Kyle Barwan update

| January 17, 2018

Frank sends us the latest on Kyle Barwan, the most arrestable valor thief in the history of the free world. He’s a guest of the State of Florida for about a year. Notice the charge of “Misrepresent-Military Member, Veteran”. I suspect that “No Regrets” tattoo is outdated by now.

Just to review, he was arrested last year in Florida for scamming a woman with his phony hero stories. He was sentenced to probation, then he absconded and went to Massachusetts and started his scam all over again. His victim found the blog posts about him and turned him in to local LEOs in Massachusetts who picked him up on the Florida warrant and sent him back there. Now he’s in prison for a year.

He’s also done time in Indiana and Kentucky for his valor thievery. TAH has been on his ass for nearly eight years.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Wilted Willy

Right where he belongs, I’m sure once he gets out he will go right back to his scamming. Leopards never change their spots! I can’t wait until my brother joins him!


Willy: I’d like to meet your brother some day, just to say I did. He and my brother should get together. They are similar in many ways, but your brother seems to be the cherry on top.


He is out now. He has been playing a lot of Xbox. His gamertag shows he is still trying to manipulate. His gamertag is X2Girls1SniperX.

Carlton G. Long

Extremely punchable face.


cut off his balls so he can’t breed!

Joshua Barwan

Go jump in a pool of oil so u cant live or breed!

Combat Historian

This POS has been featured here so many times I’ve actually forgotten his stats. Just for the record (again), how many days of BCT did he actually do before he was booted out on a trainee discharge?


After a bit of researching, can’t rightly say that we’ve ever seen an FOIA/NGB-22 on the Felcher.

We do know, however, that he received a medical? discharge in 2009 as an E-2.

Medical = Serious case of the Dumbass?


“…I obtained Barwan’s Report of Separation and Record of Service from the Army National Guard of Kentucky. Barwan enlisted in the Army National Guard of Kentucky on 03/20/2007 and was discharged on 01/22/2008 at the rank of Private 2nd Class, which is the first promotion most enlisted Soldiers can earn after completing basic combat training. Barwan was discharged for failure to meet medical procurement standards and his character of service is listed as “uncharacterized.” An uncharacterized discharge from the military is an entry-level separation issued when the enlisted person has fewer than 180 days of service. I completed a Request Pertaining to Military Records, SF180, and sent it to the National Personnel Records Center. I received a response stating no other Military records were located. These records prove that Barwan is no longer affiliated with the Army/Army National Guard, is not an Officer, was never deployed, and was never injured in the line of duty. …”


Okay. Thanks, justsayin. Utilizing the handy-dandy Julian Date Calendar, the Felcher was in for a grand total of 308 days.

You’ll notice I didn’t say “in the service” as he obviously was a waste of an initial uniform issue./smile


Five foot six 135 lbs.

Little fucker. (or fuckee).


That meth is a helluva drug.


I was thinking the same thing. Alligator mouth with a rabbits ass. With little doubt, he’ll get his ass adjusted in jail.

Joshua Barwan

Not likely, people never really change. This includes all of the other haters on here. I bet everyone of you has and or still does some kind of drug. Kyle is unfixable, but so are the rest of you god wanna bees! Everyone is so quike to judge as if they are GOD!


Nope. Never did drugs and still today don’t even like taking an aspirin. Not that that has anything to do with Kyle and his lies.

Deflecting Kyle Barwan’s lies, illegal acts and general bad conduct by accusing others of stupid crap like that is beyond pathetic.


Zombie Thread!



I do lots of drugs. For asthma, blood pressure, cholesterol, and the general aches and pains from 24 years of doing Army stuff that tends to wear down the chassis. I’ll happily judge Kyle Barwan as the phony, lying, scamming, worthless meth head that he is. Joshua Barwan, you say Kyle is unfixable. Nice judgement call there, sockpuppet.


(blaring at maximum volume over the TAH Headquarters 1MC)

Now hear this! Now hear this!

All hands on Team TAH face outboard and stand by to repel sockpuppets!


Gee whiz, josh, how much is kyle paying you to show up and insult vets? Has it occurred to you that he’s committed as much fraud as he could get away with, among OTHER things? And that’s why he’s in jail.
Since WE don’t do drugs, you’re assumption makes an ass of YOU.


