Manning for Senate; #WeGotThis
Chief Tango sends us a link to the Washington Post which seems to support the candidacy of that fellow formerly known as Bradley Manning who stole secrets from the United States, released those secrets on the internet, convicted of espionage, sentenced to 35 years in prison and then had his sentence commuted as President Obama headed for the exits. Now Manning wants to be a Senator, and he wants to knock a two-term incumbent out of his seat. Manning’s campaign slogan is “We Got This”;
That slogan was her mantra in prison, Manning said, a way to keep up her morale.
It must have been his slogan between suicide attempts.
“This isn’t about criminal justice reform,” she said, “it’s about criminal justice restructuring. We need to start closing prisons. We need to start releasing prisoners.”
The Affordable Care Act, pilloried by conservatives as government overreach, didn’t go far enough, in Manning’s opinion.
She supports free, “no questions asked” health care for all but said making that happen is a “matter of debate for legislative purposes.”
Asked how to pay for it, she said: “Look at the defense budget. We’re spending almost $600 billion a year on weapons of war.”
Imagine that, a spy wants us to close prisons and reduce the defense budget. The fellow who wants expensive gender reassignment treatment wants free healthcare.
Does he want laws that would allow us to assault women, too? It seems everyone has forgotten that while he was still considering himself to be male, he assaulted his female squad leader, until she assaulted him right back and pounded his narrow little ass – and not in the way that he enjoys it.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Obama’s other girl!
If Obama had a white errrrr son?
If Michelle Obama had a son, it would look like this…
I think it’s easy for us to get bent over what. Manning might do. But thankfully I don’t think he will ever be elected , much less have a chance to dictate or write policy. I’m not get wrapped around the axle and ruin my day. Over what a non entity may or may not do.
That’s true of damn near everything that doesn’t directly affect us. There is right and there is wrong, too, and Manning’s gall in even filing, whether deluding itself into thinking it might win office or merely wanting to see its name in print once again, is boo worthy. BTW, Manning remains on AD, pending its appeal and may have run afoul of the demarcation line between politics and AD military simply by filing. As for Manning, I (and 99% of the folks here, I would guess) expect that the end game will be an OD of sleeping pills. I understand that’s the preference for women.
I totally agree . I’m at a loss as to how or why he was allowed to file to run. I’m not like most I guess and throw stones at every valor thief or traitors like Manning . Is the same way I deal with guys telling me war stories at the waiting room at VA. I try and just ignore it. I’m not knocking the guys who do , in fact I find it amusing. And those guys certainly deserve it. It’s just not my style. Believe me I have nothing but respect for Jonn and the whole TAH family . In fact there have been days when visiting this blog has made the difference as far as making a bad day better
You’re okay, bro.
He was allowed to run because the Constitution specifies the requirements for election to both Congress and President. Unfortunately, in none of those three cases (eligibility for House, Senate, or President) does the Constitution address past criminal conduct. And the SCOTUS has previously decided that states cannot add requirements relating to Federal candidates.
Bottom line: a felon can indeed run for the House, Senate, or for President. But most places they can’t vote for themselves.
Hondo , I have a ? Let’s say for the sake of argument, that he wins. Can he still serve if he can’t pass a security clearance check? I can’t imagine a situation where they would allow him access to classified material
Constitutionally, he must be allowed to serve as he was elected.
And believe me, he wouldn’t be the first Congressman/Senator to have issues dealing with illegally divulging classified material.
However, as I understand it, BM -can- be UCMJ punished for failing to obey military rules on not running for office.
And would -that- be an ironic flush of that turd.
Please correct me if I am wrong, But I don’t think the felony thing is wholly responsible for unqualified to run for senate.
Don’t you have to be a registered voter of the district you intend to run and doesn’t being a member of the military exclude running? (Hatch act, I believe)
Technically, he/she is still in the military and felons cant vote in any district.
Please read what the former Carpetbagger of Virginia did recently:
That’s a shame. I believe that Manning fellow is running in Maryland though?
You are correct, Mr. Face, about Maryland.
Just threw that in there about Virginia because some folks aren’t too happy what he did.
Actually, that’s not correct. See Article I, Section 2, Clause 2 (House) an Article I, Section 3, Clause 3 (Senate).
In neither case does the Constitution require the individual to be a registered voter. For candidates for both House and Senate, the Constitution only requires that the candidate be a an “Inhabitant” (resident) of the state concerned and meet specified citizenship and age criteria. And as I noted previously, the SCOTUS held years ago that states cannot add additional eligibility requirements for Federal elective offices over and above those specified in the Constitution.
