Tnuza Hassan terrorizes St. Catherine University

| January 22, 2018

According to The Blaze, former student and Ethiopian, Tnuza Hassan set eight fires on the Minnesota campus of St. Catherine University with the intention of causing massive damage and casualties;

Court documents allege the following:

“She said she had been a student at Saint Catherine’s but quit last fall because she and her family were planning to vacation in Ethiopia,” according to the Star-Tribune. “Hassan said she started the fires because she’s been reading about the U.S. military destroying schools in Iraq and Afghanistan and she felt that she should do exactly the same thing.’

“She said that her fire-starting was not as successful as she had wanted. She said the most successful fire she set was at Saint Mary’s [residence hall] where she set a couch on fire,” it added.

I guess that she and her parents came here to make the United States a sh!thole like her own country.

According to the report, 33 children and eight adults were at a day care at St. Mary’s when that fire was set. About 10 to 15 students were also evacuated from the building, according to the Star-Tribune.

No injuries were reported.

The judge set her bail at $100,000. Her lawyer’s defense is that she up until now, she’s never been arrested. Good luck with that one, counselor.

Thanks to Bobo for the link.

Category: Terror War

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If they’re going to Ethiopia, why don’t they just stay there? She’s nuts. They could find a witch doctor to cure her.


Yeah, hopefully her visit to the witchdoctor would result in FGM with a rusty tin lid or broken glass.
That would give her instant appreciation of the good ol U.S of A and the rights and freedoms it provided her.

E4 Mafia For Life.

I was surprised – not really – that FGM is performed with pretty much any sharp object including broken glass, stones, rusty can lids. I’m not convinced these countries have entered the 21st Century (BC).


Let’s hope the entire family and goats gets to enjoy a permanent Ethiopian vacation.

Jan Koekepan

To be entirely fair to the nation of Ethiopia, it’s far from being the most backwards or shitholey of countries in Africa. They have problems, sure, but they’ve also done a lot to improve their situation.

Honestly, they don’t like arsonists there either, and they have an ancient and proud christian tradition as well.

Send her on a side-trip to the DRC first. For a year or ten. Then she can go back to the vacation plan of Ethiopia.


To be entirely accurate, Africa is a continent of failed states & shitholes.


Yup, European nations should have kept their colonies at all cost. And Germany should have been allowed to keep hers after WW1.
Africa would be much more civilised and advanced than it is today.
Many Sub-Saharan ‘men’ believe that fucking a virgin (usually a small child or infant) will cure their AIDS. Nuff said…

2/17 Air Cav

There are shitholes. There are shitholiers. There are shitholiests. In other words, it’s not whether Ethiopia is a shithole but, rather, to what degree it is comapred with its sister shitholes.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO there are degrees of shitholes with say, Ethiopia being an example of a First Degree Shithole and say, Somalia or Sudan being FOurth and Fifth Degree Shitholes. Haiti? at least a Second or Third Degree Shithole.

2/17 Air Cav

So, then, Haiti is shitholier than Ethipoia, and if we throw Somalia into the group, it is shitholiest.

A Proud Infidel®™

I would rate Somalia as at least a fourth degree shithole with say, Sudan and Liberia being about sixth degree shitholes. Do they still use Venetian Blinds as bunk beds in Ethiopia?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I told the witch doctor I was in love with you, and he said oooeeee ooohaaa ting tang wallawalla bingbang oooeee ooaaa ting tang wallawalla bingbang oooeee.


A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe she could become a Witch Doctor’s Wife in payment for services rendered to her breeders, I mean parents.



Love it!

A Proud Infidel®™

“Thankyuhverymuch”, as Elvis woulda said!


Her? Is that a female?

Now I understand why so many muslim men prefer manly love. Or donkeys.


After she does her hopefully lengthy sentence, send her home to her shithole country. I feel nothing for those who would come her, taking advantage of our freedoms and ways of life and try to alter it to make it more like the whorehouse hole they departed. Fuck her and her warped thought process.


