“Pilot’s license, please, sir”
The Orange County Fire Association Tweets out this photo from Santa Ana, California;
OCFA on scene in SANTA ANA of a vehicle into a building. One person still trapped inside the vehicle. pic.twitter.com/sWmtovu0Kd
— OCFA PIO (@OCFA_PIO) January 14, 2018
KTLA reports;
The watch commander for the Santa Ana Police Department told KTLA that the driver was driving at a very high rate of speed down French Street when he or she hit the center median and the vehicle was launched into the second floor of the building.
The driver was still trapped in the car at 6:48 AM PDT.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Wow, Back in the 1950’s, Popular Mechanics had things that one would see in the future and one of them was a car that could be used to drive on the street or go airborne. I guess they finally did it.
What’s a high rate of speed for a low flying aircraft like that anyway?
Santa Ana.
I wish I could say I’m surprised, but it was either there or Westminster. Anyone who has resided in the OC knows of which I speak.
OC Sheriff 28 years. Started in 69’ after returning from Vietnam. I know of what you speak.
Yep… grew up in Garden Grove. All sorts of weird shit, even back in the 70’s.
Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley, before I wised up and moved out of CA entirely.
My last house was next to the Santa Ana River channel, where shock and surprise, there was a HUGE homeless encampment along the river. Residents bitches and complained, cops did nothing, local pols were worse than useless.
Par for the course.
All of those areas were good in the 50-60’s, started going bad after the clintons and the rest of the punk college kids started acting up!
I lived in Westminster long ago. Back then they didn’t allow buildings in the center medians.
I grew up in Newport Beach before I too wished and left CA for better living
Err wised up, dang auto correct
Autocorrect can sometimes be a real mother forklift.
Glad I put down the mug of hot tea before the picture appeared. (Gigglesnorrttt!)
That does require quite a high rate of speed, indeed.
That driver pulled an inverse Daniel Bernath, but running out of gravity instead of fuel. 🙄
Maybe the Navy could install center medians on the air craft carriers. Low tech and cheaper than the cat’s now being used. I tried to paste a future 1950’s flying car in this window, but I cannot get it to paste/work.
The British Royal Navy has these on the end of their carriers. Seem to work quite well.
Every time I’m stuck in traffic for a gawker slow down I wonder if it was worth the look. This one is worth the look.
The ONLY reason that this pilot landed where he did was because he didn’t finish his preflight inspection and check his fuel status.
I thought the non-lawyer was still in jail.
True story: a good friend was a mustang Marine pilot in Vietnam, flying F8s and I believe F4s. After the war he flew for years for Continental, rated for everything up to 747s, until the pilot’s strike in the ’80s. Unwilling to take a demotion to work for another airline, he started a small trucking company instead. One day he was clocked going too fast down a long grade out west. The cop was being a bit of a smartass, says “ok, buddy, let’s see your pilot’s license.” “Excuse me?” “You’re flying low and fast, let’s see your pilot’s license!” OK…. so Rowdy pulls out his license or logbook or whatever pilots use, and the cop winds up looking at it saying ” I asked for this, didn’t I?” Ended up talking and even having lunch together at the local Iron Skillet… and the cop bought.
Now that is a great story !!!
I enjoy the backstories on TAH.
Similar “incident” happened to me about 12 years ago. A Saturday, I get dispatched by county to a “one vehicle” accident, about “5 miles South of your city, Highway 47.”
I head South, go about 7 miles, don’t find it. Make a quick u-turn head back to town. About 1.5 miles north I “find” the vehicle. Yeah, it too was traveling at a “high rate of speed”, crossed the south-bound lane, up the short take off ramp (inclined shoulder) and went into the roof of a two-story residence.
About two feet of rear end sticking out. I shoulda kept the pics!
The drive thru dental clinic. Yeah, there could be possibilities.
“The driver is still in the car”. Leave them.
Were any animals harmed during the making of this photo?
the Dan Bernath School of Driving, complete with API endorsement. And Gudick legal defense guaranteed.
Happens at CVS and Rite Aid stores all the time.
Running into a building is nothing new, but hitting the second floor? I’m sure that would make The Dukes of Hazzard jealous!
Any dogs with duct taped paws trapped in that car? Oh, that’s right, couldn’t be Dabby since he sort of busy with Bubba.
That is truly amazing! I mean, how did he get up there, I am honestly shocked and awed!
To even out things in the universe, an airline pilot in Turkey set things right.