Manning can NOT LEGALLY run for Senate or Congress or any Political position because he is still considered to be Active Duty. I re-post here, what I posted below… thus, he is still under UCMJ laws, which he is currently breaking again and can be Court Martialed for treason yet again. Federal Law (Titles 10, 2, and 18, United States Code), Department of Defense (DOD) Directives, and specific military regulations strictly specify a military active duty person’s participation in partisan political activities. DOD defines “partisan political activity” as “activity supporting or relating to candidates representing, or issues specifically identified with, national or State political parties and associated or ancillary organizations.” A “Nonpartisan political activity is defined as “activity supporting or relating to candidates not representing, or issues not specifically identified with, national or State political parties and associated or ancillary organizations. Issues relating to constitutional amendments, referendums, approval of municipal ordinances, and others of similar character are not considered as specifically being identified with national or State political parties.” What Active Duty Members Cannot Do: Holding or Running for Political Office Cannot – Hold civil office in the federal government, if that office: Requires an appointment by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or Is a position on the executive schedule under sections 5312 through 5317 of title 5, U.S.C. This prohibition does not apply to retired and reserve members who have been called to active duty for a period of 270 days or less, as long as the office does not interfere with military duties. If the retired or reserve members receives orders which state active duty recall will be for more than 270 days, the prohibition begins on day one of active duty. A member on active duty may hold or exercise the functions of a civil office in the U.S. Government that does not fall into one of the three categories described above, including when assigned or detailed to such office to perform such functions, provided there is no interference with military duties. Cannot – Hold local civil office (state, county,… Read more »
Roger, and thanks. I don’t mind being corrected on it as I did not know.
@toastie, thank you for the response as well.
No, it isn’t “technically still active duty.”
Until Bradley’s appeal is settled, it is. Active duty on excess leave. He doesn’t get paid. Still has an Active Duty ID. Still gets medical benefits.
Hondo, Does the fact that he is still on active duty, pending appeal of the Courts Martial, throw a wrench in its gears at all? Just curious. I thought that personnel serving in the military were prevented from seeking elected office.
Not Hondo, lol But here is the answer…. Active Duty Service personnel can not run or hold any Political Office while still in the Military. Manning is still considered Active Duty and subject to the laws of the UCMJ. See above and below lol… His Command is likely going to press charges against him again because he is, again breaking the law.
It may violate the UCMJ, Toastie, but that doesn’t mean he’s ineligible to run for Federal elective office. The Constitution is clear on that, and the fact that he’s violating the UCMJ by doing so is irrelevant to his being a candidate. His past conduct shows he obviously doesn’t give a crap about the UCMJ prohibition or possible consequences.
Although his being prosecuted for a violation of Article 92 and getting some additional time in Leavenworth does have a certain appeal, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen. The Army and DoD want to wash their hands of this twerp. I’m guessing it will be a cold day in hell before the Army will prosecute him for such a UCMJ violation.
The act of its filing constitutes the criminal offense under the UCMJ. Now he can be courtmartialed and given back the 27 or so years he still owes America.
And 10 more – kinda like the cherry on top.
I’m pretty sure he/she is in violation of the Hatch Act with regard to military involvement in partisan politics. Because he/she is running as a Democrat same would apply if running as a Republican.
For those offended by my use of he/she, it reminds me of the old story just because the cat had kitten is the oven doesn’t make them biscuits.
Not Hatch Act for uniformed personnel, but DoD Directive 1344.10 resulting in an Article 92 violation.
People said Obama was unelectable too.
“WE got this”?
What, just because he was the queen of Leavenworth he thinks he’s royalty, now?
The motto for the other inmates in his block was “You gonna take this”
I heard it was “Bend over, bitch”.
Or something like “PICK THAT SOAP UP, BITCH!!”.
BM still has an appeal of sentence pending, thus, status is “on excess leave” not “discharged”. That “excess leave”status technically counts as active duty.
There is some pretty clear law in place that prohibits running for office while still on duty. BM may yet again face justice, if that little technical matter is not cleared up pronto.
Drop the appeal, and effectively admit to the original charges.
Maintain the appeal, and face new ones.
One wonders if the party of BM will be the one that conducts the toss under the bus.
Pretty much, the Daily Caller covers the possible violation here:
For some odd reason, he seems to think that laws don’t apply to him. I wonder where he got that idea?
From Unka O.
Lest anyone think Manning would be going back to jail over a Hatch Act violation, no.
Worst they can do (IIRC) is boot/fire you and possibly take your pay for 18 months if you get another government position.
No jail, probation, etc.
Not if he draws a court martial.
No, it doesn’t. It has been dishonorably discharged. The legal knowledge on this site is hilarious.
Shit house lawyers have been replaced by Facebook lawyers.
Bradley, is that you? Dreaming of new boobs?
I’m looking forward to seeing the little tosser try to actually debate some issues. That’s gonna be comedy gold.
#ManningJillStein 2020 !!!