Amen, Chief…


Why, I never!

[clutching pearls]


I’m horrified!!!!!!


Vacation in Ethiopia? If she wants to visit a shithole she could probably get a cheaper flight to Haiti. Wouldn’t have to change as many time zones either so no jet lag!

A Proud Canadian

Why not visit Detroit? I mean its pretty much a shit hole.


Ever been to a Northern Ontario Indian Rez? Cat Lake,Sandy Lake ect?
Shitholes of epic proportion.
98% of the residents do nothing to remedy the situation, other than bitch to the Feds.
They are generally too lazy to maintain their own houses and infrastructure.
The good ones get out. Some become our greatest soldiers, like SGT Tommy Prince or CPL Pegamagabow.


I correct,
CPL Francis Pegahmagabow.

A bad-ass Canadian Indian sniper who utilised the Ross rifle as a precision weapon, what it was designed for. A rifle that was too tight for reliable use in general trench warfare.


Diversity is our strength and it enriches us…and the attempted immolations are just further blessings


The Dhimmicats want to “diversity” us right out of existence in favor of their new electorate from the shitholes of the turd world. It truly is sad to think many of us fought for our country only to have it degenerate into what it is becoming.


She good girl!


“A pillar of the community”


A very hairy one, given that cloth thing around it’s neck I think it would be safe to say it’s a follower of that religion of piss, you know the one, the one that goes around blowing schools up & murdering little school children who are just there to learn how to read & write.

A Proud Infidel®™

Religion of piss? I was going to say I was sure she’s an Amish Anarchist, too bad she didn’t immolate herself while trying to start a fire!


API,I reckon if that softly furred Tnuza Hassan ever spawns offspring they would be rug rats.
If ever there was a poster child for retrospective abortion it would have her face on it.


This Muzz-cow should be sterilized ASAP, before she spawns some future splodeydopes.


Stuff a burning road flare up HER shithole and repatriate her to her own shithole country via ‘Chilean Airdrop’


Burning the buildings Americans won’t.

No, wait….

AntiFree requires someone -else- to stage a protest of hundreds of people, in which to hide, before they will come out in force and start some trash fires and maybe fire up a car or building or two. This one girl did more real mayhem in her rampage than the usual AntiFree yob-action.

All by her self.

Send AntiFree this pussy hats.

The Other Whitey


I hear Syria sucks this time of year. Perhaps she’d prefer to be there instead.


Bitch. And stand a little closer to your fucking razor ass wipe.

The Other Whitey

“That’s a man, baby!”


But, but, inclusiveness, understanding, can’t we all just get along?


2/17 Air Cav

“Hassan was charged in Ramsey County District Court with a single count of first-degree arson.” A single count? No wonder the bail was so low.

Brown Neck Gaitor


I saw in one article that they had to charge her with 4 fires to get the first-degree arson charge.

My favorite quote by this princess?

“You guys are lucky that I don’t know how to build a bomb because I would have done that.”

2/17 Air Cav

BNG. After reading your comment, I checked the statute. There are three types of 1st Degree arson in Minnesota and neither speaks to the number of fires set. What I believe is that she may have set fire in only one building that was in use as a residence (dwelling)and that’s the 1st degree arson. Another 1st degree goes to the use of a flammable material (liquid or gas) to set a fire in a non-dwelling place building. I guess she didn’t use lighter fluid. Another 1st degree is setting fire in a building not used as a dwelling place when another person (not a participant in the crime) is present. So, as I read the statutes, she should have been charged with multiple counts of 1st degree arson. Here’s a link to the laws.

Brown Neck Gaitor


I misread the paragraph in the article.

“Dennis Gerhardstein, a spokesman for the Ramsey County attorney’s office, said authorities charged Hassan for the number of fires — four — that allowed prosecutors to file the “most severe form of felony arson.””

Mea culpa.

