The news you’ve been waiting for

| January 24, 2018

If you haven’t heard, and even if you have heard, Daniel Bernath was killed in an airplane crash on January 22, 2018 in the afternoon. About 15 minutes after taking off from Page Field in Fort Myers, Florida, the tower received a Mayday call and Mr Bernath went down with his craft in the woods near a golf course in Bonita Springs, Florida. According to reports, the area was so overgrown, rescuers needed a bulldozer and machetes to reach the crash site.

Mr Bernath was the sole occupant of the airplane at the time.

The incident is being investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board and basically, I’m going to avoid commenting until that investigation has been completed. I ask that you do the same.

As you may be aware, Mr Bernath has accused us of sabotaging his aircraft in the past. Of course, that wasn’t true. No one I know would stoop to that level of stupidity. I wouldn’t know how to even begin to sabotage an airplane and the fact that I’m wheelchair-bound doesn’t make me stealthy enough to pull it off, if I did. I’m sure his accusations will be part of the investigation, though. For that reason, I will not comment publicly until the investigation has ended.

Category: Bernath

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So, is anyone going to the funeral to stake the body, you know just in case?


Stake? Probably not.

Water the grave with used beer? Highly probable. Erosion may become an issue at the site.


Water permits are for stormwater, not the return of rented beer. (I’m the environmental compliance guy where I work. Trust me.)

Clyde Diddit

The thought has passed through my mind, but I won’t. Why you ask? Because I HATE waiting in long lines.

Scott Johnston, USAF, Ret

Sadly….This POS is prolly being buried in a National Cemetery!!! That would SUCK!!


It ain’t nice to fool mother nature! 😉

Commissioner Wretched

In the annals of Stolen Valor, there are levels of severity. Mr. Bernath, by his actions, has rendered thus the highest level of Stolen Valor:


I propose to the assembly that henceforth, the worst offenders in the Stolen Valor community – the highest level of asshattery – the most egregious condition of putting on what you ain’t earned – the most doubling-down of the affrontery – be so named, BERNATHIAN, and thus serve to keep perspective on all things.

Do I hear a second?


Don’t know if my vote counts, but I’ll second the hell out of you!


I’m all on board with that

A Proud Infidel®™

Already seconded, I vote “AYE”!

Stick Stickly

I mentioned this in my earlier comment- I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that “Bernathian” deserves a place in the TAH lexicon!


What some have forgotten is that what Bernturd did stolen-valor-wise was fairly common fakery from what we have seen here and on other sites. What set him apart was his post-exposure behavior harassing anyone who commented on his POSing and insane antics. He clearly, along with his pals in the DRG, was deranged. I am sure the rest of the DRG will march on with their delusions.


I must disagree. This POS was BEYOND a Valor thief.

This individual was EVIL …

… and now is reaping his Just desserts.

Enjoy eternity in Hell Daniel Bernath. I hope Satan had a very special VW size pineapple reserved just for you.


Therefore, there must be serious evil associated with their SV to qualify for the Bernathian moniker.


This individual was EVIL …

… and now is reaping his Just desserts.

Enjoy eternity in Hell Daniel Bernath. I hope Satan had a very special VW size pineapple reserved just for you.


Indeed, that expression has been invoked frequently enough as to merit a standard of its own.

2/17 Air Cav



Hey…guys. Just put that anywhere.


‘Bonita plane crash victim involved in other wrecks’

‘The Bonita Springs plane crash on Monday that took Daniel Bernath’s life wasn’t his first crash according to a report from the National Transportation Safety Board.

Bernath crashed a small plane in 2013 in Oregon after running out of fuel, according to a report from the National Transportation Safety Board.

Documents show that Bernath tried to sue the plane company for not warning about what would happen if the plane was low on fuel, according to documents.

“I knew he crashed, but he never even really talked about it with me,” said Melanie Diferdinando, Bernath’s daughter. She says Bernath was a registered sport pilot and started flying in 2011.