I can with the utmost validity state I personally, am not “quike” to do anything.


Green Thumb


Frankie Cee

It was that we used Kyle Barwan’s name in the comments that kept him up in lights at Gooogle, enabling those checking him out to see what a shitbag he really is. When we comment on these posers that Jonn posts, use the name, instead of merely saying he, him, her, she, etc. Just once per comment, and their name will be bathed in a neon glow at the altar of St. Gooogle, for all the world to see. We owe it to the future victims of these shitheads to do all we can. We also owe it to the scammers themselves, as they want to be famous, and we can help them with that with just the least effort. Thanks Y’all, you helped get this turd flushed.

RGR 4-78

You have done a great job Frankie in your pursuit of Kyle Christopher Barwan.


Excited to see Kyle Christopher Barwan.where he belongs


Hoping that Kyle Christopher Barwan does all of that year, and the state adds a few more days for misconduct.


So you’re saying that Kyle Barwan is NOT a real Veteran with an E-2 discharge on a medical with no combat, nothing except training and goes around scamming women with his lack of intelligence….
That Kyle Barwan ???
I just want to make sure that you are talking about Kyle Barwan….. The shitbird Prison Party Boi !!!!


Im sure he will become the Prison PnP Power Bottom

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how soon he’ll go right back in after his current sentence is over with?

RGR 4-78

I am convinced that Kyle Barwan has a deep seated need to be incarcerated.


“He cries every time we take him out, so we just leave him in there!”

“So you’re my Uncle Joey. Better get used to these bars, kid.”

RGR 4-78

I bet Kyle Barwan wishes he could be a time traveler.


Just how many times does Kyle Christopher Barwan’s name need to appear to keep it on the leader board?


PH: I think Kyle Christopher Barwan’s name should be used at least daily in some context. That context should be that he is a low life, rat fucking scumbag who takes advantage of gullible women b/c he is stupid and is unable to be gainfully employed. Well, that and the fact he has no interest in working. It’s easier to take advantage of gullible women.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if Kyle Christopher Barwan is running his mouth with bullshit tales while he’s in lockup?
I wonder how soon Kyle Christopher Barwan will start his con games yet again, or has he already found a sap via some pen pal program?
I wonder how much time Kyle Christopher Barwan will get next time he’s caught and arrested, will the system take as agonizingly long to lock Kyle Christopher Barwan up next time he’s caught doing con games?


“TAH has been on his ass for nearly eight years.”

And the boys at the BTJT Deli (Home of the WORLD-FAMOUS Cockmeat Sammich) have been in his ass it since December 2017!

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how many times a week Kyle Christopher Barwan gets traded or “rented out” for cigarettes, snacks or magazines? Little sphincter weasels like Kyle Christopher Barwan are often used as “jailhouse wives” as well as “rented out” like I said above.


TAH needs to come up with its own award system for these guys.

Kyle Barwan has earned at least 3 or 4 bronze oak leaf clusters for posery. Maybe even a silver OLC (5th award.)

There are a few others that have earned one or two but Kyle Christopher Barwan seems to be near the front of the pack for multiple mentions.

RGR 4-78

Bronze or silver Phildos.

Tip of the hat to Green Thumb.


Are those pockmarks from possible meth use on the face of Kyle Christopher Barwan?

5’6″ and 135 pounds? Kyle Christopher Barwan is a little piece of smegma. He’s going to be very popular in the slammer, unless his pocked marked face is a turnoff. Hope that’s not the case. He deserves all he gets and then some.


I just searched for KYLE CHRISTOPHER BARWAN.
Man this guy is Famous!
Arrest records, photos and links to STOLEN VALOR.
I think it’s working Frankie.

just some feller

I searched *only* his surname, BARWAN, just to see what would come up. The surname alone results in the first 17 hits for Kyle Christopher Barwan.


A Proud Infidel®™

Every time Kyle Christopher Barwan has his name posted he gets yet another Google®™ hit!


Kyle Christopher Barwan must love him some prison time. Kyle Christopher Barwan never served in war, never was an officer and is back in prison. Kyle Christopher Barwan is a shitbird.

Frankie Cee

RGR 4-78 hit me with an e-mail through Jonn. I would like to make contact, and tell you what my “non-Ranger”, Ranger connection is. It has to do with swamps, The Weaver, Island Assault, etc.