The Other Whitey

Have I mentioned how much I utterly despise arsonists? Arson is the crime of a coward. Light a fire and run away like nothing happened. Arsonists are a similar species of insect to rapists, and many of them even operate on the same twisted power trip. I really, really hate arsonists.

Fuck this cunt straight to hell, figuratively speaking.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, each instance of her lighting a fire in the campus buildings was an act of arson or a statutory variant of arson. Doesn’t matter if she did them all within 5 minutes or 5 days. She already caught a break by being charged with only one.


TOW: Lowlife cowards all of them.

The Other Whitey

Well, since the islamic religion condones rape, I suppose the arson should come as no surprise.


Well the left loves to throw the Hate Crime laws around…since this was obviously a private Catholic University. Why are they not pursuing hate crime as well as terrorist charges?

BTW, why would a Muslim attend a Catholic University in the first place?


Er? To burn it down?
And welfare bennies obviously

2/17 Air Cav

Don’t be mislead by the category, Catholic universities. You’re as likely to find pro-abortion types and atheists in those schools as you are in any other. Brings a freakin’ tear to my eye.

The Other Whitey

As a practicing Catholic, that bugs the hell outta me…


As a non-Catholic, that bugs me as well, TOW.


To take advantage of the guilt of liberal Catholics? I’d bet they gave her a free ride, and she repaid them with fires.


Because Catholic Charities is big in MN, bringing thousands of refugees over from Somalia and, I assume, Ethiopia and other s#$thole countries. It’s the reason they have one of the largest Somali populations in the country.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe Pope Francis, the Commie in a Cassock, has declared Christian Guilt yo be a part of the faith?


How can we deal with women like this?
Easy. Just aim for the moustache


Would IDC?

I hope not.


It has a pulse and even though it’s a three-bagger for sure….

I’m betting he would.

2/17 Air Cav

What happened to him? Haven’t seen him since my return and I was sure that if he was around he would have commented on the fake USAF captain.

2/17 Air Cav

And, yes, HMC Ret, he most certainly would have hit it, mustache and all.


Once the lights are out they all look like Marilyn Monroe….Being drunk as 50 abo’s helps too.


Minneapolis and St. Paul started having problems in the largely Ethiopian migrant community when I used to spend weekends there 15 years ago. It’s just gotten progressively worse.


We’ve got bigger issues with the Somali community. We’re the Florida of the midwest!

Sad when Mpls is becoming known for its terrorism. Hopefully the Super Bowl goes off without a hitch, since the stadium is within walking distance of these communities.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, they imported as many uneducated muzzies from a third world shithole as fast as they could and it’s not all happy-happy-joy-joy with Smurfette getting gangbanged by unicorns? What a surprise.


“Happy-happy-joy-joy,” now that brings back fond memories of watching Ren & Stimpy with my teenage son. Too bad they never ran for the Senate, they would have been great replacements for Turd Durbin and Schmuky Schumer.


Schumer! You FOOL!!!!!!

Tom Huxton

the “Micheline necklace” cures arson, every time.


Maybe she should only be prosecuted as a juvenile because the progtards say adulthood doesn’t start until one is 24 years old. Who knew; I was told I was an adult at 18 when I was a college freshman. At 24 I was commanding rifle companies and subsequently a LRRP company in the Viet of the Nam. I guess that was a different time, with different rules. Seriously though, this junior Muzz-cow needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, imprisoned, and then deported as a convicted criminal alien. And I don’t give a shit if she won’t be comfortable in the her shithole of origin.


The left can’t even decide what’s a male and what’s a female. Was watching a clip earlier where a lefty was referring to pregnant women and then stopped and said she realizes there are pregnant people that aren’t women. Seriously.

The Other Whitey



Their grip on reality is pretty tenuous, at best.



just some feller

“According to the Blaze….” and a story about arson.




Damnit, it’s now been six days since this was posted and we still haven’t heard from IDC whether or not he would hit it.

I’m losing sleep over this and getting pretty grumpy.

IDC, UP!!!