New Pentagon rule bans ‘offensive jokes’ and harassing behavior.
Military Times reports on Thursday the Pentagon released Department of Defense Instruction 1020.03, “Harassment Prevention and Response in the Armed Forces.” The new instruction establishes guidance to the services’ to prevent all types of harassment, ranging from offensive jokes to sexual harassment.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, known for his own use of colorful language to inspire the troops, said a new Pentagon policy targeting offensive language and behavior should not be interpreted as a draconian end to military camaraderie.
“You have to adapt to your times,” Mattis said. “There’s a rough, good humor among soldiers. We all know that. But I have never seen rough good humor countenance or in any way frame something that’s disgusting, repellent or something like that.”
According to the instruction, “harassment may include offensive jokes, epithets, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs,” as well as physical threats or racially-tinged interactions that “creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.”
I’m of a mixed mind about this. One person’s harassment is another’s vivid learning experience. Times change- I get that- and we all can agree there is no place in the military for sexual harassment. But I can see this becoming a sop for some puppy’s hurt feelings when receiving some well-deserved stick-and-rudder from a superior. Thoughts?
Category: Military issues, Politics
A rabie a bishop and the pope are on a ship and it starts to sink, the caption commands to “abandon ship, women and children first”.
The Pope blesses the crew, the Bishop jumps overboard and the Rabbi buys the salvage rights.
I’m a devout Roman Catholic, but I know funny:
A rabbi, a lawyer, and a priest are on a fishing trip with orphan boys when it starts to sink. There are 23 people on board, only 20 life jackets.
The rabbi says, “save the boys!”
The lawyer says “F#(* the boys!”
The priest says “do you think we have time?”
Sapper, that was a racisss joke.
There is antisemiautism in there too.
Semiautism? I don’t even know what to say.
When you pick up an M16 and find out it’s actually an AR-15?
Semi-autism is a religious sect that follows the teachings of St. John Moses Browning. It was founded in 1911.
why that was damn ass funny-get a freaking life!!
The Pope, Bishops and Rabbis are now races- who knew?
Everything is “race’ now. Shows you the effect our education system has on the intelligence of people, nowadays.
As a fellow Catholic….
A priest is baptizing a baby and says to the father, “Patrick, that’s a fine boy you have there”
Patrick replies,” Father, it’s a girl. You’re holding my pinky finger”
A minister confides in a friend of his, an Anglican priest, that he has discovered mice in his church and wonders how much an exterminator will cost.
The priest said, “You don’t need an exterminator. I once discovered a group of 20 mice in our narthex. I invited them to Mass. The next week, I baptized them, and the following week I confirmed them. I haven’t seen them since.”
Reminds me of the period shortly after my AD where Drill Instructers were banned from swearing at trainees in derogatory terms.
I doubt it actually abated but there it was for all to see….The pussification of the Army. Now we need butt hurt safe spaces.
When out Sr. DI went off on his colorful tirades I couldn’t help but laugh, which got other trainees laughing. He must have had a sense of humor because he started laughing too. Then he dropped us all for 50. That did nothing for my popularity, but I did learn new ways to conjugate vulgar terms in improbable syntax.
I remember getting brief by the TI (USAF guy here) about the harassment and abuse policies. I might not remember it perfectly, but as I recall he said, “And I an not supposed to f—ing swear at you s—heads, but we’re all adults, so I’ll f—ing swear if I want. Anyone have a problem with that?” To which we did not.
I learned quite a bit of colorful swearing thereafter in my times in.
Had the opposite experience – first day of Basic, SSG Zambuto lined us all up asshole to navel and chewed us out for 45 solid minutes. Discussed our ancestry, personal habits, lack of masculine equipment, inabilities, and failings in excruciating detail – and never used as much as a ‘damn’. I was awestruck. Brilliant invective.
Reminds me of “The D.I.” starring Jack Webb.