“Mayday Mayday,” said Bernath right before the plane crashed in a wooded area near Bonita National Golf Club. The previous recorded conversation between Bernath and air traffic control was described as “odd” by flying experts.

Following his 2013 plane crash, he made some accusations including calling the American Legion domestic terrorists, according to court documents.

Several online pilot forums show he was under attack for his lack of flying expertise. Bernath was also under fire for claiming military honors he did not earn. Bernath himself admitted to having suicidal thoughts and taking prescription medications on these forums.

To get a sport pilot license you are not required to provide a medical certificate, according to a flying expert.

His daughter chose not to comment on these accusations but said the information paints him in a bad light.

“This plane crash was just shocking. It really kind of threw everyone for a loop,” Diferdinando said. “I feel he’s not that man, he was a good person and he was a good father and a good grandfather.”

This crash is still under investigation.’


“…the information paints him in a bad light.”

Gee, ya think?


“he was a good person and he was a good father and a good grandfather”

And the pixies come and clean your house at night?


Ted Bundy had many friends and advocates.

On the uptick, no Kennedys were reported to be involved.


A real reporter would have asked about his almost three months in the hoosegow just before the crash.


I’d love to read the court appointed psychiatrist’s assessment of the decedent’s competency.

Just An Old Dog

He withdrew his request/ refused to be evaluated, so it never went through. The entire tactic by the now decomposing piece of shit was to try to get the judge to let him stay out on bond until he was evaluated by a shrink.
Once the Judge revoked his bond he lost the gambit. He was already put to the back of the docket and would not be placed on it until an eval was done. Good or Bad he would have to wait it out.

Hack Stone

So, now is it safe to visit the TAH website from your work computer without getting fired?


Honey, with the boss dead, I think you’re the owner now. Go nuts, Bossman! I think your first business as the new owner of first tech Solutions, should be no pants Tuesday.


Sounds like a suicide by plane to me?

Hack Stone

The sad part about this is that with Daniel Bernath’s demise, we wil never learn the true identity of Hondo. I had it narrowed down to Gotham City philanthropist Bruce Wayne or newspaper reporter Clark Kent.


I got the scoop!

Ta Da!

Hondo is Diana Prince!

The Stranger

Really? I was certain that he was Lamont Cranston!

Commissioner Wretched

Nah … I heard it was Britt Reid, owner-publisher of the Daily Sentinel! His dual identity known only to his secretary, and to the District Attorney.

The Stranger

And grandnephew of The Lone Ranger!


I always thought that Hodno was Long Duc Dong (GONG)…

The Stranger

Automobile? Automobile in big rake!


An unknown man visit’s the grave every year, reads a poem and solemnly poor’s a forty on the grave for the anniversary of the DRG1 crash. He than snaps a crisp one finger salute and vanishes into a mist. That man is Hondo.


solemnly poor’s a forty on the grave

After its been processed through his bladder, that is. 😉


If the bottle is full of pee already nobody bats an eye, if you whip it out for freshness they go crazy.


Hondo’s real name is Gern Blanston.


Steve Martin reference … love it!


Hoped someone would pick up on it 🙂


Gern was an insurance salesman if I recall properly.

I know just about everything, Hondo on the other hand knows everything.




I thought it was Navin Johnson.


Chuck Norris dreams of being Hondo.

A Proud Infidel®™

Superman get his powers from wearing Hondo’s pajamas.

Drag Racing Maniac

I thought it was Carlos Danger?


You are all SO wrong.

Hondo is John Wayne. Everybody knows that!

Reverend Pointy Head

I’m 99% sure Hondo is El Kabong.


My investigation reveals that Hondo is using the name Floyd R. Turbo, and resides near the Slausen cutoff.



Hondo is Bruno Mars … Enjoy!


I am Hondo!!!






U pawn in game of life!

Bruno Stachel

Ich bin Hondo.

Reverend Pointy Head

I am Spartacus and moonlight as Hondo on weekends.


Keyser Söze is Hondo.


Hondo is Ironman

Hack Stone

Hondo was just trying to establish an alibi.


