in the camp lagoon, were ya?




That would explain this than 1SG Eazy E

Combat Historian

He’s probably claiming that was taken in Balad, MND-N…


It is camp Atterbury it looks like the area with all the conexs up on the north end


It’s definitely Atterbury. I spent my last 4 years stationed there with the 205th. I’m pretty sure I know exactly where that picture was taken.


Dude looks like Randy Quaid in Nat. Lampoon’s Holiday vacation:

“Shitters full.”

“Don’t go puttin’ none of that stuff on my sled, Clark. You know that metal plate in my head? I had to have it replaced, cause every time Catherine revved up the microwave I’d piss my pants and forget who I was for a half hour or so. So over at the VA they had to replace it with plastic. It ain’t as strong so I don’t know if I should go sailin down no hill with nothing between the ground and my brains but a piece of government plastic.”


Do you really think it matters Eddie?



Nothing like begging for a flatscreen TV to prove how destitute you are.

Combat Historian

He’ll claim that he needs a 55 in. flatscreen TV for VA-prescribed anal-oral visual therapy…

Perry Gaskill

Begging for a big-screen TV and two used tires.

It’s like a sad country song…

Hack Stone

Dang! That was mighty funny.


Only thing missing is a broken down truck and a dead dog…


Look at that happy face.
Wouldn’t you just like to slap the shit out him? Probably keep right on grinnin.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

No Seal phonies this morning at the TAH starting gate?


Please tell me the local PD is tracking this guy…and they’re keeping him away from minors.
Chomo odds: 47%

2/17 Air Cav

He might try a more honest approach, such as this:

Imbecile and inveterate liar who can’t keep a job is in want of things, such as a TV and household furnishings that he is unwilling to acquire through socially legitimate channels.

RGR 4-78

He is just trying to prevent prison over crowding.

Carlton G. Long

He’s on his way to get some “french fried ‘taters…”


Looking for two tires for my repo’ed car. Brilliant!


Easier to tow away if it has tires!


Even if he was getting VA disability, it cannot be divided as property in a divorce the way that military retired pay can. Maybe he was ordered to pay child support and he’s unhappy about that.


That would imply someone laid down with him and procreated….and my brain just can’t handle that this morning….

Jon The Mechanic



She was singing “I Had Too Much Tequila Last Night” after that experience.


His Facebook has a photo of him with a baby, so it’s definitely possible.


Wound fakers and phony POWs are the bottom feeders of the Stolen Valor food chain.


Got a bad case of the youglies while he’s at it…
Looks like he just swallowed…

A Proud Infidel®™

His Momma should have swallowed that night in the back seat an AMC Pacer at the drive-in theater on dollar pr0n night…


What a wuss – crying ’cause his wife took everything (meaning the only box of mac & cheese left in the house) and wanting others to give him free stuff.

He checks:
Phony combat
Real service


He certainly makes a bad comparo with that young Ranger we just lost to a training accident at Ft. Lewis. Too bad we can’t trade this faker for that real warrior.

A Proud Infidel®™

SO what does he do now, live in a van down by the river when he’s not blowing winos behind bus stops? OOH, our FIRST fake 42A and 92Y?



Wilted Willy

His photo sure looks like the patented meat gazers stare to me? I sure as hell wouldn’t let him around any children! Lock this phony fucker up and keep him!

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if he doesn’t have the words “FREE CANDY” painted on the side of the van he lives in down by the river?

Wilted Willy

API, I’m sure he will get all the free candy he wants at Tiny’s deli! Can you say cockmeat sammich? I knew you could! Good luck in lockup there fucker! You won’t be able to sit down for a week!


It’s the creepiest mug I’ve ever seen



I love the whole ‘In Need’ of a big ol’ flat screen TV.

Bitch, you NEED clothing, you NEED food, you NEED shelter.

I hate people…


Just the ones who are too lazy to work their own way out of our troubles.


Why not ask for an IPHONE 8 while you’re at it goofus?

A Proud Infidel®™

He might as well ask for an iPhone X and a brand new pair of Air Jordans because he’ll never get jack shit from me!


John Epling does not know me.



A Proud Infidel®™





I’ve said it on here before, we are going to have a bumper crop of fakes coming out of the the sewer here
I saw plenty of them in the army with epic war stories
My wake up call was while I was at a hospital in Bethesda being repaired
The shit was high and very stinky


Ok, let me net this out. If you are looking for something to invest in, go Elevis collectables, Bitcoin or squirrel furs.

This guy is a bad investment.

First, he says he sold everything he had …. twice. Well, that should be a clue, because that can be done only once.

Second, he asks for people to buy him more stuff. Why, for a third sale?

Finally, I thinks youze guys gots my points here.

Bad investment.

A Proud Infidel®™

wonder how quickly he’ll sell or hock whatever he suckers people out of?

Frankie Cee

John Epling’s facebook’s last post was in 2014. Has anyone seen an different page for him?


This has to be him – not only does it look like the same guy, there’s a plea for the same size tires –


Frankie Cee.. He deactivated his primary facebook account right after I spoke to him. The one that is posted is his secondary account.


I’m having a issue logging in need to renew my membership, but I believe he has a “together we served” account

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO John Epling looks like the kind of doucheball one would send on Sick Call to get his Masturbation Papers.


First of all he is not a fake or a phony. Second he is not into guys, that was a rumor spread by someone who had nothing better to do. Third, yes he really had sold his stuff, been able to get it back then sale it again. He has a few close friends helping as much as they can. Yes he has 2 kids, and soon to be ex wife that is drama. Lastly as far as the comment goes about him not working, he had a damn good job, but became extremely sick. Not to long after he was able to go back he was laid off. I can’t believe you all would bully someone like this.


First of all he is into guys, I’ve seen it first hand with him and his ex..and no he quit his job so his ex wouldn’t get any money which he told her he would do before them splitting. As far as her being drama, get out of here with that shit. You have no clue what your talking must be one of the fucked up sisters defending him.,wake up.


Ok I been waiting a long time to post and talk about this. I am his cuzn and to comment on what everyone is saying….most or all is true. He never was deployed never made it past Camp. He decided it was a good idea to go up the rope wall and fall off the other side. So to sum up all that was said. 100% True.