So much for “freedom of speech”! As for sexual harassment, I worked around some female types while in the Navy, never occurred to me to say anything to them off color….but then I was raised to respect women….damned hard to do now that they have turned their souls over to satan! Women used to be held in HIGH RESPECT, they wanted equality…ok, you got it, now STFU! imho
Happens every time. He’s only been in DC a few months, and already Mad Dog is becoming Angry Pup. And, yes, if he’d like to have a face-to-face about this comment, I’m OK with that.
This could easily cause more problems than it solves. For those looking to be offended, they never have to look very far. Will they now have official permission to grumble even more? I dunno, but it looks like it.
Shouldn’t we be more concerned with things like assault and such? Saying something someone somewhere might define as objectionable is impossible to define much less enforce. Physical attention that is unwanted is something else.
Have to disagree in part, OWB. This new reg WILL be enforced. It just often won’t be enforced fairly, consistently, or while using common sense.
I also don’t understand why the Article 138 right to bring complaints against superiors wasn’t sufficient. If I recall correctly, the UCMJ and/or service regulations already prohibit maltreatment of subordinates. Seems to me that racial epithets and/or truly offensive diatribes directed towards subordinates would fall under the category of maltreatment. (IMO if you don’t have enough backbone to tell a peer or subordinate to “knock off the offensive crap” when their offensive language or behavior is way out of line, you probably aren’t psychologically suited for the military and probably shouldn’t be in uniform.)
I’m thinking we just may see an example or two (or more) of the law of unintended consequences in action before this gets sorted out.
The reason why the Article 138 right isn’t sufficient is that an OSD consultant needed a job, so his COR had them write up a new directive. More time and money is wasted; another silly reg is born.
Really? You DISAGREE with ME????? I am soooo offended…
OK, that was difficult to even type!
Seriously, yes, Hondo, that is precisely the problem with trying to quantify the subjective. Until they start issuing mind reading kits no one can consistently guess what might offend everyone with whom they must interact.
We’re supposed to be fucking war fighters! If you get your little feelings all ate up because someone said something you disagree with; how the fuck are you going to face an enemy that thinks nothing of how butthurt you are about your fucking sparkle pony skittle farting unicorn feelings ya gawdam no load pus nuts candyassed little bitch!
Two guys pissing from a bridge, one black, the other white.
White guy: “Damn. The water is cold.”
Black guy: “Deep too.”
It’s a length joke. . .
Old Soldier may be Asian….
Anyone who is going to get their precious, perfumed panties bound up into a knot and become incapacitated if they’re exposed to “offensive jokes, epithets, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs” had better not go anywhere near a Fleet Marine Force squadron or battalion.
And the last time that I checked, combat was still a very “intimidating, hostile, and offensive environment”.
R. Lee Ermey unavailable for comment.
The eyebrows touching the hat make the picture complete. That man has rhythm!
BM1 Franklin RTC San Diego Co. 902; He used many, many colorful metaphors, crude & offensive language, and sometimes humorous insults to motivate the 90 or so men. I for one thank him…the threat of having someone “step on your dick” does wonders.
The Taliban and ISIS will have to learn how to be more sensitive to our troops feelings. There is nothing worse than feeling intimidated and offended in a firefight.
So being in that force makes it ok? Got it, not!
A transgendered Mormon, freckled faced, black skinned, red-headed, double amputtee midget, with an South Pacific Islander accent and lisp, wearing a Washington Red Skins football jersey and a sombrero walks into a drug store and asks …
What? Con’t leave us hanging, dammit.
Carrying a poodle under one arm and a 6 foot salami under the other.
…and asks the clerk stocking the shelves, “Do you have any Pepto Bismol, Clorox, and paper towels?”
A rule against ridicule or mockery? Is there a BCT exception to this prohibition? Admittedly, my basic was long ago but if it wasn’t for ridicule and mockery, the drill sergeants would have had very little to say. Hell, mail call alone and their calling out names was an exercise in butchery. If your name wasn’t Smith, Brown, or Jones, it was anone’s guess whose name was being called.