We did all did, I spent the day at a man spa in a locked tanning booth guarded by CCTV cameras. So, my story is square.


Yea, I thought he was Batman. Guess we’ll never know…


Hondo is Whitfield; Whitfield is Hondo, and Christy is the bimbo!

Guard Bum

Wow, this was a shock this morning. I always thought Bernath was probably mentally ill and I am normally fairly charitable towards the deceased or organically impaired but in this case I can only muster a “good riddance”.

My sympathy does go out to the family. Its easy to cast blame towards family for not doing anything but being similarly afflicted with a hateful psychopathic family member of my own I understand the frustration and the conflicted emotions they must now feel now that it is over.

The DAB era is over and its a new day, thankfully.


Ill dab to that.


A little dab’ll do ya.

Bruno Stachel


Frankie Cee

Speaking of “Its a New Day”. Has that trash ass site that Bernutless and DuLlAs were running posted anything related to the crash? I don’t go there because it would increase their viewer numbers, but if anyone else has and noted any action, let us know, please.


Karma is a harsh mistress


Has this been posted before on TAH?

Found this on the CT Flier Forum from 2014:

Someone made a comment on 4 June 2014 forum that DB “has already gotten himself in trouble at a towered airport with his RV12.

Another individual asked for a link for the details-advice was given to go to live.atc archives. However, the archives are only kept for 30 days for public view.

The response to the individual’s was this:

“Tallahassee KTLH May 5th. LiveATC has archive. Around 1400Z (N 262 Whisky Sierra). Comes in unprofessional and confused. Wants to land on closed (notam’d) runway. Can’t follow ATC directions, including simple requests to fly at a specific heading. At one point, after being given clearance to land, he says “I can’t, I’m way too high, I need to lose altitude.” ATC is frustrated and says “I can’t fly it for you.” You can hear a few times after he lands, he’s told to call a number. I’m guessing he did not call, as the tower tells the FBO to not allow him back on the airport side until he talks to the tower. Confrontation. He slips out the locked door when someone comes in and takes off. Live ATC conversation shows him as confused as ever, trying to taxi around. If the FAA wan’t looking at him closely before this…they sure are now.”

Guess the FAA did not watch him closely as speculated, because the above comment sure sounds familiar, i.e. what happpened to him the other day (same scenio).


I thing MCPO posted it shortly after it happened… I posted earlier about the incident (couldn’t remember where in FL it happened).


Thank You, HMCS(FMF) for the info. Wasn’t sure if this Florida incident was posted in 2014 since it looks as if it occurred in May 2014.

What is puzzling despite the Oregon incident and the 2014 incident, that his Sport License was not suspended. They say things come in threes..and that the third time is a charm. IMO, depending on a person’s perspective, “charm” could be positive or negative.😉


Affirm: Bernath’s Crazy Cross Country Flight (CCCF) from Oregon to Florida.

We tracked him across the country and we worked with FAA investigators on providing context to and about his background after this infamous incident. During this period, he did not make a move without us generally knowing where he was and what he was doing.

Note: The reference to “we” above includes me, myself, I, the mouse in my pocket and other TAH Stratergery Officers (TAHSO’s)who will remain unnamed at this time as they are going through Advanced POS Targeting Training (APOSTT) at the “Farm” located in an urban setting in the northeast. Ah, two and three lettered agencies tracked too.


Wrong altitude selection for direction of flight, requested too high for his destination… I wouldn’t have trusted him to pilot a jon boat in a millpond, never mind a tiny bugsmasher of a kit plane.


More importantly, who now takes the crown? Soup is dead, and Bernath is on the compost heap…which SV artard shall be titled “King of the Ass Clowns” now?


They haven’t done a SV playoff bracket in a while.

Carlton G. Long

How about Churchie (the Liar of Lenoir) and his (maybe former) enabling dependobottomus Kaiya Lou?



Wilted Willy

How about my pos brother, David “Doc” Shrum the false teeth making killer? Has anyone ever claimed as many phony medals as this buttstick?