That is an exaggeration. I wouldn’t call his tiny moobs tits. Guess he hasn’t had his implants yet. Does anyone know if he has had the lopadickoffmy performed?
That reminds me of a presidential campaign button I’ve had for 30+ years. In 1984, Walter (Fritz) Mondale ran for pres and picked a woman (Geraldine Ferraro) as his running mate. The button reads, “Fritz & Titz.”
I had a 1972 presidential election bumper sticker that read
“Lick Dick in 72”
Only Bubba, Tyrone and Tiny know for sure.
That said, I bet there are several million veterans/ active duty/reservists/guardsmen that would chop it off for free.
Slingblade style or hydraulic press.
Not me. I don’t want to see it, let alone be close enough to it to de-pecker (unpecker? No, I think I was right the first time) it.
“We got this” was his prison slogan as he was handling dicks. 🙄
It has been said “he/she/it” first heard the slogan from fellow prisoners as they were lining up behind him, the first few going in dry, letting those farther back in line that their turn would be easier.
Carnac the Magnicent: What Manning and his butt say when a big schlong is near.
Carnac rips side of envelope, blows into it and extracts paper. “We got this.”
It’s slogan should be,
‘Ugly in Both Genders’
Burn in Hell, treacherous He-She freak!!
Isn’t there some way Trump could revoke it’s pardon on this fag? He should be back in prison where it belongs???
Fuck this phony sparkle pony!
With the Barbed Cock of Satan!!
(a) It wasn’t a pardon, his sentence was commuted. That means that Manning remains a convicted felon. A pardon would have basically been a declaration that he was innocent and no longer a convict.
(b) No, once the sentence was commuted, that’s it. A subsequent president has no authority to undo to commutation of Manning’s sentence. Ditto for a pardon, a subsequent president cannot revoke a pardon.
I know that Martin, but a guy can dream can’t he?? This pussnut sparkle phony pony should have been hung a long time ago! This maggot is not even human!!
Sadly, there are a lot of nutjobs in the PRofMD that will vote for him/her/whatever.
Once the election is over we’ll be able to look and see just how many people voted for he/she/it and determine just how fucked up that State is!
BTW assuming that most of the people who post on TAH probably consider themselves to be conservatives and are most likely Republican, I don’t know what y’all are complaining about.
A wimpy, transgendered loser who is a convicted traitor and has shown himself to be not-too-bright (his public statements reflect his, shall we say, less than sharp and incisive mind) becomes a leading figure in the Democratic party?
That sounds like a conservative’s dream come true!
Put another way, Manning’s candidacy is about as beneficial to the Democratic party nationally as David Duke would be to the Republican party.
So I say “bring it on.” The more Manning flaps his cock holster the more stupid the democratic party looks.
I can only imagine rational, middle-of-the-road democrats (yes, they exist) are just facepalming and shaking their heads that their party has come to this.
Is Bradley Manning dickless in fact as well as name yet? Or is he still just a wannabe-eunuch? Either way, fuck him.
I think he’s still doing the thing with wearing the gender bender.
But what do I know?
Eh, I can’t think of anything I care about less than the state of Bradley Manning’s junk.
Manning can’t legally run because he is still considered Active duty so lets hope his Command brings him up on more charges and send his ass back to prison where he belongs. Also, as a convicted felon, I believe he can’t get a security clearance which obviously he would need. Manning could if he wasn’t still Active duty, but he is, thus, he is still under UCMJ laws, which he is currently breaking again and can be Court Martialed for treason yet again. Federal Law (Titles 10, 2, and 18, United States Code), Department of Defense (DOD) Directives, and specific military regulations strictly specify a military active duty person’s participation in partisan political activities. DOD defines “partisan political activity” as “activity supporting or relating to candidates representing, or issues specifically identified with, national or State political parties and associated or ancillary organizations.” A “Nonpartisan political activity is defined as “activity supporting or relating to candidates not representing, or issues not specifically identified with, national or State political parties and associated or ancillary organizations. Issues relating to constitutional amendments, referendums, approval of municipal ordinances, and others of similar character are not considered as specifically being identified with national or State political parties.” What Active Duty Members Cannot Do: Holding or Running for Political Office Cannot – Hold civil office in the federal government, if that office: Requires an appointment by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or Is a position on the executive schedule under sections 5312 through 5317 of title 5, U.S.C. This prohibition does not apply to retired and reserve members who have been called to active duty for a period of 270 days or less, as long as the office does not interfere with military duties. If the retired or reserve members receives orders which state active duty recall will be for more than 270 days, the prohibition begins on day one of active duty. A member on active duty may hold or exercise the functions of a civil office in the U.S. Government that does not fall into one of the… Read more »
Good, send it to 11b school and ship it’s ass to Syria or Afghanistan
Via HANO drop?
Instead of a hefty splat with a sickening bounce, it would just queef when it hit the ground.