Funny you should mention that, as I read a story about how Basic Training needs to be revamped die to poorly disciplined soldiers reporting to their first duty stations. We were not physically beaten, but were at the absolute mercy of our Drills. When you are taught a cadence describing how all your mothers enjoy performing oral sex…nevermind the put downs, and psychological breaking you down to mush, in order to rebuild you into a Soldier.
Cannot even come close to that today, or you would be looking at a Bad Conduct Discharge.
I had hoped that the pussification would end with the current Administration.
“I had hoped that the pussification would end with the current Administration.”
Me, too. Alas …
We had a guy last name Roach.
We had Innis the penis and Ainis the ass.
One of the guys in my son’s Basic was named Yu.
REMFs gotta REMF. Or as this Brit once said, “It gives certain people something to focus their rather limited abilities on.” Oh, and it looks good to the idiocracy, and makes them feel good. So there!
Let’s keep moving them deck chairs around on the ol’ RMS Titanic.
So how does this square with: “First-unit-of-assignment leaders want Initial Entry Training to deliver disciplined, physically-fit new soldiers who are willing to learn, they are mentally tough, professional and are proud to serve in the United States Army”?
Dance lessons and puppies at basic maybe?
Don’t forget coloring books and safe spaces as well.
Try reading that article before you say something.
“”What leaders have observed in general is they believe that there is too much of a sense of entitlement, questioning of lawful orders, not listening to instruction, too much of a buddy mentality with NCOs and officers and a lot of tardiness being late to formation and duties,” Frost said. “These are trends that they see as increasing that they think are part of the discipline aspect that is missing and that they would like to see in the trainees that become soldiers that come to them as their first unit of assignment.””
It says MORE discipline needed, end the entitlement crap.
This is what happens when you jerk your knee faster than your cock.
Whatever you do…….do not follow the Canadian example on Sexual Harassment.
The “war” on SH was hilariously named OP Honour, which sounds exactly like ‘Hop on ‘er’ when spoken with a French-Can accent. Our Pubic Affairs Ociffers are required to be bilingual, so most are Franco.
Do you know if the Canadian Army still gets rum and rye with field rations or did the pc police do away with that too.
Unfortunately, that tradition went the same way as the FAL/L1A1.
Although, I have heard that some of the remaining ‘Old Guard’ still treat their troops to a tot here and there.
NOTE: This does NOT refer to the same type of ‘tot’ that ANA Officers and NCO’s would hand out to their men!!!! 😲
Damnit nothing is sacred. My ODA did some training early 90’s in Wainwright with some Canadian counterparts and I was amazed at the rum and rye included in the meal. The Canadian soldiers were restricted to the base because those rowdy bastards would literally destroy the little town off base. We had a Canadian LNO who showed us the finer parts of the town off base. Particularly impressed when he put a loonie in his teeth and inserted it into the “peelers” vagina.
I still get a giggle remembering my very pregnant 8th grade teacher instructing us on the use of “bonne heure”.
So, something that was already a violation of regulations and the UCMJ, is going to be a violation of regulations and the UCMJ?
Seems more like a “do something!” response than anything. I hearken back to the days of “don’t ask, don’t tell” which didn’t really do anything that was already established except prevent recruiters from asking “are you a peter puffer or a carpet muncher?”
Double Secret Probation
Next, they will bring back the stress card. Will the military start creating “safe spaces” where our troops feeling “unsafe” can have some play-dough and pet a puppy? Of course, the mean NCO will have to be counseled or could get an Article 15.
Sir, the little yellow stress cards issued by the Navy in the 1990s are just that, past history.
The all new and improved DD Form WTF-001 (Butt Hurt Report) has been in use for many years.