Reverend Pointy Head

He who shall not be mentioned. The one whose handle was of a particularly effeminate breed of French canine and a pension for being UC Berkley’s mouth piece.

Reverend Pointy Head

Wow. I not only meant to respond to BennSue but also reported myself. I really Bernathed myself this time.


I think he’s only guilty of stealing oxygen and being a complete waste of skin.

Reverend Pointy Head

To quote Rodney Dangerfield:
He should have donated his body to Science-Fiction.

The Stranger

I tHiNk We AlL hAvE sOmEoNe In MiNd!

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, but when is he NOT “Drunker than Cooter Brown”?

The Stranger

When he’s drunker than a fiddler’s bitch!

A Proud Infidel®™


2/17 Air Cav

If he hadn’t been so vicious, vindictive, so totally devoid of compassion and reasonableness, so utterly uncaring of the financial and emotional harm he did to many fine people, I just might, at least, remain silent about his death. But I won’t engage in revisionist history or pretend that he was just some loon in need of meds. He was a vile human being and he’s gone, no longer to cause others harm and sleepless nights.

Reverend Pointy Head

I still think you’re being too generous.

Well said, honestly.


Ditto. It looks like he was as skilled as a pilot as he was as a lawyer, in my opinion as former pilot and lawyer.

Just An Old Dog

Difference is that when he failed in court his ass was only 3 feet off the ground… As a pilot he was 2500 feet up…

A Proud Infidel®™

He failed both as a pilot and a lawer.


I hope his story is fully told by those who lived through all the pain, and documented as to what he emailed and what he said….I feel for his family but the world deserves to see who he really was


He seems to be quickly disappearing from my memory. Others, of course, will take much longer for that to happen. Point being that the best thing we can do now is forget him. As much as he wanted to be forever remembered, I refuse to give him any of that.

He was a vicious ghoul who weaponized the internet and the courtroom, among other disgusting behaviors. Nope. Not gonna give him the attention he demanded.

Bye, bye. (Still want healthy reassurance that it really was himself in that plane.)


I concur. He (if it was he) slammed into the brick wall and didn’t bounce this time.

Let’s give its proper title: FINIS

A Proud Infidel®™

I wouldn’t even say ‘Bye to him, more like Good Riddance.


Is this a new record for number of comments on a post?


Not even close.

The longest ones are those with multiple sockpuppets commenting and/or involving cheap wine, spandex, and middle of the night verbal diarrhea.

Combat Historian

Some of the post comments involving SpandexMan and his drunken verbalrrhea went into the low to mid-thousands…


Forging Frank had 1,544 comments before Jonn turned it off..

A Proud Infidel®™

If there was ever to be a Stolen Valor Hall of Infamy I’m sure that Bernath and the Dutch Rudder Gang would be its all time top slimeballs.

Frankie Cee

We are always on the lookout for others to do it, but it seems that now it is Bernath himself who has gone “Full Bernath”. There is no way that anyone can top that rendition of the condition.


He is now non-living proof that one should never go “Full Bernath.”

A Proud Infidel®™

Or use the term “Bernathian” to describe either a stupid or scumbag move on one’s part.


He’s going to have an interesting eternity.

The Stranger

I think Black Sabbath sums it up best:

The Stranger

Although this gem from Motorhead is not without its charms:

A Proud Infidel®™

How should he be remembered ? IMHO Daniel A. Bernath should be remembered as “The Fred Phelps of Stolen Valor”. Why you ask? Fred Phelps was also a Disbarred Lawyer. He was disbarred in Kansas and he was also known for filing frivolous junk lawsuits. His minions, while out screeching, would do all they could to antagonize and provoke people while others were recording video and as soon as they thought they had something another lawsuit was filed. That and Bernath will be about as sorely missed as Fred Phelps.

2/17 Air Cav

That is a good comparison.


He will be “sorely missed” by one. Bernath’s Bunghole is definitely sore and it likely misses its life-support system.