RGR 4-78

Request sent.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Florida again. I think my under the sink water purifer has to be checked out so I don’t go off the deep end telling everyone that I was the only survivor at the battle of the Little Big Horn after my frozen Custer last stand was ventilated with arrows. Tommy Carvel wrote it off as a business loss.

RGR 4-78

I give you 45 of 70 for originality.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Thank you RGR, at least it wasn’t a ZERO.

RGR 4-78

Did some reading on the battle, the troops were armed with the carbine model chambered in .45-55, so I will revise your score to 45 of 55.


Same cartridge, just a smaller powder charge and lighter bullet for the carbine.
We did the same for our Martini rifles and carbines. Makes much more logistic sense than two separate cartridges. The Aus-Hungs learned that the hard way with the Werndl.


Got the message though 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

Or you know firsthand that Custer wore Arrow Shirts.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Out punned again. Boy, you guys are straight as an arrow.

Frankie Cee

Yep, another loser has migrated to our beautiful Sunshine State. Stolen Valorist Kyle Christopher Barwan failed at life in Midlothian, IL, again in South Bend, IN, again in Paducah KY, again in Central FL, again in Seymour, TN, again in Ayer MA, and finally succeeded in making it into prison once brought back to Florida. Given the effort he has put forth, I can see that this is his choice in life. He must find that taking it in the back door is his real thrill. He is one absolutely sorry piece of shit.

Frankie Cee

General Custer got Siouxed.


Kyle Christopher Barwan is nothing more than a used Ben-Wa ball.


I vehemently disagree,
Used Ben-Wa balls at *least* have served a useful purpose


I stand corrected. 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

Kyle Christopher Barwan is as useless as a bag of dicks in a crowd of Lesbians and as ate up as a giant dick sandwich in a crowded gay bar.

Green Thumb

Throw away the key!


Just for S&Gs, I googled Kyle Barwan. My what a popular fellow! TAH is 4th or 5th on the page- the rest seem to be Facebook entries from various LEOs around the country.

They don’t seem to like him much, either.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not be stingy about the number of times we mention the name Kyle Christopher Barwan anywhere in TAH, IMHO Kyle Christopher Barwan needs all the Google®™ hits he can get and after all, it’s a sure bet that Kyle Christopher Barwan will go right back to his con games as soon as his current sentence is finished and I wouldn’t be surprised if Kyle Christopher Barwan has already started trying to con Women while he’s behind bars. After all, Kyle Christopher Barwan has never passed up on a chance to hustle or swindle someone, Kyle Christopher Barwan needs all the Google hits we can give him!


Since he has no compunction against lying I suggest he move to San Francisco where he can renew his despicable career with impunity as long as he ALSO claims to be a refuge from Guatemala, Honduras or some other such not-a-shitholes-just-badly-governed country.
DOUG out

Frankie Cee

Kyle Barwan made death threats to one of those that he suckered. He threatened to kill her and her family if she didn’t withdraw her statement against him. That got him the “tampering with a witness” charge. I love it when his victims make contact with me. Most just tell me about his advances to them and move on, but several have become good facebook friends, as they move on with their lives.


“the most arrestable valor thief in the history of the free world” HA HA HA HA HA HA HA **cough** HA HA HA HEH heh he **exhales** whew, I needed that. Deepest thanks!


I have personally met Kyle Barwan. I was an 18 year old little turd who didn’t know any better when I hung out with him. This was in Indiana at the time, in a city called Hobart. His story then was he was going to be receiving a fortune in inheritance from a passing grandfather, and he’d pay me back for everything he took from me. Ended up losing a number of personal effects and cash ending up around 750$. He disappeared extremely quickly when an Army Recruiter (I was enlisting at the time) tried to find any record of a 2LT named Kyle Barwan when he brazenly walked into the office with me.

Most of the money he scammed off of people went towards a crack addiction of his, and he was definitely sleeping around with minors at the time.

If I ever see that ground-beef face again, jail time will be the last of his concerns.

Shawn Thompson

He’s in port st lucie…scamming my ex wife

Shawn Thompson

My ex wife is dating this guy…..whos telling the same tales…in port st lucie