There are a minimum of two clipboards hanging in each latrine filled with the blank forms for multi-purpose use by all ranks, depending on the stress situation or availability of toilet paper./smile
Maybe they will start allowing 2 hours of TV at night to reruns of Friends and Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
“Friends” is definitely not on the schedule. Apparently millennials have declared it to be transphobic, homophobic, and sexist.
I wonder how quickly this will be misused and exploited by perpetually offended butt-hurt booger-eating thumb sucking snowflakes?
The complaints are all ready filled out, but for dates and the names and ranks of the offenders.
I am wondering whether this is a result of some 0bama holdovers in DOD wanting to make it easier for those “entitled” sparkleponies from our colleges and universities to transition to military life.
Sounds like it to me!!
Nope, Trumps military now.
What IS the point of being in the military now that this abortion is a thing?
Life is hard, and all things fair, life should be harder if you are stupid, ergo ‘harassment’ in the military.
And if those feelings get hurt, there has always been an open door policy OR you could have taken it as a life lesson to not be a giant, leaky, sore puss-puss.
Name calling, foul language, insults, crude cadence calls, jokes about one’s heritage and parentage were the order of the day when I hit boot camp and did not cease until graduation day if you fucked up. We survived and were good soldiers. No one was offended because we were all equally offended. Whatever happened, happened fairly. If one recruit seemed overly singled out, he usually had his head on backwards. As I said we all survived and were proud to graduate.
But as someone stated the other day, that genie will never go back in the bottle and we will continue to coddle recruits until there is little difference between basic recruit training and frat house hazing.
Our purpose in boot camp is to build soldiers, not socially aware individuals. We do not want individuals, we want a team, with a team’s mentality toward mission and each member. Telling first one and then the other they are special, unique or otherwise standouts, except for exemplary service to all, is to make a platoon of individuals and in my mind that is a bad concept. It is said we rely too heavily on the elite forces these days. But the basic discipline and hardness I acquired in boot camp are apparently now only driven home once you enter advanced training such as Rangers, Special Forces, etc. Or so it seems from new reforms such as these.
It’s a different military for sure.
Let’s see if I understand the new rules. No more Yo Momma jokes, no more describing the female and transgender of a particular proud service as BAM’s, no more DI’s telling a formation of female and transgender recruits, When I command “attention” I want to hear (enter a number) of pussy’s sucking air. Shit, what has the military become?
I’m going to swim against the current on this one. Everybody seems to be assuming the new DoD reg relates strictly to the behavior of superiors to those under them. Drill Sergeants to Trainees, for example.
But if you read the section quoted in the Army Times, it could just as easily apply to peer-to-peer relationships within units. For example one Private mocking another Private for being fat, ugly, and stupid.
What’s also curious is that Mattis’ directive seems to come at a time when the whole harassment frenzy has reached an apparent peak. If you follow what’s been going on lately, there are signs the pendulum is moving back the other way. The term “harassment” itself can be subjective to the extent that even a clue-free news media can now recognize the potential for a lot of false positives.
No, I didn’t assume that the directive applied up to down. I thought it applied across the board. Your example of one PVT calling another PVT fat, ugly, or stupid is okay with me. It’s schoolyard bullshit and one either returns the insults or fattens the lip of the offender. This complaint business is what I find objectionable.
Gee, I guess the present day version of 1SGT Brinker calling Ranger students shitbags, ragbags, and dummies will be verboten. Prediction: there will be an epidemic of raging cases of butt-hurt arising in the ranks, rather than recruits taking a little verbal abuse like an adult.
“For example one Private mocking another Private for being fat, ugly, and stupid.”
AKA peer pressure, which can be very effective.
A good ass kicking is worth a thousand Powerpoints.
I was Air Force so that is my point of view. We were merciless to each other on the flight line launch trucks. Quite often someone’s boneheaded stunt is what got them their nicknames. You never showed weakness and sensitivity because the guys would ride you bad. You had to have a thick skin to make it out there in the maintenance world. I would hate to see this come to an end. It is part of the life and helps you get through the long hours in shitty weather while keeping your sanity.