The ghost of Daniel Bernath’s Bunghole

I’m finally free of the abuse…I don’t miss the old wretched bastard in the slightest

Hack Stone

How about tossing some attribution on the Fred Phelps comparison Hack’s way? Pretty damn sure that Hack was the first to post that on TAH. If you don’t rectify this miscarriage immediately, Hack will have to contact his attorney in Ft. Myers FL to file a lawsuit. Wait, what? Never mind…


Wow!! Here’s the audio stream from their Page 3:

If’n y’all want the audio …


KFMY – 1630Z recording

16:40 (to about 19:40) – first call to Tower err, ah Ground and exchange re flight following & IFR altitudes
24:26 – ready for departure
29:00 – cleared for takeoff
30:25 – repeated calls to contact Departure (no pilot response)

KRSW (includes Ft. Meyers Departure) – 1700Z recording

1:35 – initial contact on freq (controller initiated)
5:28 – given a heading
14:00 – mayday call (no recorded response from Departure)
16:00 – other aircraft sent over farmland to look for him
18:00 – other aircraft reporting back on scrub brush
18:29 – other aircraft circling and monitoring 121.5


Bernath was flying in controlled airspace where there was a great deal of traffic, including airliners. He did not follow proper radio procedure and busted a 2500 foot altitude he was not cleared to exceed by four hundred feet. He was lucky no one ran into him. ATC had to give him simple altitude and heading instructions over six times.

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t know about y’all, but I had myself a nice see-gar and some Bourbon on the back porch last night thinking that a number of good people will no longer be harassed and tormented with junk lawsuits, be getting stalked,…


To quote DAB (here, BTW

“Fear not. I shall never be mentioned in a NTSB report. I am a very cautious pilot. I am like Tiger Woods. I am never satisfied with my performance and always strive to improve it.”

Until ‘ol lady gravity shows up and nails you in the melon with a golf club, that is.

The wondrous thing about his comment is that he’s technically right. NTSB never includes the names of the people involved in their accident reports.


I wonder if he was using that iPad app? The one folks warned him about?


The date Bernath joined that group, April 1, better known as April fools day.


I don’t think he ever understood the fundamentals, pitch + power = performance.

Pitch controls airspeed, power controls altitude.


Hey this is comment NUMBER 403 !!!!!!

Helllllllll yehhhn


Comment 404.


😀 😀 😀

Hack Stone

Daniel Bernath really nailed that Buddy Holly impression.


Yep, we’re only eight days away from the 59th anniversary of The Day The Music Died.

It’s too bad that the tower couldn’t catch BurntNuts singing “That’ll Be The Day” on the way down to his great reward.

Hack Stone

So, have those Bernath coffee mugs available on Urban Dictionary now a collectors item?




Jonn …. so now that Bernath is no longer amongst the living, can you get a full, un-redacted, copy of his navy records?



Because DB was discharged after 1957, his records are considered non-archival, which means they are subject to access restriction.

That means the only folks who can obtain DB’s full, un-reducted copy is his Next of Kin, i.e.
unremarried widow or widower, son, daughter, mother, father, brother or sister.

And one still has to show proof that they are NIK. I had to provide my Birth Certificate and my Dad’s Death Certificate to get his records. Did the same when I requested my deceased Brother’s records.

Heck, I even gave them a copy of their obituaries as well as a notarized statement to show further proof for good measure and even provided a copy of my Military ID card with picture and SSN blacked out (yes, I went to the extreme, but wanted to ensure I received their Military and Medical records).

Did not have to do that with my Grandfather’s Navy records since he served during WW1 and was discharged before 1957.


Wow’ thanks for expaining that so clearly.



You are welcome, rgr1480!

Shared this with you based on my own dealings with the National Archives.

Your question to Jonn was valid as it would be nice to obtain DB’s entire official military records. 😊


By all accounts DAB was a less than average Sailor, produced marginally acceptable results, was transferred often in the short 3 + years on active duty and was photographed at least once taking a bath in a deep sink onboard a US Navy vessel.

This should pretty much sum it up.


Roger that, MCPO!

….. (OVER)….