Yeah, but that just means he can be punished/booted from the military – he can’t be denied a seat in the Senate if elected.
And election also trumps laws and regulations regarding clearances. The executive branch cannot decide not to share information required to be provided to congress because they object to who a particular senator is. I’d hope that, if elected, he’d be put on Interior and Agriculture, and not Intel or Homeland Security, but that’s up to the Senate, not the executive branch.
Chelsea Manning Hopes to Become Senates First Openly Transgender Disgrace
Naw, I see this as a ploy for cash. I don’t know if he’s getting any pay from the Army since his sentence was commuted, but he seems to have some source of cash. Maybe it’s running out.
I think we should support his efforts with campaign slogans like ‘Got Beat Up By A Girl’ – stuff like that.
This obnoxious shit stain on America’s history just poking his disgusting mentally ill finger in our eye. You’d think having been saved by an almost equally piece of shit on America’s history would result in him slithering away to some hole and killing himself, but nope. It’s only embolden this traitor bitch.
It would be nice if he campaigned door-to-door. I live in the middle of the woods. Lots of critters, so leaving a trail of breadcrumbs won’t do him any good, and I doubt he has the outdoor skills to find his own way.
There does exist such mental midgets as Sheila Jackson Lee, Frederica Wilson, Elizabeth Warren et al. who have been consciously/willingly voted in one term after another.
Logic be damned, it can happen barring any legal action to stop it.
The mere fact that Mannign chose such a stupid, hash-taggy slogan shows he is operating without adult leadership.
“We got this” sounds like a slogan someone would use if they were running for student council in high school. It’s difficult to imagine anybody over the age of 15 who would be moved by that.
Nothing more than yet another attempt at his 15 minutes, trying desperately to have some meaning in his pathetic life. He must not have the massive following in the civilian sector that he had hoped.
It will go away some day. IMO, and I pray I’m wrong, his is the type of personality that often harms itself. I truly don’t want any harm to befall him. I just want him to go away or go to prison, where he would be right now if it hadn’t been for the poor excuse of a president we had for eight years.
As an aside, I didn’t vote for Obama, but I genuinely had belief he would unify the country, much as a few people of color have attempted to do in history. But, no, he began immediately causing division. And he did a damn good job. I can’t recall a worse president during my almost 70 years. But he is the darling of the liberal fringe.
All he/she/it needs now is a campaign endorsement from “Hanoi Jane” Fonda and I hope that commie traitor whore drops dead soon!
How about we create a campaign, “Help Manning Reach The Cutoff Date.”
Obama had an affinity for trans genders. His only legacy after eight years in office was forcing schools to allow trans genders bathroom freedom of choice and cramming them down the military’s throat. Once Bradley Manning announced to the world that he wanted to whack off his male member at taxpayer’s expense Obama was hooked. Had Manning not done that, he might still be in prison.
You all will see, Chelsey will be vindicated for being what she is, a hero and a whistle blower. Too long has the US been able to carry out illegal missions all over the world without fear of being discovered. This is the same level of heroics that unseated Nixon. You all probably applauded when Apple was turned in for slowing phones, yet someone who does something THIS brave, you throw under the bus because it makes your organizations look as evil as they are.
Yes and I saw Elvis talking to Jimmy Hoffa yesterday.
“This is the same level of heroics that unseated Nixon.” Yes, Deep Throat and Manning have much in common.
“Mike. Joe. Phil. We have a live one in the salted nuts and pickle aisle.”
Yes, Deep Throat and Manning have much in common.
Which “Deep Throat” are you talking about here…?
The movie. Why, was there another one?
LARS – Jonn is going to bust you even though you are using a separate i.p. address now via one of the school labs.
What color is the sky in your world “Sharon Nickols”? I’m betting on purple with 4 moons.
Bradley Manning is now and forever will be a scumbag crybaby traitor. When his twisted psyche finally unwinds enough and he takes an OD of sleeping pills, he’ll be a dead scumbag crybaby traitor. Now that will be heroic!
Setting aside your delusional belief that Manning was some sort of “hero” and not a piss-ant little attention whore who wantonly released tons of sensitive and classified information, he/she/it is not qualified to hold any type of position of responsibility.
Nevermind how dirty politics can get, especially when you deal with infighting among the democrats.
Manning doesn’t have the intelligence, work ethic and mental toughness to deal with a campaign,
He will end up having a mental breakdown ans withdrawing, or swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills.
Is that the best you can come up with on that Public Library computer, cotton candy-for-brains?
Look, Sharin’ Peters is back!
Wasn’t “We Got This” some sort of Army recruiting slogan for short time.
Manning is going to try to run against an Democrat for that seat, if he/she/it actually does run at all.
Personally I thinks it’s just another grab for fame but an unbalanced individual whose end game is going to be an overdose.