So that means no more of this kind of thing, huh? Boring!
Had a Vietnam combat vet 1st Sgt at my unit. Had a young Laotian private in my platoon. The top used to consistently give him shit asking if he was a spy, telling him he “smelled like the VC” and all kinds of other funny shit! We all loved it including the private. He would sound off “I Laotian First Sergeant! We hate the fucking VC!”
What ever happened to suck it the fuck up? The left has destroyed comedy already now they are after personal jokes in the military. Maybe this is a Mattis ploy to bait snowflakes can he can personally tell them to fuck off?
I can only imagine my old 1st sgt briefing the company “if any of you motherfuckers get offended my door is open”. That would be the end of that.
If any of you (bleeeep) are offended, my door is open. I can abuse you (bleeeeeep) lots more anytime you like.
I think that was the complete quote…
I remember the Gunny in our Armory giving us a class. He started with this:
“You may notice that my language is a bit crude. If you are the kind who is offended by such things, I don’t give a fuck. Furthermore, if I’m looking at you as if I just fucked your sister, I probably did.”
Its only the left? Right, they don’t have that much power. And you think it was ok to personally joke someone too? I came in the Navy in the 80’s and never did all that BS name calling shit you talking about, unless you want to stand on the old mans carpet.
“harassment may include offensive jokes, epithets, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs,”
I hate to mention it, but civilian life can be like this too. I must confess that this so-called “harassment” is standard fare in the crowd I usually hang with. Not to mention the four letter words.
Perhaps those folks should go have a beer somewhere without a maitre d’ to learn how us working folks live.
There is one phrase I learned in the Army that I am particularly fond of, and it applies to the gentlefolk who came up with this policy; “Fuck you if you can’t take a joke”.
That is, I believe, the first time I have used such a vulgarity here, but I think it appropriate.
“I just be part of the pansy brigade now. If my poor feelings are hurt and I might cry, but I can now demand adherence to DOD 1020.03.”
Does this also include DIs at boot camp? Some boots might find that ‘offensive’ too.
Finally, who defines what is offensive?
Sounds more like Barry and that stooge who was his SecDef than the present administration.
When I was a Company Commander, my 1SG, fresh from 2/75, called every Soldier ‘cum drop’.
He also had a standing rule that on their first day in the Company, every new Soldier would draw all their gear, meet their entire chain of command up through me, get a tour of the area (there’s the chow hall, ther’s the PX), and sleep in their permanently assigned room (by the way, their linen was drawn and their bed made for them to set the standard). In other words, the Soldiers knew that Top had their back no matter what. He tolerat d absolutely no hazing or anything g remotely close to it.
This might turn out to be a good thing.
I got it, troops need to have a thick skin,, but thereis a fine, difficult to define line between barracks humor and hazing. We all know it when we see it, but young troops don’t. Once it becomes hazing it is a cancer and can absolutely destroy a unit as well as the careers of the leaders.
I’ve been around units that had hazing problems and it is a real problem that starts with jokes that are a little over the line. It progresses quickly from there to physical hazing and abuse. All the stories about guys being hung out a window by 550 cord, 100mph taped to poles, locked in wall lockers for days, pushed down stairs, etc, really happen, and of course it’s all fun and games until someone gets killed.
The weird thing is that a lot of it is sexual and male on male. Read about the USMC Silent Drill Team in the ’90s for a classic example.
On the flip side, that kind of behavior doesn’t do anything to enhance readiness- tough, realistic, mission focused training is FAR better than yelling or screaming for enhancing discipline. That said, troops expect a certain amount of it when they go to Basic.
CSM Macintosh flat-out prohibited hazing, including sending new folks out for boxes of grid squares, etc. He said there was plenty of misery for training purposes without manufacturing it for its own sake.