A Proud Infidel®™

Transferred often in three years of service? A clear sign of someone being “Ash and Trash”!

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

He probably pulled a D.B. Cooper… parachuted out, changed identity and is out there lurking.

We’re all gonna hell for making fun of a dead man…

Good riddance!

Frankie Cee

Nah, he wouldn’t have parachuted out. He had a buddy, a pal, a fellow Dutch Rudderian, who was as good as parachuting as Bernath was at flying, and lawyering. He left all the jumping to him.

Frankie Cee

Has anyone, in the area, been considerate enough to check behind the dumpster at the 7-11 in Orange City Florida, looking for a wino in a pUrPlE jUmPsUiT, to let him know that the legal department of his club is no longer functional? Has anyone heard of any NoIsE fRoM tHaT gEnErAl DiReCtIoN?


Probably drowning his sorrows in a bottle of Thunderbird or double-wide prison hooch…

A Proud Infidel®™

If not T-bird then MD 20/20, Night Train, Boone’s Farm or any other wino hooch that can also be used as a floor stripper if not multiple “40’s”.

The Stranger

Top secret footage from the funeral…it required the use of the top secret “Time Displacement Relay!”

Frankie Cee

Does my personal copy of the 166 page lawsuit of July 2014 have any collector value? Should I contact Sotheby’s to have them offer it to the public in auction?


Ha! It will become one of the greatest examples of terrible litigating in Modern history….they should have classes in law school based on this guy as to what not to do as an attorney


It will be known by all in the legal profession as “The Bernathian Gambit”…


I’ll just repost this at the end.:

This individual was EVIL …

… and now is reaping his Just desserts.

Enjoy eternity in Hell Daniel Bernath. I hope Satan had a very special VW size pineapple reserved just for you.


Upon careful consideration, I believe Hondo is actually Gersch Kuntzman…this must be dealt with most severely…


This highly NSFW clip sums up my reaction to that absolutely ludicrous claim.

Damn, even the DRG didn’t stoop that low in their false identifications! (smile)

A Proud Infidel®™

I know I’ve said it more than once, but I feel I nned to say it again, and it’s my Suggestion that Daniel A. Bernath be remembered as “The Fred Phelps of Stolen Valor” because Dan Bernath and Fred Phelps have more than onr thing in common. First, the both of them were disbarred Lawyers, Phelps in Kansas and Bernath in California. Second, the both of them were known for filing flimsy and vengeful lawsuits at the drop of a hat, Phelps’s minions did all they could to antagonize and provoke others while recording video and as soon as they thought they had something they’d file, Bernath filed what he could when he could, facts and consequences be damned, both used the legal system as their toy. Both were rightfully known as scumbags that used the legal system to bully and harass others by draining them of as much time and money as they could simply on their own folly, the list goes on.


On the sportpilottalk forum thread that he started, raving about his 99-cent iPad app that he was using for a groundspeed indicator, he posted this:

“Yes. If I stop posting it is because you are 100% correct and I was staring at my ninety nine cent app with my head down inches from the screen, with gusts all around and I ended up in a horrible ball of carbon, glue and Rotax parts and old Mad Magazines and Playboy Magazines.”

How prophetic.


Future NTSB Report:

“In the mangled wreckage the team found duct tape, expired catheter hoses, old Mad and Playboy magazines, a Navy SEAL badge, a CPO anchor, a list of names entitled ‘Conspiring Ninjas’, an iPhone, a fuel gauge indicator stuck at ‘ZERO’ and a bank receipt for a negative balance of – $137.66.”


Landing is based on airspeed, not groundspeed, a concept that the NEVER-WAS-A-CPO could not grasp. A 99¢ ticket to death.


Nothing new to add, just want to keep the thread going.
Buh bye, rest in pieces you shit stain on the human race. DAB=D.E.A.D.

Just An Old Dog

The Dutch Rudder Gang has lost its leader. Should we call them the Dutch Rudderless Gang?

Combat Historian

Bloody power struggle for DRG leadership currently ongoing between sHoRtBuSdULasS and Forgin Frank…


Dallas wants to know if he can get his retainer back.

The Stranger

He wore braces?


He will need to ask Mark for the retainer in Probate …

Mark gets everything!

The Stranger

Didn’t he get a million dollar settlement during the last go round?


If DAB’s assets were in a trust, there is no probate. There may be taxes, but in this case, there will probably be a hearing to determine which creditors get paid first.


I’m sure that Joe Cryer has thrown his hat into the ring…


Not a good idea.

That file is about as thick as DAB’s and as you will see soon enough … once in the file, it will be made public!

Mr Wolf

As with Hanoi Jane, they will have to install a drain under the casket.

One question tho- is it considered a courtesy to wait until the family leaves before relieving ones self?


Yes. You should always allow the family to go first.

2/17 Air Cav

Just a guess but I’m thinking that if he is given a funeral, two, maybe three, chairs ought to accommodate the crowd.


One thing is sure – if he is planted in a Vet cemetery, there will be no “CPO” on the headstone.





How about a link to this page of TAH?

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d cremate him and flush the ashes down a shitter.

The Stranger

I agree wholeheartedly! Preferably after I used it on Chili Night after drinking a case of warm Blatz!


Maybe drop them in a porta potty on a hot day in July at an airshow along the Gulf coast somewhere??

OK, am putting myself in time out for that comment.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or just dump ‘em in a septic tank.


Not in Texas!!


Personally, considering that the plane in question was completely mangled by the impact, and that the engine noise was absent – just a thud, no flames – I tend to to think that the plane decided it had had just about enough of this individual’s mistreatment and decided to end its association with him.

What? Too soon?

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he planned to wreck that plane and sue its manufacturer?


It was his MO… looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

A Proud Infidel®™

He was chasing a White Trash Lottery jackpot.


the Vans RV-12 is a kit plane. The buyer is the builder. Negligence on the part of the owner is not the fault of the manufacturer of the kit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like that would stop him from filing yet another junk lawsuit.


Well, but you see, API, DAB was not the person who put the plane together. That was the previous owner, a retired USAF fighter pilot, who flew the plane for quite a while and whose family sold the plane in an estate sale.


I think (and if I am wrong, someone please correct me) the previous owner of the plane was a Vietnam POW for 7 years. He passed away in 2014:


Yer right!

According to the blog:

…N262WS was added to the registry in 2011, best guess September, and was originally registered to Wesley Shierman of Everett, Washington. It was transferred to Bernath in 2014, though the registry shows it owned by a Nicole Bernath (with Oi-En-Wong as a trustee). Not sure who Ms. Bernath is…wife, daughter, or other….



Hand Salute and a RIP to a man whose Vietnam Service Medal has the Service Stars for all 31 of the original campaigns.

The true heroes walk silently amongst us and get on with life.

Thank You Pat for posting this tribute.


I seriously wouldn’t put it past him.


Video Interview with DB’s daughter if you all have not already seen (don’t think this has been posted yet here):


Wow… she can’t believe that dear old “daddy” could have been a congenital asshole.

Commissioner Wretched

Denial … not just a river in Egypt, it seems.


He was more than that … standby!


You’re killing me, Master Chief! When do we get “the rest of the story”?

Ready to listen to the show you posted (EST, right?)


Standing by… OVER!


Still standing by …..


Small problem there: “good people” don’t intentionally attack people with complete disregard for how many others are hurt by their actions. “Good people” don’t lie, cheat, and steal. “Good people” don’t demand that they be the center of attention at all times and expect the entire world to defer to their wishes at all times. “Good people” do not stalk people, violate court orders, and pretend to be what they are not. “Good people” do not demand that others participate in their delusions.


Well stated, OWB… Thanks.


We will be addressing this very shortly!