I was told that he threw tear gas into a formation of the battalion officers in the middle of doing a gas mask PT run, to catch the ones who cheated by removing the disk from the exit valve (forgot the nomenclature, M17 type). The masked formation run was apparently in response to officers having ordered gas mask PT for their men, in which officers were absent.
He simply radiated leadership, competence, and trustworthiness.
So, maybe the point is we need to focus more on purposeful training that sucks moosecock, and less on telling people they suck moosecock.
Might work better with the current feedstock.
Our DI popped a tear gas canister while on a march through the woods. I shut my eyes, dropped my weapon and ran into a tree. Best damn training ever.
I have had my balls smoked on many occasions.
There is a fine line, but I am a fan of physical discipline. It sends a message.
I have had my balls smoked on many occasions.
There is a fine line, but I am a fan of physical discipline. It sends a message.
I had my ass smoked raw a few times by NCOs who wanted to teach me a lesson sans the paper trail left by today’s methods and it worked on me and many another meat head that needed to be corrected, the Old School method does work like it’s supposed to when it doesn’t get abused by someone on a power trip.
During our division Recondo course, one of the training NCO’s fired an M-79 CS grenade at me when I was in chest deep water off the beach. Needless to say, I didn’t see the humor in it, since CS on wet skin burns like hell. All the NCO’s thought it was a hilarious thing to do to the new C.O. At a reunion over 30 years later, MSG Beach admitted he was the shooter. Another NCO instructed a Huey pilot to dunk me in the bay when I was hanging on the end of a 100 foot rope in a Maguire rig. I guess I was being harassed under these new standards.
This popped in the news of a Marine officer accused of sexual harassment. The old “his words against hers” it appears.
Well this is a stupid fucking rule
What the fuck are they thinking anyways
While they are at it, can they also ban offensive odors? Hack had the misfortune of serving alongside hygienically challenged troops, to include a few senior Staff NCO’s. There were a few Marines that were entitled to Hazardous Duty Pay due to the lack of sanitation of their room mates.
Word on that one, spent two weeks in the field at graf in Germany and we had lost soul
That had no idea what baby wipes were and the meaning of pack extra socks and underwear
And blades because in the army your ass still shaves in the field,,,
We had to hose his nasty smelly ass at the wash rack back at the barracks the SOB still didn’t want to bath 😡😡😡
Always better to smell like a baby’s ass than your own.
There was a guy in my platoon once who was so filthy his bunk stank. Someone poured moth balls all over his bunk. It was a definite improvement.
Big Fucking deal. It’s nothing more than Article 134 reiterated.
Something to shut the ass lord liberals up when they whine about how the Military is a sexist patriarchy.
Marine Drill Instructors have been forbidden to curse at recruits or call them by anything but their last name, rank, recruit or billet since the first SOP was written in the 1950s.
Its simple as shit. You don’t call a recruit a cock -juggling two left feet having fuckhead when anyone is around.
It used to be you could tell if your drill sgt liked you or not by how colorful the names he called your mother were… those days are looooooong time gone. All I’m gonna say is “Thank you God that I’m retired, and thank you for making me too broken to fix…” Don’t think I’d last very long in today’s PC military. Jerks, had to go and ruin a perfectly good thing with their political correctness. No matter how much sugar you coat a turd with, it’s still gonna taste like shit if you eat it.
Perhaps I should have led off with this pic:
What does the red rope signify?
Recruit Division Commander. HMFIC at Navy boot camp.
Sets policy for God.
Whatever the recruit did to pizz him off, he sincerely regrets and will endeavor to never repeat again.
I think this could make our military a lot more professional. This type of behavior that’s being banned aught to be banned because it creates a toxic work environment. People on power trips all because they got a little more rank need to be put in check. Even after they are forced to stop their overtly toxic behavior it doesn’t mean they’ll stop their covert toxic behavior. Now they’ll just have to find lots of ways legally to harass. Cussing, put downs, harassment of different sorts obviously don’t make better troops. This should have been done a century ago. It’s not “pussyfication”, it’s making our military more professional.
Well, I’m fucked.
Because I can, Tower of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! The Ignorant NCO or Officer that came up with this fuckhole policy , ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF !!, Soup Sandwich, you’re such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a big diseased gorilla dick and open those ass cheeks for the bull elephant that has been eyeing your lying ass, Poster-child for abortion, This twat waffle is dumber than a bucket of goat piss, I pray thou shalt be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad baboons, O thou creature of the pit!, If you are married, The only thing your wife wants for Christmas is a folded flag, Dick Swallowing Jerk Wad Spooge Sampling cum gobbling parasitic infection bunghole tonguer, Klootviool, should be ass raped and tea-bagged, at the same time, by a Rabid Rhinoceros, you were the kid that had to sit alone at lunchtime, He’s more fucked up than a spotted Zebra, If this wasn’t so sad, it would be as funny as watching a monkey try to fuck a football, Anus tonguing shitslurping fuckwitted hemorrhoid munching dick lips wanktoaster, pud-knuckling pus-nuts, farting dive bubble cock gobbling Pigfucker, lientery steatorrhea, sperm burping, Sloshing bucket of Hippo Diarrhea, short strand DNA ‘tard, a bathroom selfie loser, fake “death stare” makes… Read more »
Schlumpadinka, wazzock, Tampon Tunnel, used toilet paper-sniffing Turbo knob vacuum of a meat gazer, terminal crotch infection, asshat, roach turd-munching shit-for-brains, dick pickle, gòrach pìos de cac, It looks like he smeared super glue on his lip and chin and went down on Whoopi Goldberg’s cootchie, (This one is for the Ladies and Medical Staff) this prancing fairy is about as popular as a failed Episiotomy with a 4th degree perineal tear, wanker, herpes-ridden dung beetle target, feejackapeesack, first volunteer for being part of a jailhouse human centipede, bunghole warrior, cockwomble, bread loaf end slice, should eat a nice steaming pile of monkey shit you ass clown, looks like hammered dog shit, Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn’t what she meant, If Mr. Rogers were alive, he’d piss on your grave, helmet wearing short bus riding window licker, Head paddler in the douche canoe, Uncle Fucker, more ate up than a chocolate dildo in a crowded gay bar, shitbag, dipstickus giganticus, Humpty Dumpty cleanup man after the fleet visits Naples, Herp-Burger, poofter, intergalactic cunt muffin, knob gobbling, fimicolous galactic Jackoff, Assistant Jizz mopper in training, chronic hemorrhoid, stugatz, inbred, toe-jam from an infected Filipino hooker that specializes in foot jobs, tortured turnip turd, Sea Donkey, festering pool of anal leakage, your penis lives in eternal darkness, I’d hate to see your toilet, retardus maximus, Microcephalic Toad Licker, can go suck a fat baby’s dick, steaming rat-felching bucket of moldy monkey fuck, Bellicose ball gnashing raper of babies with rabies, Pecker-puffing pickle licker, catcher not pitcher, bawbag, about as useful as a white crayon, Arschloch, impotent koekeloeren, slaptard, couldn’t even be trained in my AFSC in the USAF to suck farts out of C-5 seat cushions, mumpsimus, reverse dirty sanchez lover, scunner, kutomba wewe, Cryptosporidium-ridden tire tosser, fudgepacker, turbo douche & enema nozzle, mental midget, likes to molest small farm animals, dead and alive, is a hemorrhoid, 100 retarded monkeys could jerk off in a stagnant swamp and generate a better life form than you, You are about as useful… Read more »
Damn Skippy
Lars approves. And he’s better than you. Just ask him.
How in the fuck are they expected to communicate?
There are over 437 uses for the word and variations of, “shit.”
1238 uses for the word and variations “fuck.”
And what about acronyms?
No one mention this to R. Lee Ermey. This will put him in an early grave and we will lose a national treasure.