In regard to the daughter’s reaction to the reports on her deceased father, I will tell you this: Drew Petersen was a police officer who was suspected of killing his 3rd wife, Kathleen DiSavio, but the autopsy said she had slipped in her bathtub and drowned.
He remarried a young woman (Stacy, Mrs. 4th Petersen) who worked in the police department office. They had three children. He had a grown son, also a police officer, by another wife.
When Stacy Petersen vanished without a trace, the hunt was on to find out what had happened. Petersen became a suspect in her disappearance and blithely denied having anything to do with it. The search for her was extensive, but no trace of her has ever been found.
Because of the investigation into Stacy Petersen’s disappearance, the investigation into Kathleen DiSavio’s death was reopened, and he was charged with her murder, arrested and tried, and went to jail.
His grown son took over raising his half-siblings on Petersen’s police pension. He did NOT believe his father had anything to do with either DiSavio’s death or Stacy’s disappearance, UNTIL PETERSEN TRIED TO PUT A HIT ON THE ATTORNEY WHO PROSECUTED HIM FOR DiSavio’s death, with an inmate who was leaving Menard State Penitentiary. This inmate ratted him out, and Petersen received an extra 40 years in the state pen with no parole.
Now his grown son believes that his father did have something to do with DiSavio’s death, and has said so publicly.
It is not unusual for children of someone like Bernath or Petersen to believe the parent is incapable of doing such heinous acts, until they are exposed to it themselves.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, she’s his daughter and none of us gets to pick our parents. I would have been flabbergasted if she had said something negative about him. As it is, the qualified statement she made, that she feels he was a good man, tells me a lot. She’s not in this mix.


Will join you in that, AC. At least for right now, will cut her a lot of slack. Raw grieving is just not predictable. As she realizes the truth about her father, we can hope that her pain is minimal.


Having grown up with a father whom Bernath sometimes reminded me of (even three years in the Navy, but NOT a poser/embellisher, thankfully!), I would say that she never bore the brunt of her father’s actions. She probably has no idea of the extent of his douchebaggery because it directly affected her very little. I agree with OWB–I hope that she is let down gently as she learns and comes to terms with the truth.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey. I was 300 and 500.


Found this new thread at Sport Pilot Talk that I don’t think anyone has posted here yet (apologies if I overlooked and this is a duplication) –


My best take from the pilots opining on his demise was the one who quoted Mark Twain,

“I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”

Honey Badger

Did he run out of fuel?

2/17 Air Cav

We don’t know. What we do know is that he ran out of air.


His hemoglobin count and plasma volume are way down, too.

A Proud Infidel®™

No telling right now, my bet is he died of his own incompetence as a pilot.


That is a very safe bet.


A pilot tweeting over on one of those pilot webby blogger thingys said about Bernath:

“Looks like his karma finally ran over his dogma”.


Yeah, apparently Dog was not his copilot!


At least not this time. With or without duct tape.


Apparently, the last post on that same thread has a guy whining about how Bernath was the one being harassed.

Dude couldn’t be more wrong had he tried.


I **just** read that and wished I could have posted a rebuttal.

DAB's Aircraft

I self identify as a bulldozer.


Wink News has publish Bernath Veteran Photo … I am disgusted:

Read the comments!


The P’sOS at WINK News could have used a half dozen photos to cap their Facebook news item/ But instead they chose the very image STOLEN by Bernath and PHOTOSHOPPED from an honorable man who served and retired from the Navy.
Sons of bitches anyway.

2/17 Air Cav

The comments, especially the lead one, took care of the bullshit photo. (T)WINK news was the outfit that did the soft story on the convicted, disbarred pilot with a history of crashing aircraft.

Kinda Old ET1

I just heard of this news today. Had a very busy week, no time for goofing off on the internet.

Whatever the reason for the aircraft going down, the root cause of Danni boys death will be his unmitigated arrogance.

Good riddance shit bag.

gas tank

Any hope of getting this removed from their archive because of his fabrications/embellishments, esp. the claim about the Apollo pics?

Stay thirsty my friends.


It’s best that it stay where it is. It shows that he has a history of lying about things including his age, in the first few paragraphs.


Not much we didn’t already know in that one.


No post-crash fire reported.



No engine noise reported by witnesses who called emergency, either.